New Title 1 (The traveler)

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New Title 1 (The traveler) Page 17

by Robin Marienus Miller

Kitty, "there are too many of us and not enough food. The lucky ones get off as soon as they can."

  I said, "it's the same on earth. In some places thousands of people die each day from lack of food or Med.’s. But this place is like my world when it was young and people lived in harmony with the land. I don't think I have ever been more contented."

  Kitty, "I love it too. Do you think we will always live here?"

  I said, "why not? It looks like a nice place to live and raise children."

  I relit my pipe, and took another sip of my drink.

  Kitty, "everyone in town is still talking about what you did with that rock at the cave. They want you to know they are grateful for what you did."

  I said, "are they asking how I did it?"

  Kitty, "no, they simply believe you have the power, and that it would be best not to talk about it to outsiders."

  I said, "good, the less people that know the better."

  After I was done with my drink and smoke I said, "I think I can get to sleep now."

  Kitty, "I'm just going to nap here for a while, the air smells so nice I don't want to get up."

  I said, "okay then, I'll see you in the morning." And I went to bed.

  Day 8

  Morning seemed to come too quickly with sounds of the drill outside.

  I sat up in bed to see that the light outside was still dim. Kitty, still next to me said, "is it morning already?"

  I said, "barely ," and put my boots on.

  As I got to the porch Owsee came out of his room and said, "when they say first light they were not kidding, what time is it?"

  I said, "Time for breakfast. Who's up for pancakes?"

  Owsee, "what is a pan cake, a cake you make in a pan?"

  I said, "it's what I’m making for breakfast. If it looks like something you may want to eat you can have some."

  Owsee, "I will look at your pan cake after I make myself a cup of bean juice. Would you like one?"

  I said, "no thank you, I just can't get past the bitter taste."

  I was stirring the batter as Kitty came into the kitchen and said, "what's this, you're making breakfast?"

  I said, "I'm making breakfast for me, Owsee has not decided if I'm making it for him yet."

  And I poured some batter in a hot, greased pan then said, "after I get this one done you can try it and tell me if you want me to make more for you."

  She asked what they were called. I told her there were pancakes and I liked them with butter and jam. So she got out the butter and jam, and put them on the table along with plates for each of us, and a pitcher of milk. By the time she came back to the kitchen the first pancake was done, and I put it on a plate for her. She took it to the dining table as I started to make more. I watched through the opening, between the kitchen and dining room, as each cut a small piece and tried it.

  Then they put butter and jam on it and tried a little more. In short order the pancake was gone and they were asking for more. So I greased up another pan, and made stacks of pancakes until we were all very full.

  After breakfast Kitty said she wanted to get a start on going to the city to get new stock for the store. We offer to fly her there, but as she said she wanted to see the area we were living in from the ground. So Owsee let her use to transport. I didn't know she could drive one, but then there was a lot I didn't know about Kitty.

  Owsee and I then went out to see how the drilling was coming.

  There were two trucks there with pipe on them.

  Owsee said, "you won't need all that pipe. You will hit a hot vent in 100 feet."

  The owner of the drilling rig said, "I have drilled holes all over this planet for more than 30 years, and never hit a hot vent in 100 feet."

  Owsee, "well you will today, I scanned that ground myself."

  The man said, "if I hit a hot vent in less than 100 feet I will not charge you for the pipe."

  Then Owsee said, "if you need to go deeper than 100 feet I will pay you double for the extra part." And they shook hands on it.

  I said, "I'm going to the other side of the mountain, I'll see you later."

  Owsee, "have fun writing a story for me to sell."

  “Morning treasure in the sand”

  So I headed for my ship by the lake. I picked some fruit from the tree, to eat later, and flew over the mountains to where Owsee’s big ship was.

  The side of the nearby mountain was shining like a thousand mirrors in the sun. I hoped no one would fly over, as they would see it for sure. Even if the crystals did not have much value on this world, I still did not want anyone to know I was mining them.

  After fiddling a bit with the release locks on the big bay door, I got it to open and the loader out. I pulled the cargo containers out and began to fill them. Scoop after scoop, one after another I got them filled at the rate of one per hour. I left three containers on the port side empty with the idea of putting water and fish in them. By the looks of the sun, it was past noon as I pushed the last container back into place. It was getting hot in this desert and I was ready to head home. So I got in my ship and headed back to the lake.

  On my way to the house I was thinking about lightning rods, and how I didn’t see anything on the big ship that would do the job. So I figured I would just have to find something at the hardware store to make them out of. I thought about the power cells to my air thrusters, and how they were at half power, they would soon need a good charging. I was also thinking about what I would eat, when I noticed I did not hear the drill. When I got to the house I went around the side of the barn to see what was up.

  The trucks with the pipe and the drilling rig were gone. They had a rig that could cut a trench in the ground and lay the line as it went. It was working on running a line to the town’s substation.

  As soon as Owsee saw me he yelled out, "84 feet," with a big grin on his face.

  They had hooked the generators to their breakers and were ready to test them as I walked up. They started one than the other and the gauges showed the power output that they could provide. The town would have a lot more power than it ever did before. The man said he would have the building for the generators done today.

  Then Owsee walked back to the house with me and asked how the mining went. I told him and he said I sure knew how to work a loader. I told him I would like to fill the other three containers with water and fish for the dockworkers, if it was all right with him.

  He said, "of course it is, and we will catch enough fish to feed them all. But I'm not sure how we will get the water in the containers. You can fly the containers over with your ship, but the trick will be to get the water into the containers. We could buy a pump but it would need a power outlet, and I just can't see running a line all the way to the lake for a one-time job."

  I said, "my ship moves containers by clamping on to them. But what if after I bring them to the lake we put some cables on them, and I fly out and dip them in the water?"

  Owsee, "too risky, I would never let you do something like that."

  I said, "the bottom floor of my ship is set up to hold water. I could fly out and land on the water with the door open, then close the door and fly back."

  Owsee, "you know I think you could do it. But if you don't pull up before your half full your side thrusters will get wet, and you will go right to the bottom. There must be a better way."

  I said, "remember how you got the dust out of the ship?"

  Owsee, "yes, the vacuum tubes."

  I said, "can't we run a line from the water storage tanks to fill the containers before I bring them over to put fish in them?"

  Owsee, "the pumps run off of the ship's main power supply. We would need to put the control chips back in to do that. I don't think it would be wise to do that before you are ready to take off. After all we still need to catch the fish and I'm worried about the chips cracking from E.M.P.’s."

  I said, "well, I don't know, how about I just tried to move the water like I moved the rock?"

e, "do you think you could do that?"

  I said, "I don't know. But I bet I could move a container in and out of the water. Outside of the rock and the mountain, I have not tried to use the telekinetic enhancer. I have been worried about having an accident if I just get mad or something. It is already coming on without me turning it on. What if I blast someone or something without a second thought? I might get pissed off and blow a hole in the side of a space station or something. I just want to be careful about using it until I'm sure I have it fully under control."

  Owsee, "yes, of course you do. Learning control is important, but you can't do that without a bit of practice."

  I said, "perhaps I should spend some time trying to do small things."

  By this time I had a mug of ale and was sipping it in between thoughts.

  I said, "have you thought about what we may use to make lightning rods?"

  Owsee, "I'm sure we can find what we need at the hardware store. Do you want some rum?"

  I said, "sure, why not. How long do you think it will take them to run the line to the town’s power relay?"

  Owsee, "I don't know. It only a half-mile, but the machine is slow."

  I said, "it may be slow but they keep at it. I thought they would have been done by the time I got back."

  Owsee, "it broke down and they had to get parts, but they got it running again just before you got here. We could drink on the porch and watch them work."

  I said, "no, I was never good at just watching others' work. I don't like people watching me when I work, and I don't like doing nothing while others work."

  Owsee, "so let's take our drinks out to the back porch, I want you to try something."

  “Practice makes juice”

  We went out and I sat down as Owsee took a basket off the porch and put it in the middle of the yard. Then he came back, sat down, and said, "let's see if you can pick just one piece of fruit off the tree and put it in the basket from here."

  I said, "you're not afraid I might blast the whole orchard?"

  Owsee, "you had enough control over the rock at the cave."

  So I looked at the tree, picked out just one piece of fruit and reached out for it. The gem in my ring came on and the fruit popped off the tree, and flew across the yard, into the basket.

  Owsee, "good, now try it again."

  So I concentrated on the same tree. First one piece of fruit went up in the air and hovered there for a moment. Then the tree began to shake and all the fruit in it flew up in the air, with a large amount of leaves flying off the tree as well. The fruit flew toward the backyard, landed all over as they bounced to a stop. The leaves gently fell down by the tree as the one fruit still hung there turning in place. Then that one piece came flying toward us, split in two and the halves landed in our laps.

  I said, "control does not seem to be a problem, but boredom may be."

  Owsee, "I was planning to start juicing some anyway. At least it was not the whole orchard. Tell me, are you at all tired?"

  I said, "no, it gets easier each time. I'm even starting to feel good, it can be a bit of a rush."

  Owsee, "I hope that don't become a problem for you."

  I said, "it's something I have been thinking about. I may get to the point that I will have to leave the enhancer off when I don't want to use it. Of course, that means I would not have the only weapon I have ready to use if need be. I guess that I would have to start carrying a blaster. I hope it don't come to that."

  I took a sip of my drink and a bite of the fruit, that I split in half, and said, "you want me to wave my hand and put all that fruit in baskets for you?"

  Owsee, "no, I think you're right not to get too used to it. Besides, it's good for me to have something to do."

  I said, "but you're the only one I can show off in front of. You said I should get some practice, and I have something good in mind, watch this."

  And with the slightest movement of my hand, the baskets flew out to the middle of the yard. All five of them were hovering two feet off the ground and spinning in a circle. The fruit all gathered at the center of the baskets and began to flow up like a fountain, into the baskets, until they were full and sat back down on the lawn.

  Then I said, "that's enough showing off for one day."

  Owsee, "that's very good. You seem to have plenty of control. How do you feel after something like that?"

  I said, "I admit the complex stuff does drain me a bit, I'll be fine in a moment. But I have been thinking about something. What if we were to use the spice dew and the power of the enhancer together."

  Owsee, "if you could do that, you could move things as far away as your mind could go. I guess the next C.M.A. you run into better have some good manners."

  I said, "I don't think I could reach him through a transmission, but if he was in orbit and I had spice dew then something may happen. But let's not talk about what may happen. Tell me if you know anyone, in the system I will go to, for selling the crystals."

  Owsee, "it's the opposite way from the way we came, but I can make a few calls on my father's old transmitter. We can at least find out who the dock masters are at the stations you will stop at."

  I said, "it would be good to know a crystal pirate before I get there. I want to dump my load, get paid and out of the system before the CM knows what I have done."

  Owsee, "yes, it's a big deal. And if the CM has a ship out there they may try to board you."

  I said, "if the CM gets close enough for me to see them, they may find they have so many problems with their computers, I will be the last thing they are concerned about. But still, all my powers don't help if I can't make the deal before it's time to go. In and out, no waste of time, that's the way not to get caught."

  Owsee, "maybe we could find a facilitator. Like what I did, but someone that knows all three stations you are going to."

  I said, "it would have to be someone with a reason to hate the CM. They put up big rewards to their spies. I want the deal to be over, with the credits in my hand, before the CM knows what I'm up to. Then I can go toe to toe with them if need be. I just don't want to get into trouble without something to show for it."

  We then went inside for more ale.

  I said, "what about the dockworkers at the central city spaceport? With all the ships that come here, some of them must be smugglers."

  Owsee, "with the ban from the CM, anyone that brings goods hear is a smuggler. But most of them are from nearby systems and can bypass the gates."

  I said, "I thought the boycott was only on water and crystals."

  Owsee, "the CM wants to control everything that comes or goes from this planet. It's their way of putting pressure on us to sell to them."

  I said, "so all the ships that land here are defying the CM. How can they do it?"

  Owsee, "like I said, most do not need to use a gate as they come from nearby systems. Others hide things in their ships where no one can find them, they are the true smugglers. Several of them have tried to take crystals out, but it's a long way without a jump gate, and they search rather well. It’s just not worth losing your ship or freedom over, to most. But for someone with a free pass that would not be searched, now you're talking a chance for profit."

  I sipped my drink and said, "so, do you know who owns the central city port?"

  Owsee, "not yet, but by tomorrow I will have some information for you."

  I said, "the third station, it's what, about a half a day's trip from here?"

  Owsee, "yes, if you don't stop, just jump from one gate to the other until you are there. Are you planning to go all the way out and work your way back?"

  I said, "yes. If I sell the water or give away the fish on my way out the CM may be looking for me as I return. I can also sleep in between gates on the way out to the third station, then stayed awake on the return trip. It's like starting a fire in the woods, you need to keep running until you get to the river."

  Owsee, "how soon do you think you will be ready to make the ru

  I said, "well from I need to bring the cargo containers over and put some water in them, I can do that today. I should catch the fish the same day I am ready to leave, then move the containers back and put the control chips in the computers. It could take me most of tomorrow to do all that."

  Owsee, "so we are looking at you get in to the third station the morning after next."

  I said, "that’s about the way I see it. Of course, I could use some help putting the chips back in the computers. You need to go over the controls with me for taking on water, and it would be helpful to plant a homing beacon so I can land in the same spot."

  Owsee, "yes, yes, there are always those last-minute things that need to be taken care of, and I will help you with all of them, but for right now we drink rum."

  I said, "what happened to the man that only drank spice dew?"

  Owsee, "he got his arms back, sold a mountain of ice and put a lot of space between himself and all his old problems."

  I said, "yes he did. Here's to leaving a place you were never going back to, and hitting the waste purge button on the way out."

  Owsee, "they said they didn’t care about the station anymore, which is good for the way we left it for them."

  I said, "yeah, on fire and covered with shit, I would say that was a rather rude goodbye. Luckily there is nothing to hurt from taking off in the desert."

  Owsee, "that's one of the reasons I bought part of the desert."

  I said, "hay, I just thought about the lightning rods we were going to make. Do you need my help on them?"

  Owsee, "you know more about them than I do."

  I said, "do you think it will rain tonight?"

  Owsee, "no, not tonight. When it rains it rains for a day or two then it is clear for four or five days, that's the way this planet moves, it's always the same."

  I said, "well then we don't need to worry about them for a few days. The windmills can be cut from the main line before the next storm, so we don't need to put rods up on them. However, I am concerned about where to put one to protect the generators. It’s best if it is the highest placed near to were your trying to protect. That would be the top of the barn, but with you living up there you could get hit yourself."


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