Awakening (Telindell Book 1)

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Awakening (Telindell Book 1) Page 29

by Darren Lee

  Elinar nodded and motioned for Alisia to go. They climbed the ladder slowly and quietly. Elinar and Alisia peered at the magic wielders when they reached the ramparts. A Vortex of magical energy sprang from each of their hands and shot into the air. At the end of that vortex was the illusion that hid Alinshahar, The Sea of Transcendence. Elinar looked to Alisia and nodded as he pulled an arrow from his quiver. Alisia nodded and materialized her light bow once again. Elinar and Alisia pulled the strings back. They took aim at the two farthest magic wielders from their position. Their strings snapped in unison as they released their arrows. Magic wielders turned their heads to the sound of the arrows whizzing by. The arrows struck the legs of their targets and caused them to cry out in pain as they fell to the rampart floor. Elinar and Alisia looked to the illusion. It shuddered, but ultimately remained projected.

  A mage turned his head and looked to Alisia. His black hair blew in the wind created by the magical vortex he was emitting. “Command Sorceress. A pleasure.”

  Alisia glared upon the elf. “You!”

  Elinar looked to the illusion. “Why hasn’t it faded?”

  “Yes, me,” said the elf. “Newly appointed Command Mage Ajilos. After your defection, Alisia, we thought you may come here. We doubled rotations.”

  Elinar glared upon Ajilos and glanced to Alisia. “So much for that plan…

  Alisia snarled and shouted, “You must listen to reason! Adanna has betrayed us. He values politics and control more than his own people!”

  Elinar pointed to Ajilos and shouted, “Listen to her! She has seen the Councilor’s traitorous ways first hand!”

  Ajilos snarled at the two. “All I see is two traitors. The son of a man forever shadowed by his past glories, who thought himself above the law… and a woman whose sympathies got the better of her.”

  Alisia looked to the other Elves and pleaded, “Are there none of you who will listen?”

  The Elves looked to Alisia and Elinar. They glared and looked back to the illusion they worked so hard to protect.

  Elinar looked to Alisia. “They have chosen their side.”

  Alisia frowned and dropped her head. “So they have…”

  Ajilos sneered towards the two. “Indeed they have.”

  Alisia let out a scream and charged Ajilos. Elinar’s eyes widened, and he quickly reached for an arrow. Alisia collided with Ajilos and took him to the ground. Elinar released arrow after arrow toward the magic wielders while Alisia and Ajilos struggled. A few magic wielders dropped their projections and began returning fire at Elinar. Elinar evaded a variety of magical attacks. Small balls of hellfire whizzed past him, as well as magical arrows similar to Alisia’s. Elinar now saw only two magic wielders projecting the illusion. The power required of the two was weighing heavily on them. Elinar pulled an arrow from his quiver. He began running toward the nearest one. Elinar leapt over Alisia and Ajilos, who struck blow and blow upon one another. A sorceress shifted her eyes to see the approaching Elinar.

  Elinar leapt toward the sorceress and screamed, “Forgive me, sister!”

  Elinar thrust the arrow into her neck before crashing to the ground and rolling along the ramparts. He quickly rose up and saw that the illusion was in total disarray. The magic wielders paused and looked at the magical chaos in the distance. Alisia and Ajilos stopped their conflict. Alisia stood and ran to Elinar’s side, wiping blood from her face.

  The last magic wielder sustaining the illusion screamed, “I must… I must… I must hold it!”

  Ajilos struggled to stand and reached out toward him. “No!”

  Alisia’s eyes widened. They all watched as bright light overtook the mage. Light burst forth from his mouth, eyes, and ears while he screamed.

  Alisia’s mouth dropped open, and she stared on in horror. “Oh, no…” Alisia grabbed Elinar and dove from the ramparts. The magic wielder erupted into a massive explosion. Moments later, Elinar and Alisia emerged from the rubble. They looked on to see the gates and city wall completely obliterated. The illusion had faded, and they could see the rolling hills just outside of Alinshahar.

  Elinar clutched his side. “It’s gone.

  Alisia dusted the rubble and debris from her armor. “We almost went with it.”

  The two heard some shifting rubble. Ajilos and two mages had survived the destruction as well. Ajilos stared at the two and shouted, “I think you may yet join it! You may have succeeded in destroying the illusion, but now you are injured. Alisia is too weak to put up any sort of fight. You are at my mercy.” Ajilos glared at the two and held out his palm towards them. “I assure you, there won’t be any!”

  A loud roar echoed through the sky. Elinar looked up, and his eyes widened at what he saw. “It… can’t be?”

  Chapter 27: Timely Reunion

  Shinaugra soared over the forest north of the Elven outpost where Lian had spent a good deal of his life. Lian looked at the thick trees covering the landscape. He pointed down at it. “Forest.” Lian said.

  Sarath looked down at the forest. “Forest… You mean the forest?”

  “Yes,” he said. “I grew up just south of here.”

  “It’s beautiful here,” she said.

  Lian nodded. “It is.

  Sarath glanced over Lian’s shoulder into the distance. “How much farther to Alinsha… whatever you call it?”

  “Alinshahar,” he said. “I don’t know. I’ve never been.”

  Sarath watched as the forest faded away into rolling hills. “Great. So instead of wandering around looking for a city, we’re flying around.”

  Shinaugra snorted. “I know the way.”

  Sarath patted Shinaugra’s back. “At least someone does!”

  The dragon flew with great speed as they closed in on their destination.

  In the distance Shinaugra saw a large sea. “This is odd.”

  Lian glanced back to Sarath. “What is it?”

  Shinaugra snorted and roared. “This body of water. It is not meant to be here.”

  Sarath looked at the sea. “What?”

  “Alinshahar is meant to be where the water begins,” said Shinaugra.

  Lian watched as they drew closer to the sea. Shinaugra flapped his wings and came to a halt. A violent flash of light emerged from the sea, followed by a large explosion. Lian watched as the sea shimmered and vanished.

  Shinaugra slowly approached the explosion. “Hidden.”

  Sarath watched the explosion fade. “Hidden?”

  “By magic,” said Shinaugra.

  Sarath shook her head. “I’m really starting to hate magic.”

  Lian looked back to Sarath. “That makes two of us.”

  Sarath laughed. “You’re practically walking magic. You can’t hate yourself.”

  “So, you’re starting to hate me?” he asked.

  Sarath shook her head, laughing. “I guess magic isn’t all bad.”

  Lian looked on to see the city walls in ruin, with smoke rising from the center of the city. “What’s going on?”

  “They’re your friends,” she said, “but it doesn’t look good.”

  Lian stared at the ruined walls. “Agreed.” He saw elves emerge from the rubble. “Shinaugra, get closer to them!”

  Shinaugra snorted and flew toward the crumbled city wall.

  Lian watched with great attention as the Elves became more clearly visible. “It’s Elinar! Looks like he’s in trouble!”

  Sarath looked to the Elves upon the ground. “Well, save the day! That’s what you’re good at!”

  Shinaugra approached the Elves with great speed. Lian could see Elinar standing injured next to Alisia. Shinaugra let out a terrifying roar as he approached Ajilos and his two surviving mages. Shinaugra released Kane from his claws. The black wolf flew through the air toward one of the mages. Kane collided with the mage, causing him to crash to the ground. Elinar and Alisia looked to the wolf, then back to the quickly approaching dragon. The second mage raised his hand. Before he could summon any magic,
Shinaugra reached forth and clutched the mage in his deadly claws. He flew between the buildings, grinding the mage’s body against the stones. Elinar watched as Kane ripped out the mage’s throat. Shinaugra turned and flew back toward Ajilos. The mighty dragon’s claws smashed against the ground as he came to a stop just in front of Ajilos. Ajilos looked into the dragon’s green shimmering eyes, his large muzzle only inches from Ajilos’ face.

  Ajilos trembled as he took a step back and muttered, “A dragon… here?”

  Shinaugra roared loudly. The glow of fire could be seen deep within Shinaugra’s throat. Flames erupted and engulfed Ajilos. Shinaugra snapped his mouth shut and backed away. Elinar and Alisia looked in horror at the charred remains of what was once Ajilos. His body crumbled to ash before their eyes. Alisia looked up to see Lian and Sarath looking down while Kane trotted toward Elinar.

  Alisia looked at the dragon, then glanced to Lian and Sarath before managing to ask, “Friends of yours?”

  Elinar reached out and greeted Kane with a pat on the head. He then looked up to Lian in disbelief. “I can’t believe it!”

  Sarath looked down with a smirk. “Which part? The part about the dragon? The part about us flying in and saving the day? Oh, I know, the part about Lian having such a pretty girlfriend!”

  Elinar chuckled and looked to Alisia, who seemed to be in total disbelief. Elinar laughed. “All of it!” He looked to Lian. “It is good to see you, my friend!”

  Lian smiled. “Likewise! What’s going on? This place looks like a war zone from the sky!”

  Alisia nodded and shouted, “It is! We are at war with ourselves!”

  Sarath rolled her eyes and shouted, “Well, that’s just wonderful! We need an army and here you pointy-eared people are fighting with each other!”

  “An army?” said Elinar. “What has happened, Lian?”

  “Nothing good,” he said. “Where is your father?”

  “He’s leading the battle in the city,” he said.

  Lian smirked. “Well, let’s give him some reinforcement!”

  Shinaugra turned his head to Elinar and Alisia. “Get on!”

  Alisia’s eyes widened, and she stumbled back. “It… It talks…”

  Sarath motioned them on. “Yes, it talks. Now, come on!”

  Sarath and Lian reached down and helped them up. Shinaugra grasped Kane once again and took to the sky.

  Lian looked back to Elinar. “What of Teelia?”

  “She leads the battle with my father,” he said.

  “What?” said Lian. “Shouldn’t she be caring for your child?”

  Elinar dropped his head. “That is why this war started. Councilor Adanna murdered my daughter only moments after her birth.”

  Sarath turned her head back to Elinar with a disgusted look. “That’s horrible! I’m going to kill him for you!”

  Elinar nodded. “I appreciate the sentiment, but his death will be at the hands of Teelia and myself.”

  “Can I at least kick him first?” she said. “Oh, I know, I’ll cut his his lower region off…” Sarath glanced back. “You Elves do have those… don’t you?”

  Elinar shook his head. “Lian, where did you find her?”

  Sarath gasped. “What is that supposed to mean?”

  Elinar chuckled a bit. “Nothing. I like your spirit.”

  Sarath rolled her eyes. “Thanks, I think.”

  Shinaugra drew close to the city square. The towering buildings all around the square had been reduced to rubble. Elves fought viciously below them.

  Elinar saw Oryn and Teelia fighting side by side as fire rained down around them. He pointed toward them and shouted, “There is Teelia and my father! Those magic wielders need to be stopped. Adanna will have them kill everybody!”

  Shinaugra dived towards the square and shouted, “I fear no magic!”

  Oryn slew the foe in front of him just as Shinaugra’s shadow began to darken the battlefield. He looked up to see the mighty dragon and shouted, “By Elintae!” He looked over to Teelia. “Teelia! Get Down!”

  Teelia looked up to see the dragon diving closer to the ongoing battle. Her eyes widened as she jumped back. Shinaugra flew through the square mere inches above the heads of the fighting Elves. He let out a vicious roar and turned to face the magic wielders entrenched along the Council Chamber stairs. The Elves looked on in shock and disbelief. Shinaugra opened his mouth and rained down fire upon them. Screams of pain and agony filled the square.

  Elinar looked down to Oryn and screamed, “Father!”

  Teelia looked up to see Elinar upon the dragon’s back. “Elinar!”

  Oryn turned to his troops and screamed, “The dragon fights with us! We end this now!”

  Lian smacked Shinaugra’s back. “Shinaugra!”

  “Yes, master,” he said.

  “Elinar is hurt, and I fear it is too dangerous for the others,” he said. “Take them to the rear of the battle.” Lian stood atop Shinaugra’s back. “I’m ending this conflict.”

  Sarath grabbed Lian’s leg. “Wait. You aren’t really going to…” Lian smiled and jumped from the dragon while drawing his sword. Sarath sighed. “Why am I not surprised?”

  Alisia watched Lian jump. “He’s going to get himself killed!”

  Sarath glanced back with a smirk. “Doubt it. Shinaugra here didn’t just volunteer his services.”

  Lian’s eyes and hair began to glow once again. The blade ignited into a crimson glow as he prepared to make his landing. Shinaugra turned and retreated from the battle with his passengers. Lian let out a scream as he came to a stop in midair just before touching the ground. He stepped down while red lightning circulated around his body. Oryn looked on in shock. Elves on both sides paused their conflicts to stare upon the mysterious warrior now standing before them. Oryn slowly approached Lian.

  Lian glanced towards Oryn and spoke with deepened voice. “Are you Elinar’s father?”

  Oryn lowered his sword. “I am.”

  Teelia’s mouth trembled as she looked upon Lian. “Lian… is that… is that you?”

  Lian glanced towards Teelia with a slight smirk. “Yes.”

  “Lian Telindell,” said Oryn. “Your timing is… most fortunate.”

  Lian looked to Oryn, then to the surrounding Elves. His eyes lit on each and every one of them as he shouted, “I came here seeking an army! As I grew up, I heard stories of how powerful the Elves once were.” He looked to Oryn just as Councilor Adanna emerged from the Council Chamber and approached the battlefield. “Instead, I find a people at war with themselves! You would rather fight amongst yourselves than march forth toward the growing threat that the entire world now faces?”

  Oryn approached Lian and looked upon the mighty warrior with amazement. “We did not wish this war. They murdered my granddaughter.”

  “I know,” he said. “The one responsible will pay.”

  Adanna slowly entered the square and shouted, “I am no murderer! I did what was necessary to protect our people from the outside world!”

  Teelia closed her eyes tightly, snarling. “You murdered my daughter to keep the Elves in seclusion! Despite her birth and the people’s want… no… need to expand and have families, we simply have no choice!” Teelia pointed to Lian. “This is the descendent of Lianus Telindell, the warrior of the past that we tell heroic tales of! His appearance is all the proof we need that the world faces doom once more!”

  Adanna stared at Lian and shook his head while he shouted, “Even if it is true, is it not better to stay in seclusion and let the threat pass? Or is it best to march off to war… to our deaths!”

  Lian slowly shook his head. “You think you can hide? As we speak, the people of Kynlynn have been rounded up and are being corrupted. All of them.” Lian pointed to Adanna. “They will find you. If you… If we do not act, we will not stand a chance.”

  Oryn looked to Adanna. “He is right! Adanna, end this madness!”

  Adanna shook his head quickly. “I’ll do no such thin
g! Our best chance is seclusion!”

  Lian took a step back and gripped his sword with both hands, crouching into a fighting stance. He glared at Adanna. “If you decide to continue… I will kill every last one of you.”

  Adanna’s eyes widened. He turned to see a mage standing amongst his paused forces. Adanna ran to the mage and grabbed him. “Fire! Take him out!”

  The mage extended his palm. “Yes, Councilor!”

  Lian lowered the sword and stood straight. “Foolish.”

  The mage strained to form a blue glowing orb in the palm of his hand. Lightning formed and circulated around it. The mage let out a scream and shot the orb of magical energy toward Lian. It traveled at blinding speed and left a trail of blue light in its wake. Lian held up his left hand. The orb made contact with his hand with a flash. Lian raised his arm and deflected the orb into the sky. It disappeared amidst the clouds and exploded.

  Oryn looked upon the explosion. “That… That would have killed nearly everyone in the square.”

  The mage fell over from exhaustion while Adanna stared at Lian in shock.

  Lian glared at Adanna and pulled his sword to his side, gripping it tightly. He prepared to charge. “I warned you.”

  The skies darkened suddenly. Thunder cracked overhead, and a green glow began to line the clouds. A green bolt of lightning struck the center of the square. Elintae emerged from the light. She faced Adanna and his forces with fury burning in her eyes.

  Oryn dropped his sword. “Elintae… She has returned…”

  Sarath and Kane made their way through the crowd of Elven warriors while Elinar and Alisia followed closely behind. Elinar ran to Teelia, clutching his side tightly.

  Teelia embraced Elinar. “You’re hurt!” she said.

  Elinar smiled. “Not as bad as it could have been. Lian showed up just in time.”

  Sarath approached the two. “And made quite the entrance.”

  Teelia glanced at Sarath. “Who’s this?”

  “This is Sarath,” he said. “She’s with Lian.”

  Teelia released Elinar and looked to Sarath. “With Lian?”

  Sarath smirked. “It’s exactly what it sounds like.”

  The group then looked upon Elintae, who remained silent for the moment. Elintae’s eyes began to glow a bright green. Thunder cracked and carried her voice as she spoke, “How dare you! I deliver unto you my champion… Zaneen’s champion! You dispute it! You wage war upon yourselves when your very existence is at stake!”


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