by A R Azzam
Bani Anfiilnaqah tribe 45
arrival of Richard 196-217
Banias 63, 102, 104-5
Ai'slan, Alp 55
Banu Asakir 41
Ai-slan, Kilij 23, 119, 138, 203, 219
Banu'l Adim 41
Aisuf 185, 214-17
baraka 96
Saladin's defeat at 214-17
Barbarossa, Frederick 3 - 4 , 198, 203, 213
Asadiyya 74, 84
Basra 116
Ibn Asakir 47, 49, 135
batin 10
Ascalon 23, 40, 52, 54, 66, 77-8, 141, 159,
Batit, Yusuf 190
188, 200, 216-17, 219-22, 226, 229
Ibn Batta 62, 171
ascetic kings 33
battie for Egypt 51-68
asceticism 98, 121, 123
emergence of Saladin 6 6 - 8
al-Ashari, Abu al-Hasan 16
Fatimids: sick man of the Nile 5 4 - 6 2
Asharism 16-19, 91, 123, 128
Shirkuh's campaign 62-6
al-Ashraf see al-Makhzumi, Abul-Qasim
siege of Alexandria 66-8
'askar 142
Baudouinette see Baldwin V
assessment of Saladin 237-42
Ibn Bawwab 92
asuology 190
al-Baysani, Abd al-Rahim Ibn All see al-Qadi
al-Aswani, Fakhr al-Dawla 134
atabegs 24, 27, 36
Beaufort 201
Ibn al-Atliir 31, 33, 48, 54, 57, 62, 72, 74,
Bedouin 141, 154, 170, 191, 212-14, 228
76, 100, 146, 192
beginning of Islamic counter-crusade 41-4
attack on Jaffa 226-9
Beirut 23-4, 151, 186, 198, 226
Ibn Awf 58-9, 78, 9 3 - 4 , 125
Beka'a valley 28
Ayyub, Najm al-Diii 25-9, 36, 40-1, 50,
86, 89, 100, 117, 131-3, 155, 168,
belligerence 102
194, 198, 209, 237-8
Bertrand of Blanquefort 52
al-Azhar 13, 31, 50, 86
Bihruz, Mujahid al-Din 26-7
al-Aziz 54
Bilbais 63, 69-71
Bishop of Acre 179
Baalbek 24, 27-9, 36-7, 40, 42, 68, 85,
Bishop of Bethlehem 141
113, 144-5, 151-2, 239
Bishop of Lydda 179, 181
Babain 6 4 - 5 , 68, 75
'blue wolf see Keukburi
Badi ul-Zamam 46
Boccaccio 3
Baghdad 9-15, 17, 19-20, 23-7, 30-4, 41,
Bohemond of Antioch 147, 152, 165, 170
. 5 4 - 6 , 117, 163, 198
Book of the Holy War 42
Baghdadi, Abd al-Latif 78, 187
Book of Stupidity of the Judgements of
Bahr al-Fmni'd 43
Qaraqush 76
Bahram 56-8
Bosra 152, 167
Baisan 150, 157
bride of Syria 217
Bait al-Ahzan 145-6
brotherhood 48-9
al-Bajali 122
building new Sunni orthodoxy 14-19
balagha 78
Bukhara 121
Baldwin, Archbishop of Canterbury 204
Bunan, Al-Athir-Ibn 134
Baldwin of Ibelin 139, 147, 157, 165
Buri 155
• 267 •
Burids 24
Damascus Gate 190
Buyids 11-12, 14
Damietta 76, 87-9, 140-1, 202-3, 222
Byzantium 20-1, 39, 42, 55, 87-8, 100,
Dante 2 - 3
107, 119, 139-40, 150, 153, 191,
Dar al-Hikma 132
Darayya mosque 152
Daram 90, 150, 188, 223, 226
Caesarea 23, 53, 185, 227-8
al-Dawlai 236
Cairo 13, 31, 50, 52-3, 57, 64, 70-1, 76-8,
Day of Judgement 44, 64
8 4 - 8
death of Baldwin IV 160-2
Caligula 54
death in Damascus 2 3 2 - 4 2
Canon of the Sepulchre 150
assessment: Saladin 237-42
capture of the True Cross 179-81
return to Damascus 2 3 3 - 4
challenge of Aleppo 109-19
Saladin's death and mourning
charade of power 144
Le Chastellet 145
Saladin's illness 2 3 4 - 5
Chastelneuf 145
death of Nur al-Din 100-6
chicanery 91
death of Nur al-Din's son 148-56
chivalry 2
death of Saladin 235-6
Christianity 21, 23, 36-9, 42, 52-4, 57-8,
death of Shirkuh 73-7
66, 91, 119, 125, 130, 133-5, 140,
death of Taqi ul-Din 218-23
143, 152, 157-8, 160-1, 166, 169-81,
Decameron 3
184-94, 200-1, 207-10, 213-15,
defeat suffered by Saladin
221-2, 2 2 5 , 2 3 0
at Arsuf 214-17
Church of the Holy Sepulchre 193, 226
at Mont Gisard 140-8
Church of Saint Anne 194
defiance of Richard 226-9
clan of freebooters 10
deliberations in the Franks' camp 172-4
codification of law 18
Deliverance from Error 18
collapse of the Latin Kingdom 185-9
departure of Richard 229-31
combative Sunnism 13
desecration 39
Commander of the Faithful 80
Dildrim, Badr al-Din 170, 185
congregation 49
'disciples of al-Silafi' 59
Conrad of Montferrat 196-201, 204, 209,
dismantlement of Fatimid state 8 4 - 8
disputes between Sunnis and Shiites
fortification of Tyre 196-9
Constance of Antioch 137-8
disunity 82
Constantinople 107, 119, 138-9, 148, 150,
diwan 13, 33
163, 184, 196
Diwan al-Insha 78-9
Coptic Christians 69, 84, 133-4
Diwan al-lqta 84
council of war 77
Diwan al-Jaysh 79, 84
Count Thierry 138
Diyar Bakr 170, 207
counter-crusade 29-30, 33, 4 1 - 4 ,
dogma 126
Dome of die Rock 39, 44, 192
credit transfers 108-9
drinking water 77
crossbowmen 146, 158, 213
Dvin 25-6
crushing of Sudanese uprising 8 4 - 8
dynasties 22
Damascus 4, 9, 13, 2 0 - 4 , 28-9, 31, 36-47,
Eastern Orthodoxy 190
198, 203, 232-42
ecumenicalism 18, 92
death in 2 3 2 - 4 2
Edessa 23-5, 29, 37, 51, 63, 106,
return to 85, 2 3 3 - 4
siege of 37
education of Saladin 4 4 - 5 0
• 268 •
Egypt 13, 21, 51-71, 82-97, 120-5, 132-6
Gate of Zuwaila 83
battle for 51-68
gathering the army 170-2
construction of madrasas in 120-5
Gaza 90, 150, 188
establishment of Saladin's authority in
Genoa 157, 197
Geoffrey of Esch 57
masters of 82-97
Gerard of Ridefort 168-70, 173-4, 181,
Sunnification of 132-6
Eilat 90, 148-9
Ghadir Kliumm 12
Eleanor of Aquitaine 4
al-Ghani, Adb 62, 171
emergence of Saladin 66-8
al-Ghazali 15, 18-19, 48, 97, 103, 117,
Emperor Manuel 107, 138,
148, 150
epistolary camouflage 80
Ghazi, Saif al-Din 113, 115-16, 147-8
Eschiva 168, 172-3
ghazis 43
establishment of Saladin's authority in Egypt
Giza 76, 87
Godrey of Bouillon 23
establishment of Saladin's fatlier and uncle
Great Mosque 23, 34, 135
Gregory, II 57
eternal opposition 11
Gulf of Aqaba 154
eunuchs 2 6 , 2 8 , 75, 131
Gumushtekin 112
Euphrates river 20, 151-2, 156, 160-2,
Guy of Lusignan 147, 157-9,165-82, 184,
164, 167, 170, 219-21, 232
188, 200-1, 204, 206, 208, 221
fall of Acre 2 0 6 - 1 1
al-Hadhabani, Sadr al-Din Ibn al-Darbas 90
faqih 11
hadith 47-50, 59, 78, 94, 98, 147
fasting 49, 233
al-Hafiz 56-7
Fatimid state 7, 12-13, 21, 31, 34, 43,
Haifa 185
52-65, 70, 74-95, 99, 105, 122-4,
al-Hakim 54
128-34, 202, 232-3
al-Hakkari, Isa 47, 72, 75-6, 90, 94, 100,
dismantlement of 8 4 - 8
142, 163, 185, 194, 198, 202
fatwa 135
Hakkari 163
Fayyum 95, 120
halab 111
feeble minds 110
al-HalhuU, Abd al-Rahman 37
fig leaf of moral authority 22
al-Hallawiyya madrasa 34
al-Findawli, Yusuf 37
Kama 16, 85, 1 1 0 , 1 1 4 - 1 5 , 139, 141, 143,
fiqh 30
First Circle of Hell 2 - 3
al-Hamadhani 46
First Crusade 22-5, 36, 42, 106, 191
Hamadan 202
food shortage 88, 188-90, 228
Hamasah 45
fortification of Jerusalem 223-6
Hanafis 16-17, 35, 42, 73, 91, 121, 126,
fortification of Tyre 196-9
fortitude 75
Hanbalis 16-17, 19, 34, 42, 48, 61-2, 128,
fragmentation of Saladin's army 2 0 4 - 6
171, 187
Frankish invasion 20-35
Hanfash 16
Frederick of Swabia 203
al-Harawi 23
Friday prayers 10, 23, 90, 192, 241
Harim 106, 137, 143
fundamentalism 15
al-Harimi, Shihab al-Din 75-6, 88, 115,
Fustat70-1, 8 1 , 9 1 , 9 4 - 5 , 131
118, 143
Harran 147, 151-2, 157-67, 194, 205
Galilee 149-50, 153, 171
illness suffered by Saladin 163-4
Garni river 25
al-Harriri 46
Gamier of Nablus 215
al-Hasan 10, 92
• 269 •
Hattin 2-3, 40, 62, 119, 158, 168-83,
al-Idrisi, Sharif 64
200-2, 212, 214, 217, 221, 231, 236
Ifranj 38, 42
capture of True Cross 179-81
Ihya 'Vlum al-Din 18, 48
deliberations in the Franks' camp
ijaza 96
ijma 135-6
march to Tiberias 174-9
Ikhshidids 12-13
Saladin gathers his army 170-2
illegitimacy 22
Saladin slays Reynald of Chaullon 182-3
illnesses of Saladin 49, 157-67, 2 3 4 - 5
victory at 40, 62, 119, 179-80, 184
at Damascus 2 3 4 - 5
hawala 108-9
at Harran 163-4
'Hayy ala khayr al-amal' 90
Imad al-Din 149, 152, 155, 186-7, 192,
Henri of Chatillon 137
Heniy of Champagne 146, 204, 225-6,
Imadi gate 33
Inab 34
Henry II 3, 147, 161-2, 173-4, 189
Inal, Qutb al-Din 109-10, 152
Heraclius 161-2, 164, 173, 189-91
infidels 3
heresy 99, 123-4, 188, 240
'intafaa al nas bihi' 134
heterodoxy 44
introduction of Sunni orthodoxy to Egypt
Hijaz 53
Hisban 160
Iraq 21, 43, 46, 121, 170, 2 2 3 - 4
Holy City see Jerusalem; Latin Kingdom of
Irbil 170, 202
Isabella 104
Holy Cross 3, 139, 141, 150, 162, 173,
al-Isfahani, Imad al-Din 25, 28, 45, 72,
181, 189, 198, 200-1
7 4 - 7 , 90, 98-9, 105, 116-18, 144-5,
see also True Cross
158, 162-3, 166, 170, 185, 192, 198,
Holy Land 137-8, 140, 144, 196, 200,
2 0 2 - 4 , 2 1 2
207, 216
lsfahan24, 31, 116, 130
Holy Sepulchre 150, 160-1, 193, 222
al-Iskandarani, Abul-Majid 94, 152
holy war 24, 4 2 - 4 , 46, 98, 102-3, 110,
Islamic civilization 30
145, 155, 164, 174, 181, 204, 206,
Islamic counter-crusade 4 1 - 4
224, 237
Islamic education 11, 95-7
see hlso jihad
Islamic law 15, 30, 49, 125, 134-5, 193
Homs 24, 68, 85, 99-100, 110, 115, 203
Islamic resurgence 33
Horns of Hama 114
Island of Elephants 95
Horns of Hattin 178
Ismaili Assassins 112, 116, 118-19, 223
horns of the Muslim crescent 156
Ismailism 12, 19, 52, 54, 59-61, 67, 79-80,
Hospitallers 39-40, 69, 161, 168-9, 177,
86, 90, 99, 123, 129, 133, 188
181-2, 191, 213-15, 226, 240
Iznik 22
House of Abbas 11
Ibn Hubayra 19, 34, 52, 92, 98, 116-17,
Jacobites 21
187-8, 241
Jacob's Ford 145
Hugh of Burgundy 225
Jafar, Abu 235
Hugh of Caesarea 53
Jaffa 185, 211-14, 216-17, 226-9, 237
Hugh of Tiberius 4
attack on 226-9
Huija, Abul 87
march towards 211-13
Humphrey IV of Toron 4, 67, 141, 145,
al-Jahiz 32
159, 181,204
Jaldak, al-Habis 153
Hurmuz, Abu Ali 12
al-Jamali, Badr 80, 122
al-Hurub al-Salibiyya 5
James of Mailly 169
Husam al-Din 185
Jawhar 12-13
al-Husayn 10, 12, 92, 129
Jazira 101
• 270 •
Jazirat Ibn Umar 31
al-Khatuni, Majd al-Din 121-2
Jeddah 154
Jenin 160
Khumartekin 112
Jerusalem 2-3, 23-4, 4 3 - 4 , 71, 137-40,
Khurasan 121
1 8 4 - 9 5 , 2 1 8 - 3 1
BQiusrau, Nasir-i 44, 53
Baldwin IV 137-40
Kliusrau, Qutb al-Din 75-6, 88
fortification of 223-6
khutba 91, 193
liberation of 43
Khutiu-Khayr 131
return of 184-95
King Fulk of Jerusalem 138
siege of 190-1
Kitab al-fashushfi akham Qaraqush 76
triple jump regaining of 30
Kitab al-Isfah 34
triumphant entry into 191-5
Kitab al-Jihad 42
see also Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem
al-Kizani, Abbu Abdallah 61-2, 128
Jews 54, 56, 93, 125, 134
Knights of St John 138
jihad 4 2 - 4 , 46, 58, 103-5
, 181, 193
Knights Templar 39-40, 52, 69, 140-1,
see also holy war
145-6, 161, 168-9, 173-4, 176-7,
al-Jilani, Abd al-Qadir 48, 60-1, 91-2, 119,
181-3, 185, 191-2, 201, 213, 222,
121, 171, 181, 193
226, 240
al-Jili, Mansur Abu al-Maali 17
Konya 31
jizya 191
Kufa 15
Jobert 138
Kufic script 92-3
Joscelin III of Edessa 29, 63, 137-8, 148,
Kurds 21, 25-6, 45, 47, 58, 74-6, 86,
90-1, 109, 118, 143, 163, 170, 187,
Ibn Jubayr 50, 92, 122
208-9, 2 2 3 - 4 , 226, 238-9
Jurdik, Izz al-Din 11, 110, 114, 155, 198,
208, 225
Lake Tiberias 165-6, 168-9, 171-80
jurisprudence 50
march to 174-9
al-Juwaini, Sadr al-Din 128
last days of Saladin 232-42
Latakia 198
Kafr Sabt 171, 174
Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem 6, 24, 29,
Kaiser Wilhelm II 4 - 5
3 6 - 7 , 4 0 , 51-2, 63, 70, 102, 106-7,
Kamal al-Din see al-Iskandarani, Abul-Majid
113, 119, 138, 142, 145-7, 150,
al-Kamil 71, 79
157-8, 161, 164-6, 173-6, 181,
Karbala 12, 17
185-9, 2 2 5 , 2 3 0
Kaukab casde 198
collapse of 185-9
Kerak 149, 159-60, 198
see also Jerusalem
Keukburi, Muzaflfar al-Din 7-8, 115-16,
al-Lawraqi, Atik Ibn Ahad 49
132, 151, 168-72, 174-6, 180-1, 185,
legitimacy 14, 22, 56, 80, 102, 105, 125,
191, 197, 201, 205-6
al-Khabushani 120-36, 142
Leper King 137-56
madrasa building in Egypt 120-5
Baldwin IV 137-40
relationship between Saladin and ulama
death of Nur al-Din's son 148-56
Jerusalem 137-40
Sunnification of Egypt 132-6
Saladin's defeat at Mont Gisard 140-8
Khabusan 123
struggle for northern Syria 148-56
Ibn Khallikan 25, 96, 118, 129, 241
leprosy 106, 113-14, 137-56
al-Khanaqah al-Salihiyya 194
the Levant 25
khatib 155
liberation of Jerusalem 43
Kliatim, Adhra 131
Lionheart 207, 231
Khatun, Ismat al-Din 119, 131
see also Richard I
Khatun, Rabia 132
Lord of Chatillon-sur-Loing 137
• 271 •
Louis VII 17
dismandement of Fatimid state 8 4 - 8
Ludwig of Thuringia 201
establishment of Saladin's authority in
Lu'Lu, Husam al-Din 131
Egypt 89-91
Lydda 226, 229
introduction of Sunni orthodoxy
9 1 - 7
Maarat al-Numan 23
Masud, Izz al-Din 113-14, 147
Machiavellian sagacity 79
al-Masudi 38
madhabib 16, 25, 30, 35, 120-1
Masyaf 118