New Title 1 (The traveler)

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New Title 1 (The traveler) Page 15

by Robin Marienus Miller

  I said that sounded good and poured myself a glass. Owsee and the doctor soon joined me as Kitty put breakfast on the table.

  Kitty asked what everyone was up to today, and the doctor said he was hoping to do some physical examinations. I said Owsee and I were going to find some paper.

  Kitty, "and what do you do with this paper?"

  I said, "you're right on it, but you don't need a projector to read it."

  Kitty, "that sounds handy."

  I said, "yes, it will be."

  I asked Owsee how many languages are spoken on this planet?

  Owsee, "well let's see now, there is the word of the world that everyone learns in school, and then there are four main languages with up to five variations; dependent on where you live."

  I said, "do you learn them all?"

  Owsee, "no, we learn the word of the world and our local language. As for the others some use their wrist translators, it's also a timepiece."

  I said, "can the wrist translators hold one more download, like English?"

  Owsee, "I think so, why?"

  I said, "because I plan to give a free download of my language to everyone that comes into the bar. This way they will be able to enjoy listening to a poem. It may help encourage others to learn to read. Your people have very good memories so it will be easy for them to learn."

  Owsee, "that's true. Most of us learn hundreds of stories, just because it is what we like to do."

  I said, "and with paper people can read what is written, anywhere, anytime. This is how I'm going to record my stories, so people can either learn to read or wait for a storyteller that can."

  Dr., "well it all sounds very promising, and I'm eager to see how it turns out, but for right now I must get to work."

  He thanked Kitty for the meal and left for the clinic.

  As Owsee and I cleaned our plates, Kitty said, "I need to be off as well, see you later."

  Owsee then said to me, "okay, how do we find this paper?"

  I said, "we start at the hardware store."

  So that's where we went. The man there said he got his sticky paper from a farmer that lived an hour down the road. He gave us a name and directions to his house.

  I said to Owsee, "do you think we should take my ship to save time?"

  He said, "I know this man, and if we try to land near his place he will shoot at us. But I do have something faster than the old transport, it's in the barn."

  So we went to the barn, and in one corner under a tarp was a homemade hot rod of sorts.

  Owsee, "I built it when I was young. You can drive or fly it, but it's safer to fly because it's so fast. So fast that that old man will not be able to shoot us down."

  I said, "you always seem to have the best toys."

  We got in and closed the glass dome. He drove it outside then hit the thrusters and deployed the wings. We were a hundred feet down the road and fifty off the ground before I could even say, "that's a kick."

  Owsee said, "she kicks like a son of a bitch, but she is the fastest thing I have ever built, hold on."

  And he kicked it into a supersonic, I heard the boom. The hot rod started to shake a bit as he said, "I better drop it down a bit or we will overshoot the place."

  Soon he saw what we were looking for and cut the booster. We then made a wide glide down to the road at 90 plus miles per hour.

  As we pulled up to the place an old man sitting on his porch said, "Owsee wa sphere, you're lucky I didn't shoot you, swooping down on a body like that."

  Owsee, "you never could shoot straight, besides, I'm too fast for you."

  Old man, "did you come on business or should I just shoot you now?"

  Owsee, "we want some of your paper before you give it the sticky side."

  Old man, "before you say, it's in the bar." He pointed as he got up to walk with us, while saying, "flying cars that should be on the ground and sticky paper with no stick, you're up to no good I can just feel it."

  Owsee, "every time you see me you say I'm up to no good."

  Old man, "and was I right?"

  Owsee, "of course you were."

  Old man, "you see. What do you want with no sticky paper anyway?"

  Owsee, "we are going to write on it."

  Old man, "sounds like you're up to no good to me. There it is, how many rolls do you want?"

  Owsee, "we can fit three. How much do you want for them?"

  He said, "50 credits a roll."

  Owsee, "twenty-five."

  He said, "35 and you promise never to fly over my land again."

  Owsee said it was the deal.

  We paid the man, loaded up the flyer and left.

  Owsee just had to dive over his house as we left, I swear I heard a shot.

  When we got home I was glad he left the barn door open, because even with the brakes on full we didn’t come to a stop until we were well inside.

  He opened the hatch top and said, "not bad for something built by a teenager."

  I said, "and you still drive like one."

  We unloaded the paper and I said, "now I need ink and a quill."

  Owsee, "I can get ink, we use it to die clothes, but my translator has no word for quill."

  I said, "we can use the tail feather from a large bird."

  Owsee, "I can get that, how many do you want?"

  I said, "at least three or four to start with, more later."

  Owsee, "I'll get the ink and quills while you cut the paper, but first we should celebrate getting home in one piece."

  I said, "I'm up for that, but don't you think we have been doing a lot of celebrate in this past week?"

  Owsee, "you're right, I have been a bad influence on you."

  I said, "it's not that, it's just that I like to slow down a bit from time to time."

  Owsee, "you're right, how about just a beer to cool off with?"

  I said, "a beer sounds good to me."

  Owsee, "okay, you figure out how to cut the paper and I'll get us some beer."

  There was a tall vice at the corner of one table. I put a short pipe in it and hung the roll of paper there, so I could poll and lay out a sheet on the table. On the other end of the table I drove a nail on either side and ran a thin wire between them. Pulling the paper to the size I wanted, I gave it a quick tug up, and it cut just right. I had just finished it when Owsee came back with the beer. I took the mug with one hand while cutting a sheet of paper with the other.

  Owsee, "that's pretty clever, and it didn't take long to make."

  We drank our beer, then Owsee went to get the ink and tail feathers while I cut more paper.

  By the time I had just 50 sheet done I needed another beer, so I went to the house. I decided to have rum with a pinch of fire powder in it as well. Then it was back to the barn to cut more paper.

  After another 50 sheets I sat down with my beer and lit my pipe. I began to think about how time seems to drag when Owsee is not around, or anyone else to talk to for that matter. I guess those three weeks in space by myself made me appreciate the sound of others.

  But before long my twins will be born and I doubt there will be much alone time, or quiet, after that. So I guess I should just try to enjoy the silence while I can. I thought to myself, children that grow up in just one year, ah, that must be one intense year. I took the 100 sheets of paper and the roll to the house, and put them on the porch. Then I went inside to make myself another drink, while thinking to myself about what I said to Owsee about partying too much. I know that kitty doesn't like to see me drink too much. Maybe it's because she thinks I may not be able to defend myself if danger comes my way, but I can't let it bother me. I need to live in the moment but plan for tomorrow, like Owsee. He always seems to have just one more plant up his sleeve.

  As I walked back out to the porch with my drink I could see Owsee coming. He held up a bottle of ink and a handful of feathers. I raised my mug to him, then waited until he got closer before I said, "you found ink?"

  Owsee, "
I have both red and black, and your feathers."

  The ink came in a large bottle, maybe a gallon, and the feathers look like they may have been pulled from a bird as big as a turkey.

  I said, "good, let's get this stuff up to Goo da wa."

  When we got to the cave and called out to him a reply came from above, "up here."

  He was on the hover plate, high above us, looking for any more loose rocks.

  I said, "we have paper."

  Owsee, "and ink."

  Goo da wa came down and the three of us went over to the bar. I asked for a shot glass and we put some ink in it. I then cut the tip of my feather off, dipped it in ink and began to write the alphabet on a sheet of paper. I said they should try it, and they each made their quill then started to do the same. I watched as they wrote the whole alphabet down and said, "not bad for a first try."

  I then told Goo da wa about my idea of giving all his customers a download of my language, as well as a sheet of paper with the other alphabet on it and how to pronounce it.

  Owsee, "and maybe a copy of a poem on the back."

  I said, "we should also put the name of the bar on it."

  Goo da wa, "so people will know where to get a drink and another poem."

  I said, "you never know how far a sheet of paper can go."

  Goo da wa, "yes, it will be good advertisement."

  Owsee, "how many do you think you will need for tonight?"

  Goo da wa, "let's see, last night I had 30 people, I don't think I'll do much better tonight."

  I asked if he needed any help with the writing, but he said he had plenty of time and could use the practice. I then asked how the thermal generator was doing.

  Goo da wa, "it's working just fine, but I would like to keep the other one for a short time to be sure."

  Owsee, "no problem, keep it as long as you like, I have no need for it at the moment. Right now I would like to take Nibor across the mountain to show him a few things."

  Goo da wa, "have a safe trip, see you later."

  “Cristal clear”

  Owsee and I went to my ship and headed over the mountain.

  He said, "look close, this is not just one mountain, it's more like five in the same place. And in the center is a lake from the runoff. It's at least 100 feet deep, I'm sure of it, as I took a reading once. Remember I told you that there is a layer of crystal just underneath the surface? Land over by my ship, I want to show you something."

  So we landed, and leaving my ship he said, "blast that side of the mountain, if you can."

  So I looked at my hand and thought about using the power of the enhancer, the light came on. Then I looked at the side of the mountain while raising my hand, and bam! It was like a sonic wave hit the mountain.

  We waited for the dust to clear as Owsee started saying, "wait for it, wait for it, there! Look at that."

  The whole side of the mountain was covered with crystals shining like a fortune in the sun.

  Owsee, "if I brought a crew in here to mine and sell it on the open market the CM would send a killer after me for sure. But if someone was to just run a load to sell to the Pirates past station E3, now and then, they may go unnoticed. There is a loader on my ship you can use to fill the cargo containers with. And I can show you how to fill up on water from the lake. It's always good to have some water to sell. What do you think? Does it look like a part-time job you would like to do?"

  I said, "what is my cut?"

  Owsee, "let's see, your cut, how about 100%. If you can help the stations, and screw the CM at the same time, you're welcome to the use of my ship; as well as all the water and crystals you can sell. But I still want you to teach my world to read, once you have done that you can have my big ship."

  I said, "that's going to take some time, I'm not sure I can do it in one lifetime, but I would be happy to give it a try. With your help we may be able to reach most of the world at least."

  Owsee, "well when you're not teaching or writing you may as well be making a few credits. I'm thinking you could make one or two trips a month and go a different way each time. You sell water to the station and crystals to the smugglers, which take them someplace else to cut them. The water will keep the station on your side while you deal with the smuggler's."

  I said, "I'll need a cover story, I can't tell people I'm going off each day to do some mining."

  Owsee, "we will tell them you go off to be by yourself to write stories, they will buy that. But for now let's go back to the house, I missed my mid-day meal."

  So we went back to the ship and flew over the mountains to the green by the lake. On the way home Owsee told me about his grandfather, and how he died in the service of the, "Planet Protection Corps." He told me how the P.P.C. drove the CM off the planet and back into space, but it cost a lot of lives. We both talked about how bad it is on some of the space stations, because the CM will not let them have enough water, we had both seen a lot of that.

  When we got to the house Owsee said, "I think you will join me in a drink to what you have seen on the other side of the mountain."

  I said I would and he poured me half a mug of the orange rum with a big pinch of fire powder in it.

  I said, "aren’t we hitting it a bit hard for so early in the day?"

  He said, "yes we are, let's be bad. I have two cases of detection water if we need one, so I don't care. I want to celebrate what you found on the other side of the mountain and I'm not talking about crystals, you know what I'm talking about."

  I said, "screwing the CM."

  Owsee, "that's what I'm talking about, but we got to keep it all a secret."

  I said, "here's to the secret."

  "To the secret," he said, and we drank our rum.

  Owsee, "you know, before you I never drank rum. It was always spice dew or nothing. I wanted to get off that rock and into space where I felt free, even if it was just for a short while."

  I said, "but it was not just space that made you feel free."

  Owsee, "no, it was killing that C.M.A. and selling that water. They made me feel like I was doing something to help others. Then there was starting the new clinic, helping Goo da wa get the bar going, kitty her shop, and given you something more to do. It all felt good."

  I said, "I'll drink to that."

  Owsee, "to what?"

  "To feeling good," I said.

  Owsee, "oh, you want to drink to feel good do you. Well I have a bottle right here with some feel good juice in it."

  I said, "not the bud liqueur."

  Owsee, "yes, the bud liqueur. Do you think you can handle it?"

  I said, "if I drink it slowly this time."

  Owsee poured me a double in a small glass. We drank as we smoked and talked about what else we could do to promote reading and writing.

  I said, "the children are always the best place to start. But that will take some help from the Mayor if we are talking about a school program. How to sell it to him is the question."

  Owsee, "we give them something."

  I said, "yes, but what? It must not be too big or all the schools will not be able to follow, we want to start a trend."

  Owsee, "new computers for the school and a day trip to the Crystal caves by the seashore."

  I said, "now that sounds good. But there should be some kind of test. Like knowing the alphabet and the sound of each letter."

  Owsee, "that's too easy, they can do that in less than an hour, make them write something."

  I said, "like what?"

  Owsee, "I don't know, anything they want as long as they are not copying each other."

  I said, "that sounds good, but no one fails no matter what they write."

  Owsee, "no matter what they write, sure, as long as they can read it back."

  I said, "okay you sell it to the Mayor."

  Owsee, "why do I have to sell it? Why not you?"

  I said, "because you are a community leader and a storyteller, I’m just a newcomer with strange powers."

nbsp; Owsee, "I see your point, and I'll pay for the trip and the new computers for the school. I’m glad to be able to give back to the town."

  I said, "that's fine with me. By the way, do all the children have wrist translators?"

  Owsee, "I don't think so. Most of the time they only leave the town with their parents, so there is no need."

  I said, "there is now. All the children get new translators at the first lesson and let them be from me."

  Owsee, "you don't have two spend your credits, I'll buy them."

  I said, "are you, or are you not, trying to make me is so rich that I will not be able to spend it all?"

  Owsee, "I would hope to make you as rich as me someday."

  I said, "well then let me do this small thing. I think it will go a long way toward letting them know I am a part of the community now. My children will be going to that school as well, you know."

  Owsee, "you're right, I should have seen it right off, you need to bond with the town. After all it's only money, and you are just a day away from a water run that will put another 200,000 in your hands, plus 10 times that for the crystals."

  I said, "so let's spread the wealth around a bit, but not so heavy that others resent it."

  I finished my shot them said, "that's enough of this stuff, I'm switching the beer for a while."

  We sat on the porch eating some bread and cheese as the afternoon wore on. Then we saw a large truck towing half a house up to the clinic. They were half a mile away, mind you, but we could still make out what they were doing.

  I said to Owsee, "should we go down there?"

  He said, "no, let's watch them from here, they know what they are doing."

  A few moments later the doc was standing outside as they backed the half of a house right up to the side of the clinic. As soon as the first truck pulled away another one drove up, and backed up with the other side of the house. They parked it so close you could not tell it was ever in two. The crew of men started working inside and out to join the halves together. Soon one more truck pulled up with a front porch and slipped it into place. Before long, the men were gone and the house was ready for the doctor.

  Then Owsee said, "now we go see our new neighbor."

  As we were walking over the doctor came out of the house with a chair. He put it on the porch and sat down as we were walking up.


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