Protecting Phoebe: A Chances Are story

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Protecting Phoebe: A Chances Are story Page 6

by Shelli Stevens

  They turned to look at her, straightened and gave a polite nod.

  A flush worked its way into her cheeks as she thought about how it must look to them. Surely they had to know that Craig had spent the night. And that she and Craig were probably lovers.

  Whore. The memory of what Rick had scrawled on the note ran through her head.

  Her stomach clenched as a wave of doubt swept through her, planting the tiny seeds of shame. Maybe he was right? You did go to bed with Craig on basically your first date. If you can even call it that.

  “No,” she whispered, her lips barely moving and the word inaudible to anyone but her.

  She knew better. She’d been through therapy and had helped reassure countless women at the shelter they were not to blame. That they were not whores, or liars, or deserving of someone’s fists.

  And damn Rick for making her doubt herself—even for a second.

  She lifted her chin and folded her arms across her chest, turning her focus to the officers.

  “Hi,” she said softly. “Thanks for coming out.”

  “No problem.” One of the officers gestured toward her kitchen table. “If you want to take a seat, we’ll go ahead and get started.”

  “Of course.”

  Craig brought a clenched fist up to his mouth and tapped it against his lips. It helped—just a little—restrain the anger building inside him.

  As he listened to Phoebe’s description of her ex, his stomach clenched. It was the man in the bar last night—the tall one who’d smashed into him and then run off with a dirty look.

  Had her ex realized Craig had been with Phoebe that night? Had the encounter been deliberate? Shit, he should’ve listened to his instincts more.

  He paced to the window then glanced out over the city and partial view of the bay.

  Whatever it took, he’d make sure that asshole didn’t get within three feet of Phoebe again. Even if he had to move her in with him.

  Blinking, he tilted his head and gave her a considering look. Hey. Now there was an idea....

  He waited until the officers left and they were finishing breakfast before bringing up the suggestion to her.

  “It’s a bad idea.” Phoebe shook her head and dumped out the rest of her coffee.

  Watching her, Craig folded his arms across his chest and wondered how he could convince her to stay with him.

  “It’s not a bad idea. It’s a damn good idea. I don’t like the idea of you being here alone.”

  “You don’t have to like it.”

  Craig caught her arm as she went to walk past him. He turned her around to face him, slipping an arm around her waist and pulling her snug into his embrace.

  “I know I don’t have to like it. And I know I can’t force you to stay with me.” He lowered his head and brushed his lips across hers. “But you’d be safe.” He kissed her again. “And you’d be with me.”

  She hesitated, but made no move to pull from his arms. “I don’t know if he’d really hurt me. I think he’s just trying to make my life miserable now that he’s found me again and I turned him away.”

  Craig thought about the rock sitting on the driver’s seat in her car. And the note on the windshield. It sure as hell didn’t seem like her ex was just trying to be an annoyance. It sounded like an unhealthy obsession.

  “Just a few days, Phoebe. We can get the temporary restraining order set up and give Rick a bit of time to show himself. Because he will.” He touched her cheek, a tightness in his chest. “He will, baby. You have to know that.”

  She bit her lip and then nodded. “You’re probably right. I guess I’m still a bit in denial. It’s been so many years—”

  Her home phone rang and they both glanced at it. Craig pursed his lips, suspicious already of who might be calling.

  “I’m unlisted,” Phoebe murmured with a shake of her head and pulled free from his arms.


  “In fact, it’s probably the video store. I’m a week late with the latest Jason Bourne movie.” She grimaced, lifting the receiver to say hello.

  Her face drained of color and her fingers clenched around the phone.

  Craig wrenched the phone from her hand just before her body began to tremble.

  “This is the San Francisco P.D.,” he said tersely. “Who is this?”

  “Ah, you must be Phoebe’s newest bed buddy.” The male on the phone used a soft-spoken voice. “Does she like it when you kiss her ear? I know she always enjoyed that with me.”

  “You’re a sick man.”

  “You know, I thought all the police officers had left—I didn’t realize you were one as well.”

  Fuck. He was watching her apartment. Craig’s gaze swept to the window and the buildings beyond, before focusing on Phoebe.

  She stood gripping the counter, watching him, her mouth tight and eyes wide.

  Anger exploded in his gut. Made his vision blur and the phone shake in his grip. Damn it, he wished the man had the balls to show up in person. Then they’d see who the hell was terrorized.

  “This conversation is being recorded, Rick.”

  “She told you my name? I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised.” He sighed. “And I think we both know that you’re not recording this conversation. Perhaps next time you’ll be more prepared.”

  Craig’s jaw hardened. “I’m taking her down to get a restraining order this afternoon.”

  “Smart move…of course you’ll have to serve it to me and sadly, I’m between residences at this time.”

  The amused laugh from the other man had Craig biting back a curse.

  “It doesn’t matter, you’ll be arrested if you approach her and informed of the order.”

  “Look, I’m just going to be honest with you, Officer,” Rick went on smoothly. “I’ve only just found Phoebe again after all these years, and she means quite a bit to me. We were each other’s first, you know. Completely in love. Soul mates. And I don’t intend to let her slip through my fingers again.”

  “Keep talking, asshole. Your threats just build our case against you.”

  “Oh, it’s not a threat. I’m sure once Phoebe and I have some alone time, she can be…persuaded to give our relationship a chance.”

  Craig snapped. “Touch her and I will kill you.”

  He slammed the receiver down and closed his eyes. Damn it. The guy dug himself under the skin and just needled.

  “I’m unlisted,” Phoebe said softly from behind him, her tone full of disbelief. “I don’t understand how he could’ve gotten my number.”

  Craig turned to face her. “What did he say to you when you answered the phone?”

  He hadn’t thought she could get any paler, but she blanched and proved him wrong.

  She straightened her spine and looked away. “It doesn’t matter.”

  Craig closed the distance between them and touched her cheek lightly. “It does matter, Phoebe. Please.”

  “He said…” Her throat worked as she swallowed hard. “He said, ‘Hello, sugar, I’ve been thinking about our last night together’.”

  Craig drew in a slow breath, all kinds of possibilities flickering through his head.

  “Will you tell me what happened?” he asked gently. “You don’t have to if you’re not ready.”

  She didn’t answer right away. He watched her eyes kind of glaze over, as she went to another place in her head.

  “The night he’s talking about is the day after I called things off with him,” she finally said tonelessly. “I left him, but didn’t think to go into hiding. I was home alone—my roommate had gone out of town. He forced his way inside my apartment…and then on me.”

  Craig pulled her fully into his embrace, trying to keep his grip on her light, even as every muscle in his body went taut with rage. The bastard. He wouldn’t trust himself an inch if he ever came face to face with her ex.

  Phoebe pressed her cheek against his shoulder and he heard her unsteady indrawn breath.

  “I left town for
good the next day. Went into hiding with relatives and friends, until I could lose myself in another city. I even changed my last name.”

  “I’m sorry, Phoebe. God, I’m so sorry, baby.”

  “Thank you. It’s still not easy for me to talk about, but I’ve come to terms. Lots of therapy.” She gave a humorless laugh. “And then being involved with the shelter helps. It certainly reminds me that I’m not alone with my experience.”

  Craig just held her, brushing kisses across her forehead. What could he say? Words held little weight to something so horrible.

  “I hate that he found me again. Hate it.”

  “He’ll fuck up. Fast. And then his ass will be in jail.”

  After a few moments she pulled back and gave a tepid smile. “Thank you, Craig. And I think I will take you up on that offer to crash at your place.” She bit her lip, her lashes fluttering down. “It’d be stupid to stay here alone now that he knows where I live.”

  Relief surged through him, but he forced a casual nod. “Good. Why don’t you throw some things together and we can head out. We can take care of the restraining order on the way.”

  “Okay. Let me grab a quick shower too?”

  He watched her leave the room to go pack. Unease mingled with the relief. Serving Rick that restraining order would never happen. The man had pretty much told him that. And even knowing it was coming, Rick had insinuated that it wouldn’t keep him away from Phoebe.

  Craig folded his arms across his chest and went to look out over the city again. If Rick was so determined to get to Phoebe again, it left them only one option—to get to him before he got to her.

  Chapter Seven

  “You keep checking the rearview mirror. Are you afraid he’s following us?”

  Settled against the soft leather seats of Craig’s Hyundai, Phoebe turned her head to read his reaction.

  Except for the slight tightening of his mouth, there was none. He offered a casual shrug, his gaze once again drifting to the mirror.

  “Just being cautious.”

  “I appreciate it.” She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and glanced out the window.

  And jeez, she really did appreciate it. Everything Craig had done for her thus far.

  She kind of liked that Craig had called her bluff. Had returned to her apartment, even if her trashed car had been part of the reason. That he’d been so concerned about her safety, he’d pushed her to come home with him. Actually, no kind of about it. She liked it.

  The realization that he was working himself into her life and into her heart was still a bit terrifying. And she had been bluffing this morning when she’d pushed him away emotionally—had tried to discourage him from anything serious. She still wasn’t clear on whether she’d been lying to Craig or to herself, but one thing she knew now was that she was done running from whatever they had. It was just too good. Too...right. Normal.

  But her reason for going home with him now wasn’t as cut and dry as she’d implied. No, things were a little more complex.

  No way in hell would she be a sitting duck for Rick. Waiting for him to approach her again—on his terms—when he knew she’d be vulnerable.

  He was watching her. All the time now. She was one-hundred-percent certain on that. Well, she’d just use that to her advantage to draw him out into the open. If he wanted her back to the point of displaying stalker tendencies, seeing her shacking up with Craig would surely get his boxers in a twist.

  He’d get careless and screw up. Come out of hiding at inopportune times. And she’d be ready. This time, she’d be ready.

  “You’re so quiet,” Craig interrupted her thoughts. “How are you doing?”

  “I’m doing all right.”

  Her lips twitched. He probably thought she was shaking in her boots. Terrified. And for a while, she had been. But now…now she just wanted to deal with this. Finish it. Deal with Rick—whom she’d thought gone from her life for good—permanently this time. Instead of running and hiding from her fears, she’d face them.

  She glanced down at a nail, resisting the urge to bite it. It was a bad habit she turned to in times of stress.

  “I’m a little bummed to find out he was calling from a pay phone.”

  “I wasn’t surprised.”

  “Me neither, really.” Fisting her hands, she glanced at Craig. “But I am surprised that the restraining order process was so quick. I thought these things took forever.”

  “Time is of the essence for someone trying to keep a person away from them.” He gave her a pointed glance. “Sometimes a restraining order means nothing. It’s just a piece of paper that the victim hopes will keep her safe.”

  “Wow, that’s a positive way of thinking.” Her mouth tightened.

  “It’s a realistic way of thinking.”

  He was right though. Years of working at the shelter had taught her that. If someone wanted to hurt you enough, a piece of paper meant shit to them.

  Craig turned his car into an apartment complex and pulled into a numbered spot.

  Twisting in her seat, Phoebe watched for any other cars to follow them into the parking lot. None did, but a few passed by the entrance. One seemed to slow just a bit, before it was gone from sight.

  Her pulse quickened and she drew in a slow breath. Was it him?

  “This is it.” Craig gave her a quick smile before turning off the engine and opening his door.

  Phoebe followed him out, stretching and feigning a casual ease. Every nerve in her body was alert, her mind churning with the idea that Rick might have followed them here.

  Craig moved to grab her stuff out of the trunk and she approached him, placing a hand on his shoulder.

  “Thank you,” she murmured, and tucked herself against him, cupping his face. She brushed her lips over his in a soft caress. “For everything.”

  Surprise flickered in his gaze, before he dropped her duffle bag and slipped his arms around her, covering her mouth again with his.

  The possessive kiss sent a thrill through her. It took a minute to shake her mind free from the fog of desire that threatened. But she managed. Barely.

  Teasing her tongue out to stroke against Craig’s, she hoped like hell that Rick was watching.

  Craig groaned and pulled back with a curse. “We should get inside.”

  “I like the way you think.”

  Amusement danced in his eyes. “Man, you’ve gotten frisky.”

  “Yeah, go as long without sex as I did and you’ll understand.” She winked and went to pick up her bag.

  “I can get that for you—”

  “I’ve got it. You keep your eye out for the fucktard and your hand near your gun.”

  He reared back in surprise.

  “Yes, I just called him a fucktard. And trust me, I’ve called him far worse.”

  His smile spread slowly across his face. “I like you, Phoebe. A hell of a lot actually.”

  “Do you now?” She arched an eyebrow, her stomach fluttering as they made their way to his apartment. From all his gestures, she’d gotten that impression, but to hear him confess it just made it all that much better.

  “Yeah. Does that still bother you?”

  Hesitating, she tried to answer the question to herself first. Surprised by the answer, she murmured, “Not as much as it did earlier. You’re growing on me, Officer Redmond.”

  He caught her hand as they began to ascend the stairs. His thumb brushed over the inside of her palm. “Thank you for trusting me.”

  “Well, you make it surprisingly easy to do.”

  Pleasure flickered in his gaze. “So does this mean you’re okay with this being more than just a one or two night thing?”

  Phoebe felt the familiar panic rise inside her but pushed it aside. She took a moment and really thought about how she’d feel if, after this was over, Craig just walked back out of her life and she went on as usual.

  There was no other choice.

  Softly, she murmured, “I don’t want just a couple
nights with you, Craig.”

  Relief flashed in his eyes and his grip on her hand tightened.

  “Good.” Giving a small smile, he turned and led them up the rest of the stairs. “You hungry? We’ve barely had anything to eat all day since we forgot to get lunch after getting the restraining order. We could do an early dinner.”

  “Starving, actually,” she acknowledged with a grimace. “I didn’t want to be a burden though and make you stop for food.”

  “Asking to grab something to eat isn’t a burden, Phoebe.”

  “It wasn’t just that. I had a lot on my mind.”

  “I bet.” Craig gave a small nod while unlocking the door to his apartment. “Would you eat a hamburger if I grilled a couple?”

  “Oh, yeah. Got potato chips?”

  “Barbeque flavored.”

  “I’m all over that.” She grinned and followed him into the apartment.

  “I’d rather you be all over me,” he murmured, closing the door and locking it. “But we can save that for later.”

  “I suppose I walked right into that one.” She grinned and let her gaze wander around the apartment.

  Bachelor pad for sure. Mismatched furniture, retro movie posters on the wall, and a sink half full of dishes.

  “You live alone?” she asked.

  Strong arms slipped around her waist, while his warm lips moved over the back of her neck.

  “Yeah.” He moved his hand lower on her body so that his fingers almost grazed the swell of her pussy.

  Warmth slid from her belly to the juncture of her thighs and she bit her lip.

  “I want you again,” he confessed.

  “So I see. Or should I say feel?” She pushed her bottom back against him, rubbing against his cock.

  He choked on a gasp. “I thought you wanted to eat.”

  “I do.” She turned around in his arms and then sank to her knees in front of him. “And I think I just found the perfect appetizer.”

  His hiss of arousal coincided with the slide of the zipper on his jeans as she tugged it down.

  She kept her gaze locked on his while pulling his erection from his boxers. Heat burned in his narrowed eyes and his breathing grew heavier.

  A thrill chased through her at the spontaneity of the moment—the eroticism of it all. And most of all, how wonderful it felt to have Craig watch her with such need and barely controlled restraint.


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