Stimulus (Arc Gap Trilogy Book 1)

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Stimulus (Arc Gap Trilogy Book 1) Page 24

by Ryan Burnett

  According to the debriefing that was delivered earlier tonight, the strike teams hadn't even laid their eyes on Alex before quickly encountering two separate armed pockets of resistance. Their excuses had fallen on deaf ears. They were meaningless words. I tried to recall the faces of the men killed in the assault but this brilliant mind celebrated by the entirety of the modern world remained blank ...the men were edgeless swords, weightless hammers, they had achieved nothing and in essence were nothing.

  There were some details regarding this incident though that could not be ignored and these details were what had sent me to the seclusion of virtual reality. The building they had attacked and the men who they had fought against were both owned by Ostan. Had he been behind Alex's escape all along? Had he somehow found out about the true extent of the Dominance Project? Ostan. The bastard had lied to me, had mocked me, while firmly clutching a dagger behind his back. Despite Frait’s warnings I could already feel my bodies strength returning but at the same time I could feel the longing for revenge fill my mind to the brim. It was only here in the sanctity of my virtual realm that I could collect my thoughts. The burning of my mind's pyre gave me back a feeling of control. I could find some semblance of respite in the flames. I willed my consciousness up a level to the actualities of the real world. I sat in a plush chair with the soft glow of a video screen as my only source of illumination. I did nothing more than watch the muted personas and personalities lips move in silence for half a minute before descending into my VRN again and returning to my thoughts.

  The hypnotizing rhythm of the pyre filled my gaze as I thought on what to do...what I could do. We had manage to escape detection so far with the fallout from the university incident occupying the media spotlight but as the body count associated with Alex's retrieval grew so did the cost of keeping the right mouths closed. Now I knew my true adversary would be one of the most difficult for me to claim revenge on...The fact of the matter was that Ostan was a celebrity of sorts...a lot of that went with the public outcry against what he and his Photographists stood for but...the bottom line was that he attracted attention. Even if the Jack were still here leading, even if my forces weren't in shambles, we couldn't just launch an assault on his residence and expect everything to stay under wraps. Even if an assassin could slip past Ostan's security personnel Ostan’s death would become headline news and an in depth investigation would be launched. The only good aspect of this debacle was that the same things that protected Ostan’s life protected mine. Although Ostan he......he never once had attempted to attack me directly...nor made any attempt to spy on me...well no attempt I had found out about. Any paranoia about saboteurs was surprisingly easy for me to dismiss. Ever since the Jack...left my employ..the majority of decisions I made I relayed directly to my proxies without the use of middle men.

  The true source of my turmoil was the fact I had to do something now that I knew Harrold Ostan was deeply involved. I couldn't continue to lay dormant and allow that snake to coil around my throat. However I didn't even know where to find the bastard. If Ostan accepted the communication request I could conference with him but pinpointing his exact geographical location was another matter entirely. The Photographists had properties all around the world and Ostan could theoretically be at any one of them. In the old days it would be as simple as getting the right analyst to track Ostan's IP address...but a byproduct of the VRN's technological revolution had led to an exponential increase in proxy services. The sheer amount of subservient servers encrypting and retrieving data for the masses made the prospect of actually tracing someone who did not wish to be found nearly impossible. ... I sat mulling over my options as the hours ticked by.

  My brooding reverie was interrupted with a flare of the pyre. The tongues of flames rising and angrily lashing through the air before settling down again. The whole conflagration took on a brilliant azure hue. My eyes widened in surprise, I had received a message from an anonymous address to a dropbox that the Jack and I had controlled. I peered into the flames wondering how someone outside of my circle of operatives and directors knew how to contact me here, I was tempted to ignore the message in its entirety and return to my planning. Yet in spite of myself I heard the words, "play message" tumble out my lips and echo across the vast hall. A younger man appeared before me in a brown nondescript tunic, the only ornament he wore were leather bands around the wrist. The jewelry of a peasant. He had blonde hair and unremarkable features, as well as the broadness of a laborer. An altogether forgettable individual. He spoke in a casual manner,

  "Eh well I know it has been a while but I didn't want to contact you until we had something concrete to go on, you didn't exactly tell me how bat shit crazy this mess was going to be...but I guess you came to me because bat shit crazy is my specialty." He scratched his head and flashed an infuriating grin at the little joke, I fervently wished the feed was live so I could tell the fool to shut up and get to the point.

  "Listen we found Alex and I'm certain the kid has no idea we know. Problem is the last time we went to grab him guns started coming out the woodwork and I don't know what exactly was going down but it was a fucking mess. So I got the location of Alex's newest hideout. He just settled down there late this evening so you should have some time to figure out your next move before he decides to move again". My mouth hung open as I listened to the words. The forgotten urchins the Jack hired had just delivered me Alex and potentially Ostan on a silver platter, I couldn't believe it. A riot of emotions played across my face but in the end I could do nothing but laugh....maybe for the first time in days I truly laughed. As I calmed down I could see the man's image warp before me. Two long horns budded from the man’s forehead, the points of which arched and curled around the man's ears in a tight spiral. The horns of a ram.....I was momentarily in awe at the power of the mind and how it could alter your perception...on the off chance that there was any sort of god....that quack certainly had a sense of humor.

  "..... Anyways you pay me the finder’s fee and you'll have the address and my silence. Things are getting a bit heavy on my side of things so I think I'll just let you keep that capture bonus. Attached is my account ID. Talk to you soon. "

  As the video ended and the goat horned man faded into the pyre's frenzy of furious colors I was already in the process of approving a sizable transfer of funds to the account. I didn't know what the Jack had agreed upon but this would be more than adequate. In a rush that bordered on giddiness I left the VRN headspace and sprung out of my chair. The mild ache in my still recovering muscles was a welcome sensation, strangely invigorating. With a motion and a mental command the video screen shut off and I collapsed on my bed with a sigh of satisfaction. I knew what I had to do. I would confront them myself, the same shield of publicity that protected him protected me. Alex was my child and I would be damned if he intended to continue to defy my will. He would look me in the eyes and see how nothing could be gained from this foolishness and he would be forced to understand that returning with me was his only option...and as for Ostan ...Ostan would see things my way, he had no legitimate claim to the boy in the first place... Ostan could be reasoned with. When it came to Ostan I knew that behind the idealistic persona, and the new age art of humanity mumbo jumbo he was merely a man, and every man had his price.


  The next afternoon found me stepping out of my limousine in front of a large if fairly plain warehouse tucked quietly away in the downtown sector. The oily and acrid air clung to my nostrils. The smell of Arc city invading my hair and my clothes, all while being generally offensive to my other four senses. Even in the day light the moving neon of the city gave it sheen. It was as if a commercial halo enveloped the sharp angles of the buildings indiscriminately seeking to awe and entice. Ignoring the fool's gold glitter of the urban complex around me I straightened my silk tie before approaching the door, grasping the filthy handle I opened the door and stepped into a surprisingly well furnished anteroom. The
room had grey carpet with ocean blue walls. On one side of the room there was a cylindrical aquarium that connected with the floor and the ceiling. The aquarium looked like a column and within it a variety of brightly colored eels swam. Two large men in plain clothes sat at the far end of the room guarding the only doorway. They stared at me as I entered and one man pushed an intercom button next to the door.

  "He's here" He said simply and then waited before a voice echoed back.

  "Send him in." The voice belonged to Ostan. I smiled as I strode past the two men, Ostan knew my brilliant mind. He was right to know it was only a matter of time before I caught up to his scheming.

  "Keep going until you run into Gene" One of the men grunted to my back.

  As I strode down the hall a part of me hoped that Alex would try and bolt again. I had a new group of hire-ons surrounding the building with explicit orders not to make any sort of move until I gave them the signal. I was assuming direct control and there would be no fuck ups this time. Walking through the corridor I could hear a persistent humming of electricity. I followed along the hall way ignoring the doors that branched off until I saw another man sitting at the end of a hallway in front of an elevator door with a submachine gun nonchalantly lying across his lap. I could see through the ploy though...this had to be a show of power by Ostan, trying to intimidate me of all people. I did not slowdown in my approach and as I drew near the man pushed a button opening the elevator door. I stepped inside without missing a beat and began my descent.

  It had seemed a fair way underground...nothing compared to my bunker but well hidden. I wondered when Ostan had acquired this property and how much he had spent in developing it...Until the doors opened up and I was in front of another hallway. The hallway led to a dark open room with a light shining as a beacon deep in its interior. Undaunted by Ostan's theatrics I continued to walk until I crossed the room’s threshold.

  The humming of electricity was even louder in this expansive room. I walked past row after row of large metal blocks, evidently computer towers of some sort, as I approached the light. I could see Ostan sitting at a small table with a desk lamp shining on it. One legs crossed over the other. Blue gray pinstripe suit evidently picked to match his silver hair. As I drew closer he motioned for me to take a seat across from him at the table. Rather than take him up on his offer I chose to stand and simply say “No more games Ostan. Where is Alex? I want to see him right NOW." I refrained from shouting but my tone contained all the understanding of a raging bezerker. "I'm not afraid to get the authorities involved Ostan if you intend to keep me away from MY son. I'm sure you don't want even more people nosing around in whatever the hell your cult is up to nowadays." To hell with this man and his pleasantries.

  "Cid....never were the patient one were you?... I would implore you to remember this all started with ME doing YOU a favor. You came to me begging, afraid that your own success would be eclipsed by the fact that an illegitimate child of yours was throwing around his rather hefty allowance on drugs, whores, and enough zap to power my car until its next tune up. You asked me to quietly keep him at one of my facilities, facilities reserved I might add for the enjoyment of those who choose to participate in my movement, while you tried what you called a revolutionary new "cure" something I am absolutely certain you had not cleared with any state recognized organization. I did all this for you Cid. So I rather doubt you want to get any authorities involved and I would recommend that you sit down so we can keep this as civil as possible."

  I could feel some of the bluster leave me. I hated Harrold Ostan at the moment but this would not be the first time I did business with despicable men. I forced myself to take a seat. Ostan then reached behind him and produced a bottle of Scotch and two glasses. He poured two fingers into each one and took a sip out of both glasses and winked at me. "No poison in the poison" he remarked before setting one of the glasses in front of me.

  "What do you want with him Ostan?" I asked, ignoring the glass in front of me for the time being. Harrold took a swig and swallowed. "That’s a long and complicated answer Cid and I swear to the almighty I will tell you everything you want and more but first I got to know. Why the dogged search for him. I expected you to find out about things sooner or later but not this fast. We both know you don't give a damn about the kid. What brought you here Cid?" he asked staring me straight in the eye.

  If he wanted to shoot straight I wasn't going to flinch. I was swiftly approaching the point where all I wanted was to get this ordeal over with so we could cut the crap and start talking numbers.

  "I need to recover the data for the program we put in his VRN....I've been at work developing the first application that actually directly affects the release of serotonin, adrenaline, and a host of other neurochemicals. As it stands, right now we are this close to taking VRN to an entirely new frontier because of me Harrold. I've harnessed the human will. The power to survive; the primal urge and drive that separates the weak from the strong. The thing that determines who lives or dies. The strength that gives some the power to lead while the rest are content to follow. With this program I single handedly conquered the most psychologically addicting stimulus known to man and that’s just the start. Think of the strides rehabilitation and therapy would make. Think of what the world would be like. Think of the profitability that could come with instantaneous control of one's own mind. I am codifying that force Harrold, but there are some setbacks. Ever since I gave Alex an early version of the Dominance program all other test subjects have had...well...negative reactions to the application. I need to know what in his biology makes him different.... You still own quite a few shares in VirtuWorld...if you would only stop standing in my way the world would be a better place, and we would both be even wealthier men." I finished and took a deep breath; swiftly followed by a long drink from my glass. The pleasant familiar burn of alcohol brought a reflexive scowl that I thoroughly enjoyed. It also helped me maintain my poker face as I waited for the iron eyed Ostan to respond to me.

  "That's good Cid. That's really good. Something truly extraordinary...but that's not all there is to it, is there?" Ostan echoed back, his unshifting gaze focused on my person. I took another sip of scotch and stared back into those grey spheres.

  "I have no idea what you mean. If you have something to say then say it Ostan." I replied

  Ostan drained the rest of his glass and pressed a button on his intercom and spoke the words, "You can send him down now" and then removed his finger from the button.

  I raised my eye brow. "I'm glad you see things my way Ostan...returning my son is what's best for everyone" I said. Ostan looked away and waited in silence. It wasn't long before I heard footsteps approaching from the same corridor I had come through. I turned and looked only to see the pudgy long haired lump of a human that went by the name of Edgar Frait.

  "The fuck are you doing here! I swear Frait so help me....." I began.

  "Calm down Cid. I already told you that temper of yours isn't getting you anywhere today. Today of all days we are going to be gentleman. Now Frait why don't you repeat what you told me earlier this morning."

  Gripping my left fist in my right hand and squeezing as hard as I could. I listened to the traitorous mouth of Dr. Frait and set my eyes upon him. I didn't want to speak and compromise my position even further...for now I was content on letting my stare convey the doom that I would one day lay upon his greasy head.

  Chapter 24



  Tyra was gone. The thought was so large and monstrous that it completely filled my mind. Tyra, Tommy, Professor Yodson, every last person.... No every last friend I had tried to protect since this whole madness had started had been taken one after another. Back there I had shot at men ...I may have even killed... but in the end I was powerless to save anyone. My presence, like a plague, had brought down the ones I cared about the most until I was the only one that remained. I felt cursed. Cursed and utterly alone.

  You are
not alone. Rhodora's voice drifted across my mind. I tried to ignore her. I simply couldn't handle this voice living inside my mind. I could feel her even now. Looking through my eyes, her attention crawling over every last detail from the enormous billboards along the highway to the microfibers of the interior of the vehicle. A keen intelligence whetting its sharpness across anything and everything it could find. Strangely though...Rhodora's simple words brought a feeling of calm. As if Rhodora's presence weren't a violation of my mind but something else entirely. A passenger? A tourist? I wasn't sure but I knew at some point I would have to find out.

  I took a look at my arm the cut was long but not very deep, all the same the sleeves of my pink hoody were becoming matted with blood. I tried to clear my mind, to center myself now that I was out of mortal danger but I couldn’t. When I closed my eyes all I could see was Tommy's blood drenched face. When I tried to listen to my own breath all I could hear was the echo of the gunshot that had taken Tyra's life. I could feel nausea bubbling up inside of me like a seething cauldron.

  Angela, you must be calm. Rhodora words once again brought back a measure of serenity. Strangely enough I could feel my nausea vanish and the pain in my arm begin to grow duller.

  Rhodoras....are you doing this?

  No Angela you are. I merely stimulated the production of endorphins and endocannibinoids in the hippocampus. My influence is limited but your brain is capable of amazing things.

  You can't just decide to drug me whenever you want!!!!

  But Angela your production norepinephrine, cortisol, and epinephrine were beginning to spike. You should not blame yourself for Tyra's death.


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