by Paul Anka
Connie Francis and me. I wrote her song “Teddy.”
At L’Hotel George in Paris with fans. This girl really went all out to show her appreciation.
(from left) Me, Bobby Darin, Frankie Avalon, and Pat Boone.
Me and The Beatles backstage at the Olympia in Paris before anyone in America knew who they were.
Anne and me in France, right after we were married in 1963.
Our first apartment.
Celebrating my Paris opening with Anne at Maxim’s (early 1960s).
Me, Anne, and Elvis.
Jay Sebring giving me a haircut in the health club at the Sands hotel at 4:00 A.M .
Me (second from right) with Irvin Feld (far left); Bob York, president of RCA Victor; and producers Hugo and Luigi; 1963.
Freedomland, August 13, 1963.
Performing in Times Square.
On my arrival in New York City!
Burt Bacharach (far left) and me at a recording session.
I led the opening day parade of bullfighting season, on the horse El Cid from Charlton Heston’s movie of the same name.
Performing my hit “Ogni Volta” in Italy. It was the first million-dollar seller in Italian history, and sold 4 million copies.
Having some fun on The Mike Douglas Show.
Frank Sinatra’s birthday party, 1970. I brought an orangutan as a gift.
Anne and me with our daughters in 1977. Anne is pregnant with our youngest, Amelia, here.
Muhammad Ali and me, backstage at Caesar’s Palace, Las Vegas.
Alan King, Barbara Walters, me, and Anne.
My father and me in March 1986.
Don Costa and me.
Michael Jackson and me.
Me and Michael Bublé in Las Vegas when we first met.
Paying tribute to my friend, Frank Sinatra.
With the great Peggy Lee.
At the White House with Ronald and Nancy Reagan, 1986.
On the links with my good friend Steve Wynn.
Eddie DeBartolo, his lovely wife Candy, and me, many years ago after a Super Bowl win.
At home composing a song, 1997.
My son Ethan, my girlfriend Lisa, and me.
My grandchildren (left to right)): Allegra, Lucian (in Allegra’s lap), Anessa, Alessio, Milo (in Alessio’s lap), Andrew, Francesca
Ethan and me going on vacation.
My beautiful daughters (left to right) Anthea, Alexandra, Alicia, Amanda, Amelia.
In the recording studio, 2013.
The index that appeared in the print version of this title does not match the pages in your e-book. Please use the search function on your e-reading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.
ABC-Paramount Records
Abel, Sid
Aberg, Anna. See Anka, Anna Aberg
Abraham, Donny
Accardo, Tony
Acquavella, Bill
Acuff-Rose Music
Adelson, Sheldon
Afanasieff, Walter
Albert, Prince (of United Kingdom)
Al-Fayed, Mohamed
Ali, Muhammad
Allen, Bruce
Allen, Dixie
Allen, Woody
Allsup, Tommy
Alo, Vincent “Jimmy Blue Eyes”
Alpert, Herb
Altman, Robert
American Bandstand
American Idol
Angelou, Maya
The Animals
Anka, Alexandra (daughter)
Anka, Alicia (daughter)
Anka, Amanda (daughter)
Anka, Amelia (daughter)
Anka, Andrew (father)
Anka, Andy (brother)
Anka, Anna Aberg (wife)
Anka, Anne de Zoghelo (wife)
Anka, Anthea (daughter)
Anka, Bob (cousin)
Anka, Camy (mother)
Anka, Ethan Paul (son)
Anka, Mariam (sister)
Anka, Paul Albert. See also discography, Anka compositions/albums
ABC contract with
acting by
alcohol/drug use and
art collection by
birth of
in Bobby Soxers band
charitable work by
childhood of
children’s births and
at the Copacabana
Davis’s friendship with divorces of
Feld’s management of
Funicello’s relationship with
gambling by
health/fitness of
Holly’s friendship with
honors/awards of
industry transformations and
investment scam on
Jackson’s collaborations with
jewel heist and
Las Vegas performances by
marriage, first, of
marriage, second, of
Martin’s friendship with
Modern Records’ contract with
nightclub owned by
parents’ deaths and
payola scandal and
performance style of
pranks played by
Presley’s friendship with
RCA/Victor contract with
rivalries of
Show of Shows tours by
Sinatra’s friendship with
song arranging and
songwriting for others by
songwriting process of
teen idol years of
Van Doren’s relationship with
womanizing and
Wynn’s friendship with
Annette Sings Anka
Arlen, Harold
Armstrong, Louis
Arnell, David
Aroutiounian, Sammy
Astaire, Fred
Atlantic City (movie)
Atlantic City–Brigantine Connector
Atlantic City, New Jersey
Atlantic Records
Avalon, Frankie
Ayoub, Diana
Aznavour, Charles
Babcock, Edward Chester. See Van Heusen, Jimmy
Bacall, Betty (Lauren)
Bacharach, Burt
Baker, LaVern
Balestreri, Ted
Balestreri, Velma
Barbeau, Gerry
Barclay, Eddie
Bardot, Brigitte
Bart, Lionel
Basie, Count
Beacon, Tony
The Beatles
Beau Rivage, Biloxi
Belafonte, Harry
Bellagio, Las Vegas
Bennett, Tony
Benton, Brook
Berle, Milton
Berlin, Irving
Bernstein, Sid
Berry, Chuck
Beverly Hills Hotel, Los Angeles
Big Beat Show
Big Bopper
The Biggest Show of Stars
Bihari, Joe
Bihari, Jules
Bill Haley and His Comets
Binion, Lester “Benny”
Bishop, Joey
Bleyer, Archie
Blitzstein, “Fat Herbie”
Bloom, Allen
Blustein, Frank
Bobby Soxers
Boesky, Ivan
Boesky, Lori
Bogart, Humphrey
Bon Jovi
Boone, Pat
Borgata Hotel, Atlantic City
Bowen, Jimmy
Boyd Gaming Corporation
Brando, Marlon
Brassens, Georges
Brel, Jacques
Brill Building, New York
Bronson, Richard “Skip”
Brown, Jackson
Brown, James
Bruno, Jerry
Bryant, Boudleaux
Bryant, Felice
Bublé, Michael
Buchan, John
Burns, George
Burton, Richard
Byers, Audrey
Byers, Bob
The Cadets
Caesars Palace, Las Vegas
Cagney, Jimmy
Cahn, Sammy
Caiola, Al
Callihan, Nancy
Camarata, Tutti
Campbell soup, contest by
Campbell, Tevin
Camy Productions
Canadian Broadcasting Company
Canadian Liver Foundation
Capitol Records
Captain Ron
Caroline, Princess (of Monaco)
Carriere, Ray
Carroll, Jean
Carson, Johnny
Carter, Lynda
Cassotto, Giovannina
Cassotto, Walden Robert. See Darin, Bobby
Castellano, Paul
Castro, Fidel
Centaurus Records
Cerf, Bennett
Cetera, Peter
Chagra, Jimmy (Jamiel)
Chamberlain, John
Chambers, Marilyn
Chan, David
Chan, Florence
Chariots of Fire
Charles, Prince (of Wales)
Charles, Ray
Chicago (band)
Children’s Hospital of New Jersey
Christensen, Alex
Circus, Circus, Las Vegas
Clapton, Eric
Clark, Dick
Clark, Sam
Clayton, John
Clifford, Clark
Clooney, George
Coates, Odia
Cobain, Kurt
Cochran, Eddie
Cohen, Carl
Cohen, Leonard
Cohn, Roy
Coke Time
Cole, Nat King
Colombier, Michel
“Comme d’habitude”
Como, Perry
Cooke, Sam
Cooper, Alice
Cooper, Paula
Copacabana, New York
Coquatrix, Bruno
Corman, Roger
Cornyn, Stan
Costa, Don
Costello, Elvis
Costello, Frank
Coudy, Doug
The Crests
The Crew-Cuts
The Crickets
Crosby, Bing
Cruise, Tom
Cullotta, Frankie
Curb, Michael
Curtis, Tony
Cusumano, Joey
Daily News
Dalai Lama
Dalitz, Moe
Dalla, Nolan
Damone, Vic
Danenza, Victor
Danny and The Juniors
Darin, Bobby
Darren, James
David, Hal
Davis, Altovise
Davis, Marvin
Davis, Sammy, Jr.
death of
drug use by
porn addiction by
DeAngelis, Pete
The Dean Martin Show
de Bartolo, Candy
de Bartolo, Eddie, Jr.
Deep Throat
Dee, Sandra
Demick, Irina
De Niro, Robert
Denver, John
Desert Inn, Las Vegas
Devore, Sy
Diamond, Neil
Diana, Princess (of Wales)
The Dick Clark Show
Dick Clark’s Saturday Night
Dickinson, Angie
Diddley, Bo
Dietrich, Marlene
DiFiori, John
DiMucci, Dion
Dion, Celine
discography, Anka compositions/albums
Anka at the Copa
“Anytime (I’ll Be There)”
“As Long as We Keep Believing”
“Blau Wilde De Veest Fontaine”
A Body of Work
A Casa Nostra
“Crazy Love”
“Do I Love You”
“Don’t Gamble with Love”
“Down by the Riverside”
“Eso Beso”
“Everybody Ought to Be in Love”
“(You’re) Having My Baby”
“Hold Me ’Til the Morning Comes”
“I Confess”
“I Don’t Like to Sleep Alone”
“I Love You, Baby”
“I’m Not Anyone”
“It Doesn’t Matter Anymore”
“It’s Hard to Say Goodbye”
“It’s Time to Cry”
“I’ve Been Waiting for You All of My Life”
“Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye”
“Leave It All to Me”
“Let Me Try Again”
“Let the Bells Keep Ringing”
“Lonely Boy”
The Longest Day theme
“Love Me Warm and Tender”
“Make It Up To Me in Love”
My Heart Sings
“My Heart Sings”
“My Home Town”
“My Way”
“No Goodbyes”
“Ogni Giorno”
“Ogni Volta”
“One Man Woman/One Woman Man”
The Painter
Paul Anka Sings His Big 15
Paul Anka Swings for Young Lovers
“Puppy Love”
“Put Your Head on My Shoulder”
Rock Swings
“She’s a Lady”
“She’s My Woman, She’s My Friend”
“A Steel Guitar and a Glass of Wine”
Strictly Nashville
“Tell Me That You Love Me”
“(I Believe) There’s Nothing Stronger than Our Love”
“Think I’m in Love Again”
“This Is It”
“This is Love”
The Tonight Show theme
“Train of Love”
Walk a Fine Line
“You Are My Destiny”
discography, Anka covers
“Black Hole Sun”
“Estate Senza Te”
“Eye of the Tiger”
“It’s a Sin”
“It’s My Life”
“Smells Like Teen Spirit”
di Suvero, Mark
Domino, Fats
Dorfman, Allen
Dorfman, Paul “Red”
Dorsey, Arnold George. See Humperdinck, Engelbert
Dorsey, Tommy
Dreyfus, Ben
Dreyfuss, Richard
The Drifters
Dry Gulch Saloon, Las Vegas
Dunes Hotel, Las Vegas
Durante, Jimmy
Dylan, Bob
Easy Rider
Eckstine, Billy
The Ed Sullivan Show
El Rancho, Las Vegas
English, Todd
Entratter, Jack
Epstein, Brian
Ertegun, Ahmet
Esterow, Milton
The Everly Brothers
Exner, Judith Campbell
Faisal, King (of Saudi Arabia)
Falana, Lola
Farrow, Mia
Fayed, Dodi
Feld, Irvin
Feld, Izzy
Feld, Kenny
“Femmes” ballet
Ferrante, Roby
The 5th Dimension
Le Figaro
Finn, Thomas
Fisher, Eddie
Fisher Park High School, Ontario
Five Easy Pieces
The Five Satins
Flamingo Hotel, Las Vegas
Flying Wallendas
Foley, Roger D.
Fontainebleau Hotel, Miami
Ford, Eileen<
br />
Foster, David
The Four Aces
The Four Lads
Francis, Connie
Francis, Panama
François, Claude
Fratianno, Jimmy “the Weasel”
Frazier, Joe
Freddie Bell and the Bellboys
Freed, Alan
Freedman, Jake
Freeman, Ernie
Frontier Hotel, Las Vegas
Frumkis, John
Funicello, Annette
Gabriel, Juan
GAC. See General Artists Corporation
Gallen, Sandy
Gambino, Carlo
Garcia, Jerry
Gardner, Ava
Garr, Irwin
Gary, John
Gathrid, Sid
Geffen, David
General Artists Corporation (GAC)
Genewick, Steve
Gest, David
Ghanem, Elias
Giancana, Sam
Gilardi, Jack
Gilmore Girls
Girardi, Erika
Girardi, Tom
The Girl Can’t Help It
Girls Town
Giuliani, Rudy
Glenlee Golf and Country Club, Montreal
The Godfather
Goldberg, Arthur
Golden Nugget, Atlantic City
Golden Nugget, Las Vegas
Goldenson, Isabelle
Goldenson, Leonard
Gomes, Dennis
Goodman, Benny
Goodman, Steve
Gordon, Lee
Gore, Lesley
Gormé, Eydie
Goulet, Robert
Grade, Leslie
Grade, Lew
Grange, Lucine
Greco, Buddy
Greene, Shecky
Greenfield, Howie
Greenspun, Hank
The Green Felt Jungle
Gretzky, Wayne
Grohl, David
Grose, Peter
Grossman, Albert
Gutilla, Marty
Hamid, George
Hamilton Spectator
Hampton, Lionel
Handy, W. C.
Harrah, Bill
Harrelson, Charles
Harrelson, Woody
Harris, Johnny
Hausman, Ethel
Hausman, Jack
Hawkins, Edwin
Hendrix, Jimi
Herman’s Hermits
Hernández, Myriam
Herring, Greg