Dark of kNight

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Dark of kNight Page 16

by T. L Mitchell

  We tracked the scent to an old barn where a fire glowed outside. I sniffed the air; there were at least three outside. I spotted the two vehicles I had seen at the grocery store parking lot the other day. I sensed the other two were be close by; they must be inside the barn. We had found them and needed to tell the others. Sunday night would be a full moon and we would have to act then. Daniel and I moved quietly through the woods retracing our trail. They would catch the scent and track us back to my house. We would wait for them in the meadow. Surely, they couldn't resist a match.

  We were far enough away to break into a run. We ran faster than the first time, the new body was much faster and stronger. We arrived at the edge of the meadow, when I suddenly stopped short in my tracks. My head lifted up when I caught a scent of something else. Cologne, aftershave, pizza and I sneezed, somebody needed a good bath. The police officers, and probably animal control. Daniel turned toward me. There were three of them. Well, this was nice reunion. They were scouting for a pack of oversize wolves that have been killing people and here we are. I guess we hadn’t figured this into our little equation. We needed to make it across the meadow and change. Sniffing the air, my eyes darted around the darkness. There were two of them near the house. The other was closer to the left of us. We both sprinted fast as light across the meadow to the edge of the woods.

  I heard the police radio and someone say, “I think I just saw something.” I turned my head to see Daniel had already changed. This was good.

  I wished he had explained how to change back. The two police officers moved quickly down the path. The flash lights moved side to side, creeping closer to their ultimate discovery.

  My head raised and I looked Daniel then whimpered. He immediately grabbed my muzzle with both hands. “SHHHH” he whispered. “You have to relax.”

  I tried to exhale and it came out in a snort. Then I jerked my head up when I heard the police officers say “Over here! I heard something in that direction!”

  “Listen to me. Just relax. Close your eyes and just relax.” He whispered softly in my ear. Rubbing it slightly, I released a low moan. Before I realized what happened my body convulsed in a jerk. The force of the transformation was so strong it forced me forward into Daniel. He caught my sides with his hands, bracing me as he fell backwards on his back. I sat straddling him. We heard the police officers when they approached us. Daniel quickly grabbed me and pulled me to him. His hands locked on my head and pressed my face to his. His mouth was on mine kissing me hungrily. I let out a moan again. He raised his body up forcing me to a sitting position. His arm wrapped around me and with one hand in just the perfect timing, he pulled my hair back forcing me to arch my back. I couldn’t distinguish the sound that erupted from my throat. My mouth was wide open, but it was a little weird. The two police officers rushed through the trees toward us. Their bright flashlights pointed directly at our faces. I could probably guess which one of the officers ran the flashlight up and down my naked body. Good old Blondie. Daniel pulled me closer to him. Now I knew what he was doing. I couldn't help from laughing softly.

  It was an embarrassing but clever move on Daniel’s part.

  “Do you mind?” Daniel said as his hand flew in front of his face.

  “Oh!” The flashlights trailed away. “Um,” one of them started. I couldn't tell whether it was embarrassment or excitement. “We were out looking for those wolves and found tracks that led back here the other day. You two shouldn’t be out here at night like this with those animals running around.”

  “Well, officer,” he paused and looked at me still holding me close to him. “What can I say, she is an outdoors woman.” He said slapping my thigh. I glared at Daniel.

  “However, if you could be a kind gent and let the lady and I dress, I would appreciate it.”

  The police officers turned and walked away in the other direction, leaving Daniel and me in our awkward predicament. When I tried to move my legs trembled, followed by a tremor that ran through my body. Daniel tensed underneath me, immediately grabbing the outside of my thighs. The second tremor that ran through my body was from the hardness I felt between my legs. Dear Fate, Daniel was huge!

  “Please, do not move.” His tone was deep and throaty. “Just be still for a moment.” He hissed through his teeth. I waited for Daniel to release his grip on my legs.

  “Daniel,” I began. The transformation had sent something different through me. I was feeling feverish and weak, I still couldn’t move. My body continued in its tremors.

  Daniel grabbed my waist and gently lifted me from his body. He moved from underneath me quickly. Daniel reached around and handed me my robe. We covered quickly.

  When the tremors in my body stopped, we headed for the house.

  Once inside I quickly turned to Daniel as he slid the door shut.

  “Okay, so they are at the barn?”

  “Yes. You noticed the scent. I am impressed. How is your back?” He turned to me.

  “Better, the itching has stopped.”

  “That was a close call,” he breathed.

  “I know there were five of them. Then the police?”

  “So they have added three to the pack. What are the police doing here this time of night?”

  “Well, I guess since we were not in the house, and they already had my permission to search the area...” I trailed off into another thought. Turning to Daniel my eyes wide,

  “They know the wolves attack at night.”

  “We need to tell the others.” He said walking toward the front door.

  “Wait a minute! Don’t we need to dress?” I shouted after him.

  “No time! Come on!” The keys were already in his hand.

  I darted off behind him after locking the door securely behind me. Daniel was already in the car and had it running. Fighting with the cloak, I managed to get it in and shut the door. The two police cars were still in the driveway. Daniel drove fast until we reached his house. I glanced down at the clock on the car stereo it was eight-forty-five. He slid the car to a stop in front of their house. We both jumped out of the car and ran for the front door.

  Everyone was in the living room in the same type of cloaks we were wearing. I was still waiting for someone to pull out a light saber. Everyone appeared surprised by our rude entrance. Daniel bolted toward everyone and began running off into a tale of our findings.

  My eyes darted around the room at everyone. I noticed someone was missing from the party.

  “Where’s Casey?” I said looking at Charlotte.

  “She decided she wanted to go to the movies with a friend. This is hard on Casey right now.” Charlotte replied softly.

  “All right then, so there are five total,” Thomas confirmed.

  Daniel nodded.

  “Well, that leaves us what, three days?” Jason tossed in. “We will have to wait then until the full moon and set our trap.”

  Thomas turned to Jason. “These animals are not turning on a full moon.”

  “What?” Jason breathed out in surprise. “You’re kidding, right? They’ve always changed under a full moon.”

  Daniel sat down beside me. “Dad is right. They have been killing at random without a full moon. I cannot be sure, but they must be mutated or something. Anyway, the trap has been set. Our scent should be strong enough for them to trace it back to the meadow. That is where we should wait for them.”

  “All right then, that’s the plan. We can’t kill them until they are in their true form.” Jason observed. “Daniel, you up for this my friend?”

  Daniel nodded and looked toward Thomas. Thomas looked around at everyone and gave a nod. Everyone’s eyes lingered on Heather. She was the smallest one of us all. Jason noticed the concern on everyone’s face. He smiled.

  “If you think for one minute that Heather can’t handle this you are in for a surprise. She is extremely fast and precise. I have never seen anything like it.” He placed his arm around her. A smile crossed her pretty face when she rested her hea
d on his shoulder.

  Suddenly, as if I was next in line everyone’s eyes fell upon me. I felt a sense of a strange sickness in my stomach. Daniel raised his head and noticed everyone’s attention was now on me.

  “ABSOLUTELY NOT!” he roared. “She IS NOT going to fight.”

  “Daniel!” Thomas retorted.

  “NO!” Daniel shot to his feet.

  “She can do it.” Jason threw in.

  “NO! SHE IS NOT GOING!” His rose louder and filled with rage. His eyes darkened clearly showing he was losing it.

  “Okay, let’s be reasonable about this,” I chimed in. “I may not know everything there is to know about this, but doesn’t it take two to take a werewolf down? We have to work as a team. We work together as one, right?” I shot toward Daniel who paced back and forth. Daniel was his father’s son.

  “She’s right Daniel,” Heather said in my defense.

  “No, it is too dangerous!” His eyes were now black as night.

  “Daniel, please calm down,” Charlotte pleaded.

  “It is not that easy!” Daniel shot back at her.

  “Daniel, you and Julie are connected right?” Jason asked.

  Daniel shot Jason a look that said “if looks could kill“. I couldn’t understand the conversation. Daniel stared at Jason for a long moment without saying anything. Suddenly, he turned and headed toward the other end of the house. In the distance, I could hear the door slam. I sat down in the large chair. Still, I realized how much more I had to learn.

  My head dropped to my hands.

  “Julie, it is not your fault,” Charlotte soft voice came closer.

  “I don’t understand any of this. Just when I think I have a clue, there’s something that always seems to change,” I said looking up at her. She could see the hurt in my eyes.

  “I think Daniel’s afraid he can’t control himself,” Jason added.

  “I think you are right, love,” Heather added. “Julie,” she moved beside me. Her small hands took mine and her gentle face looked up into mine.

  “See, there’s a bit more to it than the attraction between the two of you. A connection will begin between the both of you, the bonding. It happens naturally. However, you both have to release your fears for it to happen. I think we all can agree that you both love one another. We can all smell the scent. It is pure. You won’t have anything to worry about.”

  She assured me in a sweet and tender voice.

  “But, how do we make the connection like you are talking about?” Apparently, my question stirred a certain silence in the room.

  “Lass, it takes a certain amount of control on both your parts. It also takes a certain amount of freedom and being open to one another,” Jason stated.

  “I thought that, well, the becoming one part was the solemnized union.”

  “Oh, no. That is something entirely different. No, this happens before then,” Heather stated. “You two have to bond in way that you are one with each other.”

  “Thomas, Jason?” Charlotte said in a soft but firm voice now standing to her feet. “Would you please find my son?”

  Thomas and Jason disappeared in the same direction as Daniel. A few minutes later, they returned with Daniel following. He still looked upset when he walked into the room.

  Charlotte gave him a firm glare that sent chills down my spine.

  “Sit.” She commanded Daniel. Immediately Daniel sat down on the sofa and placed his hands together as he leaned his arms along his knees.

  “You are as stubborn as your Father,” she snapped at him. “This time, I am going to step in.” A new and bolder side of Charlotte that I had never seen before surfaced before everyone’s eyes. “Daniel, I know your Father has talked to you about this. I have mentioned parts of it to Julie already. I know you love her and she loves you.”

  “Mom… ” he tried to cut in. Charlotte snapped her head toward him. Her eyes flared, and he remained silent. We all did.

  “This is her birthright, as is yours. You have to let go son. Look at your Father and me. Jason and Heather. If it is the fight you are worried about then get over it. You both have a destiny. Neither one of you can fulfill it if you cannot become one. Only together can you be undefeated. The laws say you fight as one.”

  “We have been working on it.” Everyone could hear the strain in Daniel’s voice.

  Charlotte looked at Jason and then Thomas. I could tell the irritation in her face. It was even more so apparent in Daniel.

  “So what do we have to do?” I spoke up.

  “There is nothing you can do,” Jason replied looking at Daniel. “It’s all on Daniel boy.”

  Daniel’s eyebrow rose when he looked up at Jason. “So tell me Jason, how do you propose I do this?”

  “Don’t hold back my friend,” Jason retorted.

  “What if we cannot … ” Daniel shook his head.

  “It has always been strength to weakness, son.” Thomas added. “I know it sounds cruel, but that is the way it is done.”

  My mind raced. I looked to Heather for an explanation. She just patted my knee and smiled, assuring me everything was all right. Fear crept its way through me. What are our strengths and weaknesses? I wondered why Daniel was having a hard time with this.

  “Daniel,” Heather broke in. “What if Jason and I are with you and Julie? Would that help?”

  “No offense, but that would be really great!” Daniel said sarcastically.

  I felt so helpless not understanding what they were discussing. The thought of coming to Daniel’s rescue was out the question. Still I wanted to try. The conversation was made me feel like I was in the back seat of a car and had no idea of where I was going.

  Daniel was frustrated. My heart sank to the pit of my stomach. My thoughts ran back to earlier when we were in the woods running. Remembering the thoughts in my mind about what Daniel saw. I glanced toward him and back to Heather.

  “Okay,” I took a deep breath. “Earlier, when Daniel and I ran through the woods, I connected to the visions in his eyes. It was as if I saw through his eyes.” I paused and waited for anyone to jump in. Surely, that would count for something, I thought.

  Charlotte looked at Daniel and then Thomas. Thomas leaned forward and looked at Daniel.

  “Did you feel her heart?” Thomas inquired.

  Daniel looked down at the floor for a moment then his eyes slowly met mine. We held our eyes together for a long moment. He slowly looked back at Thomas.

  “I am not totally sure.” He spoke softly and calmly. For the first time I could see a type of regret in Daniel. I wasn’t sure of the circumstances for his feelings.

  “It’ll happen and soon.” Heather smiled looking at Daniel. I was particularly sure that everyone had noticed what he felt.

  “Well, I don’t know about anyone else, but I’m tired. I’ve had an interesting night tonight.” It was the truth. I was exhausted. My body felt tired and weak.

  “She is right. We have all had a long day.” Daniel followed. Standing up he walked over to me. “I am sure we will have this together by Sunday.”

  Standing, my body felt a little stiff. My hand went to his arm, where he leaned down and helped me out of the chair. Charlotte’s mouth flew open and her eyes were wide.

  “Wait!” She shouted and then took off up the stairs.

  A couple of minutes went by, and she raced back down the stairs with a pill bottle. “Here, you are going to need this. Take two tonight and one when you wake up in the morning.” She said handing me the bottle.

  “What is it?” I looked at the label and didn’t recognize the name.

  “You probably won’t be able to move in the morning. Always after the first time of transformation your body starts healing itself. Your muscles and joints will be sore and you will not be able to walk for at least a day. The pain is excruciating. So do not plan on doing anything tomorrow but staying in the bed. Friday you will be fine.”

  “You mean I’m not going to be able to get out o
f the bed in the morning?” Disbelief clouded my mind. I looked from Charlotte to Daniel.

  “It is okay. I will be there for you. I am not planning to go anywhere,” Daniel said softly.

  The new exciting life I looked forward to was about to have its first drawback. I would be totally dependent on Daniel tomorrow. We might as well be married. He was going to have to take care of me like a geriatric patient. A few moments ago, I would have thought that I’d experienced the most embarrassing moment in my life when the police officer shined the flashlight on Daniel and me lying nude in the woods. The perfectly choreographed falsified sex scene in the woods, directed by Daniel should have been enough to last for quite a few years.

  The visions of him helping me in and out of bed, walking down the stairs, and even to the bathroom shuddered my thoughts. Just for one day, I would be an invalid.

  Wondering if I was going to be incontinent was another thing; I felt a cold chill run down my spine. Surely, it wasn’t going to be that bad. I was indulging in my own psychopathic delusions again. Tomorrow I would just be a little sore and stiff. There would be no need for Daniel to cater to me. I would be fine.


  There is a certain time between dreaming and just before you awake. It is a level of consciousness, where your body is still asleep but your mind is fully aware of everything around you. Then you drift back into a dreamlike state and awaken, fully aware of what has happened in this new state of mind.

  My eyes opened and I stared at the ceiling of my bedroom. Laying in silence, I allowed my mind to wander back to the moment before my eyes opened. I could sense everything in the room, including Daniel’s presence when he tiptoed softly in to check on me. I even recognize the clothes he wore. This must be something new that had to do with being a Lycan. One thing that I definitely was aware of, I was changing.

  Stretching my arms over my head, the muscles in my back ached and screamed at me for the extra stress I added on them. Quickly, I brought my arms down to my chest and wrenched in pain. My shoulder muscles and arm joints ached as if someone had disjointed me. Afraid to move my legs, I took a deep breath and pulled the covers back. So far so good. I moved my legs slowly to the side of the bed and rose to a sitting position. The muscles in my sides and stomach didn’t agree with my brain at what I had just done. I fell back on my back. Working my way back up onto the pillows, I managed to sit up on the side of the bed.


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