Awakening (Telindell Book 1)

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Awakening (Telindell Book 1) Page 11

by Darren Lee

  The guard let out a deep breath. “I… I suppose the Lord would be inclined to hear what you have to say.”

  The female guard slapped the male’s shoulder and shouted, “What? I can’t believe you’re going for this slut’s horse shit!”

  The male guard pushed the female away and shouted, “Quiet! I make the decisions here.” He looked up to the ramparts and shouted, “Open the gate! The lord has a guest!”

  Roxees smiled at the guard. “Thank you ever so much, kind sir.”

  The gate slowly rose and the male guard led Roxees through the castle’s entrance. Elegant stone walls and drapery of the finest silk, also bearing Kynlynn’s insignia, made up the interior the castle. They walked through a hallway that opened up into a large throne room. Large windows lined the walls filling the room with light. At the end of the room sat the lord upon his elegantly crafted wooden throne. In front of him stood several members of his court, made up of men and women who were advisors to the lord.

  The guard lowered his head and brought his right arm across his chest. “My lord.”

  Members of Draken’s court separated and revealed the man upon the throne to be a muscular man with shaggy black hair and a thick beard. He wore elegant black robes that were trimmed with golden stitching along the seams.

  Draken looked upon the guard and Roxees with his cruel brown eyes. “What is it?”

  The guard looked up to Draken. “This young lady brings news of the dragon attacks.”

  Draken sighed and nodded. “Very well, leave us.”

  The guard nodded. “Yes, my lord.”

  Draken pointed at Roxees. “You, lass, approach me.”

  Roxees quietly approached, her wavy black hair swaying behind her. She smiled and revealed her flawless teeth. Her blue eyes stared deeply into Draken’s brown eyes as she drew closer.

  Roxees reached the lord and bowed slowly before him. She paused to give Draken ample time to peer at her cleavage. “Lord Tieren Draken, I am honored to bow before you.” Roxees slowly rose to her feet.

  Draken stared at the woman, most impressed with her beauty. “I assure you, the honor is mine.”

  Roxees smiled. “My Lord, you are far too kind.”

  Draken smiled. “What news do you bring?”

  “Dreadful news of the dragon attacks, my lord,” said Roxees. “I know who is to blame.”

  Draken raised an eyebrow. “Please, continue.”

  “I have reason to believe that the Elves are behind it,” said Roxees.

  Draken chuckled and crossed his arms. “Elves? At best, they are extinct. Most likely a myth with no truth to it. What reasons do you have for suggesting such a thing?”

  “My lord, I have seen the dragon. It is not a real dragon,” said Roxees. “But a beast constructed of very old magic. The kind of which only the Elves possess.”

  Draken glared and shook his head. “Magic? A fairytale for children!”

  “A fairytale?” asked Roxees. “Then am I correct to assume you do not have a mage or sorceress in your court?”

  Draken gritted his teeth. “Elves? Magical dragons? Mages and sorceresses? Choose your next words carefully. I will not entertain any more of this nonsense.”

  Roxees smiled and bowed once again. “My lord, I would volunteer my services as your sorceress, if I may.”

  Draken laughed, as well as his court. “This lass has lost her mind!” Draken stood and shouted, “Guards! Toss her out!”

  Roxees glared at Draken, clutched her staff, and shouted, “Do not ridicule my power with your laughter!”

  Draken chuckled. “Power? My dear, I’m afraid those supple tits don’t give you any power over me. Now, get out before I have your head!”

  Roxees snarled as her eyes began to glow red. She tapped her staff against the ground amidst the laughter echoing through the throne room. The court members began to cough and gag. They all grasped their throats as they fell over, jerking on the ground. One by one, they succumbed to death as roaches, beetles, and worms began crawling from their mouths, noses and ears. The lord looked on in horror, speechless.

  Roxees looked at Draken and smirked. “Do you still doubt my power? Or shall I have rats eat your intestines while you are still alive?”

  Draken’s eyes widened. “No… No, that will not be necessary.”

  “I thought as much.” said Roxees.

  “How do you know about this dragon and the Elves?” asked Draken.

  “My lord, I have not seen the Elves,” said Roxees. “Nor has anyone for a thousand years. The Elves were vastly powerful with magic. Only they could conjure such a creature.”

  “Can you not defeat it?” said Draken. “You just proved yourself a sorceress.”

  Roxees nodded. “Indeed I am, but this a creature of very old, very powerful magic. I alone cannot defeat it.”

  “What would you have me do?” asked Draken.

  Roxees gave him a seductive smile. “Does this mean I am now your court sorceress?”

  Draken returned her smile. “My dear, that means you can be anything of mine you want if you help me resolve this dragon issue.”

  Roxees winked at Draken. “Court sorceress will do… for now.”

  “Very well, what do you suggest?” asked Draken.

  “I suggest you have someone show me to my quarters. I am dreadfully tired. It has been such a long journey,” said Roxees.

  “Of course. We shall continue our engagement first thing in the morning,” said Draken. He stood and took Roxees’ arm in his and walked her to a doorway across the room from his throne.

  Draken opened the sturdy wooden door and shouted down the corridor. “Sarath! Come girl! I have a task for you!”

  The pitter patter of scurrying feet was heard. A girl of about eleven years old appeared in front of the two. Her long, dirty blonde hair hung just past her shoulders.

  Sarath looked up at the two with her deep green eyes and spoke with a light, innocent voice. “Yes, my lord, what is it?”

  “Take Lady…” Draken looked to Roxees. “It has occurred to me that I have not yet asked your name?”

  “Lady Roxees will be sufficient,” she replied. She then kneeled down to Sarath. “You are such a pretty little thing. Is this your father?”

  “I am not her father. This is my son’s plaything.” said Draken. “Don’t encourage her to be anything more. She is often useful, however.” Draken looked to Sarath. “Now, take Lady Roxees to the guest quarters atop the western tower.”

  “I see,” said Roxees. “Well then, shall we go, Sarath?”

  “Yes, Lady Roxees. This way.” said Sarath.

  She led Roxees through the castle to the top of one of its many towers. They entered an elegantly decorated room with a large canopy bed.

  Roxees looked around the room. “This will do nicely.” Roxees then looked to the young girl. “Thank you, little plaything.”

  Sarath gave a slight, seemingly forced smile. “You’re welcome, Lady Roxees. Will that be all?”

  “Yes, my dear. Now, run along.”

  Sarath exited the room and closed the door behind her. Roxees walked over to her large bed.

  She fidgeted at her dress. “So restrictive.”

  Her amulet began to glow once again as her dress vanished, leaving her body completely exposed. Roxees looked down at her body. She groped her breasts and ran her fingers across her smooth skin.

  Roxees sighed. “How I do miss the body of a lesser human, such beautiful skin. I suppose being nearly all powerful comes at a cost.”

  Roxees turned and walked to the other side of the room, where an open doorway was located. She walked out onto a balcony overlooking the town and the lands in the distance.

  Roxees laughed. “This will all be mine.”

  Roxees felt the wind caress her body as she returned inside.

  She lay down upon the bed. “After days of eating and killing these pathetic people, a lady does need her beauty sleep.”

  Roxees closed her
eyes and drifted off to sleep.

  Dawn’s light began to shine into Roxees chamber.

  A guard burst through the door. “The Lord…” The guard lost his speech as he was struck by the sight of Roxees’ nude body. She rolled onto her side facing the guard and slightly rose up. She seductively ran her fingers across her breasts then down her side, finally resting her hand upon her hip.

  Roxees bit her lip. “What does the lord require of me?”

  The guard stuttered, “He… he requires you at court within the hour.”

  Roxees rolled her eyes. “Very well. Now, be gone if that is all,” Roxees said sternly. “Your eyes do not deserve such a treat.”

  “Uh… yes, my lady. My apologies,” said the guard before he turned and left.

  Roxees chuckled a bit. “Men, so easily commanded.”

  Roxees stood. “Now, I can’t go to court looking like this.” She looked down at her nude body. “But I’ll be damned if I get back in that dress again.”

  Roxees picked up her staff as her amulet began to glow. Black silk cloth wrapped her breasts tightly and left the upper part of her chest exposed. Straps climbed up her shoulders with a long black silk cape that draped over her back. Cloth wrapped her groin area tightly like undergarments. Her staff then changed from gold to black.

  Roxees smiled. “Now this is more suiting of me. What good is this beautiful smooth skin if you don’t show any of it?”

  Roxees proceeded to the throne room. Other than guards, the only three present were Lord Draken, his wife Ellana, and his son Arthur. Roxees approached the throne where Lord Draken was sitting with his wife and son standing around him.

  “My lord, you summoned me?” said Roxees.

  Draken eyed Roxees’ revealing attire closely. “Uh, yes, I did.”

  Ellana glared at Roxees. “This is the ‘Sorceress’ you speak of? Looks more like a slut seeking attention from those who are her betters if you ask me.”

  Draken quickly looked to Ellana. “Watch your tongue, woman. She is more powerful than all my royal guard combined.”

  Arthur looked at Roxees and grinned. “Aye, with tits like those, she must be real powerful.”

  Roxees looked to Arthur, a boy of fourteen. His face was crude at best, along with crooked and discolored teeth. The boy was repulsive.

  Roxees leaned in closely to Arthur. “How old are you, boy?”

  “Fourteen. Not that it is any concern of yours,” said Arthur.

  Roxees smiled. “Fourteen? It would be such a shame to cut your life short. How about a spell that will turn your bones brittle and have them all snap at once, leaving you in agonizing pain until you finally die a few hours later?”

  “How dare you?” shouted Ellana. “I will not tolerate threats upon our son!”

  Roxees looked to the plain blonde haired and brown eyed woman. “How would you like to suffer the same fate?”

  “Enough! All of you!” said Draken. “There is no need for more bloodshed. Ellana, take Arthur and leave us. We will conduct our business without you.”

  Ellana looked to Draken with spite. “Come Arthur, let us go.”

  Roxees smiled and bowed to Draken’s wife and son. “I wish you both a lovely day.”

  Ellana and Arthur left the throne room with haste.

  Draken motioned for Roxees to come closer. “Now, shall we continue our conversation from yesterday?”

  Roxees smiled and stepped to Draken. “Of course, my lord.” She placed her hand on his thigh and bit her lip. “May I?”

  Draken took a deep breath. “Why… of course.”

  Roxees slowly sat upon his lap. “Thank you, my lord.”

  “Now, I ask again, what would you advise?”

  Roxees lightly traced her fingers down Draken’s face. “Some wine first, shall we?”

  “Of course,” said Draken.

  Roxees smiled. “Sarath!”

  A few moments later the young girl burst into the throne room. “Yes? What may I do for you?”

  “Fetch us two large glasses of our finest wine!” said Roxees.

  “Yes, my Lady!” said Sarath.

  Sarath quickly left the room.

  Roxees turned and wrapped her arm around Draken. “I know I’ve only been here one night, but I hope you don’t mind me having the run of the place.” She smiled and leaned in closer with her breasts near Draken’s face.

  Draken took a deep breath. “No… of course not.”

  “Good. I’m glad we see eye to eye,” said Roxees. She leaned her head to Draken’s ear and whispered, “I hope your wife doesn’t have a problem with me.”

  Draken took another deep breath and stumbled on his words, “No… no, I’m sure she won’t.”

  Sarath returned as Roxees leaned back up. Sarath handed them the wine, and Roxees motioned for the girl to approach her.

  Roxees leaned in to her ear and whispered, “Leave us. Go entertain Arthur. You are his plaything.”

  “Entertain him? How?” asked Sarath.

  Roxees leaned away from her and shouted, “Play with his cock for all I care, just leave us. Now!”

  Sarath’s eyes widened in shock. She nodded and ran off after Arthur. Roxees put the glass to her plump red lips and sipped the wine.

  She leaned in close to Draken. “Now, where were we?”

  Draken placed his hand on her bare thigh and squeezed it. “I believe we have some matters to discuss.”

  Roxees leaned into Draken, her lips drawing closer to his. “Indeed we do.” Just before her lips touched his, she stood and walked away. Roxees turned and faced Draken. “We must petition the King.”

  “Uhh… Petition the King? What for?” said Draken.

  “To gather your collective forces. We must scour the region for the Elves. They can’t be far away with the dragon attacks,” said Roxees.

  Draken stood. “Yes, that makes sense. I’ll ready an armed escort, and we will set off at once.”

  “We?” asked Roxees.

  “Yes, ‘we’. The King will not believe me unless he sees your power for himself. Elves and magic are naught but stories. Maybe one thousand years ago it was common, as you said, but not in today’s world.”

  Roxees smiled and bit her lip. “Surely there is no need for me to accompany you. The King would not dismiss a claim from someone with your significance.”

  “Maybe you are right. I shall ride immediately. I trust you will be most comfortable here with our servants,” said Draken.

  “I trust I shall be. Now is that all my lord requires of me?” asked Roxees.

  “Yes, yes, Lady Roxees. You may go now,” said Draken.

  Roxees smiled and bowed. “Thank you, my Lord Draken.” Roxees left the throne room and began making her way to her chambers. “Putty in my hands already. Arthur was right, with great tits comes great power.” Roxees laughed at her words. She entered her chamber and walked onto the balcony, sipping her wine patiently as she watched for the Lord’s ensemble to leave the castle.

  The afternoon sun beamed down upon Roxees while she watched Draken and a compliment of soldiers ride from the castle. “Well, let’s go then.”

  Roxees climbed upon the balcony railing. Her amulet began to glow as she leapt into the air. Her skin turned to feathers as she glided through the air, morphing into a crow. Roxees took flight above Draken and his guards and followed them as they rode all through the night. Dawn began to approach just as the King’s castle could be seen in the distance at the eastern edge of Kynlynn.

  “There it is,” she thought.

  Roxees eyes glowed red as her wings began to grow. She shed her feathers and replaced them with scales. Roxees let out a shriek as she assumed the form of the black dragon. She swooped down over Draken. Their horses became startled and reared. Roxees turned in the air and hovered in front of them. She roared and set the ground ablaze. The soldiers drew their bows and began shooting at the terrifying dragon. The arrows ricocheted off Roxees hardened scales. She turned and began flying towa
rd the King’s castle.

  Draken pointed at the castle and shouted, “The castle! It is going after the castle!”

  “That’s right. I’m impressed,” thought Roxees.

  Roxees approached the castle swiftly. Bells rang and alerted the soldiers within the castle. Roxees soared over the castle walls, roaring. She flew higher into the air. She tucked her wings and dove towards the courtyard. Roxees spewed fire upon the castle and all those within it. She landed in the courtyard as she shrieked once again. Soldiers quickly surrounded the dragon. Roxees swatted at the soldiers with her claws. They began shooting arrows at her.

  Roxees let out a shriek and staggered against the walls of the castle. “That’s right, you’re hurting me. Keep it up,” she thought. She let out another shriek and took the air. She circled the castle before setting her eyes upon a tower. Roxees flew to the tower and latched her claws onto the stone. She flapped her wings violently as she shrieked. The tower began to break and crumble as she ripped the top of it from the castle. She let go of the tower and showered stone upon the courtyard that crushed all in its wake. Roxees let out a shriek and retreated from the castle as Draken and his soldiers were closing in on the gates.

  “Excellent. Now, the King will think I’m a real threat,” thought Roxees. “He will also think they can defeat me since I let them believe they hurt me. Now, back to that lovely bed.”

  Roxees flew toward the horizon back to Draken’s castle. She reached the castle in the late evening, morphing back into a crow as she drew closer. She flew across the balcony and into her chambers, where she shifted back into her nude human form and landed gracefully on the bed.

  Roxees sprawled out and rubbed her hands all across her body. “My, my, my. That was fun. Now, we wait.”

  Two days passed before Draken returned to the castle. He burst into Roxees’ chamber to see her lying on her back naked.

  “My apologies,” said Draken. He turned away. “I’ll return when you have dressed.”

  Roxees raised herself up and smiled at him. “Nonsense, stay.”

  “As you wish.” said Draken.

  Roxees rolled toward Draken and propped herself upon her arm. “Come, sit next to me.”


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