New Title 1 (The traveler)

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New Title 1 (The traveler) Page 25

by Robin Marienus Miller

  The Gray said, "slaves no good, you break bad ships."

  I said, "our ship no weapons, your ship better."

  He said, "yes, my ship better to smash bad robot ships. I have another, I sell her to you?"

  I said, "yes, I would like to buy one of your ships, how much?"

  He said, "your planet, many crystals, trade weight of ship in crystals."

  I said, "that's a lot of crystals."

  He said, "ship no much weight. I come with you, show how much."

  I said, "yes, you come with us down to the planet."

  We then turned the home course program on as his transmission ended. I could see his ship match every move ours did as we went down to the spot we took off from. I told Mr. Gripper to keep the men inside until I had dealt with our gray friend.

  Day 10

  “Trade for a liven ship”

  I then went outside to meet with him face to face. As I open the hatch, I could see the gray standing next to his ship looking around.

  I walked up and said, "thank you again for playing with other ship. "

  He said, telepathically to me, "robot men fun to play with."

  I said, "I can hear you without my translator."

  He said, "and I you before you speak, you trade crystals?"

  I said, "how much?"

  He said, "what this ship can eat."

  Glancing over at his ship I noticed that it was not as big as I first thought it was and said, "that's about six cargo containers full?"

  He said, "yes, this much for sister ship. I call her now."

  He looked at his ship, and it sort of made a quiver, then another ship came out of nowhere and sat next to it. She was the same size, maybe a bit bigger. And though it had no real shape except maybe oblong it seemed very beautiful, shimmering black against the sand.

  He said, "you like?"

  I said, "yes I like."

  He said, "go to her, see how she like you."

  I walked over and ran my hand along her side, it was like powder on skin. Then the side opened just in front of me.

  The Gray said, "that means she will stay for you."

  I said, "thank you."

  He said, "May my ship eat your crystals now?"

  I said yes, and his ship went over to the side of the mountain where I had been digging and started to eat the crystals. When he said eat, I thought he meant load up. But the ship was truly eating. It was taking big bites faster than a loader could dig them out.

  The Gray said, "ship happy, no eat crystals in long time."

  Before I knew it the ship was done, and the hole was no bigger than if I had pulled out six containers worth.

  The Gray said, "thank you, have fun playing with robot ships."

  Then he got in his ship and left. It had all happened so fast, that if it was not for the fact that the sister ship was still there, I would of thought it a dream. But there she was, maybe 50 feet long and 30 feet high and wide. Just waiting to take me anywhere I wanted to go.

  I went back to the men and told them where we were. I said that after we had secured the big ship we would go to the other side of the mountain. With their help, it did not take long to pull the chips and put them in the safe. We then gather what we were taking with us and got aboard my new ship.

  For some reason, it seemed bigger inside than it did outside. Maybe it was because there was no inner walls, no crew quarters or engineering room. It was just a large black room.

  Before the hatch closed I walked to the front of the ship, I think, and it opened a portal so I could see out. Then without me saying a word we flew over the mountain in a flash, and were at the green meadow by the lake.

  It landed by my old ship and we all got out. A number of men ran to the water, the rest of us followed slowly. I watched as the men played in the water, then I walked over to a fruit tree nearby and started to toss some to a few of them.

  Sitting down I ate some fruit myself, as Gripper sat with me and said, "so what do we do next sir?"

  I said, "well I fingered the men could use a few days to rest up, and get some of their health back. Then we can start to take them to the city so they can find jobs or transportation someplace else."

  By the look of the sun, I could tell it was afternoon. I asked Gripper if any of the men were in need of a doctor.

  He said, "I don't think so, but I will look them over and ask around."

  Despite my exhaustion I went with him. I told them it was free and he was nearby. However, none of them wanted to go. Although by the looks of a view of them they could use some vitamin shots. I told them to rest up, that there was going to be a party for them tonight. Then I told Gripper to watch over them, that I was going to make preparations for their stay and I would be back soon.

  I then dragged myself home to see if Owsee was there. But no one was home or in the barn, and the transport was gone. So I walked over to the doctors and told him about the men. I said none of them felt they needed to see him, but I would appreciate it if he could spare the time to look them over. He grabbed his bag to go see the men while I went into town.

  I stopped off to see Kitty to let her know I was all right and would be taking care of the men for a few days. She said she understood and would be home at dark. I then went over to the bank and put the 13.5 million in my account, they were very pleased to see me. After that I headed to the store and bought as much bread and cheese as I could carry and took it to the man.

  They may have eaten on the ship but I was sure that could not have been much. The doctor was still looking them over when I got there. He said there were signs of dehydration and borderline malnutrition, but nothing lots of rest and good food could not cure. He gave some of them vitamins to take, and told them not to drink too much water at first. I thanked him and went up to the cave to see Goo da wa. I told him about the men and that I wanted to give them a freedom party. I handed him a chip with a thousand credits on it to get things started. He said that should take care of it quite nicely, and that he would start on the preparations. He also said I looked as tired as a man that just got back from battle, and asked if he could get me anything. I said, “time to sleep, but that will have to wait just a little bit longer.”

  I went back to the house to get a casting net, then returned to the men and showed some of them how to use it. I sent a few of others to fetch some wood for a fire, though I knew they needed rest, they also needed to feel like they were doing something.

  The men with the casting net were not having much luck. So I spread a telekinetic net to bring the fish closer to the shore for them to get. I told them to throw the small ones back as there were plenty more.

  Before long we had a proper fish fry going and a number of men said, "now this is the life."

  They asked what was next for them. I said that in a few days I would take them to the city so they could look for work, or transportation to wherever they wanted to go. But for right now, we were hiding from the CM.

  I asked how many of them had a pipe, a few put up their hands. I opened my sack of dry buds and started handing them out. Before long, we were making as much smoke as the fire. Most of us were laid back on the grass, and some of us were all altogether out. I think I took a short nap myself.

  As it started to get dark I looked toward the cave and could see Goo da wa had lit the outside torches. So I told the men it was time to go to their party. Most of them got right up, but some said they were too tired to party and to just leave them there. I told the ones that were up to please help the others. That there were chairs and comfortable cushions at the bar, as well as food and ale.

  I said, "see that torch men. That is where we are going."

  I told Mr. Gripper to follow up the rear to see that no one was left behind. I took the lead to the cave and stood at the entrance ushering the men inside.

  Goo da wa had two other men helping to bring mugs and pictures of ale to tables. The fire in the center of the room was lit and the band soon began to play. There
was fruit and nuts on every table including the bar, and they began to barbecue beef and bird.

  But all the men had small stomachs from such a long time of not having much. And they were already full on water and fish, so they did not drink fast and only nibbled on what was given to them. A lot of them put food in their pockets for later.

  Kitty soon showed up and found me sitting in my booth at the end of the bar. She asked if I was going to stay here tonight. I said no, that I needed my bed, and soon.

  As she looked around the room she said, "these men can't go into the city with the rags they are wearing. Can I get them new clothes?"

  I said, "yes, that sounds like a good idea. They will have a better chance to getting jobs or transportation if they don't show up the way they are. Plus it will help hide the fact that they just escaped from the CM."

  Kitty said, "I need to make a call to my distributor." And she looked over the men carefully to decide what sizes to order. She could tell which just a glance, and keep a list in her head.

  Then saying, "I'll see you at the house," she left.

  Before long, I did the same, leaving Mr. Gripper in charge with instructions there was to be no fighting among the men and that I would see him in the morning.

  After going home I took my boots off and went right to bed. With what seemed to be a blink it was morning, I rolled over and slept another hour.

  Day 11

  It was full sunup when I got out of bed and Kitty was already gone. I had some juice then headed for the cave. I saw that the transport was back but I didn't look for Owsee. I figured Goo da wa would be needing his rest, so I would take the men to the lake.

  As I got close I could see him sitting on a rock by the entrance of the cave. He seemed to be in full meditation. But as I walked up the path to him he said, without opening his eyes, "good morning teacher, captain of the freedom ship."

  Then he opened his eyes, turned his head toward me and asked if I slept well.

  I said, "yes, and I imagine you need some rest by now yourself."

  He said, "no not really. Your guests all went to sleep hours ago. I have been enjoying the sun rise and I am now good for days. Please let the men stayed for another day or two, there is still much to eat and drink."

  I said, "okay, it’s your place. Have you seen Owsee?"

  He said, "yes, he was here last night and spent some time on the transceiver before going home."

  I said, "I have not seen him since I got back, he must be up to something."

  Goo da wa, "Talking about up to something, I see you have a new ship. The men say you got it from a gray."

  I said, "yes, in exchange for some crystals. It's the kind of ship I will need if I am going to free anymore dock rats."

  Goo da wa, "I saw it playing in the lake just before sunrise."

  I said, "it was moving around without me ah, I'll need to have a talk with my ship."

  Goo da wa, "just remember it's alive, you cannot treat it like a thing."

  I said, "yes, but it must understand how I feel about anyone seeing it move around without me."

  He said, "I think it does, that's why it chose just before dawn to go swimming. Remembered that it is still a bit like a child, and still learning from you. It will feel what you feel, not just know what you know."

  I said, "what do you mean know what I know?"

  He said, "a living ship like that forms a telepathic link to its owner, it will hear your thoughts."

  I said, "that interesting and maybe a bit disturbing, I don't need another conscious. I guess I'll need to be careful, owning a living ship will have some responsibilities."

  Goo da wa, "and a great deal of rewards. The Grays don't give them away lightly, to them you are now part of the family."

  I said, "what does that mean?"

  Goo da wa, "only time will tell."

  I said, "well I guess I should go to my ship and let it know it has not been abandoned."

  Goo da wa, "I'm sure it knows, but call it. It will come, just think of it being here. There is no one else around to see."

  So I thought of it coming from the lake to hear and it came. Appearing near us and opening it’s side for me to come aboard. I stepped in and we flew to the hidden lake that was in the mountains. There we played on and in the water, as I explained this was a place where she could come to play so others would not see.

  Then we headed back and I went to the house. The transport was not there and neither was Owsee. So I went to town to see if Kitty knew where he was.

  Approaching the main street, I could see the transport in front of Kitty's shop. Kitty and Owsee were loading boxes on it. When Owsee saw me walking up he set a box down, turn with open arms and said, "Captain of the freedom ship, welcome back my friend."

  He wrapped his arms around me, and patting me on the back said, "I did not want to wake you. Look what we have done, new clothes for all the men, Kitty has done this. She told her suppliers that if they could not get it here by morning she would find someone that could. That's one tough negotiator you have there."

  I said, "where have you been all this time? I thought I would see you when I landed."

  Owsee, "I thought you would land at the city spaceport to drop off your passengers before coming home. I was making deals with the dock master, for some of his men to take their vacation time now, so the workers could get a start that would lead to something for them. When you did not show up, I called Goo da wa who told me you were here. So I came home to find you already asleep."

  I said, "the men were in no shape to just drop them off in the city. Besides, you know I would not even be able to find the port without first using the auto home program. And then there was the fact that we destroyed two enforcer class ships on our way here, so it was best for no one to know of our arrival."

  Owsee, "you destroyed two ships?"

  I said, "well, the mercenaries blasted one to bits at Station one, and the Gray smashed another with his ship just before we came out of hyperspace. Then we came down together and I bartered some crystals for his sister ship."

  Owsee, "yes, I saw the black ship. So you got to meet a Gray face to face?"

  I said, "yes, he finds its fun to play with robot ships. I told him they were bad, that he is welcome to smash them, and he told me I needed a ship like his. With this new ship, I can pop in and out of hyperspace without the gates. I will be able to fly it into a station and take off workers before they can call for a ship to stop me. And if one does show up it will just be play time for my ship."

  Owsee, "so you can hit another station at any time?"

  I said, "yes, and drop men off just about anywhere without it taking hardly any time."

  Owsee, "excellent, but right now it is all about the men. We need to get them in shape to take care of themselves. Are they still at the cave?"

  I said, "yes, I believe so, at least they were when I left there."

  Kitty said she knew just which box was for each man, so she went with us to hand them out.

  At the cave Owsee, Goo da wa and myself helped unload the boxes as kitty handed them out to the men. Each box had a new shirt and pants in it, as well as boots and socks, they all fit. We had a victory fire for the old clothes, and Owsee told the men there was at least two weeks work for them at the city port. As well as a ships that would take them wherever they wanted to go, but that they should rest for at least another day.

  Kitty went back to her shop. Owsee and I stayed and talked about the trip. I tried not to leave anything out. Owsee was glad I got so much help in getting the men off the station. And said that it showed how much others believed in what we were doing. I told him I did not think I would have been able to do any of it without the help of the Ranger. He agreed he was a good man to know, and it was lucky I met the Gray.

  I said, "yes it was, and this is going to make a big difference in the way we deal with the robot ships, we no longer need to fear them."

  Owsee, "yes, they will have to start trea
ting the dockworkers better, now that they have a way off the stations."

  I ate some nuts and had a beer for breakfast. Then I started to write the story I had promised Goo da wa, but didn’t get much past the first page, my heart was just not in it. I gave him the page and said I would have more later.

  Then I said to Owsee, "I want to free the workers on the three stations in the other direction next. But we have enough refugees here for now, and they can't be left on a planet where the CM has a hold."

  Owsee, "I think we can handle them as soon as I get this bunch taken care of with new jobs or transportation. After that the ones we pick up may not be so bad off, if we can hit the stations at least once a month."

  I said, "we also need to make water runs so the CM will not be able to hold the stations hostage for a drink. My new black ship can run interference and protection."

  Owsee, "that's good because my ship is marked for destruction by the CM, after the way you blew up two of their enforcers. There was at least 100 CMA’s on each ship, and at 100,000 per CMA plus the cost of the ships, you know have a death mark on you."

  I said, "I don't guess they would listen if I explained to them that I did not fire on either of those ships myself."

  Owsee, "you took the dockworkers, so they will hold you responsible."

  I said, "then I need to give them a reason not to try anything against me."

  Owsee, "how can you do that? I can't think of any way to get at the CEO’s."

  I said, "it's true that they used the CMA’s so the CEO’s can be safe. So I need to get past the CMA’s so I can threaten the men at the top. If I could find out where they are, I can take the spice dew to get in and walk like a god. Letting them know I can reach them no matter where they are may be enough to keep them in line."

  Owsee, "yes, but how can you do that when no one knows just where they are? They always talk through their androids."

  I said, "that's the question all right, and it's the key to the war."

  Owsee, "war? Are we at war now?"

  I said, "I am at least, you said it yourself. They will put a bounty out for me, I have been marked for death. And unless I can get them to back off they will come here, sooner or later they will come here."


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