The Reverence of One: Book Three of the Shadow Series

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The Reverence of One: Book Three of the Shadow Series Page 13

by Pierce, J. M.

  Maggie could see Lauren’s tensed expression soften some as she reached for the door handle. Her motherly instincts kicking in, she placed a hand on Lauren’s back. “I’m proud of you,” she said.

  Lauren froze. She’d never heard those words spoken to her—ever. A mixture of pride and confusion came over her. “Why?” she asked, frozen with the handle in her hand.

  “In just the short time you’ve been away, I can see a change in you. Something—softer,” replied Maggie.

  Lauren didn’t know how to respond. Her mind was locked. The only thing that she knew was that Maggie was right. She turned the handle and entered the home as quietly as she could, and she found herself cringing at yet another indicator that something in her had changed. Less than a week ago she wouldn’t have cared if she’d awakened her guests.

  She closed the door behind her, carefully twisting the handle so it would shut without catching. Silently allowing the handle to return to its locked position, she turned, feeling another spirit approaching. Knowing it was Alyssa, she intensified the pulses of energy from within. As Alyssa materialized, Lauren spoke.

  “Is everything okay?”

  “Yeah, everything’s fine, but those must have been some monster errands you had to run though. Did you have to go to Mexico for some vanilla or something?” asked Alyssa, grinning widely and pleased with the rare appearance of her wit.

  “Yeah,” began Lauren, stopping to yawn.. “Something like that.”

  “So where’d you go?” asked Alyssa, stepping to Lauren’s side to look out the tall window next to the front door. “Did you get anything good?”

  “Let’s let Lauren get some rest,” replied Maggie. “I’ll tell you all about her trip here in a bit.”

  Alyssa could sense something in Maggie’s voice. Looking to Lauren suspiciously, she asked, “What aren’t you guys telling me?”

  Lauren shoved her hands in her pockets and walked past the two spirits. “I’m going to let Maggie fill you in. I need some sleep.” As she reached the stairs, she turned back to them and could see that her distance from them had caused them to fade. “Will one of you be able to wake me if something happens?”

  “We’ll find a way,” replied Maggie softly and in a very motherly way. “You get your rest.”

  Lauren let go of an exhausted smile, her heart warmed by Maggie’s presence. “Good night,” she replied.

  “Good night, hon,” answered Maggie as she released her use of Lauren’s energy.

  Lauren watched as the two faded from view and the room fell empty. Continuing up the stairs, each step felt as though she were climbing a mountain. She opened her bedroom door, quickly pulled the covers back on her bed, and climbed inside fully dressed, her eyes and mind closing the instant her head touched the pillow.


  She awoke to the smell of ridiculously strong coffee and bacon frying in hot grease. For a moment, it was comforting, until the moment she realized that she hadn’t had bacon in the house for months.

  Seemingly without taking a single breath, she threw off her covers, flung open her bedroom door, and flew down the stairs. As she reached the base, she could hear laughter coming from the kitchen.

  She entered the doorway and could see Test sitting at the table, moderate strength pulses of red light running the length of his arms, sitting next to Alyssa while Maggie stood at the stove preparing breakfast.

  “Where’d that come from?” she asked slightly winded. Everyone’s head turned towards her, each having a slightly different reaction to her presence.

  “Good morning, hon,” replied Maggie cheerfully. “Where’d what come from?”

  Lauren took a step into the room and pointed at the frying pan. “That—the bacon.”

  “What, are you vegan or something?” replied Test in jest.

  Lauren turned to him and puckered her face. “Ha. You’re funny,” she answered as she walked to Maggie’s side. “No, I’m not, but I do know that I haven’t had any in the house for a while. Where did it come from?”

  “From Forks,” replied Test. “Alyssa and I made a trip into town last night.” He watched as Lauren’s eyes widened. “What? There was hardly anything to eat in this place and I was getting cabin fever.”

  “Really?” quipped Lauren as she placed her hands on her hips. “First of all, I’m sorry that I didn’t stock the place for a breakfast buffet.” She walked to the table and stood behind the chair at the opposite end of where Test sat, staring at him coldly and speaking in a deliberately level tone. “Second, did it ever occur to you that going into town could be dangerous?”

  Taken aback by Lauren’s reaction, Test glanced to both Maggie and Alyssa for help. Quick to jump to Test’s defense was Alyssa.

  “Why are you getting so worked up over bacon?” she asked.

  Lauren looked to her and rolled her eyes. “Don’t be stupid. It has nothing to do with bacon.” She pulled out the chair in front of her and took a seat. “So, you two went to town,” she began. “Now, was she….” She stopped hoping that she didn’t have to elaborate.

  Test laid his hands flat on the table, splaying his fingers out, and tried to stay calm during what he perceived as an interrogation. “She was not able to be seen,” he replied.

  Lauren cocked her head. “Good. Now, how about you? It’s quite a ways into Forks. How did you get there?”

  Test glanced to Alyssa’s face. He found no solace within as she appeared to be as flustered as he was becoming. Unsure of what the correct answer should be, he remained honest.

  “We traveled together on the other side,” he replied, his voice becoming unsteady.

  Lauren stared at him intently. “No flying?” she asked with a pointed finger.

  Becoming slightly irritated, Test was quick with his reply. “What did I say? Did I say I flew?”

  Lauren grinned. “Settle down lover boy. Just one more question and I’ll drop it.”

  Test watched her carefully as she pushed away from the table and placed her elbows on her knees, lacing her fingers together in front of her.

  “Did you meet anyone in town?” she asked, glancing back and forth between both Test and Alyssa. Both of them shook their heads. “Were you paying attention?”

  Test wrinkled his nose. “To what?” he asked.

  Lauren flared her nostrils and inhaled deeply. “What did I teach you before I left?”

  Suddenly Test realized where all of this was heading. He knew that he was not as careful as he should have been—as he needed to be. Dropping his head, his shoulders slouched as he replied.

  “No, I didn’t,” he said somberly. “I’m sorry, Lauren, I didn’t….”

  “Think?” she answered, cutting him off. “Look,” she began as she stood from the table, “I left here thinking that you could take care of yourself, but it’s questionable as to whether or not that is true. If you can’t get it through your head that hell is on its way, then I may as well leave you here to die.”

  “Lauren,” said Maggie, shocked at her words.

  Without looking at her, Lauren held a hand up to silence Maggie.

  “For all we know, there is a Reaper on his way here right now.” She stepped away from her chair and, slamming it under the table, walked to the far window in the kitchen which looked out onto the back of the property. “The old man’s grandson saw him, you know,” she said to Test as she looked over her shoulder with a raised brow.

  Test could barely swallow, the lump in his throat choking the words that he tried to speak. “What…Cliff’s grand…what…who did?”

  Lauren began to laugh. “Mom hasn’t told you yet, huh?” she asked as she peered out the window. She turned her back to the light that bathed her face and then leaned against it. “They’re on their way; Cliff, Thad, and Nicole.” She watched Test jaw drop open.

  “Nicole? What the…,” began Test.

  Raising a finger, Lauren interrupted him. “Patience. I’ll get to it. Now, it turns out that Thad has the same gif
t that Cliff had when he was alive. That’s how all of this started. Cliff found his grandson and then did a little eavesdropping. He found out that the Reapers were planning on using your ex for bait.”

  Test heart sank. “Holy shit, are you kidding me? How did they know that she….”

  “You really have to stop interrupting. I’m getting to it.” She paused for a moment, wiping the corners of her mouth with the tip of her index finger. “We stopped in Lincoln on the way home and paid a visit to another one of your old friends—Marcy. The old man was worried for her safety as well. It was there that we figured out how the Reapers got their information about those closest to you.

  “Cliff wrote his memoirs while on his death bed, and apparently he gave them to Marcy before he died. He wanted her to find his son and make sure that he read them. Well, and I don’t know if this was clever or lazy,” she turned to Maggie and shrugged her shoulders, “but Marcy published them as an e-book in hopes, I guess, that Cliff’s son was a reader.” She huffed loudly. “Anyway, somehow, or so the old man thinks, one of the Reapers is apparently a reader in his spare time, and now they have plans to lure you out of hiding.”

  Test stared at her blankly, overwhelmed by what he’d been told. He swallowed hard and asked softly, “So is Nicole okay?”

  Lauren opened her mouth to reply, but was quickly cut off by Maggie.

  “She’s with Thad and Cliff. She’s safe,” said Maggie, shooting a scolding look to Lauren.

  “What?” asked Lauren in annoyance, pushing herself away from the window. “He’s going to find out in a little bit anyway.”

  Test looked to his mother. “What’s she talking about, Mom?”

  Maggie scowled once more at Lauren who shrugged it off. She walked to her son’s side and rested a hand on his shoulder. “Nicole’s had a rough go of it, Test. She’s not the same girl that you knew.”

  Test squinted his eyes and, with a furrowed brow, glowered at Maggie. “Who in this room hasn’t?” he replied brashly.

  “Test Davis!” shouted Maggie as she smacked the back of his head.

  Test recoiled from her. “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean it like that.” He stared at his mother’s stern face. “All I meant was is that none of us have had the best year.” He watched as her nostrils flared and her eyes developed a wild glare. This was the first he’d seen his mother angry since they had been reunited. “I’m sorry, Mom. Please tell me what’s happened to her.”

  Maggie walked around behind him and took a seat opposite of him. Since the mention of Nicole, Alyssa had sat quietly in her seat next to Test, attentively listening to every word spoken.

  “Well,” Maggie said with a pause, “there’s just no kind way to say it. She’s become an addict.”

  Test wasn’t sure what he expected to hear, but that wasn’t it. His head snapped back in shock.

  “What do you mean an addict?” he asked as he scratched the back of his head. “I just can’t see her like that.”

  “Oh, I’ve seen her,” quipped Lauren from behind them, “and trust me, there’s no doubt.”

  Maggie slapped her hand on the table. “Lauren, honestly! If you don’t have anything of benefit to add to the conversation, then would you please be quiet?”

  Lauren’s smart aleck demeanor took a sudden change. Though she thought highly of Maggie, she didn’t take well to being told what to do in her own home.

  “You know what,” said Lauren in a tense voice, “I will not keep quiet. In fact, I’m the one that started this conversation, so if you don’t like it, you can….”

  Test quickly stood from his seat, turning his torso to her. “Careful with what’s about to come out of your mouth next, Lauren.”

  She took a step towards him. “Careful?” she huffed. “That’s rich! You’re talking to me about being careful? That’s how this whole conversation started.” She took two more steps and stood face to face with him, both splaying their arms with muscles tensed. “Tell me something, did you do anything else last night? Something other than keeping princess here,” she motioned her head to Alyssa, “solid enough to get to third base with?”

  The room began to shake. The empty chairs that sat around the table began to dance across the stone floor, one of which immediately caught in a joint and fell to its back, and the cabinet doors shook on their hinges.

  “Stop it, you two,” said Maggie sternly, watching as the back of the chair next to Test appeared to blur.

  Ignoring Maggie’s order, Lauren continued. “Well, lover boy? You gonna answer the question?”

  Suddenly Alyssa exploded from her chair and pushed Lauren away from Test. “It wasn’t his fault!” she shouted. “He had a bad dream!”

  Lauren glared at Alyssa with hatred in her eyes, but had no idea of what the young spirit was shouting about. Her line of questioning to Test had become nothing more than a game to her, trying to see how far she could push him. She never expected anything more to actually be confessed. She turned to Test and asked, “What is she talking about?”

  Test’s teeth were clinched tight, the muscles in his jaws straining beneath his flesh. From behind him, he felt a hand rest on each of his shoulders and instantly knew that it was his mother. Without flinching, he remained focused on Lauren until he heard his mother whisper into his ear.

  “Relax, Test. It’s okay.” She gently turned him away from Lauren so that he would face her. “Look at me. Listen to the room. Look at what is happening. You have got to calm down.” Her words were calm and to the point.

  Test looked at the chair that his mother had just stood from and watched it bounce across the floor. It made him think of the salt and pepper shaker at the restaurant in Wyoming, the night that Enrique had taken him out with Alyssa and her Aunt Julie. The line of thought continued until he remembered the conclusion.

  Closing his eyes, he took a series of deep breaths. Maggie massaged his shoulders and neck, trying to help him calm down. From behind, he felt another set of hands begin to rub his back. It was this set of hands that would instantly bring his mind peace. He opened his eyes and turned into Alyssa’s arms. She held him gently and continued to stroke his back with her open palm.

  “It’s okay,” she said softly as she kissed his chest.

  Lauren watched the three of them with mixed emotions. She knew she hadn’t handled the situation well, but worse than being angry at herself, she found that Maggie’s disapproval was devastating. Her eyes connected with Maggie’s, and she could see the disappointment within. Unable to deal with the situation, she phased to the other side, disappearing from the room in a climactic flash of light.

  “Why does she have to be such a bitch?” asked Test, his voice tense and broken.

  “She’s trying, hon,” replied Maggie, walking toward the window overlooking the back yard. “I should probably go and talk to her,” she said as she peered out the window.

  “No,” replied Alyssa. “Let me go.”

  Maggie turned with a skeptical look on her face. “I don’t know if that’s….”

  “Please?” Alyssa pleaded. “I’ll be nice. I promise.”

  “Why do you want to go?” asked Test as he leaned back, looking down to Alyssa’s face.

  “I’m not sure, but I thought about her a lot last night while you were asleep. I think I understand why she is the way she is.” She glanced to Maggie. “I think I can help her.”

  As though it was against her better judgment, Maggie hesitated. “If you really want to, go on ahead. I’ll stay here with Test and clean up.”

  Alyssa looked into Test’s eyes and saw the pain and anger that he held within. She ran the palm of her hand softly across his cheek, and then pulled his chin down so their lips could meet. She tasted his lips three times before they parted and, as she watched, she could see the tension on his face slowly melt away.

  “You take it easy,” she said playfully while patting his chest. “I’ll be back in a little while.”

  She kissed him one last time and t
hen vanished from his arms.

  Chapter 14

  Lauren had left her home and raced deep into the forest. Several miles in was a spot that she had found not long after moving to Washington. It was a tranquil and serene place, a place where she was able to think and recharge both mentally and physically.

  The sounds of the forest blanketed her in a subtle white hiss that occasionally succumbed to the sound of a bird in a nearby tree. She laid on her back and watched the tops of the trees sway high above while there was no hint of a breeze on the floor below. She allowed her breath to match the rhythmic sway of the tree tops and tried to force herself to relax, a goal that was rarely achieved.

  “Ah, damn,” she said to herself as she dug her fingers into the soft earth at her side. “What are you doing? These people are the closest thing that you’ve had to a family since….” She paused and lifted her back from the ground, pulling her knees to her chest and wrapping her arms around them. “I don’t want to be alone again.”

  “You don’t have to be.”

  The voice came from beside her and came as a whisper, as though someone’s lips were placed to her ear. She instantly became aware of Alyssa’s presence. Initially upset because she’d let her guard down, something she’d just lectured Test about, she quickly let it go simply because she no longer had the strength to be angry.

  “What do you want?” asked Lauren as she looked to her right with tears running from the corners of her eyes.

  Again the whispered voice entered her ear. She could feel the ethereal chill of Alyssa’s presence.

  “To help.”

  Resting her forehead on her knees, Lauren held her gaze to her right and released a weak pulse for Alyssa to use. It wasn’t enough to bring her to a solid form, but enough to see and hear her more clearly. Alyssa’s face was long and her eyes were filled with pity.

  “You think you can help me, huh?” asked Lauren, her voice weak and mournful.

  “Maybe?” replied Alyssa. “Would you like to talk?”


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