—SER LYN CORBRAY, his brother and heir, who wields the famed blade Lady Forlorn,
—SER LUCAS CORBRAY, his younger brother,
—JON LYNDERLY, Lord of the Snakewood,
—TERRANCE, his son and heir, a young squire,
—EDMUND WAXLEY, the Knight of Wickenden,
—GEROLD GRAFTON, the Lord of Gulltown,
—GYLES, his youngest son, a squire,
—TRISTON SUNDERLAND, Lord of the Three Sisters,
—GODRIC BORRELL, Lord of Sweetsister,
—ROLLAND LONGTHORPE, Lord of Longsister,
—ALESANDOR TORRENT, Lord of Littlesister,
—the Lords Declarant, bannermen of House Arryn joined together in defense of young Lord Robert:
—YOHN ROYCE, called BRONZE YOHN, Lord of Runestone, of the senior branch of House Royce,
—SER ANDAR, Bronze Yohn’s sole surviving son, and heir to Runestone,
—Bronze Yohn’s household:
—MAESTER HELLIWEG, tutor, healer, counselor,
—SER SAMWELL STONE, called STRONG SAM STONE, master-at-arms,
—Bronze Yohn’s bannermen and sworn swords:
—ROYCE COLDWATER, Lord of Coldwater Burn,
—SER DAMON SHETT, Knight of Gull Tower,
—UTHOR TOLLETT, Lord of the Grey Glen
—ANYA WAYNWOOD, Lady of Ironoaks Castle,
—SER MORTON, her eldest son and heir,
—SER DONNEL, her second son, the Knight of the Gate,
—WALLACE, her youngest son,
—HARROLD HARDYNG, her ward, a squire oft called HARRY THE HEIR,
—BENEDAR BELMORE, Lord of Strongsong,
—SER SYMOND TEMPLETON, the Knight of Ninestars,
—{EON HUNTER}, Lord of Longbow Hall, recently deceased,
—SER GILWOOD, Lord Eon’s eldest son and heir, now called YOUNG LORD HUNTER,
—SER EUSTACE, Lord Eon’s second son,
—SER HARLAN, Lord Eon’s youngest son,
—Young Lord Hunter’s household:
—MAESTER WILLAMEN, counselor, healer, tutor,
—HORTON REDFORT, Lord of Redfort, thrice wed,
—SER MYCHEL, his youngest son, a new-made knight, m. Ysilla Royce of Runestone,
—clan chiefs from the Mountains of the Moon,
—SHAGGA SON OF DOLF, OF THE STONE CROWS, presently leading a band in the kingswood,
The Florents of Brightwater Keep are bannermen of Highgarden. At the outset of the War of the Five Kings, Lord Alester Florent followed his liege lord in declaring for King Renly while his brother Ser Axell chose Stannis, husband to his niece Selyse. After Renly’s death, Lord Alester went over to Stannis as well, with all the strength of Brightwater. Stannis made Lord Alester his Hand, and gave command of his fleet to Ser Imry Florent, his wife’s brother. The fleet and Ser Imry both were lost in the Battle of Blackwater, and Lord Alester’s efforts to negotiate a peace after the defeat were regarded by King Stannis as treason. He was given to the red priestess Melisandre, who burned him as a sacrifice to R’hllor.
The Iron Throne has also named the Florents traitors for their support of Stannis and his rebellion. They were attainted, and Brightwater Keep and its lands were awarded to Ser Garlan Tyrell.
The sigil of House Florent shows a fox head in a circle of flowers.
{ALESTER FLORENT}, Lord of Brightwater, burned as a traitor,
—his wife, LADY MELARA, of House Crane,
—their children:
—ALEKYNE, attainted Lord of Brightwater, fled to Oldtown to seek refuge at the Hightower,
—LADY MELESSA, wed to Lord Randyll Tarly,
—LADY RHEA, wed to Lord Leyton Hightower,
—his siblings:
—SER AXELL, a queen’s man, in service to his niece Queen Selyse at Eastwatch-by-the-Sea,
—{SER RYAM}, died in a fall from a horse,
—SELYSE, his daughter, wife and queen to King Stannis I Baratheon,
—SHIREEN BARATHEON, her only child,
—{SER IMRY}, his eldest son, killed in the Battle of the Blackwater,
—SER ERREN, his second son, a captive at Highgarden,
—SER COLIN, castellan at Brightwater Keep,
—DELENA, his daughter, m. SER HOSMAN NORCROSS,
—her natural son, EDRIC STORM, fathered by King Robert I Baratheon,
—ALESTER NORCROSS, her eldest trueborn son, a boy of nine,
—RENLY NORCROSS, her second trueborn son, a boy of three,
—MAESTER OMER, Ser Colin’s eldest son, in service at Old Oak,
—MERRELL, Ser Colin’s youngest son, a squire on the Arbor,
—RYLENE, Lord Alester’s sister, m. Ser Rycherd Crane.
The Freys are bannermen to House Tully, but have not always been diligent in their duty. At the onset of the War of the Five Kings, Robb Stark won Lord Walder’s allegiance by pledging to marry one of his daughters or granddaughters. When he wed Lady Jeyne Westerling instead, the Freys conspired with Roose Bolton and murdered the Young Wolf and his followers at what became known as the Red Wedding.
WALDER FREY, Lord of the Crossing,
—by his first wife, {LADY PERRA, of House Royce}:
—{SER STEVRON}, died after the Battle of Oxcross,
—m. {Corenna Swann}, died of a wasting illness,
—Stevron’s eldest son, SER RYMAN, heir to the Twins,
—Ryman’s son, EDWYN, wed to Janyce Hunter,
—Edwyn’s daughter, WALDA, a girl of nine,
—Ryman’s son, WALDER, called BLACK WALDER,
—Ryman’s son, {PETYR}, called PETYR PIMPLE, hanged at Oldstones, m. Mylenda Caron,
—Petyr’s daughter, PERRA, a girl of five,
—m. {Jeyne Lydden}, died in a fall from a horse,
—Stevron’s son, {AEGON}, called JINGLEBELL, killed at the Red Wedding by Catelyn Stark,
—Stevron’s daughter, {MAEGELLE}, died in childbed, m. Ser Dafyn Vance,
—Maegelle’s daughter, MARIANNE VANCE, a maiden,
—Maegelle’s son, WALDER VANCE, a squire,
—Maegelle’s son, PATREK VANCE,
—m. {Marsella Waynwood}, died in childbed,
—Stevron’s son, WALTON, m. Deana Hardyng,
—Walton’s son, STEFFON, called THE SWEET,
—Walton’s daughter, WALDA, called FAIR WALDA,
—Walton’s son, BRYAN, a squire,
—SER EMMON, Lord Walder’s second son, m. Genna Lannister,
—Emmon’s son, {SER CLEOS}, killed by outlaws near Maidenpool, m. Jeyne Darry,
—Cleos’s son, TYWIN, a squire of twelve,
—Cleos’s son, WILLEM, a page at Ashemark, ten,
—Emmon’s son, SER LYONEL, m. Melesa Crakehall,
—Emmon’s son, {TION}, a squire, murdered by Rickard Karstark while a captive at Riverrun,
—Emmon’s son, WALDER, called RED WALDER, fourteen, a page at Casterly Rock,
—SER AENYS, Lord Walder’s third son, m. {Tyana Wylde}, died in childbed,
—Aenys’s son, AEGON BLOODBORN, an outlaw,
—Aenys’s son, RHAEGAR, m. {Jeyne Beesbury}, died of a wasting illness,
—Rhaegar’s son, ROBERT, a boy of thirteen,
—Rhaegar’s daughter, WALDA, a girl of eleven, called WHITE WALDA,
—Rhaegar’s son, JONOS, a boy of eight,
—PERRIANE, Lord Walder’s daughter, m. Ser Leslyn Haigh,
—Perriane’s son, SER HARYS HAIGH,
—Harys’s son, WALDER HAIGH, a boy of five,
—Perriane’s son, SER DONNEL HAIGH,
—Perriane’s son, ALYN HAIGH, a squire,
—by h
is second wife, {LADY CYRENNA, of House Swann}:
—SER JARED, Lord Walder’s fourth son, m. {Alys Frey},
—Jared’s son, {SER TYTOS}, slain by Sandor Clegane during the Red Wedding, m. Zhoe Blanetree,
—Tytos’s daughter, ZIA, a maid of fourteen,
—Tytos’s son, ZACHERY, a boy of twelve sworn to the Faith, training at the Sept of Oldtown,
—Jared’s daughter, KYRA, m. {Ser Garse Goodbrook}, slain during the Red Wedding,
—Kyra’s son, WALDER GOODBROOK, a boy of nine,
—Kyra’s daughter, JEYNE GOODBROOK, six,
—SEPTON LUCEON, in service at the Great Sept of Baelor,
—by his third wife, {LADY AMAREI of House Crakehall}:
—SER HOSTEEN, m. Bellena Hawick,
—Hosteen’s son, SER ARWOOD, m. Ryella Royce,
—Arwood’s daughter, RYELLA, a girl of five,
—Arwood’s twin sons, ANDROW and ALYN, four,
—Arwood’s daughter, HOSTELLA, a newborn babe,
—LYENTHE, Lord Walder’s daughter, m. Lord Lucias Vypren,
—Lythene’s daughter, ELYANA, m. Ser Jon Wylde,
—Elyana’s son, RICKARD WYLDE, four,
—Lythene’s son, SER DAMON VYPREN,
—SYMOND, m. Betharios of Braavos,
—Symond’s son, ALESANDER, a singer,
—Symond’s daughter, ALYX, a maid of seventeen,
—Symond’s son, BRADAMAR, a boy of ten, a ward of Oro Tendyris, a merchant of Braavos,
—SER DANWELL, Lord Walder’s eighth son, m. Wynafrei Whent,
—{many stillbirths and miscarriages},
—{MERRETT}, hanged at Oldstones, m. Mariya Darry,
—Merrett’s daughter, AMEREI, called AMI, m. {Ser Pate of the Blue Fork, slain by Ser Gregor Clegane},
—Merrett’s daughter, WALDA, called FAT WALDA, m. Roose Bolton, Lord of the Dreadfort,
—Merrett’s daughter, MARISSA, a maid of thirteen,
—Merrett’s son, WALDER, called LITTLE WALDER, eight, a squire in service to Ramsay Bolton,
—{SER GEREMY}, drowned, m. Carolei Waynwood,
—Geremy’s son, SANDOR, a boy of twelve, a squire,
—Geremy’s daughter, CYNTHEA, a girl of nine, a ward of Lady Anya Waynwood,
—SER RAYMUND, m. Beony Beesbury,
—Raymund’s son, ROBERT, an acolyte at the Citadel,
—Raymund’s son, MALWYN, serving with alchemist in Lys,
—Raymund’s twin daughters, SERRA and SARRA,
—Raymund’s daughter, CERSEI, called LITTLE BEE,
—Raymund’s twin sons, JAIME and TYWIN, newborn,
—by his fourth wife, {LADY ALYSSA, of House Blackwood}:
—LOTHAR, Lord Walder’s twelfth son, called LAME LOTHAR, m. Leonella Lefford,
—Lothar’s daughter, TYSANE, a girl of seven,
—Lothar’s daughter, WALDA, a girl of five,
—Lothar’s daughter, EMBERLEI, a girl of three,
—Lothar’s daughter, LEANA, a newborn babe,
—SER JAMMOS, Lord Walder’s thirteenth son, m. Sallei Paege,
—Jammos’s son, WALDER, called BIG WALDER, eight, a squire in service to Ramsey Bolton,
—Jammos’s twin sons, DICKON and MATHIS, five,
—SER WHALEN, Lord Walder’s fourteenth son, m. Sylwa Paege,
—Whalen’s son, HOSTER, a squire of twelve, in service to Ser Damon Paege,
—Whalen’s daughter, MERIANNE, called MERRY, eleven,
—MORYA, Lord Walder’s daughter, m. Ser Flement Brax,
—Morya’s son, ROBERT BRAX, nine, a page at Casterly Rock,
—Morya’s son, WALDER BRAX, a boy of six,
—Morya’s son, JON BRAX, a babe of three,
—TYTA, Lord Walder’s daughter, called TYTA THE MAID,
—by his fifth wife, {LADY SARYA of House Whent}:
—no progeny,
—by his sixth wife, {LADY BETHANY of House Rosby}:
—SER PERWYN, Lord Walder’s fifteenth son,
—{SER BENFREY}, Lord Walder’s sixteenth son, died of a wound received at the Red Wedding, m. Jyanna Frey, a cousin,
—Benfrey’s daughter, DELLA, called DEAF DELLA, a girl of three,
—Benfrey’s son, OSMUND, a boy of two,
—MAESTER WILLAMEN, Lord Walder’s seventeenth son, in service at Longbow Hall,
—OLYVAR, Lord Walder’s eighteenth son, formerly a squire to Robb Stark,
—ROSLIN, sixteen, m. Lord Edmure Tully at the Red Wedding,
—by his seventh wife, {LADY ANNARA of House Farring}:
—ARWYN, Lord Walder’s daughter, a maid of fourteen,
—WENDEL, Lord Walder’s nineteenth son, thirteen, a page at Seagard,
—COLMAR, Lord Walder’s twentieth son, eleven and promised to the Faith,
—WALTYR, called TYR, Lord Walder’s twenty-first son, ten,
—ELMAR, Lord Walder’s lastborn son, a boy of nine briefly betrothed to Arya Stark,
—SHIREI, Lord Walder’s youngest child, a girl of seven,
—his eighth wife, LADY JOYEUSE of House Erenford,
—presently with child,
—Lord Walder’s natural children, by sundry mothers,
—Bastard Walder’s son, SER AEMON RIVERS,
—Bastard Walder’s daughter, WALDA RIVERS,
—MAESTER MELWYS, in service at Rosby,
The Hightowers of Oldtown are among the oldest and proudest of the Great Houses of Westeros, tracing their descent back to the First Men. Once kings, they have ruled Oldtown and its environs since the Dawn of Days, welcoming the Andals rather than resisting them, and later bending the knee to the Kings of the Reach and giving up their crowns whilst retaining all their ancient privileges. Though powerful and immensely wealthy, the Lords of the High Tower have traditionally preferred trade to battle, and have seldom played a large part in the wars of Westeros. The Hightowers were instrumental in the founding of the Citadel and continue to protect it to this day. Subtle and sophisticated, they have always been great patrons of learning and the Faith, and it is said that certain of them have also dabbled in alchemy, necromancy, and other sorcerous arts.
The arms of House Hightower show a stepped white tower crowned with fire on a smoke-grey field. The House words are We Light the Way.
LEYTON HIGHTOWER, Voice of Oldtown, Lord of the Port, Lord of the High Tower, Defender of the Citadel, Beacon of the South, called THE OLD MAN OF OLDTOWN,
—LADY RHEA of House Hightower, his fourth wife,
—Lord Leyton’s eldest son and heir, SER BAELOR, called BAELOR BRIGHTSMILE, m. Rhonda Rowan,
—Lord Leyton’s daughter, MALORA, called THE MAD MAID,
—Lord Leyton’s daughter, ALERIE, m. Lord Mace Tyrell,
—Lord Leyton’s son SER GARTH, called GREYSTEEL,
—Lord Leyton’s daughter, DENYSE, m. Ser Desmond Redwyne,
—her son, DENYS, a squire,
—Lord Leyton’s daughter, LEYLA, m. Ser Jon Cupps,
—Lord Leyton’s daughter, ALYSANNE, m. Lord Arthur Ambrose,
—Lord Leyton’s daughter, LYNESSE, m. Lord Jorah Mormont, presently chief concubine to Tregar Ormollen of Lys,
—Lord Leyton’s son, SER GUNTHOR, m. Jeyne Fossoway, of the green apple Fossoways,
—Lord Leyton’s youngest son, SER HUMFREY,
—Lord Leyton’s bannermen:
—TOMMEN COSTAYNE, Lord of the Three Towers,
—ALYSANNE BULWER, Lady of Blackcrown, a girl of eight,
—MARTYN MULLENDORE, Lord of Uplands,
—WARRYN BEESBURY, Lord of Honeyholt,
—BRANSTON CUY, Lord of Sunflower Hall,
—the people of Oldtown:
—EMMA, a serving wench at the Quill and Tankard, where the women are willing an
d the cider is fearsomely strong,
—ROSEY, her daughter, a girl of five-and-ten whose maidenhead will cost a golden dragon,
—the Archmaesters of the Citadel:
—ARCHMAESTER NORREN, Seneschal for the waning year, whose ring and rod and mask are electrum,
—ARCHMAESTER THEOBALD, Seneschal for the coming year, whose ring and rod and mask are lead,
—ARCHMAESTER EBROSE, the healer, whose ring and rod and mask are silver,
—ARCHMAESTER MARWYN, called MARWYN THE MAGE, whose ring and rod and mask are Valyrian steel,
—ARCHMAESTER PERESTAN, the historian, whose ring and rod and mask are copper,
—ARCHMAESTER VAELLYN, called VINEGAR VAELLYN, the stargazer, whose ring and rod and mask are bronze,
—ARCHMAESTER RYAM, whose ring and rod and mask are yellow gold,
—ARCHMAESTER WALGRAVE, an old man of uncertain wit, whose ring and rod and mask are black iron,
—maesters, acolytes, and novices of the Citadel:
—MAESTER GORMON, who oft serves in Walgrave’s stead,
—ARMEN, an acolyte of four links, called THE ACOLYTE,
—ALLERAS, called THE SPHINX, an acolyte of three links, a devoted archer,
—ROBERT FREY, sixteen, an acolyte of two links,
—LORCAS, an acolyte of nine links, in service to the Seneschal,
—LEO TYRELL, called LAZY LEO, a highborn novice,
—MOLLANDER, a novice, born with a club foot,
—PATE, who tends Archmaester Walgrave’s ravens, a novice of little promise,
—ROONE, a young novice.
The Lannisters of Casterly Rock remain the principal support of King Tommen’s claim to the Iron Throne. They boast of descent from Lann the Clever, the legendary trickster of the Age of Heroes. The gold of Casterly Rock and the Golden Tooth has made them the wealthiest of the Great Houses. The Lannister sigil is a golden lion upon a crimson field. Their words are Hear Me Roar!
{TYWIN LANNISTER}, Lord of Casterly Rock, Shield of Lannisport, Warden of the West, and Hand of the King, murdered by his dwarf son in his privy,
—Lord Tywin’s children:
—CERSEI, twin to Jaime, now Lady of Casterly Rock,
—SER JAIME, twin to Cersei, called THE KINGSLAYER,
—TYRION, called THE IMP, dwarf and kinslayer,
—Lord Tywin’s siblings and their offspring:
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