Innocent Secrets [Pine Valley 3] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Innocent Secrets [Pine Valley 3] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 8

by Keyonna Davis


  Jessica sighed. “You certainly don’t make it easy to pack. I had to pack way too much just to make sure I had everything covered.”

  Riley frowned. He only saw two small bags when he had picked her up, and they weren’t that heavy. Either she forgot a bag or she was a very efficient packer. He had a feeling it was the latter. That was one of the things he liked about Jessica. She wasn’t high maintenance. A few of the girls he dated in the past had been very high maintenance, and after a while, it became a huge turnoff for him. Riley liked a woman that could wear sweats or jeans and a T-shirt just as well as she could wear an evening gown. If things go my way this weekend, then she won’t need clothes anyway.

  He decided to give her a hint. “There is a hot tub there so I hope you packed a swimsuit.” And damn if he didn’t get harder picturing her slim body in nothing but two small scraps of material.

  “That still doesn’t tell me anything. Most hotels have hot tubs and swimming pools these days.”

  The pout on her lips was so adorable that Riley wanted to lean over and kiss her. He didn’t bother telling her that they weren’t staying in a hotel. He had thought long and hard about where to take Jessica and decided he wanted somewhere secluded, somewhere with no distractions, where they wouldn’t be interrupted. He ended up finding a service online that specialized in exactly what he needed. For a small fee, Riley was able to rent out a chalet in the Smokey Mountains. He paid extra to have the cabin fully stocked with food so they didn’t have to leave if they didn’t want to. He even paid to have rose petals and champagne waiting when they arrived. It was nowhere near enough for Jessica, but it was a start in making the trip unforgettable.

  Riley reached over and grabbed her hand, and Jessica didn’t hesitate to weave her fingers through his. They rode quietly for a ways until the ringing of his cell phone interrupted the silence. Riley almost didn’t answer until he saw Duncan’s name on the caller ID. His family knew about his getaway, so the only reason that they would bother him was if something was wrong. Reluctantly unlacing his fingers from Jessica’s, he hit the button and answered.

  “Riley, this is Duncan. I know you’re going on your trip, but I thought you would want to know that Kerri was attacked tonight and Cane had the babies.”

  Riley froze. “Are they okay? Did anyone get hurt?” This was just like last time all over again. He hadn’t been there when Cane’s ex-boyfriend attacked her and Ali, and now he wasn’t there for Kerri either. He knew his brothers were better capable of handling these types of situations, but that didn’t stop the guilt settling into his chest.

  “Kerri and Cane are both all right. Kerri’s kidnapper tried to take her again, but Kerri handled herself really well. Between her, Chase, and her father, they were able to handle him. I guess all the excitement sent Cane into labor. Logan and I actually had to deliver the babies in the panic room.”

  Riley could hear the pride Duncan’s voice. “The babies are okay, right?”

  “Yeah, we had a boy and a girl. We are headed to the hospital now.”

  “Okay, I’m actually closer to the hospital than you are so I will just meet you there.” Riley hoped Jessica wouldn’t be mad and would understand why he had to put their trip on hold.

  “You don’t have to cancel your trip because of us. Go and have fun.” Duncan paused, talking to someone in the background. “Hey, I have to go, but I will call you and keep you updated.”

  Duncan hung up before Riley could say anything else. He was torn between taking Jessica away and heading to the hospital to see for himself that his family was safe.

  “What’s going on? What’s happening?” Jessica asked.

  Looking over, Riley could see the worry on her face so he explained what Duncan had told him.

  “We need to get to the hospital.”

  “Duncan said everything was fine and we didn’t have to go.”

  “Riley,” she said grabbing his hand again. “This is your family, and Cane is my best friend. If we go on this trip, we will both worry ourselves to death wondering if everyone was really okay.”

  Riley knew he truly loved Jessica at that moment. She was willing to give up her trip and sit in a hospital waiting room just to make sure his family was safe. He loved her selflessness. To him family was everything. For Jessica to get that without him having to say anything, how could he not love her?

  The hospital wasn’t far, and they rode in silence the rest of the way. Duncan hadn’t arrived by the time they got there, so they waited for him outside the emergency room doors. Jessica still hadn’t let go of his hand, and he was grateful for the support. His family had been through a lot in the past couple of years. First their parents and Ali were in a horrible car accident, killing their parents and severely injuring Ali. Then Cane and Ali had been kidnapped by a psycho. Now, they had this incident to deal with. The whole family needed a break.

  The flashing lights of Duncan’s Sheriff’s SUV drew his attention toward the entrance of the parking lot. Riley was already opening the back door as soon as Duncan stopped. Logan slid out of the back seat with a sleeping Cane in his arms. It wasn’t until they got into the light that Riley noticed the two bundles Cane had tucked against her chest. He tried to get a glimpse of the babies but couldn’t see through the blankets someone had wrapped them in.

  “Are they okay? What about Kerri and Chase?” he asked Duncan as they followed Logan into the hospital.

  “Kerri is a little shaken up, but otherwise fine, so Chase stayed home with her. They will be here in the morning. We didn’t have any problems helping Cane deliver and the babies seem fine, but we wanted to get all three of them checked out to make sure. Shouldn’t you be on a plane by now?”

  Riley nodded. “Yeah, but Jessica and I agreed that this is where we needed to be.”

  “Well, come on then, Uncle,” Duncan said, patting him on the back. “Let’s go meet your new niece and nephew.”

  Uncle Riley. I like the sound of it. The thought hadn’t crossed his mind that he was an uncle until Duncan had mentioned it. Riley smiled, relieved that everything turned out okay, and led Jessica over to a set of chairs to wait until the doctors were done so he could see his niece and nephew.

  “Come on, little rabbit. Since it looks like I win the bet, let’s come up with ways I can collect my favor while we wait.” He ignored Jessica’s snort when he mentioned the bet.

  * * * *

  “Morning, momma,” Jessica whispered when she was finally let in to visit Cane. She walked over to the bed and got her first look at the sleeping babies. “So beautiful,” she said with tears in her eyes.

  “Meet Michael Matthews-Summers and Madison Matthews- Summers or Mikey and Maddy as the guys have already started calling them.”

  Of course both babies were gorgeous. Jessica couldn’t tell what parents they took after yet, but it didn’t matter since all three parents were beautiful themselves. Jessica stroked Maddy’s soft cheek as she cooed at her.

  “What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be in a bed wrapped around Riley by now?”

  Jessica giggled, no longer embarrassed by the Matthews family’s outrageous comments. “We were on our way, but we got the call about Kerri and the babies, so we came straight here.”

  “I’m so sorry, Jessica. I know how much you and Riley were looking forward to getting away.”

  “Hey, don’t worry about it. I wouldn’t miss being here and seeing these little guys for the world. Besides, I’m sure we can catch a later flight.” Jessica watched as Cane’s eyelids slowly drifted shut and decided it was time to leave. She eased the hospital room door open and held back a laugh when she saw both Logan and Duncan leaning against the opposite wall. They immediately stood when they saw her and rushed back into the room.

  “You ready to go?” Riley asked as he pulled her into his arms.

  Jessica happily went and sighed into his chest, suddenly feeling tired. “Yes, let’s go home.” She didn’t care if home
meant her house or his. She just wanted a nice bed, and hopefully Riley to curl up with her and keep her warm. “Are you okay to drive back to Pine Valley?” They had an hour drive ahead of them.

  “Yeah, I’m not really tired. Just anxious to get back and make sure everyone is okay. Plus, I have coffee.” He held up his cup to prove it.

  “Have you spoken to Chase yet?”

  “I called the house to check on him, but Kerri’s father answered. He said that Kerri and Chase were okay, and until they got security back up and running, he was staying there with them. Gavin and Angel kept Ali in town at the bed and breakfast.”

  “You’re worried, aren’t you?” Jessica could tell by the way he kept running his hands through his hair and gripping the steering wheel.

  “I can’t help but to be. This is the second time something like this has happened and I wasn’t there to help. I know I haven’t had the training my brothers have had, but I could have at least done something.”

  “I love you,” Jessica blurted out. She hadn’t meant for it to just come out like that. She had planned to tell Riley after they made love for the first time. She even had the note cards packed in her bag in case she needed him. But how could she not tell him at that moment? The man was feeling guilty about not being there for his family even though they both knew there was nothing he could have done. Riley would have had to have been psychic just to predict what would have happened. The fact that he cared so much and hadn’t once complained about having to miss their trip made her love him even more.

  Once he straightened the car back on the road, proving he heard her, Riley didn’t say anything. He didn’t even look her way, just kept driving with his death grip on the steering wheel. Jessica began to worry. She hadn’t expected him to say it back, but she would have at least liked for him to acknowledge that he heard her. Had it been too soon to say it? Would Riley run from her now? Jessica hoped not. It would break her heart if he did. There were only two people she had ever said I love you to. Her grandmother was one and Riley was the other. She would be devastated if he walked away.

  The hour they rode in silence was torturous. By the time they made it to her house, the silence had grown awkward, and Jessica didn’t know how to fix it. She couldn’t regret what she told Riley, but she wished she had picked a better time.

  Remembering what he had told her about security at his house, she asked, “Where will you stay tonight?”

  Riley hesitated before answering, “I will probably head over to the bed and breakfast. If they don’t have a room, maybe I can bunk with my sister or Gavin and Angel.”

  It was after two in the morning, and although Jessica knew someone was available at the B&B all night, she didn’t want Riley to leave. “I would like it if you stayed here with me.”

  “Okay.” Riley nodded and got out of the car.

  Shocked that he agreed without hesitation, Jessica watched him come around to her side of the car and open her door. Once he helped her out, he pulled her against him, and she wrapped her arms around his waist.

  “Would it be okay if we got the bags in the morning?”

  She had no problem with Riley’s suggestion. She led him up the front steps and unlocked the door.

  “Jessica,” Riley stopped her in the living room. “I’m sorry we missed the trip.”

  Holding up his hand to stop her when she opened her mouth to speak, Riley continued. “Let me say this before I lose my nerve. I had everything planned out from the candles and rose petals to the champagne and bubble bath. I also planned to tell you that I was in love with you.”

  Jessica held her breath, scared to move if she was dreaming. The man she had been in love with since she was eight years old had just told her he was in love with her as well. Was it possible for someone to burst from so much happiness?

  “The way you didn’t even hesitate tonight to go with me to make sure my family was safe sealed your fate.” Riley told her, his face solemn and serious. “You’re mine now, and you aren’t getting rid of me. I love you, Jessica Garrison.”

  She didn’t even get a chance to respond because Riley covered her lips with his. She wanted to tell him that she didn’t need the trip. She didn’t need fancy candles or whatever else he had planned. All she needed was the man currently standing in front of her setting her on fire with his lips. Groaning, she opened her mouth, giving Riley access. He didn’t waste time invading with his tongue. He tasted of the sweet coffee he drank on the way home, and Jessica couldn’t get enough. She clamped her lips on Riley’s tongue, eliciting a moan from him.

  Jessica felt herself tip over and grabbed onto Riley’s shoulders when he lifted her into his arms and began climbing the steps. He hadn’t stopped kissing her, and she wasn’t complaining. She followed his tongue back into his mouth and traced the inside with her own. This was what she wanted, spontaneity. Two people so into each other that they didn’t care where they ended up as long as it involved a flat surface and the two of them naked.

  Once in the bedroom, Riley sat her on her feet. She didn’t wait for him and began removing her clothes. She was going to have sex tonight even if she had to tie him to the bed and have her wicked way with him. She may be a virgin, but she was sure she was smart enough to figure out how to insert tab A into slot B. When she was naked, she climbed on the bed and looked at Riley. He seemed to snap out of the trance he was in at that moment and quickly began to take off his clothes as well.

  “Are you sure?” he asked once he was next to her in bed. “We can wait if you want.”

  “No more waiting. I’m sure.” To prove her point, Jessica rolled on top of Riley and began kissing him again. The feel of his rough hands on her skin had her hair standing on end. Although he was an accountant, the man was no stranger to hard work on his family’s ranch. His calloused hands were proof and had Jessica shivering from head to toe.

  “Turn around, little rabbit,” Riley said, lightly tapping her bottom.

  Too busy nipping at the corded muscles in his neck, it took her a minute to clear her head and understand what he was telling her to do. Once she realized what position turning would put her in, Jessica was all too eager to follow his command. She maneuvered around until his cock was directly in her face and her knees were on either side of his head. She was close enough that she could see the thick vein throbbing on the underside and a drip of pre-cum on the deep-red tip.

  Not waiting for an invitation, Jessica eagerly took the head of his cock in her mouth and sucked. She had to wrap one hand around the base to keep from being choked when he bucked beneath her. What Riley lacked in width, he definitely made up for in length. Hot breath on her cunt told Jessica exactly why he wanted her in this position. It was her turn to moan and grind against him when she felt his tongue circle her clit before he lightly nipped it with his teeth.

  “Oh, God, Riley, that feels so good,” she said, releasing his cock with a soft pop. There was no way she could keep her hips still as his tongue did circles around her pussy. She was close to coming after only a few licks. When she felt Riley’s finger press gently against her entrance, Jessica lost it. Her scream when she came seemed to echo off the walls, making her glad she didn’t have any neighbors close by.

  “I love how responsive you are.” Riley chuckled.

  There was no way she could respond to that. As Jessica shuddered through her climax, she realized she had Riley’s cock in a vise grip. The head was almost a deep purple now with pre-cum leaking from the tip, and if possible he had grown even harder. She swirled her tongue around, collecting the moisture before attempting to put him back in her mouth.

  “No, baby.” Riley stopped her. “I want to be inside you when I come. I’m barely hanging on.”

  The gravelly tone of his voice sent shivers down her spine. To know she affected him that much was a huge confidence booster. Riley lifted her off of him and turned her so that she was on her back beneath him. He leaned down to kiss her, and Jessica could taste herself on his lips
, turning her on even more if that were possible. She could feel the fire building in her pussy again and her body turning into one big ball of need the more he kissed and touched her.

  Jessica felt one of Riley’s thick fingers circle her clit before he gently pushed the tip inside her. She was soaking wet so there was no discomfort, but she already felt unbelievably full. She couldn’t help but wonder what his cock would feel like. As he slowly moved his finger in and out, getting deeper each time, his other hand was busy tracing her hard nipple. Riley was an expert when it came to his touch. When he pinched her nipple between his forefinger and his thumb, she swore she felt her clit jump. When he leaned down and nipped her unattended nipple with his teeth while still tugging on the other, Jessica whimpered.

  “I love the sounds you make. They make me want to do this all night just to hear every whimper, moan, and scream coming from you.”

  His words had her almost coming against his hands. Jessica realized how much of a distraction they were when she felt a second finger enter her alongside the first. There was only a little discomfort, which was quickly forgotten about when Riley’s thumb began circling her clit as he moved those fingers in and out. Jessica panted. Between the assault on her nipples and the fingers currently massaging the walls of her pussy, there was no way she could hold back her scream as she came again. Her orgasm tore through her body, making her back arch off the bed. She could feel the muscles in her cunt tightening and releasing around Riley’s fingers as he continued to move them in and out.

  Jessica had never done drugs before. She had never gotten drunk and caffeine didn’t affect her like most people, but she had to believe that none of that matched the high a great orgasm caused. Relaxing back against the bed with what she was sure was a goofy grin on her face, she swore she saw stars. She was unaware that Riley had even reached for a condom until she heard the crinkle of the wrapper. Focusing on him, Jessica watched as he expertly placed the condom on the tip of his cock and rolled it down. She felt a spurt of jealousy at the fact that he obviously had enough opportunities in the past to be that experienced now, but it quickly went away when Riley looked up at her. She could see the love, but there was also raw lust shining in his eyes, and it was all directed at her.


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