Weirdville: House of Horrors (Lower Grade Spooky Fun Adventure)

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Weirdville: House of Horrors (Lower Grade Spooky Fun Adventure) Page 5

by Majanka Verstraete

  “It’s not that bad,” she said eventually. “Being invisible. I don’t need them to see me. I don’t need them… in order to be who I am. To be loved. To be noticed.”

  “You’re starting to get it,” Balthazar said. “You don’t need anyone else. All you need is you.”

  “Yes, all I need is me.”

  “That’s why I’m willing to make you a deal. What would you say about becoming a fear demon?”

  “What?” Jacky held on to the counter for balance. “What are you talking about?”

  “You’ve got what it takes: imagination, determination. You only have to live on fear once a year, and for the rest of the time, you’re free to do what you want. I’ll give you power—the power of illusion, of magic. You’ll get to live forever. In essence, we’re immortal.”

  “Why would I want to be a fear demon?”

  “Because if you are, you’ll never be invisible again. Not to anyone.”

  “I don’t care about anyone else,” Jacky said. “All I ever wanted was my parents to see me for who I am. But it’s okay if they don’t. It’s okay if they ignore me. I don’t need anyone to see me, as long as I see myself.”

  “So the answer is no?”


  “Very well then. If you ever change your mind, you know where to find me. I’ve been traveling with the fair for the past century, and I imagine I’ll do it for another century at least. Never gets boring.” He stepped away from the counter, as if ready to leave.

  “Why us, though?” she asked before he could vanish. “You said you only need to feed once a year. Why choose us?”

  “Right place, right time, hunger, and like I said, you all have plenty of fear to offer.”

  “Why not just kill us? Why make a game out of it?”

  “I don’t like killing. So boring. I like games, though. You were great to play with, by the way, but my time is running out. I gave you a chance, but if you won’t join me as a demon, well, then this game is over. Close your eyes.”


  “Don’t question! Just do it.”

  Jacky closed her eyes.

  The demon snapped his fingers, and the ground disappeared under her feet.

  Chapter 14

  Hesitating, Jacky opened one eye. Then another. She was still in her kitchen, with Mom at the counter, Dad at the table, and the demon gone.

  Mom turned around and nearly dropped the bowl she was holding. “Jacky! Stop scaring me like that. You nearly gave me a heart attack.”

  “When did you come in?” Dad asked, putting his newspaper away. “I didn’t hear the door open.”

  “Just now,” Jacky said after a short hesitation.

  “Well, how was your day at the fair?” Dad asked.

  “Great,” she lied. “We had a blast.”

  “Good to hear that,” he said. “Did you go into the House of Horrors? There’s an article about it in the newspaper.” He held up the newspaper for Jacky to see.

  She stared at the ad displaying the House of Horrors.

  Balthazar stood in front of the house, clad completely in black. He winked at her.

  She pushed the newspaper away. “Yeah, we’re not really into haunted houses.”

  “Why not?” Mom asked. “I thought you were into that kind of stuff.”

  “Way too scary if you ask me. Can I use the phone?”

  “Sure. Why?”

  “I want to make sure Cass and Ben got home all right.”

  “Look at our girl,” Dad said. “All grown up and responsible and worried for her friends.” He smiled and patted her on the back as she walked past him.

  Jacky smiled back, and then went to call her friends. She walked into the hallway, leaned with one hand on the closet, and dialed Cass’s number.

  Cass picked up after the second ring. “Are you okay?” she asked right away.

  “Yeah. You?”

  “I’m fine. You’re not invisible anymore?”

  “Well, you can hear me, so guess not. And my parents can see me.”

  “Thank God.” Cass let out a loud sigh. “I was so worried. Have you called Ben yet?”

  “No, but I was planning to.” Jacky glimpsed at the mirror hanging above the closet. “I….” She choked on the words. “I have to go.”

  She put the phone down and stared into the mirror. Her mouth opened in a wordless scream. There was no reflection. The mirror reflected the hallway, the painting on the opposite wall, but not her.

  Her lip trembled as she remembered her words from earlier. She’d told the demon she could stand being invisible because it was more important that she saw herself for who she truly was, even if no one else appreciated her. Even if for everyone else she was invisible, she wasn’t for herself.

  So the demon had gotten his revenge for her refusing to join him. He’d stolen her reflection.

  From this point on, she would always be invisible to herself.

  ---THE END---


  For more adventures in Weirdville, be sure to check out The Doll Maker and Fright Train, both available now from Evolved Publishing.


  When I was a kid, I loved reading scary stories. My favorite horror authors were R.L. Stine and Christopher Pike. They inspired me to come up with my own frightening tales to tell my friends. Without those stories, I would’ve never become an author, so thank you for inspiring me.

  Many thanks to my editor, Lane Diamond, for being patient and meticulous while reading my manuscripts.

  An enormous amount of thanks goes to Noelle Giffin, the extremely talented artist who made the fabulous covers for this series.

  Of course, I can’t leave out my family and friends, especially those who’ve been there to listen to me when I’m nagging about writing, or rambling about my newest plot. You’re the best.

  But most of all, I’d like to thank the readers. You’re the reason I write—to tell the stories I want to tell to people who want to hear them. I hope you enjoyed this book!

  About the Author

  Majanka Verstraete begged her Mom to teach her how to read while she was still in kindergarten. By the time she finished fifth grade, she had read through the entire children’s section of her hometown library.

  She wrote her first story when she was seven years old, and hasn’t stopped writing since. With an imagination that never sleeps, and hundreds of possible book characters screaming for her attention, writing is more than a passion for her.

  She writes about all things supernatural for children of all ages. She’s tried to write contemporary novels before, but something paranormal always manages to crawl in.

  Majanka is currently studying for her Master of Laws degree, and hopes one day to be able to combine her passions for law and writing. When she’s not writing, reading or studying, she likes watching “The Vampire Diaries” and “Game of Thrones,” spending time with her friends, or playing “World of Warcraft.”

  Find Majanka online at:





  What's Next from Majanka Verstraete?

  Watch for the continuing adventures in Weirdville, with brand new books coming in 2014.

  Also watch for Valentina and the Masked Mummy, in the continuing children’s picture book series Valentina’s Spooky Adventures, due to release in the spring of 2014.

  More from Majanka Verstraete


  (A Weirdville Book)

  This spooky (in a fun way) lower grade adventure, perfect for kids 7-10 years old, is now available. For more information about this book, please visit the Evolved Publishing website.


  The strange new doll shop has been around for a month or so, but Derek never paid much attention to it before. Now hi
s little sister wants one of those dolls staring at him from the window, the ones that look so human they give him the creeps. Well, what Derek’s sister wants, she gets.

  When he tells his friends, Martin and Jamie, about the new doll shop, they want to see for themselves. Although that has ‘bad idea’ written all over it, he takes his friends there. They meet the mysterious doll maker, who reminds Derek of Dr. Frankenstein, and who brainwashes Martin into buying one of those scary dolls.

  Derek and Jamie push and pull Martin out of the shop, but something isn’t right with their friend. He’s shivering all over, and he has no memory of what happened in the shop.

  With Martin’s condition worsening every day, and Derek’s sister growing more and more obsessed with her new doll, Derek and Jamie have to find out what’s going on, and fast. The doll maker appears to be linked to a bunch of mysterious disappearances, and the last thing Derek wants is his sister, or his friend, being next on the doll maker’s list.


  Praise for The Doll Maker:

  “I have read The Doll Maker for myself, but am currently reading it for my (almost) 7-year-old son. As an adult, this book wasn’t scary, but an amazingly good read. The plot was different, the building of the story, using the small boys POV to tell the story, the villain… everything was masterly done for me. To my son? He loves it. This book holds many of the things he likes; it’s scary, there are BOYS in it, they have a mystery to solve (yes, he loves Scooby Doo -so does my daughter, and she’s turning 3), and he is so hooked into the story, he’s begging me to keep reading, because he wants to know what happens!” – Sabina's Adventures in Reading

  “This book was like stepping back into my childhood and reading Goosebumps under my blanket with a flashlight. A little bit twisted Pinocchio, a little bit Chucky for young kids (I hate to use that analogy but it’s the only one aside from The Doll House movie that I can think that describes that so much!) it was a fun read and a relief in a good way to figure out what happens in the end. I loved that Verstraete captured that R.L. Stine feel with out being too scary and still very enjoyable.” – Lydia “Yay Books!!”


  (A Weirdville Book)

  This spooky (in a fun way) lower grade adventure, perfect for kids 7-10 years old, is available as of December 9, 2013, the same day House of Horrors released. For more information about this book, please visit the Evolved Publishing website.


  Charlie’s parents drop him off at the train station so he can visit his grandma in Weirdville. It’s a cold winter evening, so when his usual train is cancelled at the last second, Charlie wishes he’d stayed home.

  An hour later, shivering from the cold, he climbs onboard the next train to Weirdville, even though he’d rather not. It looks like something straight out of the nineteenth century, as if it used a time machine to arrive at the station.

  His shivering doesn’t stop, for soon after Charlie boards, he realizes just how right he was to be wary of this strange train. Something is seriously wrong with all the people onboard. If only he could figure out what was going on. If only he could get off the train.


  (Valentina’s Spooky Adventures – Book 1)

  The first children’s picture book in the Valentina’s Spooky Adventures series, suitable for kids 4-8 years old, is now available. For more information on this book, please visit the Evolved Publishing website.


  Valentina isn’t thrilled with her parents’ decision to move into an ancient, gigantic mansion in the middle of nowhere—filled with dark, unsettling rooms, and far away from civilization, where they don’t have to worry about hiding who they are. Sure, it may be perfect for a vampire family like hers, but moving here meant leaving her best friends behind.

  The new house has some perks, though. Valentina gets to choose her own room, and when she explores the mansion on her own, she discovers a trophy room, a museum room, a music room, and much more.

  From the moment Valentina started exploring, however, she’s felt someone watching her. Strange things start to happen all around her: footprints appear in the dust, a disembodied voice sneezes….

  …and just because Valentina is a vampire, doesn’t mean she doesn’t get scared like any other little girl.


  Praise for Valentina and the Haunted Mansion:

  “This is such a cute book with beautiful illustrations. I read this book to my 8 year old [sic] niece, well actually my niece read me the book. She loved it and couldn’t wait to turn the page so she could find out what happens next. I have to say she was disappointed because it ended too soon. My niece and I both didn’t want it to end.” -weluvdopey, Reviewer at Amazon

  “Valentina and the Haunted Mansion is an adorable children’s book. The story is engaging, and the illustrations are lovely. My eight year old [sic] daughter also read this book, and she really liked it.” - Karen Arrowood

  “I loved the story and the illustrations are very well done also. I can tell this one is going to become a fast favourite with my grandchildren at bed time. Will be watching out for the next installment of Valentina’s adventures.” - Book Worm Deb

  “I was going to wait to read this with my little ones but the story was so cute and the illustrations too adorable to resist. Valentina is a little vampire who is afraid of monsters and doesn’t want to move into a new house…sounds like any parents child. Kids will be able to relate to her while finding the story fun and exciting. Don’t worry about a young child being scared, this story is not scary and the words the author uses to describe everyday spooks will leave you in hysterics!” - Taterbug78, Reviewer at Amazon


  (Valentina’s Spooky Adventures – Book 2)

  The second children’s picture book in the Valentina’s Spooky Adventures series, suitable for kids 4-8 years old, is available as of December 9, 2013. For more information on this book, please visit the Evolved Publishing website.


  It’s not every day that a witch gets stuck in your chimney, dangling upside down.

  When Valentina and her newfound friend Jerry play dress-up in the attic, the Whackadoodle Witch comes crashing down the chimney. She claims to be one of the most powerful witches of all time, but even she can’t free herself without a spell book.

  Just one problem: that spell book was snatched by Meanie Muggers, invisible thieves who steal valuable objects and hide them where you’d least expect.

  If Valentina and Jerry want to help the witch, they’ll have to search the house from top to bottom. Not an easy task in a house crawling with monsters in all shapes and sizes.

  More from Evolved Publishing

  For lovers of humorous Lower Grade adventures in the style of classic fairy tales (suitable for readers 7-11 years old):


  1) The Persnickety Princess

  2) Natalie the Not-So-Nasty

  By Falcon Storm

  These Lower Grade Adventures are perfect for kids 7-11 years old. For more information on these books, please visit the Evolved Publishing website.


  The Persnickety Princess:

  High up in the tallest tower of the purplest castle in the Kingdom by the Sea, Princess Lavender awaits rescue. Desperate as she may be, only the most dashing, well dressed, properly mannered prince will do. Oh, and he must stand exactly four and three-quarters inches taller than her. A princess has got to have standards, after all.

  When, finally, one such prince comes to her castle—not to rescue her, but her younger sister—Lavender refuses to be ignored. Instead of waiting for the next suitor to come along, she devises a plan to put herself in danger, thus forcing the upstart prince to forget her sister and rescue her instead.

  Well accustomed to getting her way, there is only one thing, unfortunately, that this princess can’t control—her luck. When her plans go awry,
putting her in very real danger, will she allow the prince to rescue her as he sees fit? Will he even want to try?

  And will anyone be able to find a way to rescue Lavender from her persnickety ways once and for all? Find out in this comedic tale of princes, dragons, and dreams that just may come true.


  Natalie the Not-So-Nasty:

  In the quaint little village of Austerville, people live in fear of the local Wicked Witch. Luckily for the Witch, though, they have many a squabble and always seem to be in need of a custom-ordered hex or curse.

  Neighbor painted his mailbox a color you don’t like? Optico Cadorn! His house is flooded with kumquats.

  Someone forgot to say “Good morning!” as she passed you on the street? Levinta Bam! She won’t be able to sleep for a week.

  Such a thriving business would be a dream come true for any Wicked Witch, but there’s just one problem: Natalie may be a little clumsy, but she isn’t even the slightest bit wicked.

  Alas, no matter how often she tries to explain her true character, the townspeople refuse to listen. It certainly doesn’t help that every time someone requests a curse, something terrible befalls the object of their malcontent. They chalk this manufactured malfeasance up to the Wicked Witch, strengthening her reputation and the demand for her services.

  When a young Alchemist accidentally fills the town with the noxious fumes of his newest potion, they turn to Natalie for her greatest curse yet. Can she convince him of her pure intentions, or will he, too, run away in fear? Will Natalie find herself questioning whether she really might be wicked, after all? Find out in this comedic tale of witches, rumors, and the magic of finding yourself.

  For lovers of Middle Grade Sci-Fi (suitable for readers 9-13 years old):


  1) Noah Zarc: Mammoth Trouble


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