Vow of Devotion: 2nd Novel Addition (One Urge, One Plea, Keep Me Trilogy)

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Vow of Devotion: 2nd Novel Addition (One Urge, One Plea, Keep Me Trilogy) Page 5

by Scarlet Wolfe

  “Not necessarily. Being in a foster home with kids doesn’t mean it’s a good home. He could also have a harder time adjusting around other children since he’s been an only child.

  “He needs a permanent place to call home. Cameron needs a family he knows will always be there for him because he was adopted by them.”

  “You’re already picturing us adopting the kid? No way.” Damon’s head is moving back and forth against the seat before he turns it completely away from me to stare out the window of the Pullman.

  “Damon, please consider it. He thinks you’re his father. You could become that to him.”

  Damon snaps his head my direction. “I said no. End of discussion. I’m not his fucking father, and she shouldn’t have told him that!”

  I recoil, snatching my hand away. Sliding to the other side of the car, I rest my elbow against the glass and bite on my nail. This isn’t how I planned on us parting ways.

  I’m leaving for Los Angeles this morning, and I honestly thought a blow job in the car would be my parting gesture, but he can forget that.

  I’m aware that I’m not the one he’s pissed at, but all the more reason I shouldn’t have to bear the brunt of his anger.


  Alayna doesn’t speak to me the rest of the way to my office. The silence is more like a screaming in my ear, and the lack of her touch is like a limb with frostbite. Her touch takes away the pain and gives the numbness life.

  I reach over and force my hand into her fist. Getting no response from her, I unbuckle and move over to her. I pull her into my lap and cup her face. “I’m sorry. I don’t want us to leave each other this way.”

  Her gaze softens. “I’m sorry, too. It wasn’t the time to bring up Cameron, but my gut wouldn’t stop nagging me over it. Will you at least think about it?”

  “I will, but I doubt I will change my mind. That boy would always remind me of her, and I want nothing more than to forget she existed.”

  “Maybe this is a gift she can give you to make up for all the things she did wrong.”

  My sudden chuckling has her bouncing on my lap.

  “I’ve been a fourteen-year-old boy; you haven’t. Trust me, I doubt it would be a gift. We would likely drive each other mad, and I already have one maddening person in my home.” I smirk at her, but she appears disappointed.

  “I’m serious, Damon. It could be a blessing if we gave it a chance, but I’m going to shut up about it for now. We’re almost at Golding, and I want a kiss before I have to say goodbye for a couple of days.”

  I grumble as my face buries against her neck. I don’t want her leaving me and spending time with another man. Work or not, I don’t like it. Lifting my head, I give her a soft kiss.

  “I love you, and I’ll be waiting to kiss you again when you return.”

  “Well, since you apologized and are being so sweet, I will give you a rain check on the blow job I was going to give you right here in this car.” She giggles, and it’s because she’s aware of what thoughts she’s leaving me with.

  “After I collect on you sucking my cock, I might have to give you a punishment.” I kiss her ravenously until Roger is opening up the door and clearing his throat. Reaching over, I grab the handle and pull the door back shut.

  Alayna bursts into laughter.

  “I mean it, baby. Be ready for some hanky spanky when you return,” I say.

  Her eyes widen, and she only laughs harder.

  “Hanky spanky?” She can barely get out her words between her laughter. “Who are you? And what have you done with Damon Lear?”

  “You’ve brightened my world, sweetheart, and don’t forget it. I love you and will see you in about thirty-four hours.”

  I lift Alayna off of me and get out of the car before I lose my shit. I can’t let her see it, but I’m seriously upset she’s flying somewhere without me. She talks about her gut. Well, mine is telling me Author Phillip Channing can’t be trusted.


  The LAX airport is crazy. I thought LaGuardia and JFK were hectic until now. I feel like cattle being herded as I move against the bustle of people. After forty-five minutes, I find my luggage and look around.

  A young gentleman wearing a dark brown suit is holding a sign with my name on it. “Hi, I’m Ms. Wynn.” I stretch out my hand to shake his.

  “Hi, ma’am, my name is John. I’m Mr. Channing’s personal assistant. I will be escorting you to his home.”

  “That’s perfect, thank you.”

  “May I?” he asks, eyeing my suitcase.

  “Oh, of course.” I hand it off to him and follow him to a car waiting in a non-parking section. An older gentleman gets out, who in his black suit reminds me of Roger, and the two gentleman make me miss Damon, Roger and Quinn.

  Geez, I just landed, and I’m already missing home.

  “Ms. Wynn, this is Cliff. He will be your driver during your stay in California,” John announces.

  My hand outstretches once again. “It’s nice to meet you, Cliff. Please, both of you call me Alayna.”


  Phillip Channing’s Malibu home has a classic, coastal appearance. It’s white with a pale blue trim, and his lawn is immaculate.

  I eye the beautiful purple verbena, snapdragon and yellow mustard blooms along the drive as we pull up to the front of it.

  “Um, Cliff, will you be taking me to the hotel later?” I ask from the backseat.

  “Yes, ma’am. Whenever you’re ready, I will drive you there.”

  “Please call me Alayna.”

  He smiles into the rearview mirror. “OK, Alayna.” I feel comfortable already with John and Cliff, so I’m hopeful Phillip Channing will give me the same vibe.

  Without knocking, John opens the door for me, and he follows me into the home with Cliff behind us. Setting down my suitcase, Cliff tips his black hat, which matches his suit, before he heads back out the front door.

  “If you will wait here a moment, I’ll let Mr. Channing know you’ve arrived,” John says with a smile. He smooths back his blonde hair, and now that I can see his blue eyes clearly, he reminds me even more of Quinn, Damon’s assistant.

  My eyes take in the space surrounding me and lock onto the color blue yet again.

  The ocean.

  Much like I did the first few days at the penthouse, I practically run to the doors that are wide open to the salty water. The sight is phenomenal.

  “A gorgeous view, I must say.”

  Shit, I’ve heard words like that before and in a similar, seductive tone.

  I spin around and smile. Phillip Channing is standing about six feet from me. He’s several inches taller than those six feet and more handsome than the photos I’ve seen.

  His hair is a light brown and a little long around his ears. Blonde strands peek-a-boo throughout, and I imagine it’s from the sun they’re likely exposed to daily.

  After adjusting his gold wire glasses, he grins broader at me. “Everyone gets carried away by the view here, but you get used to it. And like most things, take it for granted at times.” Stepping closer, he holds his hand out for me to shake.

  Speak Alayna. Why are you frozen?

  “Uh, hi, I’m Alayna Wynn. It’s hard to imagine taking a view like this for granted. It’s stunning and so close.” I turn my torso to point toward the ocean.

  Like I need to point the damn geography out to him. He shoves his hands into the pockets of his casual, blue pants and grins wider.

  Shit, he thinks I’m into him. That’s not what’s happening. It’s the fact he’s grinning at me like I’m the gorgeous view he just drank in.

  The thirty-five year old is all male as he pulls his hand from his pocket and rubs the stubble of his defined jawline and chin. His tan shirt is unbuttoned one too many times, showing a bit of light, curly chest hair.

  I clear my throat, thinking how my gladiator would be squaring off with him if he were here. He definitely would’ve erased the grin Phillip is wearing by now. While s
traightening my green and navy polka dot sweater over my dark jeans, I think about my next move.

  “So, would you like to sit and discuss the project?” I ask.

  “Sure, and do you prefer I call you Alayna or by your pen name, Alexa?”

  “Alayna is fine.”

  “Can I make you a drink first? Let me guess–wine?”

  “Uh, since we’ll be working, water would be great.” While he strolls toward his bar, I turn back to face the marvelous ocean. It’s September, so the breeze is cool, and I don’t feel as unseasonably dressed in my cashmere sweater as I did when I arrived at the airport.

  The waves are rolling in slowly today, and I smell the salt. I take in a deep breath through my nose and watch children next door climb on a huge rock.

  Their physical activity has me fantasizing about the hiking I look forward to doing with Damon on our honeymoon.

  “Here you go,” Phillip says, holding out a bottle of Voss as he stands next to me. “Ready to work?”

  I follow him to his study, which is more like a library. I must admit, I’m drawn to the room. Three entire walls are covered with bookshelves, which are crammed with books. My eyes resist the urge to roam over them as I take a seat at a round table off to the side of the roomy library.

  After grabbing a notebook and pen, Phillip takes a seat across from me instead of at his distinguished oak desk.

  “So, I’ve read your books, and I feel your writing is strong. You also pull off amazing endings.”

  “Well, thank you.” My face warms from his compliment, so I begin pulling a notepad from my grey, Gucci messenger bag that was a gift from Damon.

  “Maybe I haven’t because I’m a guy, but I feel I could give my female readers a more romantic impact with my endings. I’m working on it, but in the meantime, I thought a collaboration might be something different my audience would appreciate.”

  “Well, I certainly appreciate you picking me for this project.”

  He gives me a sly grin. “Let me tell you what I have in mind.” Phillip proceeds to fill me in on the plot, which sounds quite different than anything he’s written. He writes adult romance, and this is young adult.

  We spend the next hour brainstorming about the story and how to split it up between us. He will write the male’s point-of-view. Then in turn, I will write the female’s point-of-view once we’ve come to an agreement on where the next chapter should lead.

  Phillip has already knocked out one chapter and hands me a copy to take with me. I’m to write the second chapter tonight while I’m in Malibu. This way, we’ll get a better feel for each other’s writing styles before we part ways.

  “I think we’ve got a solid plan here. It’s getting late and has been a long day. I should probably head to the hotel.”

  His hand moves forward, and his fingertips graze over mine. My eyes flit from my hand to his sandy eyes.

  “You’re welcome to stay here in one of the guest bedrooms.”

  “Uh, that’s a kind gesture, but I don’t think my fiancé would appreciate it.”

  “Would you appreciate it?”

  “I’m engaged, Phillip.” I say this more assertively, and my courteous smile has faltered; whereas, his smile stands its ground.

  “I was simply trying to be friendly, but Cliff can drive you to your hotel.”

  “Thank you,” I say before I begin nervously shoving my belongings into my bag. The image of Damon laying this guy out with his fist is clear in my mind.

  Mr. Channing makes a call to Cliff, and soon we’re both walking to the door. I conjure up a smile and stick my hand out for his to shake. I’m trying to drive this relationship right back to professional as swiftly as possible.

  “Thank you, Mr. Channing.”

  “I’ll have Cliff pick you up at eleven tomorrow. We can share our first sections of writing during lunch overlooking the beach.”

  I give him a reluctant nod and step out the door. Cliff is already waiting by the car and opens the rear passenger door for me.

  Damon will question me about my day, and I won’t lie to him. I sure hope he doesn’t ask how friendly Phillip Channing was.

  As I ride to the hotel, I pull out my phone and call Damon.

  “Where are you?” he asks before the second ring.

  “Heading to my hotel. How are you?”

  “Better now. I was beginning to worry.”

  “I’m sorry, but there is a three hour time difference.”

  “Yes, I know. It doesn’t mean I miss you any less.”

  “That’s sweet of you to say. I miss you, too.”

  “After meeting Phillip, you don’t sound as enthusiastic as I expected. Is everything OK?”

  “Yes, I’m sleepy.”

  “No, there is something more. Was Phillip unkind to you?”

  “He was fine.”


  “OK, he was a little friendlier than I expected, and it has me doubting—”

  “What do you mean, Alayna?” His voice is curt.

  “He offered for me to stay in one of his guest bedrooms, but it was said in a suggestive manner.”

  “I want you back here. I’ll get a private jet if need be.”

  “No, Damon, I can handle him, and besides, I have to go back there tomorrow to go over what I write tonight.”

  “I don’t want you around that asshole, and doesn’t he realize we’re engaged?”

  “Yes, and calm down. I’ll be home tomorrow night.”

  “What are you wearing?”


  I ask Alayna what she is wearing, and she is quiet. It’s OK because I hear her heavy breathing. I love that I can do that to her with one sentence.

  “A pair of dark jeans and my polka dot sweater. Why?”

  “You know why. Unzip your jeans.”

  “I can’t, Damon; Cliff might see me.”

  “Who is Cliff?” I ask tersely.

  “Chill. He’s Phillip’s driver.”

  “Shut the partition.” There is silence through the line, but then I hear her moving.

  “OK, I shut it.”

  “Unzip, beautiful, and pull down your jeans.”

  She’s panting into the phone, and I imagine her holding it with her shoulder, pressing it to her cheek, so she can free her hands to work her button and zipper.

  “OK, they’re down, Sir.”

  “Touch your garter. Run your fingers all around it.”

  “I’m doing it, Sir.”

  “Now, glide them over your panties. Tell me what I want to hear.”

  “My panties are wet, Sir.”

  “And …”

  “And my pussy is only yours, Sir.”

  “Exactly. Call me when you’re back at the hotel, and we’ll finish this. I love you.”

  Chapter Seven


  I’m still on cloud nine as I envision Damon walking me through touching myself last night. I’m getting pretty good at it, but it’s only because of how turned on he gets me and how he directs my every sensual move.

  He was so worked up by the time I finished that I felt bad I wasn’t home to help him get off. The event didn’t seem to help ease his displeasure over me having to see Phillip Channing again, either.

  Cliff helps me out of the vehicle, and I walk to the door of the Malibu estate. John opens it to greet me. His hand slides over his blonde hair before he’s holding it out, welcoming me and signaling for me to enter the beachfront mansion.

  “Good morning, Alayna.”

  “Good morning.”

  “Mr. Channing is out on his patio. He asked that you join him there.”

  “Thank you, John.” Looking ahead, the ocean overrides my reluctance to join Phillip. It calls me to it and reminds me of my wonderful vacation with Damon months ago. That in itself felt like a honeymoon.

  The sun’s rays hit me as soon as I reach the open glass doors. I cover my eyes and root in my bag for my shades. My rustling has Phillip turning in his chai

  “Alayna …” He stands and kisses both my cheeks as a greeting, catching me off guard, before he pulls out a chair for me.

  My face is warming, and not only from the sun, as I slip on my shades. I scoot my chair closer to the metal table that is covered by a white umbrella.

  “Good morning, Phillip. How are you today?”

  “I’m good. How are you?”

  “Good but a little tired. I was up late writing my chapter for us to go over today.” I pull my notebook from my messenger bag and hand it to him. “If it’s acceptable, I’ll type it up and email it to you.”

  “Good morning, ma’am. Could I bring you some tea or coffee?” asks a middle-aged lady in white capris and a flowery shirt.

  “Some iced tea would be lovely. Thank you.”

  Phillip wastes no time reading over my chapter, so I stare out at the ocean in an attempt to ease my nerves until my tea arrives. I then use it as another distraction as I sip from the glass and watch the waves crash against the wall of rocks below us.

  Having one of the most famous romance authors read my work while sitting next to me is unnerving at best.

  “It’s great. I can definitely continue on from this story, and I believe we will work well together,” he says as he sets the notebook next to him. “What’s your take?”

  I clear my throat and sit up a little straighter.

  “I thought what you wrote was fabulous, as always, so I think the end result will be well received by our readers.”

  Phillip takes my hand into his and squeezes.

  “I look forward to working with you.”

  I swipe my hand away. “Uh, I sure hope my writing ability is what brought me to Malibu and not your attraction to me.”

  Phillip chuckles. “Of course it’s your talent, but you’re definitely easy on the eyes, Alayna. You also possess a good balance of sweet and feisty.”

  “I appreciate the compliments, but like I said yesterday, I’m engaged.”

  “Then why did your fiancé appear on television recently with another woman? The tabloids have made it sound at times like he is far from the committed type.”


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