BAD BOY ROMANCE: A Wifey for the Bad Boy (Contemporary Alpha Male Romance Book) (New Adult Alpha Male Romance Short Stories)

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BAD BOY ROMANCE: A Wifey for the Bad Boy (Contemporary Alpha Male Romance Book) (New Adult Alpha Male Romance Short Stories) Page 42

by Ava May

  She had an overwhelming physical ache for him to shove his way inside her, to fuck her as she wanted to be fucked. Nobody else could compare to him, the sensations and emotions he aroused in her.

  When Keith slid home, Jan cried out, her pussy walls clenching down on him. At first, she’d worried that this reaction was too painful for him, but he’d repeatedly assured her that it was okay, that he liked it as much as she did. That they were whole together and the fact that she wanted to hold him inside was a beautiful thing.

  Keith started rocking, using just the right amount of forceful jabs and deep long drawn out strokes, to relentlessly careen her toward the edge. She nipped at his throat, eyes drifting over the pattern of small bruises there. She really should stop marking him, but she couldn’t resist.

  “Jan, please!”

  And it didn’t hurt that his neck was as sensitive as his cock.

  Jan shifted, arching her back and then wrapping her legs around him so that they moved as one. They were complete. Jan didn’t need anything more than this.

  “Come with me, Jan!” Keith cried out, his body shaking under her. This big, strong man was reduced to putty in her hands, while she controlled and demanded his reactions.

  It was a beautiful thing and Jan didn’t need anything more.

  Okay, maybe she did need just a little more. More sex, more love. More Keith.

  The love of her life.


  Tangled with the Twins

  Tangled with the Twins

  Chapter 1

  A flashback of memories warmed Ronda’s heart as the rain trickled down the glass pane of her spacious living room. The night reminded her of a similar night, not so long ago. Three years, was it? Or was it four years back? The time period did not matter. It seemed like it was just yesterday that Ronda and the boys had spent the night of their lives. It was beautiful. The night was dark and sensuous. The three friends were in an Eden of their own. They celebrated their virile youth that night. They celebrated love. They celebrated passion. But above all, they celebrated forbidden freedom.

  Ronda Jenkins was the neighborhood belle. She was the dream girl of many a man and the object of admirable envy to the women folk. She was a poet’s muse with her cascading brown curly hair that shone like a field of chestnuts in the gleaming afternoon summer sun. Her hair framed her face like a pretty picture. Her red luscious lips had stolen many hearts and brightened the dreams of quite a few women and men. Ronda was not one of those girls who tried everything under the sun to achieve a size zero. She was rather comfortable with her buxom curvaceous figure. The boys of the literature class in high school had secretly nicknamed her Demeter, the fertility goddess.

  “Mate, have you seen her curves? They actually look like the Renaissance paintings, man.” The boys used to say.

  Ronda Jenkins was sensuous and she knew it. She was an early bloomer. While most women did not experience their first menstruation until they were twelve or thirteen, Ronda knew all about sanitary napkins, reproduction and intercourse by the time she was nine. Her liberal mother felt Ronda would be better equipped to handle her early menstruation and puberty if she acquainted her daughter with the biology of it all.

  “Ronda sweetie, Mamma needs to talk to you about certain things now.”

  “What things, Mommy?” Little Ronda had asked, her eyes gleaming with curiosity.

  “You are growing up now. You are becoming a woman. There are things you should know about your body, little one.”

  Her mother was not wrong. Ronda did not just handle her puberty gracefully she had started exploring her body quite early. The little Junoesque girl grew up to have a healthy sexual appetite. She had, with time, discovered the mythical secrets of the Kamasutram and spent quite some time learning the art of love making. As Ronda grew up and had her first sexual encounter at the age of eighteen, she realized that love making was an art and you were either born with the skill or you acquire it. Ronda made a very conscious decision of acquiring the skills of love making as extensively as possible.

  Ronda’s consciousness of her own body and her acknowledgement of her sexuality stood her in a good stead even in her own life. Her physical confidence manifested itself in her daily life. Her satisfaction helped her to concentrate on her daily life more than her peers. She was quite spiritual and her extensive research about the desires of the body had convinced her that a healthy sex life was essential for a healthy development of the mind and the soul.

  “Sex can lead you to moksha if done correctly. Otherwise, you just have to depend on a dirty magazine and lots of tissues.” Ronda used to laugh and deliver her little philosophies to her friends.

  She had always been at the top of her class all through school. She was also the District Swimming Champion and her opponents quaked in their feet when they faced her in a debate competition. Ronda was the apple of the eye of her teachers. She was perfect and she worked very hard to maintain that perfection. Ronda was disciplined and industrious. While most students in high school shunned her because of her popularity with the boys and the teachers, college was a very different story. Her freshman year was a year of experiments. Ronda Jenkins was the Aphrodite come to earth among the mundane human creatures. She had multiple lovers- men and women. Her peers were ready to be at her service in return for her dazzling smile. She was courteous and lady like. What set Ronda apart was that she was a beauty with brains. She could seduce someone solely by reciting Donne. Her lovers were handpicked and everybody craved to achieve that distinction. Therefore, it was not surprising that a major publishing company had offered her a position as the editor in chief of their newfangled New York City branch, even before she had completed the final semester of her degree course.

  Ronda was a revelation as the editor in chief. Before one could say Jack Robinson, she had made a formidable name for herself. She was the modern, unorthodox editor who actually believed in new talents and did everything in her power to promote them. She was naturally gifted when it came to choosing a quality narrative that had immense potential to generate revenues. Her superiors loved her and the writers she worked with respected her, while many of them remained forever grateful to her for assisting them to make a mark in the world of contemporary literature and receiving their much deserved credit. She was in the business for five years only when she won multiple awards recognizing her efforts in the field of publishing. Ronda had reinvented the image of the company that she worked for. When she was hired Esskay Publishers held the tenth rank in the publishing industry in United States, but with Ronda’s revolutionary outlook, they soon climbed the ladders of unexpected success and in a span of five years they had earned a spot in the top five.

  Ronda was not just a workaholic.

  “Working 24/7 is for idiots who can’t figure out what they are supposed to do”, Ronda used to tell her junior colleagues.

  She participated actively in most social gatherings and one could often see her featured in Page 3 of the tabloids and newspapers. Every gossip column wanted to talk about her backless gown or her plunging necklines. The fashion magazines wanted to be constantly updated about her bold fashion statement. Ronda Jenkins did not follow a trend; she set the trend. She was sassy and sensuous; classy and coy; elegant and elusive; seductive and sophisticated, all at the same time. The gossip columns further wondered how a woman, so perfect and so sexy, could be single for so long. They did not take time to pair up Ronda with her dates and weave imaginary stories of their passionate love life and publish them for the readers’ interest. The columns often ran with headlines, “Is Ronda dating Rawdon?” with a blurb following that read “Editor-in-chief rumored to have been cuddling with Senior Producer”

  While a part of the Page 3 was obsessed with the love life of Ronda Jenkins, the other section of it was possessed by the idea of her best friends, Matthew and Tony Dillingham. Matthew and Tony had rightfully earned the sobriquet of being the “Beguiling Brothers Grimm of the New Age”. Ronda, To
ny and Matthew had been to the same school and lived in close neighborhoods. They had been good friends for as long as they had known each other. The twins, Tony and Matthew, had always been geeks. They were bullied by the class jock regularly till Ronda had put a stop to it. She had used her charms on Daniel to convince him to leave the twins alone.

  “Now, now Daniel. That’s no way to hold a lady’s attention. Bullying those kids won’t get you any brownie points for this Saturday.” A wink from Ronda was enough to discourage the jock to pursue his tormenting regime.

  Since then, they had often spent wonderful times in each other’s company. The twins enjoyed the privileged position of being Ronda’s special friends. Nobody disturbed them, rather they were treated with utmost courtesy by any boy who was infatuated by Ronda and wanted to be close to her. The friends had quite a few laughs at the expense of these poor and unsuspecting romantics.

  “Hey Ronda, Kenneth, this senior bloke, promised to give me his bike if I can convince you to go out with him.”

  “Tell him to give you the bike first. And if I like it, I’ll think about going out with him.”

  Tony, Matthew and Ronda were forced to part ways after high school to start their degree program at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. They had been in touch through social networking sites and video conferencing software. During the holidays they had always made it a point to meet each other and catch up on everything that had been going on in their respective lives. The trio was inseparable and their friendship was well known in every circle.

  While in Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the brothers had come up with the idea of new software that would collate a person’s search history from the Internet and their information from social networking sites to predict their consumer behavior. The software, made as a play thing, during one of their semesters, soon unveiled its true potential and the brothers realized they had invented the next most revolutionary application for the capitalist consumer. Very soon, they had patented the software and built Dillingham Innovations, a multi- billion dollar enterprise that not only profited from their initial software but had gone forward to contribute significantly to the software industry. Inspired by Ronda, they used their company to fund upcoming talents, thereby turning the lives of young innovators into fairy tales. Very soon, they had shifted their headquarters to New York and the trio was regular guests at every happening party in the town.

  The innovators turned business honchos, Tony and Matthew were no longer the reflection of their high school images physically. They had grown up to handsome young men who were desired by every woman. They regularly made it to the list of the most eligible bachelors in New York Times. Being identical twins, it was very difficult to tell the brothers apart. They both had silky dark brown hair and green eyes. Their chiseled bodies made them popular heartthrobs among all age groups of women. A rumor was circulated during the early days of their public life that the brothers were perhaps bisexual and therefore, it was not surprising that they had a dedicated male fan base that was not necessarily interested in their intellectual exploits. The brothers enjoyed the attention. Ronda, Tony and Matthew formed the Triumvirate of Desire in New York.

  Chapter 2

  The three friends were united in their ideals of philanthropy. Ronda was an ardent supporter of child rights and LGBTIQ issues. On being asked about her involvement with the queer group, she had replied in the words of one of her favorite musicians, Eminem, “I do not care what they are in their private lives. They are human beings and deserve recognition despite their personal choices. And it’s very simple for me really. If you are nice to me, I’ll be nice to me. What you are in your personal life isn’t my concern as long as you aren’t harming anyone.”

  She had used her influence to generate a lot of funds for the campaigns related to these issues. She often spent a part of her weekends visiting children’s hospitals and distributing books and other stationary items among underprivileged kids. Tony and Matthew, despite being businessmen, were staunch supporters of education programs that encouraged innovative thinking. As a part of their Corporate Social Responsibility, they had provided scholarships to many brilliant, yet needy students. The brothers had famously replied to a reporter’s cynical question about investing in non profitable students’ innovation by saying, “Profit, my dear man isn’t always monetary. We invest in talents. We invest in perfection. And that isn’t easy to come by.”

  They agreed to attend as guest lecturers in institutes around the world and continually strove to find out ways in which less developed parts of the world could benefit from technology and innovations. They were shining examples of some of those very few businessmen who actually practiced what they preached regarding environment issues.

  Privately, the trio shared quite a few mutual friends who found them genial and courteous. While Ronda was outgoing, she was also considered to be extremely private. The brothers on the other hand were soft spoken and shy. Tony however suffered from occasional pangs of impatience and anxiety, while Matthew barely lost his calm even in the most complicated of situations. Tony was prone to quick temper, while Matthew always found a way to be reasonable in every state of affairs. The brothers were a mirror image of each other, yet they had their distinctive dissimilarities that made them two strong individuals in their own right. Most of them believed that the creative brain belonged to Tony, while Matthew possessed sound business acumen. Together, they were an unstoppable force in their own field.

  As Ronda recalled their parties and the weekends, a smile escaped her lips. Those were wonderful days. They were so full of energy. All three of them lived by the philosophy of carpe diem and siphoned life out of every moment they lived. They lived by the maxim of teenagers: “Work hard; party harder”. How they enjoyed reading love mails from admirers on a lazy Sunday morning! How they discussed their lovers and shared moments of laughter about the follies of men and women in love! Ronda felt restful recalling their holidays to Greece, Hawaii, Switzerland and a countless other fairy tale destinations. It was always fun travelling with the twins. They were chivalrous and excellent company. Tony was quite the story teller. Their travels were incomplete without his hilarious anecdotes.

  The fantastical friendship of these three young and gorgeous twenty five year olds had not always been a joyride. It was threatened more often than not by forces who tried to break them apart for several reasons ranging from jealousy to professional gains. But they had stood the tests of faith and time. On this rainy night, the one event that Ronda recalled caused her to shudder. How could any one of them forget the event? Tony was quite shaken for months after the event and had sworn to Ronda and his brother to never again doubt their judgments.

  The brothers had thrown a party celebrating Dillingham Innovation’s billion dollar valuation. The who’s who of the society was invited. The tabloids had dubbed it to be one of the most happening parties of the year. The champagne overflowed that night and the guests were in the arms of Bacchus till the wee hours of dawn. Friends were made, lovers were united and new love blossomed in the party for many. The venue glistened with the sheen of the most expensive silk worn by the ladies. A thick perfume of musk and civet overwhelmed the air. In the corner, a little smoking room was filled with the aroma of Cuban cigars. The night was young and one could hear the tinkling sound of women’s laughter from quite a distance away. The music did not allow the dance floor to go empty. Everybody returned home satisfied and fulfilled after a night of midsummer revelry.

  Tony had spotted her in an emerald green gown sipping her champagne all by herself. She seemed to be alone. Her jet black hair and her dark eyes gleamed with an ethereal brightness. The emerald green on her creamy skin made her resemble a painting by one of the ancient masters. Unlike most other women, she was not over dressed with a lot of jewelry. She wore two tiny pearl drops in her ears and a statement ring on her left hand. Her bare arms were inviting and Tony could not move his gaze away from this siren. She was indee
d dressed to kill. Her svelte figure seemed to make love to the silk of her gown. Tony longed to have her to himself within the privacy of his bed chamber.

  “I see you have met my acquaintance, Tony”, Ronda took her place beside her best friend.

  “Your acquaintance?”

  “Mmhmm…That’s Mikaela. You want me to introduce you to her?”

  “Why not? How do you know her?”

  “She’s in town with her father. Her father owns a publishing company in Russia. They want to collaborate with us on some projects. She wanted to feel the city, so I asked her to join me.”

  “So you two do not know each other that well, then?”

  “No. I can’t say we do. But I’ll introduce you if you want to.”

  “Oh please! Lead the way, ma’am.”

  Ronda wished she could turn back the wheels of time and prevent the meeting. But if only that were possible!

  “Hello Mikaela. I would like you to meet your host for the night, Tony Dillingham. Tony, Mikaela Nabokov, daughter of Mr. Andrei Nabokov, the founder father of Northern Snow Publications.”

  “Good evening ma’am. May I have the permission to tell you that you look enchanting?”

  Mikaela had blushed like a little schoolgirl, melting Tony’s heart. Ronda does not remember Tony being more than a foot away from the Russian seductress during the entire course of the evening. She had become the object of resentment for quite a number of women who had desired at least one dance with Tony that evening. They dominated the dance floor, whispering sweet nothings to each other and breaking into such intimate laughter that even Ronda had felt jealous. Matthew had never seen his brother so smitten by a single woman.

  Mikaela had stayed back in New York even after her father’s return. Tony was so fascinated by her that they met every day. Before long, the tabloids had been publishing stories about their passionate romance along with intimate photographs. Matthew had informed Ronda that Tony had almost moved in with Mikaela. The whirlwind romance had gotten both Ronda and Matthew a little worried. Tony was quite sensitive and they feared that such a romance might end with Tony being heartbroken. They had both decided to stage an intervention for Tony and advise him to take it a little slow. After all, three weeks was not time enough to completely comprehend a person’s feelings for the other.


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