King Of Me (Pernicious Red Book 1)

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King Of Me (Pernicious Red Book 1) Page 2

by Natalie Bennett

  She gathered up the pile and made her way into the largest bathroom she'd ever seen. Centered in the room was a walk down Jacuzzi tub that looked as large as a hot tub. There was a beautiful skylight directly in the high ceiling above it shining sunlight right down on it. There was a large open shower on the back wall. There was a double sink counter with two tall long mirrors above them. In a corner sat a plush chair with a floor length mirror standing beside it. The toilet was in its own little area with a door. She spotted a little basket with a pink bow on it on the chair. Opening it she found all her favorite hygiene products. This is creepy. No way is this a coincidence!

  There was everything from her shampoo and body wash sets to the dental floss she used. Not even going to let herself dwell on it she walked to the tub and turned on the water. It had a black and white tiled bottom she could see now that she was up close. After filling the tub she lowered herself into the warm water and sighed heavenly. It'd been so long since she had a tub to soak in. She laid her head back and closed her eyes thinking of how she was going to get out of this place.

  She woke up with a start and realized the water was now freezing. There was no longer any sunlight streaming down from the window just a black glassy hole. She drained the tub and quickly went to the shower. After washing her hair and cleaning herself more than necessary she stepped out and wrapped a warm fluffy towel around herself. She threw on some lotion and the clothes ran a comb through her hair and brushed her teeth. Wondering back into the bedroom she found a dinner tray with mouth watering smells emanating from it. On further inspection she found her favorite meal. Well done filet steak, a baked potato loaded with cheese and bacon goodness, a side salad and a fat piece of chocolate cake. There was a bottle of water and a bottle of lemonade in an ice bucket.

  She had been staring at the food for probably ten minutes now debating if she should eat or not. Yes, she was beyond starving, yes, she needed the food. She also didn't know if she could trust it. They hadn't hurt her at all so far besides her pride and they could always be planning to eat her or something. Shrugging she decided to dig in. Least she could die with a full stomach. She ate the food in record time and downed the lemonade. She wished there was a clock somewhere. They weren't allowed to take their cell phones on hunts as they were said to be a distraction. She could now point out exactly how stupid that little rule was.

  She climbed onto the large bed and the mattress felt like a thousand arms of soft fluff. She got back up to turn the large light off in the room. Flicking it off, immediately a small night light came to life in the bathroom and the fireplace lit in a small fire. She was just about to climb back into the bed when she caught the reflection of fire from outside. She walked to the French doors and looked out. She could see down into the backyard. There was a bonfire/pool party thing going on. The lycan that had carried Trinity in the house sat with some brunette huddled on his lap. Beside him holding what looked like a beer was the lycan that had locked her in here with a red head with her head resting on his shoulder.

  Various others were in the pool or by the fire. She looked beyond the scene to the wide open plains. It was a beautiful sight. She didn't know how long she'd been standing there just staring out not really thinking of anything but if Trinity was okay. She was about to turn away when she happened to glance down. The lycan was staring straight up at her. She stared back. He smiled brightly from down below. She immediately turned around and left the doors.

  She climbed in the bed and lay there restlessly. She hated this. She knew the guild would be frantic by now. She really didn't have anyone but Trinity but the guild was her family. They raised her. She could hear laughter from down below. Deciding now was as good of time as any she ran and put the small shoes on and went back into the bathroom. She grabbed the toilet lid off the toilet and the plunger that sat behind it. Jogging back into the room she took a deep breath and swung the toilet lid at the glass doors. It worked. The glass shattered. Every sound from outside ceased for a minute before she heard a few people burst into laughter. She threw her plunger down knowing she wouldn't need it.

  She ran out onto the balcony and looked around. Happy she guessed right she climbed over the stone railing and tested the gutter strength. Finding it was made of stone she hoisted herself up and began edging her way down the house. She heard voices shouting from down below and ignored them. She came to a window that was open. She swung her legs and kicked the screen in. She went through the window and found herself in a dark bedroom. She knew she had limited time she ran to the door and flung it open. She saw two lycans charging towards the door. She slammed the door shut and ran into the bathroom connected to the bedroom. She slammed the door and locked it.

  She spotted another window like the one she swung through and pushed it open. Shoving the screen out she hoisted herself up and stretched to reach the gutter. Finding it she swung out just as the bathroom door crashed open. There was shouting coming from everywhere now. This was probably a bad idea. She reached another balcony and dropped down. Just as she did the door swung open and she was yanked inside. Before she could do anything she was embraced in a bone crushing hug by Trinity. Who was donning the same getup as her. “I was so worried about you!” She cried embracing her friend. “I'm fine, we have to get ready.” As soon as her friend had the word ready out of her mouth the door smashed open.

  Two huge very pissed off lycans stood glowering in at them. They charged into the room. As one went to reach for her she faked a left and dodged behind him. She kicked him propelling him forward into the glass doors. Trinity had the other lycan on the ground his arm bent at an awkward angle behind his back. Then all hell broke loose. The room seemed to explode with lycans. They did the only logical thing there was to do. They ducked and dodged out of the room. “This way!” Trinity grabbed her arm leading her away from the stairs. They turned a sharp corner and ran towards a large door way with two French doors open. “I seen it on the way up, this is going to hurt a little.” Trinity told her as they burst onto the balcony. “Jump!” Her friend yelled practically dragging her across the hard stone railing with her.

  Hurt a little was a huge understatement. They landed in thick bushes. She felt like she was being jabbed with a million little needles. She didn't have time to dwell on it. They fell out of the bushes and took off running blindly into the night. She heard a howl go up and goose bumps broke out onto her skin. They couldn't just outrun lycans. They ran and ran but it was vast openness. They had no idea where they were going or where they were. There were suddenly bright flood lights shining behind them. She really didn't want to glance back. She didn't need to, that weird little sense she had came on like a power drill. This told her there was way more than just a few lycans behind them. That was further proved when she was hit hard from behind, yet again. She went down but this time flipped onto her back. Within minutes a circle of wolves was around them.

  The gray wolf on her changed back and it was the red head she had seen outside sneering down at her. “Did you really think you could get away?” She asked in a mocking voice. Before she could shoot back a witty response the girl was yanked off her by her best friend who had grabbed her by the hair. The girl screamed trying to break free. “That's enough!” A voice commanded. The lycans parted and the two lycans that had caught them before walked into the circle. “Let her go.” The lycans name she didn't know said and he sounded like he was trying not to laugh. “Not unless you let us go!” Trinity yelled back at him. “Ah my sweet little Tinker bell, I can't do that.” He said smiling at her friend. She knew from past experience her friend despised that nickname.

  The other lycan hadn't said a word. He was just silently taking the scene in. “Everyone. Go back to your homes. This night is over.” He looked around and the lycans hesitated only a split second before slinking off into the darkness. “Brother, please get your lovely lady off of Samantha.” He said still staring at her. The other lycan strutted forward smiling. Before he reached them Trinity shov
ed the red head into him. With a grunt he caught the girl who immediately tried to come back at her friend but was stopped by the lycan who always seemed to give orders. “Sam. Go back to the house.” The girl turned around looking like she was about to protest then thought better of it and started to storm off to the house.

  “Not this again! Put me down damn it!” Trinity yelled as she was lifted and carried off towards the house not unlike the same way they were before. That just left them. She could run but she knew there was no way she was out running him, she could always fight though. So she got in battle position and waited. “What exactly are you doing?” The lycan finally spoke and she could hear the laughter in his voice which just pissed her off. “What's it look like I'm doing.” She shot back. “Look, Red. I know you probably think I'm some crazy kidnapper; I assure you I am not. I will explain everything after your punishment.” He said stepping towards her.

  “You’re not allowed to call me that! And that's exactly what you are!” She stepped back. Then she realized what the last part of what he said was. “Punishment?” She asked slowly. “Of course, you can't just destroy my property and make us end our barbeque just to get a pat on the head.” He said as if explaining to a small child. “Stay away from me!” She yelled backing up. Suddenly his eyes went from milky white to what looked like black. She didn't even blink before he was suddenly in front of her. She tried to run but he was to quick. He lifted his hands and placed them on either side of her head. She instantly saw spots. She thought she might have screamed. Then it was nothing but blackness and she felt herself falling.

  “Wake up Red, Wake up.” Her eyes flew open and she was being gently shaken by Trinity. “Oh, thank gods.” Her friend squealed hugging her tight. “What happened? Where are we?” She asked returning the hug and sitting up. She was on a dark stone floor. It was cold and smelled of dampness wherever they were. There were no windows. There was a very dim light hanging from the ceiling; there were two low cots against opposite walls. A thin looking sheet was on top of them. The walls were stone and bare. There was one large heavy wood door.

  “I was brought here and a little while later that lycan brought you in and sat you on a cot. He wouldn't answer me or tell me what he did to you. He just promised you were okay.” Her friend scooted back and leaned against a wall. Whatever was going on, he was clear as day no average lycan. Lycan didn't have power, they couldn't move like he did either. That made her more unsettled than she already was. “What now...?” She mused out loud. “I don't know Red. I do know we need to get some kind of rest. Well be no good exhausted.” Her friend said moving to one of the cots. “There not letting us out of here.” She sighed following her friends lead. Laying in the other cot which was extremely uncomfortable. She pulled the thin sheet above her head and closed her eyes. She forced herself to fall asleep.

  “Wake up.” A gruff voice said from above her. She must have flung the sheet off in her restless sleep. She popped her eyes open and looked up at a big burly man. He had a long beard and frazzled red hair. He looked to be about fifty. “Come now, the king wishes to speak with you.” He said turning away. Glancing around she saw Trinity was already gone from the room. She clumsily hopped off the little cot and followed the big man. The king? There was that again. She followed the man up a set of stone stairs. They came out in a massive kitchen. He didn't stop for her to take it all in and kept moving. He walked into a room off the kitchen. Following they entered a dining room.

  At the table was Trinity who gave her a weak smile. Across from her was the brown haired lycan. The dark haired lycan sat at the head of the table. He stood and pulled out a chair next to him for her to sit in. She made her way to the chair wondering what was going on. “I think it's time I give you an explanation. Orange juice?” He asked offering her a glass. She shook her head no and waited.

  Chapter Three

  “My name is Ryker Aticous, that is my brother Jackson, also my second in command. This is our home, this is my pack.” He didn't say anything for a minute. He just sat there watching her as if waiting for something. “Okay...” She said staring at him. He is flawless. He smiled at her then. She immediately remembered him reading her mind and hoped he only could do it if he touched her, that made her say her next statement. “You’re not a lycan. I mean not a normal one. And why are you called a king?” She asked hurriedly. He set his glass down and looked at her as if looking right in her soul before saying.

  “You’re right. I am not a normal lycan as you are not a human.” He said pointedly. “Neither is she.” He gestured to Trinity then. “Of course were human.” She scoffed. “Is that why you took us? You think were lycans?!” She was getting mad now. “No. You’re like me and my brother. I am a king Red. And you....” He paused for a minute as to choose his words carefully. “You are my queen.”

  She didn’t even bother to stop the snort she let out or the laughter, Trinity joined her. “You kidnapped us, brought us here, and made me sleep in your dingy basement because you think I’m a queen?” She snapped not laughing anymore. “I don’t think. I know you are.” He shrugged. “We are human.” Trinity growled out from across the table. “No, just as me and my brother aren’t natural lycans you two are not human, not fully.” Jackson said. “Our father was a vampire our mother was a lycan.” Ryker stated. “I thought species couldn’t cross breed.” She responded not believing a word he said. “Humans make up half of what they teach about us, species have been cross breeding for years.” She just looked at him.

  “Your mothers were human; your fathers were from the same clan. They were like us, hybrids.” He knew their parents? No, that would be accepting what he was saying as the truth. “Why should we believe anything you say?” Trinity asked what she was about to.

  Ryker suddenly opened his mouth and she watched as fangs extended. Trinity flung back her chair at the same time she grabbed a steak knife and tried to stab him. He moved just as a vampire would and grabbed her wrist. “Drop the knife.” He commanded. Why did some part of her feel it had to listen? “Go to hell!” She yelled swinging with her other arm. She clocked him in the side of the head. He didn’t let go, he just gripped her wrist so tight she yelped in pain and dropped the knife.

  “Why did they have to be them?” Jackson groaned holding down a thrashing Trinity. “It doesn’t, let us go.” Her friend ground out. “We can’t, we need your help.” Ryker said as he twisted her around and sat her on his lap wrapping his arms around her. She wiggled to get away. “Stop.” His quiet voice and what she felt beneath her had her quickly stopping her struggles.

  Trinity went limp like a pool noodle as well.

  “What do you want from us?” She asked. She wanted off his damn lap. “Have you ever heard of the Bristows?” He asked. Who hadn’t? “They’re only the most savage clan in history.” She dryly stated. The things she had heard about them made her skin crawl and happy she had never met one. “Their leader is like us, a hybrid. So are his two brothers that stand with him. He’s smart and he’s strong but he’s been making plans to spread his clan and wipe out all the others, he’s already taken out both northern clan leaders and has control of the vampires and lycans of that region now.” Holy crap, this guy wasn’t just strong he was a force of nature.

  “He plans to move west and then to us, his man power is building the clans are scared of him and refuse to defy him, we have been successful in taking in a decent portion of those who refuse to live under him but if he takes west it won’t be enough to save us.” She followed along and then asked “So, you want us to do what exactly?” She may be good at what she did although she didn’t very much feel like it at the moment but that didn’t mean she was going to go searching for someone that could have her down and begging for mercy in point five seconds.

  “You’re our mates, we need you to reach our full potential and we need your help to take them out before they take us out.” Was he flipping insane? “I am not your anything for the millionth time and I am a human!” S
he shoved off of his lap. “We both are.” She whirled facing him.”No you’re not, the same ones who raised you are the ones who exiled your mothers and killed your fathers, and they only kept you because they knew what an asset you would be!” She refused to believe this was true. “How would you even know all of this!?” Trinity yelled just as mad as she was. “Our father was Alexander Aticous.” Jackson said in a calm level voice.

  That’s where the whole king thing was coming from, their dad had been royalty before his death. “You’re really a king?” She breathed out. “Yes, Jackson would be considered a prince and everything we are telling you is true, we need your help do you really think if this clan falls they will hesitate to take out humans? They won’t and humans can’t fight all of them it would be a massacre. We need your help.” What could they do though? “If what you’re saying is true then we didn’t get anything from our fathers.”

  She pointed out. “No, that’s not true, your wolves are dormant and your vampire never awakened because of how you were raised.” Ryker explained.

  “So, what do we do then?” Trinity sighed probably just going along with this so they could get out of this situation. “You guys need to know how to fight hybrids, we know you’re skilled already but you’ve never really dealt with our kind before, and we need to focus on awakening your counterparts.” She looked at Trinity whose sparkling green eyes met hers and she nodded her compliance. “Okay, when do we start?” She asked Ryker. Tomorrow morning, I need to introduce you to the pack you’re their alpha but they might try and give you a hard time at first and that’s not acceptable. Trinity and Jackson our are betas so they need to know her as well.


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