Protecting Phoebe: A Chances Are story

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Protecting Phoebe: A Chances Are story Page 9

by Shelli Stevens

  “Because I shot him.” He shook his head and his lip quivered. “I can take him.” He tried to keep his voice steady. “Do you have any idea the level of fear and helplessness that went through me when you said that? Knowing you were going out to face an armed man without a weapon?”

  She looked away, but not before he saw the surprise in her eyes.

  “You weren’t thinking. Gabby’s right. You’re too damn impulsive.”

  Her head whipped back to face him, her eyes flashing. “I’m not impulsive.”

  “You are. You were impulsive when you faced Rick like that. And you were impulsive when you went to bed with me that first night.”

  She pulled her hand free, more color in her cheeks now. “Thank you. I love basically being called a reckless slut.”

  “Easy now, baby. I did not call you a—”

  “You’re right, Craig. I was a bit impulsive in going to bed with you. And that means you don’t really know me, now do you? So please don’t sit there and judge me.”

  Shit. He’d handed that argument to her on a platter. Her lips thinned and her gaze drifted away from him again.

  Unease swept through him. The mood between them had grown colder. And he suspected she was damn close to resurrecting those same walls between them that he’d had to tear down the other morning.

  “Do you want something to drink? Eat? Are they letting you eat?”

  She shook her head and closed her eyes. “I want to rest…”

  When she didn’t say anything more or open her eyes, he figured she’d basically told him to get out.

  “I’ll come by tomorrow and pick you up. What time do you think they’ll release you?”

  “I think Gabby was planning on taking me home. I’m going to crash with her and Justin for a few days until I’m one-hundred percent again.”

  His jaw clenched and he looked out the window. She didn’t want to stay with him anymore. Where was this all coming from? Could he have just blown any chance at long-term with her? All for calling her impulsive?

  “Okay.” He gave a slow nod and stood to approach the bed. “Why don’t you give me a call tonight or tomorrow?”

  She gave a wan smile, but didn’t reply.

  Craig leaned down to brush his mouth across hers. She tensed and then turned her head so his lips moved to her cheek.

  Maybe the shock of everything had caught up with her and she just needed time. Biting back a sigh of frustration, he straightened and left the room.

  Phoebe heard the door click shut, signaling Craig had left, and her stomach rolled with a mixture of relief and guilt—not to mention disappointment, if she let herself acknowledge it.

  Maybe it’s better this way. The fear of getting involved seriously with him had reared its ugly head a few minutes ago. And suddenly it was too much. The pressure of living up of to his expectations, of him living up to hers, of giving them that absolute trust. Then the fear of losing him…

  The magnitude of Rick’s death, and how close she’d been to dying as well didn’t sit lightly with her. It cloyed her senses, took over almost all her thoughts.

  “What’s going on?”

  Her eyes snapped open when Gabby appeared in the doorway, brows drawn together.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I didn’t expect Craig to take off so soon. And when I passed him in the hall, he looked a bit bummed out.”

  “Oh.” Another sharp stab of guilt. “Nothing’s going on. I just told him I was tired.”

  “That’s it?”

  “For the most part.” Phoebe shifted in the hospital bed, wincing as her stitches tugged. “They’re keeping me tonight for observation, but I was hoping I could crash with you and Justin for a couple days.”

  “With us?” Her brows arched. “But weren’t you already staying with Craig?”

  “I was…”

  “Not that we aren’t happy to have you stay with us, but something totally happened between you and Craig.” Gabby sat down on the edge of the bed and gave her a scrutinizing look. “Wanna talk about it?”

  Phoebe hesitated, considering dumping her fears on her friends, and decided against it. “No. Have you figured out if you’re…?”

  “Pregnant?” Gabby glanced away, unease in her eyes. “I haven’t had a chance to take a test yet. I’ve been at the hospital with you all day. Justin’s picking me up when he gets off work.”

  “Have you told him you think you might be?”


  “Think he’ll freak?”

  “Hard to say. I know I will.”

  “You know there’s a drug store around the corner from the hospital. Why don’t you run and grab a pregnancy test?”

  “I probably should. Though I’m pretty confident what the results will be.” Gabby gave a slow nod and then leaned forward to pat her hand. “When I get back, we’re going to talk about you and Craig.”

  “Do we have to?” Phoebe closed her eyes again, trying not to think about the frustration on Craig’s face as they’d begun to argue.

  “Yes.” Gabby gave her hand a squeeze and then stood up. “I’ll be back in a few.”

  Chapter Ten

  Phoebe glanced up as the buzzer to her apartment sounded. She went to the intercom and then pushed the button, asking who it was—though she already pretty much knew.

  “Hey, girl, it’s Gabby and Justin. Let us up.”

  “Okay. See you in a few.” She unlocked the door to the building and then went back to her packing.

  Pushing back a curl, she sighed and threw a few more things into her suitcase, before zipping it.

  They were leaving today for Washington State, and she hadn’t called Craig. Guilt stabbed in her gut, but she pushed it aside. It wasn’t like he’d called her either.

  There was a sharp knock at the front door and she grabbed her suitcase and dragged it to the living room, before turning to let her friends in.

  They stood outside her apartment, Justin behind Gabby, chin on her shoulder and his arms around her waist, his hands cuddling the belly that indeed was carrying his child.

  Phoebe bit back a sigh, envying how disgustingly happy they looked.

  “Hey.” Gabby grinned and stepped in through the door, pulling Justin with her. “So did you call him?”

  Not even trying to pretend she didn’t know who him was, Phoebe winced and shook her head.

  Gabby’s eyes went wide. “Phoebe. You promised.”

  “I’ll take your suitcase down to the car, Phoebe.” Justin grimaced and gave her an understanding wink, before disappearing again from her apartment.

  “Call him.” Gabby strode over to the cordless phone and handed it to Phoebe. “Now. Call him and invite him again.”

  She hesitated, and let her fingers drift over the wound in her side, which was almost four days old now.

  “I know you’re afraid,” Gabby said softly. “Afraid to completely trust a man and get involved. But I also know how much you care about Craig. Even if you won’t admit it. He’s the only man I’ve seen you let into your heart—if even just a little bit. I really hope he comes with us, Phoebe. It’d be good for you guys to talk. Spend time together.”

  Phoebe swallowed hard, fear and doubt sending her pulse into double time.

  “Call him.”

  She nodded and took the phone from Gabby, dialing his number with shaking fingers.

  “He won’t be able to come,” she muttered. “We’re leaving three days early. I’m giving him no notice.”

  Gabby folded her arms across her chest and gave her a pointed look. “You don’t know until you ask.”

  On the fourth ring, his phone went to voicemail. Relief and disappointment mingled.

  “He’s not home.”

  “Leave a message.”


  “Do it!”

  “Hey…Craig. It’s Phoebe.” She turned her back to Gabby, so her friend couldn’t witness her discomfort. “I…I’m leaving for Delanie’s weddin
g. I wasn’t sure if you still wanted to come, and we’re leaving early. Anyway…I’m sure you don’t want—”

  “Phoebe,” Gabby hissed.

  Phoebe’s face flamed. “Ugh—I’ve got to go. Anyway, hope you’re doing okay. Maybe I’ll talk to you again…someday—”


  “Goodbye.” She clicked the off button and whirled around. “Okay, as if that wasn’t awkward enough, having you standing there yelling your two cents sucked.”

  Gabby rolled her eyes. “That message sucked.”

  “Well, at least I left one,” Phoebe muttered with a glare.

  “Ladies, we ready to go?” Justin appeared in the doorway, bracing his arms high on the frame as he glanced around the room.

  “Let me grab my jacket.” Phoebe gave a quick nod and turned back to her bedroom.

  Gabby sighed. “I guess it’s just us three.”

  Which was probably better, Phoebe thought, tossing her jacket over her arm. There was a reason she hadn’t called Craig before today.

  Gabby was right, she was scared. And without Gabby there to encourage her, she may not have called him. Reached out to make that connection again.

  Her stomach twisted. A connection that she probably waited too long to make.

  Nothing to be done now…maybe she’d call him again after they got back. Her lips twitched into a humorless smile as the three of them left her apartment.

  She knew herself too well. The chances of her calling him again were slim. By the time she got back from Washington, she’d be back in that I’m better off single mode.

  So the ball was basically in his court…and after that crap message she’d left and the way she’d treated him in the hospital, she may as well just greet her single status with open arms.

  Craig wiped the sweat off his face with a paper towel and stared at himself in the gym mirror. Damn, he still looked like ass.

  After having the cold from hell for the last few days, he was finally feeling up to par. And having gone three days with his most strenuous activity being blowing his nose and getting out of bed to use the bathroom, he’d known it was time to workout.

  A half hour on the treadmill had done him good. Made him feel somewhat human again, and had also helped him focus on something besides Phoebe.

  She hadn’t called. Which shouldn’t have surprised him after her behavior in the hospital room. But it did a little. And it hurt. He’d planned to call her and hash it out—meet up with her even. But the cold had suspended those plans.

  Tonight, he’d call her. The minute after he got back to his place and showered. He’d call her, or hell, he’d just go to her place.

  Turning, he went and grabbed his bag from the locker and reached inside for his car keys. He grabbed them and his phone, leaving the locker room.

  “Later,” he called to the guy working the desk near the entrance.

  “Have a good one.”

  His cell began to vibrate in his hand and he glanced down, noticing he had a message.

  Flipping open the phone, he checked who’d called. His blood rushed through his veins and his brows drew together as he dialed the voicemail.

  A minute later he closed the phone and climbed into his car, knowing what he was going to do and wondering if it made him a bit crazy.

  “You look fantastic, Delanie.” Phoebe hugged her friend again, before stepping back to observe the bride-to-be. She was glowing. Not to mention stylish and sexy like always. “Either the Northwest or being engaged sure agrees with you.”

  “Or both,” Gabby piped up.

  Delanie gave a soft laugh and twisted the diamond ring on her left hand.

  “Being Grant’s wife will agree with me even more.” She rolled her eyes and sat down on the couch, curling her legs under her bottom. “I am so excited for our honeymoon in France.”

  “Umm, living here has got to be kind of like a honeymoon,” Gabby pointed out, sitting down in a recliner and glancing around. “This resort is fabulous.”

  “It is. I’m so glad you both could make it up here for the wedding.”

  Phoebe gave a small smile. “We’re in it, kind of hard to skip out.”

  “Well, it’s so wonderful to see you both.” She turned to Gabby with a sly smile. “And I really like Justin. You’re an overachiever. Getting pregnant and engaged in one week.”

  Gabby’s cheeks turned pink. “Yeah the engagement thing was being talked about. The baby thing sped up the process.”

  Phoebe averted her gaze as the two began to chat, her throat tightening up. God, she felt like the biggest downer. But seeing Gabby and Delanie both so in love and content made her really think about what she might have been able to have with Craig. If she weren’t the world’s biggest pansy.

  “Where are the guys, anyway?” Gabby asked, yawning into her palm. “I haven’t seen them since they left after dinner.”

  Delanie was quiet for a moment and Phoebe glanced over at her, noting the mischief in her gaze.

  “I’m not really sure,” she answered, fiddling with the coin on a chain that hung around her neck. “I think Grant mentioned wanting to go on a drive to show Justin a couple of the sites on the island.”

  Phoebe stared at the ancient coin, remembering all the trouble it had caused Delanie and Grant initially. But in reality, it had brought the two together. Her lips curled into a soft smile. And the day after tomorrow, they’d be getting married.

  “So, you’re doing okay, Phoebe?” Delanie asked suddenly. “I mean, I was so scared when I heard about Rick showing up in your life again. Thank God he’s…well, thank God.”

  “Yes. And I’m doing okay.” Phoebe nodded and looked down at her fingers, just manicured today for the upcoming wedding. “It feels a little surreal, but I’m coming to terms with everything that happened.”

  Gabby smiled. “Yeah, Craig totally protected her when Rick was out stalking her. And he’s the one who shot Rick.”

  “So do you like this Craig?” Delanie lifted an eyebrow. “He seems like a good guy.”

  Phoebe shifted, thinking like was probably an understatement. “He’s nice…”

  “She’s totally sprung on him, and don’t let her try to tell you otherwise,” Gabby inserted and took another sip of her Sprite. “She’s just having a panic attack about getting serious with someone.”

  “I’m not—”

  “It would be understandable if you were,” Delanie said in a rush. “I mean you haven’t dated since…”

  “The stone age?” Gabby teased and then giggled. “Sorry, I’m not helping.”

  “No. You’re not.” Delanie shot her a warning look.

  “I blew it, you guys. I really think I blew it.” Phoebe finally confessed, fighting back tears. “He is a good guy. And I kept pushing him away emotionally. All the time he was with me. And then at the hospital…I think I just blew it.”

  “I don’t think you blew it.” Gabby shook her head and stood up, coming over to give Phoebe a hug. “It’ll all work out.”

  Delanie leaned in and joined the embrace. “Me neither, sweetie. I don’t think you blew anything. Or maybe you blew Craig at some point—”

  “Delanie!” Phoebe gasped and then laughed, almost choking.

  Gabby snorted. “Ah, see, she’s still a bit of a dirty birdie.”

  “You guys are the best. I don’t know what I’d do without you.” Phoebe took the support of their embrace and bit her lip to hold back tears.

  The last two weeks were catching up with her and fast. It fell heavy on her heart and moisture finally flooded her closed eyes.

  “Oh.” Delanie pulled back. “I hear Grant’s car. That means the men are back.”

  The men were back. And once again she’d be the proverbial fifth wheel.

  Car doors opened and slammed, and then the low murmur of men’s voices could be heard.


  “In here, honey,” Delanie called back.

  Gabby and Delanie stood, exchanging
an odd look that Phoebe didn’t miss.

  She rose to her feet, her brows drawing together.

  A second later, Grant strode into the living room, followed by Justin. Followed by…Craig.

  Phoebe’s heart slammed into her chest and her mouth went dry. He was here. Craig was here.

  Delanie was talking, probably saying something to her, but she couldn’t hear above the rush in her ears. Her vision was held by Craig’s gaze, which hadn’t wavered from her.

  It was almost like an invisible beam locked them together, crackling with tension.

  He crossed the room to her. It seemed to take an eternity before he stood in front of her.

  “Phoebe.” He reached out and cupped her cheek.

  She blinked, snapping out of her daze and jerking her head around to see if her friends were watching the exchange. They’d all disappeared. She was alone in the room with Craig.

  Craig. Who was here on Lopez Island, two states away from home.

  “You came,” she whispered. “But how…?”

  “I flew up this afternoon and then took a seaplane to the island about an hour ago.” His mouth curved into a slight smile. “I called the resort and mentioned I’d been invited to a wedding. Asked if someone could pick me up.”

  Her pulse raced and she ran her tongue over her mouth. “Why would you do all this? That must have cost you—”

  “I don’t care about the money, Phoebe. And right now I can afford it.” His glance dropped to her mouth. “I care about you.”

  “Do you?”

  “You know I do.”

  Her throat tightened with emotion and tears gathered in her eyes; she blinked them away. “I’m sorry I freaked out on you in the hospital. And I’m sorry I didn’t call until too late.”

  “Shh, baby.” He shook his head slowly. “It’s not too late.”

  “I have a lot of baggage, Craig. I don’t trust easily, I’m somewhat afraid of men—”

  “But not of me.”

  “Not you,” she agreed, soft with the realization. “I’m trying to say I’ve got issues though. I’m not an easy person to love, Craig.”

  “Phoebe.” He cupped the back of her head and pulled her forward, touching his forehead against hers. “I think you’d be all too easy to love.”


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