Thunder In Her Body

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Thunder In Her Body Page 15

by C. B. Stanton

  “Maybe…maybe you don’t need to…,” and his voice trailed off.

  “I’ll call you tonight when I climb into bed. We can lie down together this way, Ok?”

  “Ok,” he said.

  “I love you Mr. Snowdown,” she said softly.

  “I love you, too, Lynn,” he replied.

  She did call him, around midnight Austin time. They talked in hushed, intimate tones. Sometimes they just breathed together. She ached for him. He needed her. Thirty-nine more hours was all he had to wait.

  HER SEMINAR WAS A ONE-DAY event, but each one required hours of preparation. She called the training coordinator for the City/County complex to ensure that the facility would be open no later than 7:30 on Monday so she could get in there and get set up. It would. Then she went into high gear. There would be 27 participants for this class. She needed more copies of her training materials. Off to Kinkos she dashed. Bound and ready, she packed the additional training manuals into her training materials box. She counted highlighters, pens, pencils, other supplies and reviewed her digital slides. Yes, she had enough other handouts and yes, she would need a pre-printed DHL shipping form. That was Saturday night.

  On Sunday, she was up by 6:30. She threw a load of clothes in the washer, dried the load that had sat in the dryer over night, cleaned up all the scraps and mess from her training materials, sorted through her mail, paid the bills that had come while she was gone and went to the drive-through postal station to mail her bills. Then she started packing. She laid out a suit and blouse to wear on Monday, called her daughters to update her on the trip back to New Mexico, and cleared out her emails (there were 236!). She chatted with her sister, then briefly with her mother. Around 7 pm she flopped onto the couch to watch ABC’s Extreme Home Makeover. After that, she had a long conversation with Blaze. Before she went to bed, she washed and conditioned her hair (it was getting close to time for she and Ms. Clairol to have a visit), and took a soothing bath with some essential oils that she’d bought at a New Age store. She turned out the lights, said her prayers, thanked God for all of her blessings, particularly the blessing of love with Blaze, and mercifully, dropped off to sleep.

  Lynette was a meticulous, compelling presenter, and she liked to have plenty of time to get prepared for her trainees. Depending on the length, technical difficulty and number of participants, the fee for her expertise ran between $900 and $1500 a day. Her work ethic demanded that they get the best she had to offer, and clearly, she was acknowledged in the Austin training field, as one of the best. She worked hard for her trainees, and she made them work hard for themselves. This was a job readiness workshop, and when the participants walked out of that room, she wanted assurance that they knew what was required of them. Some were welfare recipients going to work for the first time; some were persons who had difficulty keeping a steady job; others were men and women who found themselves in need of returning to the work force. She had to meet the needs of them all. This was usually a two-day seminar, but because of the limitation on county money, she had to give the trainees two days worth of knowledge, practice and skills in one full, information-packed day. She’d pared down her course materials to the absolute necessities. There were things nice to know, things good to know, and there were things absolutely a must to know for the trainees’ own benefit. The nice and the good were exempted – the musts were all included. She was ready by 8:00 to deliver a dynamic, fast-paced, hard-hitting, well-developed, interactive seminar. She loved her work and she was damned good at it.

  When she left home that morning, her huge, 30-inch, red suitcase was packed to the bursting point. She’d filled every corner and crevasse with clothes and other necessities she’d need for the two weeks back with Blaze. And there were a few items she planned to leave there so she wouldn’t have to buy any clothes in Crystal Bend. Plus she managed to squeeze in a couple of her prettiest and sexiest night gowns. For the most part, she’d been sleeping with Blaze sans any clothes. She wanted to change up things a bit, with slippery satins and sheer tricot. A little mystery was good. If she didn’t keep them on for very long, that was Ok. They’d always be by the bedside in case of fire!

  Activating her security alarm, she jumped into the waiting cab for the trip to the training site. If all went well, she’d be up in the mountains with Blaze for awhile so she didn’t want to leave her car at the airport. She knew she had about an hour after class to get to the airport and board her 5:30 flight – a flight she could not afford to miss. The newly opened expressway would facilitate a speedy trip to the airport. Near the end of the training day, she packed up her training materials and arranged for them to be delivered by DHL to Clare’s house so she wouldn’t have to drag them with her, and she called for a dependable cab to arrive precisely at 4:30. Rarely did she let a class out early, but minutes counted on this day, so she finished up at 4:15. That gave her fifteen minutes to clean up her room, throw away all the excess materials, and get herself through the facility hallways and into the lobby for her cab. During the lunch hour, she found a computer and logged in for her electronic boarding pass. This would ensure a seat on the plane. Following mid-afternoon break, knowing that several students usually wanted to stay and talk after class, she announced that anyone who needed to converse with her after class should put their name, phone number and best time to call, on the sheet of paper she passed around. She would call them during the week to answer any questions they might have. This would give each student who needed it, some personal time with her. She apologized for any inconvenience, explaining that she had a flight to catch, and she couldn’t afford to miss it. And, of course everyone understood the horrors of trying to get around in 5:00 Austin traffic. Though she had no need to explain why she had to get on that flight, she was deadly serious that she couldn’t miss it. Blaze would be waiting at the airport for her, and she told him she would be back. She gave him her word. She had to be there.



  Back From Austin

  At the bottom of the escalator leading to the baggage claim stood, what Lynette thought, was the handsomest man she’d ever seen. He wore a grey Stetson, long pony tail down his back, a red print western shirt, and starched blue jeans that fit those firm thighs to a T. His black cowboy boots were glossy and he stood there with hands half in and half out of his front pockets, just waiting – waiting for his life to return.

  At the top of the escalator walked a short, handsomely attired woman, who no one could tell, was in her mid-40’s. Her hair was tossed atop her head in a beautiful mess. Her makeup, though a little worn, enhanced the loveliness of her oval face and almond eyes. Wearing a plain black woolen suit contoured to her figure with a shiny, cream satin blouse, her pearl earrings matched the lovely gold and pearl pin she wore on the right breast front of her jacket. The skirt fit her perfectly – not too loose, not hugging her full buttocks – and it stopped just about half-way across her knees. She wore flesh colored stockings, and a black patent-leather pair of shoes with medium high heels. Her black textured patent leather bag was slung haphazardly over her shoulder. She was a vision of smart, sophisticated, professionalism; a woman who would command anyone’s attention. And she was smiling from ear to ear looking down at her gorgeous Indian.

  Blaze grabbed her up, lifting her feet almost two feet off the ground as he kissed her in delight. A couple of soldiers applauded as they passed by, obviously on their way back from the Afganistan war. Lynette looked over her shoulder and yelled, “Welcome back soldiers.”

  The huge red piece of luggage rolled out onto the conveyer belt of the baggage claim area. Blaze grabbed it gingerly after Lynette warned him it was really heavy.

  “Woman, what do you have in here,” he asked laughingly. “You know, we do have stores up here in the wilderness,” he joked.

  “I know, I know,” she replied, tucking her arms into his.

  Walking side by side, him trying to slow his pace for her sake, while pulling the red suitcase, and
her trying to take longer steps to match his, they walked happily out to the airport parking lot. Before Blaze could get his key into the ignition, Lynette was kicking off her patent leather heels, with a painful hiss.

  “Oh, gosh, that’s better,” she said with relief. “I didn’t have a way to get my tennis out of my bag after the cab driver threw it in the trunk, and I’ve been in these dadgummed heels since 7:00 this morning. My dogs are talkin’” she said.

  “Poor baby,” Blaze comforted, patting her on the knee. “I may not know what you had to go through to get back here tonight, but I can tell you I’ll make it worth your while,” he said earnestly.

  “The man I saw standing at the bottom of the escalator, made it all worthwhile right then and there,” she replied, stretching up to kiss his lips.

  They’d only been separated for two days but there seemed to be so much to talk about.

  “Did you talk to Clare at anytime today?” he asked her, with a special lilt in his voice.

  “No, never had time to. I wound up running for the gate because they’d already started boarding by the time I got my bag checked. I had to check that monster. It was too big to take as a carry on as you can see. Ordinarily, I’d call her, but there was no time. What’s up?”

  “Aaron proposed to her yesterday…” he said, leaving out an important part.

  “And..?” Lynette asked.

  “She said yes,” he replied, with an all knowing grin controlling his face.

  “You gotta be kiddin’,” she yelped.

  In the waning light of the highway leading north, she scrambled for her cell phone.

  “Clare,” she yelled into the tiny phone when Clare answered. “When, damn it, when…?” she bellowed.

  “We haven’t set a date yet, but soon,” she answered. “We’re in the midst of some rather tedious negotiations right now, as we speak,” she said with joy, and a little apprehension in her voice.

  “Moving up there part-time, staying here until my retirement date, we’ve got a lot to work out.” Then there was a pause. “I’m really happy with Aaron, Lynette. Really happy, you know what I mean,” she asked.

  “You bet I do. Oh girl, I’m soooo happy for you. Where’s that ol’ reprobate?” Lynette asked laughing. “Put his ass on the phone.”

  “Hey lovely. I see you know all about it. That mouthy brother of mine couldn’t keep his peace till we could call you ourselves,” he admonished happily.

  “I heard that,” Blaze replied. “She’s got us on speaker.”

  “Clare, I want all the details, a-a-a-l-lll the details, do you hear me,” she demanded.

  “Aaron’s going to stay here for the rest of the week since Blaze is up there, so we’ll call you when we’ve worked out some issues. Gotta go,” Clare said, about to end the conversation.

  “I want details,” Lynette shouted as they disconnected. “Details!”

  She threw her head back against the headrest in the pickup. “Can you believe it? Can you believe that Clare is finally going to get married – and to Aaron? Gotta scream,” she said rolling down her window. And she screamed like a banshee out of the window, her scream dissolving into the tail-wind of the truck.

  “You know, there’s medication for that,” Blaze quipped, laughing at her impulsiveness.

  “Don’t need medicine. I’m just deliriously happy for Clare. Now there’s nothing wrong with Aaron is there?” Lynette posed the question to Blaze, in mock interrogation.

  “Nope, he’s a fine man. I look up to him. I respect him and I trust him. I watched him grow up. I know the caliber of this man. She’s getting the finest of men,” he said with pride in his words.

  Lynette snuggled up against Blaze. He put his arm up and around her shoulder, and they drove silently for awhile. Her mind was working; so was his.

  If Clare and Aaron marry soon, she’s going to be the mistress of the house, and two women in the same house, no matter how sisterly, can spell trouble. Blaze’s mind was really in forward gear.

  If they get married right away, Blaze and I can stay at the condo when she’s there so they’ll have the house to themselves. She’s not going to quit her position with only 20 months till retirement though. I’ve got a house for us. It’ll work out, she reasoned.

  They ate a delicious Mexican dinner at the Cafe de Suenos on the way back to the ranch. She had the green chili enchiladas with an extra dollop of sour cream. He polished off a typical Mexican meal of tamales, enchiladas, rice and beans. Some of the diners recognized Blaze, spoke or tipped their hats, but they were courteous enough not to disturb the meal. After a bit of small talk with the host, who obviously knew Blaze, they continued on their way north. Lynette was so anxious to get home. Home, she thought. I have three homes. My home in Austin, my vacation home, and now a home wherever Blaze is. “I’m a blessed human being,” she uttered the words out loud.

  “You are a blessing,” he replied, patting her leg.

  While Blaze dragged the enormous suitcase down the hallway to his bedroom, Lynette dashed into the bathroom and started water running into the large oval tub. She needed a hot bath to soak away some of the tired. She’d been on her feet all day, she was full, and she felt the fatigue really settling in.

  “I’m gonna jump in some hot water, Babe,” she remarked.

  “I’ll join you,” he said lightly.

  “Aaahhh…I don’t think you really know what I mean when I say a hot bath,” she snickered. “When I say a hot bath, I’m talking about steam pouring up from the water, and me emerging looking like a boiled lobster, kind of hot bath. I don’t think your boys could stand what I bathe in,” she warned.

  “Well, for sure, I don’t want to scald the boys! I’ll just come in and keep you company,” he smiled.

  He wanted to watch her undress and she purposely disrobed slowly for him. He wanted to see her hair fall down from the top of her head and cascade loosely past her shoulders as she bent over and turned on the water. He wanted to watch her big, full breasts sink below the steaming water, and watch her face become shiny and moist as the beads of sweat formed on her face. He wanted to see her head roll slowly to the side as she succumbed to the heat and relaxation of the water. He just wanted to look at her, to take in the entirety of all that she was. He loved her more than he thought humanly possible.

  While she languished in between drowsiness and sleep, he sat on the wicker stool and thought about what the future held for them. He would have to build them a house. Even though they had their own wing in the current abode, he wanted them to have their own place – their little house on the prairie, so to speak. As far as he was concerned, they were already married, yet he knew some sort of legal ceremony would be required. And he wanted her to have an engagement ring. A symbol to the world that she was promised to him – for life. Certainly there would be a honeymoon to somewhere. And then there were the legal issues to handle. He had a lot to do.

  She stirred a bit as the water began to cool. Removing his shirt, he sat on the side of the big tub, tickled the water with his fingers, then submerged his hand beneath it. Slowly, he pulled up one of her legs and began to massage her tiny foot. He’d noticed how small her feet were before, but in his strong hands, this foot looked even smaller, more fragile. He rubbed her toes one by one, then moved his hands to the ball of her foot where he used his thumbs to put pressure on the fleshiness of that part. He rubbed his thumbs up and down her instep and stretched her tiny foot. Finally, he massaged her heel and rubbed the Achilles tendon at the bottom of her ankle. It was magic. Repeating the exercise on her other foot, she moaned in enjoyment. She never opened her eyes. This had to be a dream and she didn’t want to wake up. His hand slipped below the water again, this time taking his whole arm to the elbow with it. Sliding along the inside of her thigh, he found what he was feeling for and slipped his finger into the crevasse. Lynette quivered as if startled. She relaxed her thighs and let them fall loosely apart. The hot water swirled as his hand moved in tiny circles
. She began to breathe in short staccato breaths. He watched her serene face change to tension. His movements increased and the water slapped the sides of the tub. She reached over and grabbed his arm almost unconsciously but he didn’t stop making the water move. A low hum started somewhere in her belly and it rose higher and higher until it coursed out of her throat. She rolled her head to the side but could not open her eyes.

  “You’re going to turn to a prune,” he said softly as he got up and retrieved one of those large bath sheets. Like a well-trained butler, he held the towel up for her. She stepped languidly into the towel. He wrapped his arms and the towel around her. She dried herself off, while he watched and then turned the lights off in the brightly lit bathroom.

  Blaze slipped out of his remaining clothes as she threw the heavy covers to the bottom of the bed. Fully naked, he lay on his back stretched the entire length of his body and sighed in contentment. His lady was home. He laid his arm out to the side for her to snuggle into as usual, but she didn’t. Instead, she crawled over his knees and in between his legs, stretching herself upward. She began to massage his chest in slow, slow circular motions; then her hands moved down to his stomach and onto his abdomen where she again rubbed his tight skin in soft oval motions. He raised his head just a bit to adjust his neck on the pillow, then he relaxed completely. Did he know what was coming? Yes. Did he want it? Yes. He wanted everything she was willing to give him. And, he knew he would enjoy it. Her nose nuzzled the sides of that dark mat below his pelvis. With her fingers, she massaged that growth, combed it with her fingernails and laid the side of her face in it. She looked at what lay there. Then she gently moved his legs a little farther apart and rubbed the folds where the thighs connected to the trunk of the body. Slowly, ever so slowly, she drew her tongue down each fold. She nibbled at his skin and then buried her face in that dark growth again determined to pleasure the thing that she loved; that he gave her so often. She watched him breathe; watched his stomach sink then expand. He shivered briefly in anticipation. He reached down to touch her, stroking her hair with feeble fingers, then his hands fell loosely, submissively to his side. She began a well-directed movement. Now he was moaning audibly and breathing through his mouth. And her movements continued. The cadence picked up, and there was more pressure, deliberate pressure. She held onto the base to steady him, and she descended again and again, pulling up with as much pressure as with the descent. When she knew he could take no more; when she felt his fists clinch; when his buttocks tightened and he lifted his pelvic area slowly upward, she let loose and mounted him and thrust her full body weight down on him. Now the piston action was more rapid. It was pulsating. Like a gymnast doing push ups, she rose and fell, aware of the sensations in her own body. This was for him; this was all for him. And then he shuddered, and called out to the One who created us all. Outward breaths blew from his nostrils. He snorted like a bull. She sat still for a second, a long second, many seconds, watching his chest rise and fall as his breathing slowed to quiet. Finally, she bent forward and kissed him gently on his forehead.


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