The Hollows Awakening

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The Hollows Awakening Page 10

by Trina Bates

  I must have drifted off at some point, strong arms are carrying me down the hall. Without opening my eyes, I'm set into my bed. I feel the bed dip beside me knowing it’s Ebbin, I snuggle back into him and he puts his arm over me. With his hand on my stomach, he starts drawing little circles on my belly, comforting me and calming me back to sleep.

  Waking up too hot, I try to roll away from Ebbin, but come face to face with his sleeping, peaceful face. What the hell? I know I just rolled away from him, and when did he switch sides?

  Muddled, I turn my head and find Rhett staring back at me with a tired but content smile. So he was the one to put me to bed and held me. I'm surprised Ebbin let that happen.

  “I thought you left last night. How did you convince Ebbin to let you stay?” I say to Rhett, trying to keep my voice low and thinking of a way to get out of bed without rousing Ebbin.

  “He was already asleep when I got back home. You both looked too comfortable to wake. I'm sure you both need the rest,” Ebbin answers the question that is meant for Rhett. Startling me, making me turn my head to see his smiling face. He pulls the covers back giving me an amazing view of his bare chest and impressive abs. Sporting some pretty impressive morning wood, I almost roll over to him to touch it, almost. I’m not about to start something I can’t finish. Instead, I make the excuse to use the bathroom. Getting up, I kiss Ebbin once before I head into the bathroom and stick my tongue out at a smug looking Rhett, his arms are above his head and he’s making his pecs pop. So weird, but kinda hot.

  Feeling more awake after I brush my teeth and wash my face, I go to find the guys that have disappeared while I was getting freshened up. Smelling the fresh coffee, I stumble to where the delicious smell is coming from. Walking into a hard body, looking up with a frown, Merrick’s handsome face comes into view.

  “Finally up I see,” he says with a lopsided grin. “Tonight it's my turn.” His words confusing me, I raise an eyebrow at him and frown. “What do you mean, ‘your turn’? I haven't had coffee yet. No cryptic shit this early.”

  “Rhett slept with you last night, I'm calling tonight,” he shrugs like his words mean nothing. When in fact they did. I want that, him beside me. That gorgeous, muscled body under me and behind me, on top of me. Fuck, I need to get laid. I shake my dirty thoughts off and grab a cup of coffee. Taking a small sip I can’t help but be surprised that he made it right. Two sugars and a little cream.

  “Thanks for the coffee. Rhett put me to bed after I fell asleep on him. I didn't even know he stayed with me until I woke up this morning. Maybe if you play nice and toss the ego, we can possibly talk.” Walking out the door I turn and wink at him, causing him to snort and almost lose the coffee that's in his mouth.

  Would have been better if it came out his nose. “I heard that!” I hear him yell after me while I’m walking down the hall.

  “You weren't supposed to! But oh well, now you know how I really feel,” I shout back to him, smiling down into the hot coffee cup before I take a sip. I burn my tongue as I let the warm liquid linger in my mouth for too long, thinking about the fact Merrick just seemed to read my thoughts. I swear I said that in my head, not out loud. Shaking off the strange thoughts, and feelings, I head straight for my seat in the living room that looks out to the woods, I notice a big hard body is already sitting in my favorite spot.

  “Morning Rhydian. Is this going to be a normal morning routine now? All of you showing up and taking one of my spots?” I give him a small smile as he turns and smiles brightly back at me.

  “Well since it's hardly morning, more like one p.m. that would be a yes, as for your spot…” He gets up, bowing with an arm out to me, gesturing for me to take the seat he just left. “I had no idea, forgive my ignorance,” he says in mock fear like I’m some queen that will take his head off for such an offense.

  Shaking my head at him, I take the offered seat and pull my legs under me getting comfortable. “Thank you,” I tell him with a middle finger in the air at his antics.

  He picks up one of the big leather chairs like it weighs nothing and places it right beside me. I know they’re heavy as hell, I’m the one that moved them into the living room from our bedroom a few months back.

  “I can see why you like this spot so much. I think any time, day or night, I could sit here enjoying the view, watching all the wildlife. You lucked out on this property.” I have a moment to appreciate him while he stares out of the window. His chiseled features, square chin, dark hair, and bright blue eyes. His strong body and all those delicious tattoos make my mouth water. He really is a beautiful specimen of a man.

  I quickly look down at my lap when he catches me staring and I think back to what he said. “We really did, almost every room has another spot for me to sit and appreciate nature. What's it like where you're staying?” I ask, taking a sip of my coffee, trying to get the blush that has crept in on me to go away.

  “I'm staying with Merrick for now. Rhett and I transferred over here a few months before he sent in his papers, Rhett and I were already transferring over before we met you. Merrick was on the fence but I think you swayed him our way. Thanks for that by the way.” The small smile he gives me has me feeling almost embarrassed but really grateful. I’m glad they’re here too. “He owns a large estate about four miles south of here. I think it belongs to one of his fathers. We haven't done much to air it out since it hasn't been used in a few years, but it's mostly just grass and a circle of trees surrounding the property, nothing like what you have here. You have so much new growth, the animals, the water. We just have a chunk of property,” he stares out of the window once again and exhales. I can tell he likes it here, not only from his words, but the calm that seems to take over him while he’s with me and just in general.

  “Maybe we should change that, for all of you. After all, if one of you is this baby’s dad, I would imagine you would want to spend some time with them there, in your own space. We should look into getting the grounds landscaped and more enjoyable.” I shrug trying to keep my face impassive and unreadable. I don’t want to assume anything but I was glad I said the words. I didn't want there to be any confusion on this. I would never keep a child from their father, or father from child. All I want for my little one is to have as much love and happiness as possible. He’s quiet and doesn’t answer my questions, so I ask more trying to get him to talk. “I’ve been meaning to ask, why you and Rhett didn't have any guards last night, but Merrick did, and what do you mean ‘One’ of his fathers? Rhett said something like that too, but about himself,” I ask peering into his eyes, trying to find the answers hidden behind them.

  “You would do that? You would let us spend time with him or her alone?” A sad look crosses his face. Before I can comment, it changes to one of complete surprise and happiness.

  “Of course. When I said you wouldn’t take it away from me, I meant for good. You want to be involved, I'm all for that, but taking away my rights, to my child? I'm not okay with that. I might not be a mother yet, but I already know I would do anything to keep this baby. Others always have the say over where the child will stay, and with who, I don't want that to happen and since everyone agreed you would stay here, there is less of a chance of them growing up picked on, hunted by the Hounds if they can’t get their powers in check, or taken by the Conclave. I don't want to take that chance, if they do turn out to be a… half breed.”

  Voicing my fears to him, it does ease some of the tension and worry I have been carrying with me. I don’t know how to go about saying it all properly, but I'm glad I got that much out, and that he's the one to be there to help me through it, listening intently and not judging.

  “We aren't like most of our kind, the three of us. My parents were the only ones that were a constant. The guys? They know what it's like to grow up Unwanted; cast out or castaway. I know what it's like to grow up loved. When my parents took Rhett in? It changed something in him. He learned how to feel again, how to love again. Merrick is the same yet different
. He has parents, they just didn't care. Rhett was thrown away like trash.” ‘Thrown away like trash.’ That resonates deep within me, my heart breaking for Rhett. He’s so much like me.

  Running his hands through his hair, he turns away from me and stares back out the window again. I can tell he wants to tell me something more than what he did though he keeps it to himself. I will let him keep his secrets. He’ll tell me with time, when he’s ready. I have to trust that.

  “You’re right to worry but not for that reason. A child needs their mother, just like they do a father. All five of us will stop at nothing to make sure this child wants for nothing and always feel love. That, I can promise you,” he says as he leans over, squeezes my thigh and kisses the top of my hand like a true gentleman, making me smile softly at his gesture, the feelings I hold for him blossoming in my chest deeper, with each minute I spend with him.

  “To answer your other question, yes, Merrick has seven fathers. Four are still alive the other three died in a battle against the Hollows when he was eight. That's when I met him.” Getting a faraway look on his face as he stares at his hands, I sit and wait on bated breaths to hear the rest. “I was at a park with my mother and this scrawny little shit came barreling out of nowhere straight for us. Turns out he was running away from his three fathers’ funerals. He was sitting on the bottom of the slide when I found him, crying. That's his story to tell, I'm sure I've said too much already.” He winks at me and closes himself off to more questions and drinks his coffee with one hand on his massive thigh, and the other holding his cup.

  Are you kidding me? I’m going strangle him for leaving me hanging like that! That's not even fair!

  “I have two fathers as well as two mothers.” he says matter of fact and looks to me with one brow raised, waiting for me to comment.

  Two mothers? How does that work? Are the women partnered with each man or are they all, together?

  “Rhett has four fathers they all abandoned him after his mother died giving birth. Yet again, his story.” I squeeze my cup so tightly in my hands, I’m amazed it didn't shatter. My anger and hurt growing inside me. No one should be raised like that, or go through that. I can’t even form words to reply. I sit there gripping my cup tighter and tighter as I glare out the window trying to keep my tongue in check.

  “Now go get ready, Ebbin already got you the appointment with the Fae and we have to be there within the hour.” Rhydian pats my leg once, oblivious to the emotions tearing me apart in this moment. I take a breath and close my eyes trying to calm myself.

  “You seriously just unloaded all that on me and really think my head is going to be anywhere else, but dwelling on that? That’s messed up! This is not the end of this conversation. I will catch you alone, tie you up, and make you answer.” I wag my finger in his face as I stand with a glare aimed right at him. He smirks at my attitude like I didn't scare him at all. He should be scared. That was fucked up, you can’t do that to a person.

  “That is something I look forward to,” he says as he waggles his eyebrows at me. I didn't even mean it dirty, but if he's going to oblige me, then I’ll roll with it. I’m still going to get him back for leaving me in the dark. Teasing me with just enough for my heart to break but not enough to mend it back together. Asshole.


  I walk away from him grumbling unintelligibly under my breath and stalk down the hall to my room. I have no idea what's going to happen today, but I will be comfortable and ready for anything.

  Throwing on a pair of comfy skinny jeans, a T-shirt with Blue’s logo on the front, some flats and baggy hoodie, I run into the bathroom. Throwing on a little khol eyeliner and mascara, with a little concealer since my eyes are puffy and red from the worry and stress that has overtaken me.

  Before leaving our room, I grab the pocket knife I usually keep in my right pocket off the nightstand, and the set of electric rings Ebbin got me last year for our anniversary. They go around three fingers and on the top lays a silver bar, they look like nothing more than a set of silver rings over your hand. There is small button on the side by my thumb, if I need to turn them on I can just hit the button and a current of electricity crackles over the silver. They don’t hurt me since there is a rubber ring on the inside, but if I aim it at someone and hit them the current will race through them rendering most unconscious. They’re my favorite accessory, and I haven’t worn them in awhile. Now is the perfect time, going into uncharted territory with a Fae, who knows what can happen.

  Finding the guys waiting at the door, I grab my key card and motion for them to get going. Outside, a sleek white SUV that will fit us all comfortably is waiting.

  “Who’s is this? Looks pretty nice,” I ask ready to jump in and see what kind of buttons are in it for me to play with.

  “It's yours,” Rhett, Merrick and Rhydian say at the same time. My head turns to them so quickly I get a kink and my face contorts in pain making them laugh, thinking I’m going to throw a fit.

  Why the hell would I need this? I have a car. I just don't like driving it. Dang it looks so expensive! They are nuts I can't take this.

  “What do you mean mine? I don't need this. You can't just go buying me a dang car!” I exclaim while rubbing my neck and staring to Ebbin with wide, confused eyes and my jaw slack.

  “You do need this, Bugs. They passed it by me first and I thought it would be a good idea. Not only is it safer than what you have now, but it will fit us all and everyone pitched in. I want you to be as safe as possible going anywhere, especially while you're pregnant and after when the baby is born.”

  I know he's worried, but I didn’t think he was this worried. The waver in his voice has me instantly grabbing his arm and rubbing it trying to sooth some of his discomfort away. I know he means well, but he knows how I am with gifts and surprises. I don’t like them.

  “Fine, but it's not just mine then. I will drive it but any time anyone takes the baby anywhere, it will be in this, and I want to pitch in too. That's the only way I will accept this. Oh, and I'm driving!” I say to them all, trying to find the good in the gift and also spare some of their feelings. I don’t want to seem ungrateful.

  That got them all laughing. Merrick tossed me the key card. Catching it, I noticed the keyring with four different gems hanging off of it. One a bright blue-green oval shaped gem, like Rhett's flames, a black triangle shaped gem like the color of Rhydian's eyes, a pink heart that has to be from Ebbin and a simple round metal ball. Has to be for Merrick but I have no idea what for.

  “Y’all are going to have to explain this to me later,” I mumble, as I walk to the driver side door staring down at the key card and strange gems.

  Inside the SUV is all leather, sleek controls and it's so roomy. There's no way I can complain with a vehicle this nice. The rebel in me wants to go find some mud and go crazy, but I doubt any of my guys would like that too much. My guys? What the hell. One day and now they are suddenly my guys. Looking to the good once again, I find I’m totally okay with them being mine. I even smile to myself at the thought.

  When Ebbin gets in the front, he puts in the coordinates, I find the toggle for manual driving and head down the road. It’s a silent drive, no one saying anything, I’m guessing because no one manually drives anymore, it’s always autopilot. I enjoy the feel of the leather beneath my hands and the act of actually steering. It makes me feel safer, having the control. Pulling up to a small, white house, it is every bit the standard cliche. Right down to the matching white picket fence and all. Every open space on the large porch is covered in a different variety of flowers. The visage portrays it as simple and homey, but on the inside, a Blood Fae lives. There is nothing simple or homey about Blood Fae. They’re usually ruthless jerks. Mean and crass to the core, much like Blue.

  Ebbin is the first to the door, Rhydian and Rhett on either side of me, with Merrick at my back as we walk down the small path that goes to the porch.

  I have yet to meet Lyra in person, my opinion of her is not
a good one, but I was not prepared for what met us behind the white door. Knowing what most Fae look like, I am very surprised with the small waif that answers. I understand now why she needs constant protection. Full blooded Fae are usually varied in a light pastel color. Tall and almost emaciated. The ones I have gotten close enough to notice, their eyes were always a sickening green color and the same went for this one as well. It is creepy.

  Lyra is about four feet tall, her skin a deep purple and she’s completely bald. Her face reminds me of a cross between a horse and a rat, long face, tiny nose, huge ears and giant eyes. She’s hideous.

  “Get inside. I have shit I need to do today,” she says with a sneer, her voice high pitched. It reminds me of nails on a chalkboard.

  “What a people person. This should be interesting,” I whisper to the guys, with a glare sent her way. She’s far enough away, I hope she can't hear it.

  Merrick, behind me shakes his head when I turn around to him. Rhett is trying to hold in a laugh, and Rhydian is biting his lip. They’re so easy to tease. I'm going to have to do this more often, see how far I can take it, before they finally break.

  Ebbin enters first and Lyra takes a long sweeping look over him. Not to be shown up in any way, and a little annoyed at her staring at my man, I step into her personal space and give her a hard pointed look. Her eyes look quickly to the ground as me and the rest of my guys pass.

  Inside we walk down a long hallway and are told to enter the third door on the right.

  She could have said the last door. There's nothing on the other fucking side. I think to myself.

  Thankfully no one answers me back, so I know it is said in my head, this time.

  The room has a hospital style bed and smells terribly of bleach. A few large machines surround the bed and there are a couple chairs on one side, behind it is a set of cabinets and sink.


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