by Thomas H. Ward

  The 7.62x39 and 7.62x51 are not to be confused as they are totally different rounds. The drawback of the 7.62x51round is the cost is higher than the .223 and when you are hauling around 300 rounds they are also heavier. The 7.62 x 51 is a long range round and can exceed 800 yards. The .223 round has an effective range of up to 500 yards.

  You can also purchase an AR type rifle that will fire the AK 47 7.62x39mm round. Bushmaster is one of the best manufactures for AR type designs which can be purchased in many different calibers. Several companies also make a .22 caliber AR rifle such as Colt and the Smith and Wesson M&P 15-22.

  The most popular type ammunition for a pistol is the 9mm luger round. The most common type for a rifle is the .223 Winchester, also known as the 5.56mmNATO round. Knowing this we can select a number of different pistols, rifles, or carbines to use. For this selection we need to keep in mind durability, ease of cleaning, interchangeability, and ease of use by men or women.

  Knowing that we want a handgun that shoots 9mm luger rounds you can note that all 9mm are semi-auto design and are not revolvers. Semi-auto means it has a magazine that holds the bullets and some can hold up to 18 rounds before reloading. There are two handguns that I recommend which are a Glock and a Springfield Armory model XD. I own both and they are the best dependable handguns on the market. This is not to say there are not other good brands but based on my shooting experience buying one of these handguns you cannot go wrong.

  My favorite is the Glock Model 17 because it is dependable and very easy to clean and repair. Yes, sometimes guns break so you should have some extra parts or a backup gun or two if possible. Each gun comes with an assembly manual and the Glock can be taken apart by just removing the slide and one pin which is pushed out. I have shot thousands of rounds and only had my Glock break one time. The trigger return spring broke and I replaced it in 10 minutes with a new one. It is so simple that anyone can work on it. The Glock can be dropped in the mud, run over by a truck and still shoot. It can be fired under water and the barrel life is 350,000 rounds which is more than you will ever shoot in your life time.

  Basically all AR15 type rifles are the same design and are easy to take apart for cleaning. The models may have different names from different manufactures such as Armalite SPR Mod 1 which is basically the same as a Colt CAR15 or carbine model of the AR 15 rifle.

  It pays to buy a good quality rifle from a well known manufacturer even if it may cost a little more. Remember your life may depend on this weapon. If you buy an AR type rifle then find out what parts you may need to replace by asking the manufacture. I recommend buying two weapons of the same type this way you have a back up and you do not have to learn about different weapons and the assemblies. Parts between different manufactures’ are not necessarily interchangeable. The AR15 can be cleaned in about 10 minutes just by pushing out a pin which opens the rifle up. It is also light weight so men and women can use it. The recoil is very low which is important for accurate firing. I recommend the Colt brand AR15 .223 as this is a dependable weapon which has been on the market many years.

  Some manufactures such as Colt have also made CAR15 carbines that use the pistol 9mm luger round. This is an excellent weapon that has very little recoil but has a limited range of about 100 yards. It is made for close quarter combat situations. Having a CAR15 9mm is a good choice since you can use the same ammo as your 9mm handgun.

  To summarize the guns needed are; a 12 gauge shotgun semi-automatic type, a .22 rifle or target pistol, a 9mm luger Glock handgun, and a .223 ( 5.56 NATO ) AR15 design rifle or a CAR15 9mm carbine. I would choose to have two guns of each type so you have a backup. How much ammo do you need? It is up to you to decide, but the more the better as the gun is worthless without ammunition. If you can only own one or two guns then the AR15 rifle and the 9mm Glock are my choices.

  Everyone in your family should know how to shoot each type of gun. I suggest one gun for each family member. Gun selection should be made by what each member of the family likes best to shoot. One may like a .22 caliber and one may like a 9mm Glock. Remember your family is also your Army to help protect each other. So proper training is very important. Do not spare any expense on training. Do not buy cheap unreliable guns.


  If you have no experience with guns then it is suggested that you learn by going to your local gun store or shooting range and take lessons from a good instructor. If you have a friend who shoots go with him to the range. The National Rifle Association or NRA is a valuable resource to use for this learning process.

  NRA has safety rules which you can find listed on line. The worst thing you can do is buy a gun and not know how to use it or even load it. If you are faced with a threat to your life or that of your family then you better know how to use the weapon with some degree of skill. The more skillful you are the better your chance of survival will be. We are talking life and death situations that require split second decisions on your part so shooting practice is a very necessary. Join a local shooting club.

  I stress do not buy a gun just to have one. Do not buy a gun if you will never practice or shoot it. How much practice do you need? Based on my experience I think shooting your weapon at least one to two hours per week is necessary to become a good shot and learn to know everything about your gun. I know many people who shoot two hours a week. I also stress go take combat shooting lessons at a gun school such as Gun Sight or Front Sight. They will train you in Home Defense, Vehicle Defense, Tactical Rifle, Pistol, and Shotgun use. Be the best you can be as learning to shoot is more than just going to the range and pulling the trigger.

  Above all be a safe shooter and follow the safety rules. When not in use keep you guns locked up so kids cannot access them and they cannot be stolen from you. I strongly suggest a gun safe to store your guns and ammo as it will give you peace of mind. You can also keep other valuables in the safe. Shooting can be a great hobby providing much enjoyment and fun for the whole family. Shoot safe and shoot straight.




  BOOK #8



  This book is dedicated to the Brave Men and Women of our Armed Forces. Thank you for your courage, honor, and service. You’re what makes America great.


  What does the future hold for America? Read “The Tocabaga Chronicles” to find out what could happen to our wonderful country. Find out how to protect your loved ones and survive the chaos after the apocalypse. We’re at war every day fighting evil.

  Law and order only exists at the end of a gun. It takes tough hard men and women working as a team to stay safe and free. Friends and family need to stick together to fend off the daily threats of death. You need to be smart, compassionate, and ruthless with those who would do you harm. You need guns, guns, and more guns with a ton of ammunition or you will not survive for very long. Good luck in the future.

  China now holds 46 percent of all U.S. debt. It is the largest holder of all U.S. debt. If the United States cannot repay the debt in an international currency or gold then China could demand payment in tangible property, such as real estate.

  If you check history, many lands were sold or given as payment of debt. The United States took over Texas, California, Arizona, and New Mexico after the Mexican-American War as payment. We purchased Alaska from Russia. The U.S. purchased land from France in a deal called the Louisiana Purchase. Spain ceded Florida to the United States in 1821.

  The current President put into effect Executive Order 13603 which declared that all property belongs to the Federal Government: your house, money, guns, and even your kids. They can tell you where to live and where to work. If you don’t think this can happen, then Google U.S. internment camps.

  In 1942 President Roosevelt issued Executive Order 9066 which put over 120,000 Japanese-Americans in camps taking away their freedom and Constitutional rights. This is a fact that many Americans don’t know about. German-Americans were also pu
t into camps. The Presidential Order was given because these Americans were deemed a threat by the government. The President has a lot of power and can become a dictator if inclined to do so.

  The Military is split over whether to follow the President’s orders which violate the U.S. Constitution or to support the people. The regular Army is standing down but the Special Forces, which includes the Army Rangers, Delta Force, Airborne troops, Navy Seals, and other special operations have taken the side of the people and the Constitution. It’s a civil war over the rights of the people versus the government.

  I am the oldest of three brothers. We grew up fighting bullies and gang members in a tough neighborhood in south Chicago. My Dad, one of the most honest men I have known, always stressed, tell the truth, and help each other. Never, ever be a bully, never steal, and try to protect those who cannot protect themselves. I have always stood up for the people who could not defend themselves. I hate liars and bullies.

  Standing 6 feet tall at 180 pounds, I am in great shape for my age and my body is honed by years of physical training. I keep in shape by lifting weights almost every day and running three miles four times a week. I shave my head two times a week as it is cooler in the hot south and wear a ball hat to keep the sun off my head. There’s a two inch scar on my forehead from a knife fight years ago.

  I spent four years in the Army as a Military Policeman, and became an expert in the use of handguns, rifles, shotguns, and hand-to-hand combat. My legs have skin grafts from burns received from an explosion when working for the DOD (Department of Defense). I always carry my Glock 17 and Black Bear Cold Steel fighting knife.

  I love our country, freedom, my family, and friends. If anyone messes with my family, or my friends, justice will be swift and painful. I have no use for anyone who breaks the law, cheats, or steals. For the most part I follow the Ten Commandments, but also believe in The Code of Hammurabi which is an eye for an eye. I fight to keep our Bill of Rights under the United States Constitution.

  I am Director of Security for Tocabaga Island. I live here along with 610 other Patriots. We’re fighting to keep our freedom, our homes, and our families safe from the evil forces gone wild. Tocabaga is a sanctuary or safe haven. If you believe in the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and are of good moral character you are welcome here.

  We are waiting for you to contact us by email to find out where Tocabaga is located. Sending us an email is your first step to Freedom. There is an email address at the end of these chronicles. Tocabaga is a real location. I will reply.

  My name is, Jack Gunn, and these are my chronicles.

  SUMMARY of JULY 9th and 10th, 2025

  Colonel Park, the Chinese commie who befriended me, had disappeared from Fort Desoto sometime during the night. It appeared, by the tracks left in the sand, that he was not alone. He had left the island using a small boat with two other men. I had just put my trust in Park, who was really a Korean by birth, and made him my blood brother. This is an honor I don’t bestow on just anyone.

  I hate to say it but Tom could be right and Park is still a commie working for the Red Chinese to take over Tocabaga. The Amazon Warriors, along with me, and five of my men, were guarding Fort Desoto beach against a possible invasion by the Reds. We didn’t see any signs of that during the day.

  It was sometime after midnight when we came under fire from an unknown origin. We made a rapid withdrawal because we were out gunned. Rounds from a rapid-fire 37 mm cannon rained down on us. We knew someone was shooting at us, but we had no idea who or where they were. I suspected it was a Red Chinese gunboat.

  JULY 10, 2025 CONTINUED,


  We were on the main road, out of cannon range, driving toward Tocabaga when my radio crackled, “Jack, come in this is Colonel Park.” Jim Bo suddenly stopped the truck and we looked at each other in disbelief.

  Park radioed, “Jack, you’re being invaded. Get off the beach now. Meet me at the campground and I’ll fill you in on the details.”

  The island that Fort Desoto is located on used to have a campground. In the good old days, when things were normal, people would camp for the weekend. It was a beautiful clean campground surrounded by water. Those were the days when you had time to relax. We played baseball and fished for fun. There is no more baseball. We fish to keep from going hungry. There is no more fun.

  Jim Bo asked, “What do you wanna do?”

  Tommy said, “It’s a trap, don’t trust him.”

  “We have no choice. Head to the campground,” I ordered. “Tommy, you man the fifty just in case.”

  I clicked the radio. “Park, we’re on the way.”

  We had no sooner started to move and … KABOOM … a big explosion rocked the Hummer shaking us up. I banged my head on the side of the truck. Lucky for us the old Hummer was still running. Jim Bo floored it to get us out of the line of fire.

  Dazed, with blood running down my face, I yelled, “What the hell was that?”

  “I think it was an RPG,” Tommy replied. “You got a nasty cut on your head.”

  As we sped away another RPG round whizzed by us and exploded after hitting a tree.

  “That was close. Who the hell is shooting at us?” I asked. As we pulled away I could hear bullets pinging off our Hummer.

  “I don’t know. I can’t see anyone,” Tommy shouted, over the sound of the projectiles bouncing off the bullet proof metal.

  Our truck was getting hammered by automatic fire, but we couldn’t see anyone shooting at us. We sped away to the campground about a mile down the road.

  We cautiously pulled up to the old small office and stopped. I took out my bandanna and wiped the blood off my face. Tommy tied it around my head to stop the bleeding.

  I dismounted and looked around for Colonel Park, but he wasn’t there. I called out, “Park, where are you?” I opened the rotted wooden door to the old one room office and peeked inside.

  “There’s no one here!”

  Tommy, sitting in the machine gun turret, yelled, “See, I told you, it’s a trap!” I heard him rack the big 50 caliber machine gun.

  I thought, oh no, more FUBAR!

  I yelled, “Park, where are you?” There was no reply.

  I clicked the radio, “Park, come in.”

  “Jack, stop yelling. I’m over here.”

  I spun around but didn’t see Park anywhere. “Park, stop playing hide and seek. Where the hell are you?”

  “Tell your men to hold their fire and we’ll come out,” He said.

  I yelled, “Hold your fire. Park is coming out.”

  I was standing right next to the office, near some bushes, when I heard Park say, “I’m right here.” I was looking in the direction of his voice when Park’s head appeared out of nowhere. It just popped up out of thin air about 20 feet away. The rest of his body was basically invisible.

  I looked at him and said, “Holy shit, Batman.”

  Tommy swung the big fifty around, aiming it at Park, and said. “It’s a stealth suit. I used one during the war.”

  Park walked up to me with another man who also had on an invisible suit with just his head showing. Park said, “Jack, meet Lieutenant Lee. Lee, this is Jack Gunn.”

  He gave me a slight bow showing respect. “It’s my pleasure to meet you, Mr. Gunn.”

  I returned the bow. “Lieutenant Lee, nice to meet you.”

  Peering into Park’s eyes I said, “You got a lot of explaining to do. What happen to you and where’d you get these invisible clothes?”

  “It’s a long story Jack. We killed two commies and took their suits. There’s also a stealth gunboat in the channel.”

  “That’s what was shooting at us. I knew there was a boat out there. Where are the rest of your men?”

  “They’re all dead. The commies killed them when they found out General Chen was dead. They blamed us for that. I’ll fill you in on the details later. We don’t have time to discuss it right now.

  “Jack, you have to
trust me. You need to set up a defensive line because they’re coming.”

  “Who’s coming? Somebody was shooting at us on the way over here. Who are these guys?” I asked.

  “They’re a stealth Chinese Special Forces platoon, called the ‘Invisibles’. These guys are badass and are considered the best of the best.”

  Tommy and I studied the suits close up. You could see the outline of the suits from fifteen feet away. Touching the fabric it felt like glass or plastic and had a very rough surface.

  Tommy commented, “These are almost the same as the one I wore. The commies probably copied them. They’re uncomfortable and hot as hell.”

  I nodded at Tommy. “I remember the first invisible suits were used in Afghanistan in 2013. The original idea came from an old movie called ‘The Predator’. How do these things work?”

  Tom replied, “I’m not an Engineer, so I don’t know exactly. They’re made using nanotechnology. I think they’re some kind of nano-glass. Each piece is like a nano-picture tube which shows the background all around you. It’s interlaced with carbon nano-tubes which act as the transmitter or nano-camera. You become totally invisible 360 degrees around the suit. The most important part is the mini-computer that operates the thing. I was told each one costs around 10 million bucks to make.”

  I walked around the suit looking at it and asked, “What powers it?”

  “Tiny atomic batteries,” Park said.

  “What happens if they get wet?”

  “Rain affects the suit and makes it unstable. It could flicker on and off.”

  I asked, “Park, what should we do?”


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