Vow of Devotion: 2nd Novel Addition (One Urge, One Plea, Keep Me Trilogy)

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Vow of Devotion: 2nd Novel Addition (One Urge, One Plea, Keep Me Trilogy) Page 12

by Scarlet Wolfe

  All the flights scheduled for today have been delayed by several hours, so at this point, I will be lucky to make my flight tomorrow. I will have to stay tonight and hope that the snow stops coming down, so I can get to New York.

  “If you still want to grab that dinner, it looks like I’ll be staying the night in Malibu after all,” I say after reentering Phillips beach home. I’m nervously clutching my phone in my hand as an uneasy feeling washes over me. I can’t shake that something bad is going to happen.


  Dinner is lovely. We eat at Mastro’s steakhouse, and I’m blown away by the superb meal and service. We make small talk after, and I check the weather on my phone.

  The snow is coming down at an alarming rate in New York City, and it will be a miracle if I get a flight there tomorrow. It’s time to break the news to Damon.

  I excuse myself and feel a cramp on my side as I stand. I attempt to discretely stretch a little, hoping I’ve been sitting too long. I walk to a hallway where the bathroom is for a little privacy to call home, but another cramp almost doubles me over.

  “Oh, no,” I mutter. Instead of calling Damon, I head into the restroom. There are a few spots of blood in the toilet. I feel the tears coming, but I will them away. I will not cry. I don’t know yet that anything serious is wrong.

  I clean myself the best I can and make my way back to the hallway. This phone call is going to be awful.

  “Hi, it’s me,” I say with a shaky voice.

  “What’s up? I’m kicking Cameron’s butt on the game World of Tanks.”

  “Can you go somewhere more private please?”

  It’s quiet. “Sure, give me a few seconds.” I wait as patiently as possible, but I’m feeling the need to sit. “What’s wrong, baby?”

  “First, I tried to get a flight home tonight, but I can’t. It’s also not looking likely for tomorrow.”

  “Shit, I was afraid of that.”

  “I have another matter that’s more serious.”

  “What is it?”

  “I’m spotting blood. I don’t know if something is wrong with the baby.”

  “Christ sakes, Alayna, you’re not here! I can’t get there. What do we do?”

  “I guess I need to get checked out at the hospital, but I haven’t told Phillip I’m pregnant, and I only just met his publicist today.”

  “I don’t want you alone. Fuck!” There is a long groan from him, and I wince from his demeanor and the cramping I’m feeling. “Put Phillip on the phone.”

  “No, I can’t have you telling him, and I’m not at the table.”

  “Alayna, get the man, and give him your phone. I’m not screwing around. I mean it.”

  “Fine, but I’ll call back.”

  “Please call right back. Don’t avoid me.”

  “OK, OK.” I end the call and return to our table. “This is overly embarrassing, but I have a problem. Um, I recently found out I am pregnant.”

  “Oh, congratulations!” Janet practically shouts.

  “Well, thank you, but I’m having a bit of a complication.” I turn my attention to Phillip and fight back the tears. “Phillip, I called Damon, and he wishes to speak with you. Like I said, I’m embarrassed. This is so awkward.”

  “Alayna, it’s fine. I can’t imagine what he wants with me, but it’s no problem.”

  “I’ll settle up the check. The two of you can go out and call,” Janet says with a smile. She really is kind, and I wish I had thought to only tell her.

  “Thank you, Janet. I appreciate it.” Phillip and I step out into the cool night air. We stand off to the side in front of the restaurant. As I start to hit the button to dial Damon, I hesitate.

  “Look, my husband can be demanding, especially under stress. Don’t take offense to anything he might say.” I give a timid smile, and Phillip smiles back.

  “Alayna, it’s all good. Dial his number.”

  I do as he says, hand him the phone, and say a little prayer that Damon doesn’t make this situation any more uncomfortable than it already is.


  I use the time I’m waiting to hear back from Alayna to tell Cameron that I might be a while. I return to my study, out of my mind and sick with worry over Alayna and our unborn child.

  I’m clutching my phone when it begins to ring.

  “Hello, this is Damon.”

  “Damon Lear, this is Phillip Channing.”

  “Hello, Phillip.”

  “I didn’t expect us to meet this way. What can I do for you?”

  “Listen, Alayna is pregnant and having complications. I don’t know … I don’t know if she’s going to lose the baby. I need your help.”

  “Whatever you two need.” His voice has gone from upbeat to solemn.

  “I need you to take her to the closest excellent hospital. Only the best, and I don’t want her alone. Can you please stay with her? I’ll find a way to get out of this city and to her.”

  “Of course, I will take her and wait there. It’s not a problem.”

  “Thank you, Phillip. I’ll be in touch as soon as I know my plans. Please put Alayna back on.”

  “Damon …”

  “Let Phillip take you to the hospital. I’m finding a way to get there.”

  “That’s premature, Damon. I might be fine.”

  “Alayna, you know you’re wasting your breath.”

  “But Cameron … you can’t just leave him there.”

  “I’ll figure it out. We’ll talk soon. I love you.”

  “I love you, too.”

  Upon ending the call with Alayna, I dial my personal assistant, Quinn, who is supposed to be off for vacation, but if there were ever a time I needed him, it’s now. I pay him well for instances like this.

  “Sir, what can I do for you?”

  “I’m sorry to bother you on vacation, but Alayna is ill and in California. I need to get to her. Do you have numbers you can give me for the airlines?”

  “You will never get a flight out tonight, sir.”

  “OK, what about a rental car? I could drive to the closest airport that has flights going out. My GT-R can’t get through this snow.”

  “That might work but not until the morning. It’s too late, sir.”

  I huff loudly. The waiting is going to make me crazy.

  “OK, fine. In the morning, get the best four-wheel drive vehicle brought to me. Pay whatever they want, and thank you for handling this. I need to pack.”

  Ending the call, I hurry to the living room and find Cameron still playing on the Xbox. “Cameron, I have to go to California in the morning. Alayna is having complications with the baby. Can you call to see if you can go to Marcus’s?”

  “He’s still grounded, and how are you going, anyway? It’s snowing hard.”

  “I’ll drive until I find an airport I can fly out from.”

  “That’s cool. Can I go? It will be an adventure.”

  I ponder whether Alayna would kill me for taking Cameron out in this weather. He’s almost fifteen. It’s not like he’s a little kid. He could be the eyes I need while I’m driving.

  “OK, pack a bag. We’ll be leaving early in the morning.”

  Chapter Seventeen


  Janet meets us outside, and as her eyes move repeatedly from mine to Phillip’s, I catch on that I’m going to have to give her the scoop. I step off to the side, and she follows suit while Phillip takes care of retrieving the vehicle.

  “I’m having some bleeding, so Phillip is going to escort me to the hospital.”

  “Oh, honey, please let me go, too. I will worry about you, and this is a situation where you might want a female’s company.”

  “That’s so kind of you. This is embarrassing.”

  “Sweetheart, this is nothing to feel ashamed of. These things happen. The key is getting you off of your feet. There is the car. Let’s get you to a hospital.”


  The ride to the ER is quiet. Although Janet is full of lif
e and talks a lot, even she doesn’t know what to say at this point. We arrive at the hospital, and Phillip insists on getting me a wheelchair.

  They help me inside, and I register at the desk. I don’t have to wait long before a woman in scrubs is escorting me back. After some preliminary tests are done, such as my blood pressure and temperature, I’m told to wait again.

  Fortunately, it’s only about thirty minutes when another woman in scrubs arrives and informs me they are moving me upstairs to the OB unit. She tells my friends that there is a waiting room near where they can wait.

  It’s awkward once again as they follow behind me. I’m in the wheelchair being pushed by the lady in the scrubs. I twist my body to see her name. Her badge says “Aide Missy.”

  Once I say goodbye to Phillip and Janet, I’m taken into a private room and given a gown to change into. It’s no time at all before I’m being hooked up to all kinds of contraptions by Missy and a nurse named Katie.

  A band with monitors is placed around my belly, and I feel as if my heart skips a beat when I hear my baby’s heartbeat.

  “This is a good sign,” Katie says with a smile. She adjusts the sound to a lower volume, and I’m grateful she doesn’t turn it off. I proceed to tell her my history and that I’m not from the area.

  “Yes, I can tell from your accent.” She’s right. I’ve definitely picked up my eastern accent again.

  “I can tell yours is different, too,” I say.

  “A doctor who is here to see her patients is going to examine you. She will monitor you while you’re here. She’s Dr. Bentley. She’s super sweet, and I believe you’ll like her.”

  “That’s good to hear,” I tell Katie.

  “Just relax. You are in good hands.” I hope she’s right. Nothing can happen to this baby. I fear Damon would never want to try again if he had to experience more heartache.

  Once I’m left alone waiting, I’m lost in the sound of my baby’s heartbeat. It’s strong and consistent.

  I’ve been so emotional lately, and once again, my eyes well up with tears of joy and fear. The fear begins to take over, and tears trickle down my cheeks. I need to stay positive. Having my phone next to me, I pick it up and text Phillip.

  Me: I’m doing well. The baby’s heartbeat is strong. I’m waiting to see a doctor. Hopefully, I’ll know more then.

  Phillip: No problem. Janet and I are fine with waiting.

  Next, I dial Damon’s number.

  “Alayna, what did you find out?”

  “Not much yet. I can hear our baby’s heartbeat. I don’t know what is wrong, but it sounds strong and healthy.”

  “You can really hear it? That’s great. I wish I could hear it, too. It’s killing me not being there with you.”

  “I know. I wish you were here, too, but I’m doing OK. I’m getting an ultrasound, and then a doctor is coming to see me. I will let you know what I find out. I’m still bleeding a little. I hope it’s nothing to be alarmed over and will stop soon.”

  “Me, too, precious. Me, too.”


  Dr. Bentley is kind like the nurse said. She gets on a laptop that sits on a rolling stand, and after looking at something, she carefully completes a physical examination.

  “Mrs. Lear, you have a condition known as a low-lying placenta or placenta previa. It’s minor, only bordering your cervix instead of covering it. As the placenta grows, it is likely it will move upward, near the top of the uterus where it should be.

  “In the meantime, you need to be resting, mostly in bed. I understand how difficult that is, but please limit your physical activity.”

  “So my baby is OK?”

  “Yes, it is fine, and I believe as long as you take it easy, you will make it to term. You will need to see your own OB once you’re home, but I wouldn’t travel for a couple of days. I’m going to admit you tonight, so you can rest. If everything is still looking good tomorrow, I will discharge you by evening.”

  “Thank you so much, Dr.”

  “You’re welcome. Now, get some rest. Also, inform the nurse if you notice any changes in the bleeding, especially if it becomes heavier.”

  “I absolutely will.”

  Dr. Bentley leaves, and I phone Damon first. I don’t feel the news eases his anxiety much, and if I know him like I think I do, he will be doing research on this condition throughout the night. It’s time to text Phillip.

  Me: I’m OK, and the baby should be fine. You can go home now.

  Ten minutes pass, and I don’t hear from him. It concerns me. There’s a knock on the door, and Janet peeks in.

  “Can I come in for a moment?”

  “Certainly,” I reply.

  “Phillip insisted I check on you. He won’t admit it, but I think he fears what your husband might do if he leaves you here.” Janet brushes back the wayward brown hair that has fallen from her ponytail.

  “Seriously, I’m going to be OK. It’s safe for the two of you to go home.”

  I proceed in telling Janet what the doctor said. She’s attentive, soaking up every word and staring at me studiously.

  “OK, as long as you’re sure, but I’m going to return tomorrow if it’s alright with you.”

  “It’s not necessary, but that’s sweet of you. Actually, if you could have Phillip bring my suitcase up, I would appreciate it. I’ll have my things then.”

  “Of course.”

  Janet and I say our goodbyes, and I wait for Phillip to retrieve my suitcase and bring it to me. Thankfully, it was in Janet’s car since she was supposed to drop me at my hotel. Everything is going to be OK. Now, if Damon can get here to escort me home, I’ll feel complete.


  I could barely sleep, dozing off from about two in the morning until five. I got up then to shower and wait for Quinn to call with my arrangements. My phone finally rings a little after seven a.m., and I see it’s him.

  “Quinn, what did you find out?”

  “The rental car company wasn’t happy about going out in this weather, but I got the price right. They’re bringing you a Jeep Grand Cherokee Overlander, sir. This vehicle should get you through the snow. It even has a tent that mounts on it.”

  “Let’s hope I don’t need that. Find the closest airport letting flights out. I’m hoping Philadelphia.”

  “On it, sir.”

  I wake Cameron and tell him to get ready. He pulls the blankets over his head and mumbles about staying home and sleeping. I yank the blankets back. “You aren’t staying here alone for days. Up, now.”

  Striding to the kitchen, I find a cooler in the walk-in pantry. I begin to load it with ice and some food for us, in case we become stranded.

  Quinn calls back in twenty minutes and informs me that Philadelphia has flights heading to LA, but they’re all delayed. I have him buy tickets for the four o’clock flight. Surely, that’s plenty of time for us to arrive in Philly. It’s roughly a two hour drive in normal weather.

  Cameron strolls to the kitchen within fifteen minutes. His hair is wet, but he’s dressed.

  “Did you even take time to brush your teeth?”

  He scowls and then yawns. I’ve quickly discovered he’s not a morning person. “You know, I have to be back at school in two days.”

  “Shit, I forgot. OK, I might have to put you on a private plane if Alayna can’t fly, but you probably won’t have classes because of the snow.”

  He shakes his head. “You can just make things happen with your money. It’s weird, and I can’t get used to it.”

  “You can have a life like this if you work hard at school and stay out of trouble.”

  “Yeah, yeah, are we going?”

  “Drop the attitude and grab your coat and a hat.” I glance down at his tennis shoes. “Oh, and boots. You’re going to need them.”

  He gives me an exaggerated sigh, displaying his annoyance. Once again I’m noting–not a morning person.

  The rental vehicle arrives, and I’m shocked by all the snow upon exiting the penth
ouse. It’s going to take a while to get out of the city. No doubt about it. Cameron and I load up and begin our voyage. From the blizzard we’re in, I have a feeling it’s going to be just that–a voyage.


  The journey to reach interstate I-95 is treacherous and takes forty-five minutes instead of the normal fifteen to twenty. I’m torn between Alayna and Cameron. I keep reminding myself that I’m being careful, and we have everything we need, but a small amount of guilt is gnawing on me for having him out in this weather.

  He sighs loudly with frustration, and it’s about the fourth time. “Finally,” he spouts once we make our way up the ramp to the interstate.

  “Why don’t you sleep for a while?” I ask him.

  “I’m not tired.”

  “OK, then what bug is up your ass?”

  He takes a glimpse at me, and I can’t tell if that’s a smile or scowl.

  “You said you would disrupt my life as little as possible with this baby, but it’s already happening.”

  “Whoa, you wanted to take this road trip.”

  “Yeah, because I didn’t want to get tossed to another house where I hardly know the people, and I was afraid you would ship me off somewhere.”

  He makes a valid point. “Look, this is out of our control, but yeah, babies do disrupt lives, and this one is going to be no different. Sometimes in life, things aren’t fair, and we have to suck it up and deal with them.”

  “You think I haven’t learned that?” he asks angrily.

  “Cameron, that’s not what I meant.”

  He abruptly jerks off his white winter hat and messes with his red hair. “Just leave me alone.”

  OK, this is new. He’s never showed this kind of hostility toward me, and I don’t know how to fix it. Maybe it can’t be fixed right now.

  Chapter Eighteen


  My bleeding has virtually stopped. Dr. Bentley returned to see me today around two in the afternoon. Since I’m doing well, she is releasing me. The catch is, she doesn’t want me alone.


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