New Title 1 (The traveler)

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New Title 1 (The traveler) Page 20

by Robin Marienus Miller

  Owsee, "she has become one of them now."

  I said, "yes, I think you're right. But I have a few recipes of my own, and when I get back I think I'll go to the store and buy one of everything, so I can tell what's good."

  Owsee, "I'll go with you, I could be a big help, I can tell you what is not worth trying."

  Kitty, "he means like his cooking."

  Owsee, "hey, I'm a good cook, I just don't like to cook. But I programmed every one of the dishes in my ship's computer, and I can't reproduce them in the kitchen at any time. But like I said, I don't like to cook."

  Kitty, "the day you can make anything better than me I will hang up my apron for good."

  I said, "now, now, no fighting. After all, none of us can improve on Goo da wa’s meat sandwich."

  Kitty, "he does make a good meat sandwich."

  Owsee, "yes he does."

  I said, "talk about Goo da wa, I'm thinking about going up to see how things are going. Anyone want to come with me?"

  Owsee, "I'll go with you."

  Kitty, "I’m going to find some of that fruit that taste like cream."

  I said, "bring some back for me, it sounds good."

  So after supper kitty headed for the barn while Owsee and I went to the bar. On the way I said to Owsee, "I wish we had more of those flying disc I saw Goo da wa on."

  Owsee, "so do I, that's the only one I have and I don't know where to find another. The man I got it from, got it from someone else."

  I said, "it would be nice to get to the other side of the mountain without using my ship."

  Owsee, "I have a couple of hoppers in the service bay."

  I said, "what are hoppers?"

  Owsee, "they do just that. They have super spring legs and can jump very high, then the wings come out and you can glide for a time. Then you come down and jump up again. Just don't land on the water, sand can be a problem as well. You can't carry much and the safety gear can be uncomfortable. It's best not to have a big meal before you go hopping, and the last time I did it I broke my ankle."

  I said, "do we have anything else?"

  Owsee, "well, there is a skimmer. But it only works with less than a foot of clearance, and it likes to break down a lot. But with your abilities you could keep a hopper up a lot longer and give it a soft landing."

  I said, "you're right, I guess I'm always trying to find a way not to use my powers, I bet I could fly if I tried to. But what I really would like is a two passenger speeder, with deployable wings for cloud hopping, with a adjustable ground clearance of 15 feet."

  Owsee, "all I can say is, if you can find one by it!"

  I said, "hey, here's one for the jar, "the only difference between men and boys, are the prices of their toys."

  Owsee, "I like it because it's true."

  Talking as we went, we seem to come to the cave in what seemed to be short order.

  We sat down at our usual table on this side of the bar, near the entrance. There was a sign on the table that said, "Reserved."

  I said to Owsee, "see, teach people to write and before long they start making signs to tell you what to do."

  Owsee, "yeah, well it's one way to keep our table for us."

  On the floor was a metal strip that ran from the wall, around the table, and to the bar. Above our table, about 10 feet high, was another one; attached to the cave wall. There was also a remote control on the table.

  Goo da wa came over as soon as we sat down.

  Owsee said, "what have you done to the table?"

  Goo da wa, "just a tweak to make you feel more at home. The remote has a menu on it. You have your privacy screen with force field, plus display for information and world wide Web hookup. You can even keep the rest of the screen up while letting down the one between us, so I can serve you. And there is a personal intercom to me."

  Owsee, "I don't know what to say. You went to a lot of trouble for something I don't need like I used to."

  Goo da wa, "knowing you the way I do, I think it will all come in handy from time to time. Is there anything I can get you?"

  I said, "all I need is rum and a ale."

  Owsee, "Vou shrooms and jumbo sticks."

  Goo da wa, "I am out of jumbo sticks, but I will bring you the rest."

  I then reached over to the sign on the table, and taping it said, "first the do not touch sign, then it's a reserved side, next thing you know there will be signs everywhere telling us what to do."

  Owsee, "we can teach people to read and write, but we cannot control how they will use it. By the way, I have something for you. My father kept this behind the bar at home, but hardly ever used it."

  He showed me a silver flask and said, "you can use it for your spice dew on your trip. And here is a pouch of fire powder, I think there is more than you can use in two days. I'm giving you these things now so they are not forgotten tomorrow. Now put that away for the trip, as I have another bag for us to party with."

  And he pulled out a half pound bag and sat it on the table between us.

  Then he said, "you can make it fly up your nose but what am I going to do without my jumbo sticks?"

  So I took the paper sign and tore a 5 inch piece from it. Then I rolled it up into a tube and gave it to Owsee who said, "I see we have found another use for paper, very clever."

  Goo da wa came back with a picture of ale and two large mugs. Then he set a 10 gallon keg of rum on the end of the bar next to us, and set out two small mugs for the rum. Next he set out a small basket of chocolate covered vou shrooms and said, "Will there be anything else?"

  I said, "we were thinking of a jar."

  Owsee, "the jar of wisdom."

  I said, "a jar people could put small bits of paper in with sayings like, "birds of a feather stick together," or, "don't keep all your eggs in one basket," things like that."

  Owsee, "and once a week we pick a winner and put their name up as Wiseman of the week. What do you think?"

  Goo da wa, "I think it's a great idea. I have already started a writers club. We meet in the afternoons and work on making copies of your poems. This will give them something new to write."

  Owsee, "yes, they can work on making words on their own."

  I said, "but please, no signs on the tables."

  Owsee, "he has a fear that signs will start popping up like sand flies."

  Goo da wa, "if you want yours to be sign free, then that's the way it shall be. How big do you think the paper for the wisdom jar should be?"

  I said, "I don't know, maybe a quarter of a sheet of paper."

  Owsee, "I could write on that."

  Owsee asked Goo da wa if he would like some of the fire powder we had on the table.

  He said, "I still have most of the big bag you left here in case you forgot yours."

  Owsee, "how much is left?"

  Goo da wa, "I would say about 20 units."

  Owsee, "well we got no worries about running out tonight boys."

  Goo da wa then said excuse me, as he went to fill a mug or two.

  I poured us some rum as I said, "here's to doctors that leave all their meds behind," and we drink a rum toast to them.

  Then I ate one of the chocolate covered shrooms. It was so good I had two more before the first one started to work. People started to move in slow motion then rewind fast and forward again.

  Then Owsee put the privacy screen up and some music on, it was very mellow.

  I said to Owsee that we should have brought a keg of the new juice with us, but he didn't seem to hear me. I wondered if I was speaking out loud or if it was just in my head. So I tapped him on the shoulder and he turn the music down, and said, "what?"

  I said, "we should've brought Goo da wa some of the juice we made today."

  He said, "yes, it's good stuff. We can still do it, or have someone go get it for us."

  I said, "that sounds good to me, I pay them with a new poem."

  Goo da wa came back with a large jar with a sheet of paper taped to it that read

  Goo da wa said we must be the first to put something in the jar and he gave us paper, quills, and ink. Owsee told him we wanted two men to bring a keg of juice to the bar from the barn. That they could use the transport and would be paid with a new poem.

  Goo da wa went to see who was interested and six men all wanted to go. So they all put their names on folded pieces of paper and dropped them in a bowl for Goo da wa to pick two. Then the two came over to the table. I turn the screen off and told them where in the bar the kegs were, and that they could bring it up on the transport. Owsee did not even look up, as he was working on what he was writing. The men left for the keg as Owsee was blowing the fresh ink to dry it so he could write his name on the back.

  I wrote down, "a credit saved is a credit earned, "and, "a smile is something you can give away and still keep."

  Owsee had written, "the best gift you can give to someone is your friendship."

  He said he would write more later as it came to him. I said I was not sure how to sign it, what I want to be called.

  He said, "call yourself the poet, as we do not have any on this planet. We have storytellers but no one that can make words dance the way you do."

  So I signed my paper, "a poet," and after the ink was dry I put it in the jar and the jar back on the bar. I told Goo da wa that anyone should be able to read what was in the chair, that was free. He said that would show people what we are looking for and that people will come in just to read what was in the jar.

  I said, "and have a drink while they read."

  I popped two more of the chocolate covered shrooms in my mouth and chewed on that great flavor. Then things started to move in slow motion again, then backwards, then forward and there was a few sparks of light, and everything got very mellow. It was all very interesting.

  Goo da wa had taken the jar down the bar and was showing what we had written. Then he came back with a small jar of yellow goo that he said was cave mushrooms.

  He said, "I took it to the doctor to find out if it was poisonous. He said it was filled with LSD and THC, but should not be fatal if taken in small amounts. I tried some earlier this morning and didn't come back for hours, you're welcome to it. There is more in the back cave."

  I said, "I don't know about you, but I need to wait until those two come back so I can pay them."

  Owsee, "I think Kitty said she was going to bring some of that cream fruit up here. I don't want to be too far gone before she goes back home, you know how she gets."

  I said, "I feel the same way, even though we now have the security screen."

  Before long Kitty and the two men were back with the juice. The two men rolled it to the open end of the bar as Kitty brought over some of the cream fruit. It looked like a banana, but the taste was a bit like cream and rather sweet.

  Kitty, "I just got back to the porch when those two came by for the juice, so I drove them up here."

  Owsee, "I told them they could use the transport. Did they have a hard time getting the barrel on the back?"

  Kitty, "no, we used the pull out ramp and rolled it up."

  Owsee, "good, now Goo da wa has something different to sell. By the way, he liked the wisdom jar idea."

  Kitty, "oh good, I'll write something down later. Are you two going to be up late?"

  I said, "yes, I think we are."

  Owsee, "you can take the transport back with you, we won't be needing it."

  Kitty said okay, and went to talk to Goo da wa at the other end of the bar. The two men came over for their payment and I gave each of them a new poem. They seemed happy with their payment. Owsee said they would most likely trade it for a pitcher of beer and asked me what I wrote.

  I said, "I will tell you, but you cannot repeat it because they belong to them."

  He said he would not tell anyone and just wanted to hear the poems.

  So I said, "the first one was a short one I call, "it matters."

  "It matters a lot whether I sleep or not, but my daily pay is the break of day. And the sun sets fire dose so me inspire, that I'll seek it out as my daily route.

  I must sleep when I can in this life's brief span, but inspiration and daily pay are a plan I'll follow every day."

  And the other man I gave one called, "the greatest passion."

  "The greatest passion ever throw, deservedly to one alone.

  For through my tears of joy and pain, there is but one that did sustain.

  Full hearted I thank the above, in all of life I have one love.

  That I am sure stands by my side, even with me now will abide.

  No matter what life ever sends, I'll love my pillow to the end."

  Owsee, "I liked both of them, but I'm too messed up to remember them for long anyway. How do you remember them in the state you are in?"

  I said, "they are my children, how could I forget them?"

  Kitty then came back to the table long enough to give me a kiss, and tell me not to get too messed up, then she left.

  I said, "Kitty didn't stay very long."

  Owsee, "she is trying to avoid temptation until the children are born. She is not being rude, take my word for it. There is nothing she would like better than to get drunk with you, but she will not until after she gives birth."

  I said, "most men have a chance to get to know their mate before they start having children."

  Owsee, "yes, things did move a bit fast for you too. But sometimes that's the way it goes. If you know you want something, you have to move while it is still available. Live in the moment."

  I said, "Talking about the moment, let's see if these cave mushrooms work as good for me as they did for Goo da wa."

  So I reached in the jar, pulled out a cube of it and put it on my tongue. I could feel a small burn then a numbness that went to my nose.

  Next, there was a cool rush that ran up and down my arms and legs, and my head felt like it was just floating above my shoulders. Then all the people in the room were gone, and I could hear the sound of drums. The fire pit lit itself, and the flames reached the ceiling 100 feet high. The chairs started to dance around the fire with the tables, and the smoke became spirits that flew around the room. There was wave after wave of color, but then the music stopped, the fire went out and the people came back in a flash of light."

  I took a sip of my ale and said to Owsee, "how long was I gone?"

  Owsee, "gone? I didn't even know you left. You just tasted this a moment ago."

  I said, "it was a great trip and seemed to last at least 10 minutes."

  Owsee, "let me try some."

  So he got a little on his finger and put it in his mouth. As he pulled his finger out I could see a blank look on his face. And then he blinked and was back. He asked how long. I said about 10 seconds.

  Owsee, "that was a good trip and it only took a few seconds. This stuff is like nothing I have ever had before."

  I said, "yes it's very good. However, it seems to effect Goo da wa differently than us. He said he was gone for hours, or maybe it just seemed that way to him."

  Owsee, "I wonder if the more you use the better the trip?"

  Then he stuck his finger in the jar again and pulled out a small glob then sucked his finger off. He did not seem to be gone any longer than before. So I ate a bit more this time and the trip did seem to last longer, with more intense colors. Owsee said I was back in less than a minute, but it seemed more like a half hour.

  By this time, my mouth was getting very dry. So I got on the intercom with Goo da wa, and asked him for a glass of juice. He brought it over right away and I said to him, "by the way, I am going on a trip tomorrow as far as the third station. Is there anything I can bring you?"

  Goo da wa, "I cannot think of anything right now, but if I do I will let you know."

  I said, "I will be working on a story during the trip. It should have enough pages to it for you to give one away each night, for up to three weeks. If you draw a map of where your place is on the back of each p
age, then you may be able to draw in new customers from the outing areas."

  Goo da wa, "that's a great idea. It will bring repeat customers as well as new ones. How will I be able to pay you? What would you like?"

  I said, "you just keep teaching people to read. Owsee wants me to teach the whole world you know, so we have to start somewhere. I'm hoping to draw people as far away as the city."

  Goo da wa, "that's a long way for a drink, but maybe not too far for a new story."

  I said, "that's why we need to give them something special."

  Goo da wa, "well you're becoming something special. And as long as you're handed out new stories you will never have a tab here. Just like Owsee."

  I thank him and put a good pinch of fire powder in my juice then topped it off with rum. I took a big gulp and it went down smoothly.

  I then turned to Owsee and said, "I don't think I will stay up all night. I will need at least a few brain cells working in order to fly your ship."

  Owsee, "why? I programmed it to respond well, even if I was out of my head, which has become my normal state of being these days."

  I said, "yeah, for you that may be a way to living, but for me it is an occasion I'm not used to."

  Owsee, "in other words, before me life was no party.

  I said, "you could put it that way."

  Owsee, "so before me you did what you had too, in order to get by and get around. Now you can do what makes you happy. Life can be a party if you're having fun in what you do."

  I said, "I don't know, some of that is true. However, I do not want to do things just because they are fun. I want to feel like I am doing the right thing, and making a difference as well. I guess that's just another thing that makes me feel good."

  Owsee, "and that's why you are making this run. It's not just to put some space under you and give your mind some wings, even though it's just for a few days. It’s because this is the right thing to do, and you will be helping others, that's what makes us human."

  I said, "you're right, about all of it."

  Owsee, "so you're not making the trip just for the money."

  I said, "if it was just for the money I would not be taking fish."


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