Brand New Sky

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Brand New Sky Page 36

by Heidi Hutchinson

  Both men turned their bodies to observe the big race horse and Ryan took a deep breath. Red, realizing he had more visitors, decided to take his turn through the box.

  Jesse's hand softly touched the velvet muzzle as Red breathed in his scent and grunted a greeting, though the trainer maintained eye contact with Caleb.

  “He's adjusted to his new home quickly.” Jesse nodded in Ryan's direction. “He's got a dedicated nurse he's fallen in love with a little bit, which is helping him acclimate.”

  Ryan's breath arrested in her chest at the compliment. Caleb's brown eyes flicked to Ryan and back.

  “Are we still on track for what we discussed?” he asked. Red's nostrils expanded as he breathed in Caleb's cologne. It was rather pungent, Ryan could smell it all the way in her corner. Red lifted his large head and took a step back, clearly not having it.

  “We're on track, sir,” Jesse replied, his eyes tracking the horse's movements, his voice tight but gentle.

  Red made the motions of getting reading to pee and Ryan became alert—readying herself.

  It wasn't the first time she'd had to collect a urine sample from a stallion, but each time was always an adventure. The trick was to get it mid-stream, where it was the most potent, and of course not get any splash-back. Which was harder than it looked. Especially if the horse was suddenly spooked by a bucket being stealthily slid underneath them.

  “That's a good boy,” she murmured, bucket at the ready.

  Red stretched out and began to relax his guy. (No, “guy” was not the technical term, but it's what Ryan called it.)

  The expression, “pee like a race horse” didn't come from nowhere. It was like a fire-hose, hence the sturdiness of her bucket. She used her toe to slide it gingerly into the stream. The urine splashed against the sides and up her pant leg. Tiny flecks sprayed on her face and she closed her eyes, but held steady without recoiling, and waited for the horse to finish.

  Red swung his head around and pushed on her arm as if to apologize for the entire episode. She stroked his neck softly.

  “It's okay, Red,” she said brightly. “It's not like you've never peed on me before.”

  “Charming,” Caleb remarked dryly as Jesse chuckled under his breath.

  Oh, that's right, they had an audience. Ryan ground her teeth together and then snagged the bucket before Red could kick it over.

  “Keep me updated,” Caleb instructed Jesse. Ryan noted that he'd taken a step back from the stall sometime between now and when Red had started peeing. He didn't even glance her direction before he walked away.

  The stall door swung open and Ryan smiled at Jesse as he took the bucket and handed her a towel. She wiped off her face quickly. “Thanks. Balancing the bucket while opening the door is almost as hard as getting the donation to begin with. Never mind I hardly have a hanky at the ready.”

  He grinned at her and she sighed inwardly. Jesse Hart grinning should be on one of those channels that only showed inspiring scenery.

  She took her bucket back and turned toward the exit. He fell instep beside her as she made her way to Doc's office on the other side of the forecourt and in a separate building.

  “Checking the protein again?”

  “Yeah. Doc says he was bloated this morning, but I think he likes to hold his breath when Doc comes around just to give the guy a hard time.”

  Jesse chuckled low.

  “I like how you call him Red,” Jesse remarked casually, taking a step to get ahead of her and turning around to walk backwards, facing her.

  Ryan shrugged one shoulder. “It's not the most creative, but it's not as much of a mouthful.”

  “He likes it.”

  Ryan felt heat spread to her cheeks again. “You can't tell that.”

  Jesse's mouth pulled up on one side. “Sure I can. I'm the expert, remember?”

  They made it to Doc's office and Jesse held the door for her. She set the bucket down on the table and went to the cabinet for her gloves and testing equipment.

  Jesse eased his lean frame against the wall and watched. This was normal. Anytime Doc had a question about a horses blood or urine, Jesse would watch Ryan do the test. They'd discuss the possible conclusions and solutions together. Not that Ryan knew as much as Doc, but she was learning. Jesse and Doc were more than happy to tag-team on that.

  “You're really good with animals. You always impress me.”

  Ryan tugged on her gloves and cast him a skeptical look under her eye lashes. “I like animals. Animals tolerate me. That doesn't mean I'm good with them.”

  “Then what does it mean?”

  Ryan frowned and her eyes fell to his dusty boots crossed at the ankles. “I don't know. Maybe they put up with me because they can sense I'm not a hugger.”

  Jesse barked a laugh that made her smile in satisfaction. Jesse had an easy laugh. She loved getting it. It made her feel funnier than she was.

  She resumed her task.

  “You still seeing the rodeo clown?” he asked.

  “He's a bull rider,” she corrected raising her eyebrow. “And, yes. We're engaged now, actually.”

  “That's... fast.” Jesse cleared his throat. “How does he feel about you being a non-hugger?”

  Ryan scrunched up her nose.

  “Ah, he's not a fan,” Jesse guessed correctly.

  “How about you let me do my job and stop asking me questions about my personal life, hmm?” She shot him a smile before shaking her head and returning to her work.

  The office was quiet for several minutes and she focused intently on getting several samples for Doc to check later as well.

  “It's not because they sense you're not a hugger.”

  She lifted her head to find Jesse watching her with the same kind of calm intensity that he used on the yearlings.

  “I'm willing to bet it's not just horses either,” he continued, his voice deep and easy. “Animals can sense when they're safe. You give them that without even trying. I know because you give it to me without trying.”

  Ryan snorted, but without the commitment—so mostly she sniffed with her mouth open. Super classy.

  Jesse's gaze drifted down and stuck to her pant leg. “I have an extra pair of jeans and some twine in my truck if you wanna change your clothes.”

  “Wha...?” Ryan asked, looking down. “Right. The pee.”

  Jesse moved to the door and pulled it open before she had looked back up.

  “I'll be back,” he called and shut the door.

  Ryan stood very still, trying to keep the burn from hitting her eyes.

  It was shit like this that she wished she could ask her mom about.

  But she couldn't.

  And that sucked.

  Chapter 2

  Ryan was late.


  Jeremiah sat in his truck staring at the dashboard digital clock as it slowly clicked another minute by. If she couldn't be ready to go at eight, then why didn't she just say so?

  Headlights bounced in his rear view mirror and her Camry came screaming into her drive. Jeremiah popped his door open and didn't even have one boot onto the asphalt before she was at his door with wide eyes.

  “I'm so sorry, Miah. I had to stay late today. We had a...”

  He raised his eyebrows like he was interested, but he wasn't. It was always something. Usually involving science and racing and things he didn't give two shits about, but made her happy. And late. It made her that, too.

  “Swear to God, Ryan,” he said, cutting her off by cupping the back of her head and pulling it into his chest. “If you weren't the most gorgeous girl on the planet, you wouldn't be worth it.”

  “Shut up,” she said, her lips twitching with a slight smile and eyes rolling as she shoved him away and led him to the front door of her house.

  She twisted the key on the lock as Jeremiah's eyes caught sight of her enormously baggy blue jeans.

  “Are you trying to single-handedly bring back the 90's, babe? 'Cause, gotta say, was nev
er a fan of the over-sized look on women.”

  She flicked the lights on in the entry and pressed the code on the security control panel before looking down at her attire. “Oh. I got peed on today, so Jesse lent me some clothes.”

  Jeremiah's chest tightened and his eyes sharpened on Ryan.

  “Jesse Hart?”

  She glanced at him, her dark eyes tired but happy. And completely without guile. “Yep. I'm gonna shower quick and then we can go.” She spun on her toes and raced through the large house, heading for the stairs.

  Jeremiah ran his tongue over his teeth as he made his way into the kitchen at a more leisurely pace. Of course Jesse fucking Hart had lent his woman clothes. What a great guy he was. Ever the gentleman.


  Jeremiah pressed his lips together in a hard line as he stared out into dark backyard. It didn't matter. Jesse Hart might think he was smooth, but Ryan was wearing Jeremiah's ring on her finger. She wasn't the kind of woman to forget that either.

  Fact was, Jeremiah was proud that he got one of the last good girls. She had minimal relationship experience when they met. One or two dates in high school, no weird hang-ups, not practiced in the art of female mind-games. And his favorite part—virgin. Well, until their engagement last week anyway.

  What a way to celebrate. Jeremiah was going to be able to sustain himself on that memory for the rest of his life. How trusting and shy she'd been, the way she'd curled in close to his body to sleep that night.

  She'd gotten up in the morning to make him pancakes for shit's sake! As a thank you. She thanked him.

  Yeah, he didn't have anything to worry about from Jesse Hart.

  “Ready!” Ryan called brightly as she came sailing back down the stairs.

  “Most low-maintenance girl in the world,” he murmured as she pressed both of her hands to his chest and rolled up on her toes to kiss his lips.

  “I hope that's a good thing,” she said with a grin.

  “As long as you keep looking as good as you look, I have no problem with it at all,” he said, sliding his hands over her backside and giving it a squeeze. Her pupils dilated and her grin turned lazy.

  Yep. She was all his.


  Ryan rolled over and grabbed her beeping phone off of the nightstand. The display said it was nearly five in the morning.

  Doc: I need you in early. By 6.

  Ryan pressed the phone to her forehead and closed her eyes. This is why she didn't like spending the night at Miah's place. No way could she go home to get a change of clothes and make it to the stables by six.

  “Hey,” she nudged the warm body beside her. “Baby.”

  “Hm?” Jeremiah rolled into her, wrapping one strong arm around her middle and burrowing his face in the crook of her neck. His lips pressed against her neck and she felt him settle back into sleep.

  “Miah, I have to go,” she tried again a little louder.

  “Damn, babe,” he chuckled against her skin. “Need more of me already, huh?”

  She blushed to her toes, thankful he couldn't see her in the dark even as she snorted and pushed his arm off of her and slid out of the covers. “I have to go to work. Do you think I could wear one of your t-shirts or something?”

  She crouched down and felt around on the floor for her skinny jeans and tank top.

  Jeremiah pushed up on one elbow and watched her for a second before leaning over and turning the lamp on. Ryan spotted her bra and snatched it up, turning her back to the bed.

  Jeremiah's arms wrapped around her stomach from behind and pulled her back to his warm chest. “You have to go right now?”

  “Yeah. Doc sent a text.”

  Jeremiah sighed, not even attempting to disguise his frustration. She stuck her arms through the straps of her bra and clipped the front closure. Turning around she ran her hands over his muscular and tanned shoulders stopping at the side of his neck.

  “You know I'd love to stay, but this is my job,” she said softly.

  His stared at her for a second before nodding. His eyes dropped to the swell of her breasts and his hands flexed on her hips.

  She dipped her head and touched his lips with her own. “What time do you leave?”

  “Just before lunch. Cole is picking me up. We're taking his truck this time.”

  “Call me when you leave. I'll take my break.”

  He nodded, his hands roaming over her skin and dipping into the back of her panties. She grabbed his forearms in her hands as she took a step back.

  “I really have to go. Do you have a shirt I can borrow?” She stepped into her dark blue skinny jeans and began to tug them on.

  “What's that?” he asked, sounding distracted.

  “A shirt,” she repeated, glancing up to catch his eyes. “Can I borrow something so I don't have to wear the one I wore last night?”

  She had two reasons for not wanting to wear the one she wore last night. One, it was really nice, flowy, white and looked fantastic on her tanned skin, so she really didn't want to ruin it. Two, she was afraid someone would think she wasn't taking her job seriously. That someone being her dad.

  Jeremiah's eyes clouded over with something Ryan couldn't identify. His jaw set and he lifted his chin. “Yeah. I know exactly which shirt you should wear.”


  Ryan yawned and rubbed her eyes before looking back into the microscope. Nothing. She saw nothing abnormal.


  She saw nothing!

  Hooray! This meant that Red's diet had transitioned completely and he was well within the parameters of Doc's special guidelines.

  Ryan lifted both arms above her head in a victory pose and held it. Then she turned it into a stretch that elicited another yawn.

  “Late night?”

  She looked up to see Jesse grinning at her. She dropped her hands to her sides and smiled sheepishly.

  “More like early morning. Normally I'm still sleeping.”

  “I figured as much,” he said, placing a travel mug of coffee on the table. “Thought you might need that.”

  “Thanks,” she said, reaching for it. “You're a live saver. I didn't have time to make coffee at Miah's before leaving.”

  Jesse's posture straightened just noticeably. “That explains the shirt,” he said flatly.

  Ryan tried to read his tone but found that she couldn't. And he was right. It was like Jeremiah had gone through the closet and found the one shirt that would scream, “I AM TAKEN BY A BULL RIDER.” It was black and four sizes two big with pearl snap buttons. She had to tie it at the front and wear her white camisole underneath it. Thankfully she'd left her fawn colored cowboy boots at his place the last time she'd spent the night so she didn't have to wear her ballet flats. Still, she looked slightly ridiculous in the skinny jeans and billowy men's shirt.

  “I feel a little like Zorro,” she confessed with a slow blink.

  Jesse barked a laugh and she brightened instantly.

  He smiled a small smile at her and sighed just slightly. Like he had a sad secret he couldn't tell her. Sometimes Jesse Hart was the most mysterious man in the world.

  “I have a confession, I brought the coffee as kind of a bribe,” he said, his deep voice remaining unchanged in tenor and tone. No wonder the horses responded so well to him. He spoke with such solidness and conviction. She'd be hard pressed to argue with anything he said.

  But all she did was raise her eyebrows, signaling him to continue. He took a couple steps towards her.

  “I need to get Red a few laps and none of the guys are here yet. I don't want to wait, he's raring to go.”

  “The guys” being the jockey's or stable boys.

  Yeah, it was that early.

  Ryan felt her mouth get dry as Jesse took another step towards her, his eyes scanning her hair, her face, her clothes.

  “Unless you're scared,” he said softly. Again, she felt that instinctive pull. Something in his voice that compelled her to lean a little closer, trusting him

  “Scared of what?” she whispered.

  Jesse eyes went to her hair again. “Do you have a something to tie you hair back with, Ryan?”

  She licked her lips as she thought about it. “No.”

  “You might want to find something, beautiful. And that giant shirt is gonna have to come off, it'll spook the shit out of him.”

  “'Kay,” she agreed readily. She was going to get to ride Red. Faramir's Fire. Holy shit.

  His lips twitched with humor even as that sadness in his eyes became more pronounced. “Are you wearing anything underneath it?”

  “Yeah, I have a cami on,” she confirmed.


  He looked like he wanted to say more, but he just slid his bottom lip in between his teeth and then swallowed. “Meet me outside.”

  He turned and sauntered out of Doc's office, leaving Ryan out of breath. And she hadn't even gotten on the horse yet.


  Jesse watched Ryan take Red around the track at a slow gallop, getting used to how he felt, how she felt.

  She looked great up there, totally at ease on a beast that massive, her tiny body moving in perfect rhythm. Without that ridiculous shirt on, Ryan's curves were on display, barely covered by that tight white tank—and she had no idea. So unlike most women he was acquainted with. It was a strange connection she had to her body, aware of herself, without being aware of herself as a sexual being.

  Most women had at least some sort of awareness of their “assets” and how they affected the men in their world. Not Ryan. She had no idea. And she had no idea how much more appealing that made her. His jaw ticked as he was reminded that it used to be stronger, having faded just slightly over the last week. Something he knew he noticed and probably shouldn't have. It crossed the line of professional interest into obsessed creepy co-worker.

  But his senses had been honed to her rhythm the moment she'd hit his radar. Which had been about five seconds after they'd been introduced and she smiled at him.

  That smile.

  Fuck him.

  That smile was the most open and beautiful thing he had ever seen. It transformed her already angelic face into something so powerfully blinding he was shocked he didn't fall at her feet every time it happened.


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