Played by the Rock star

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Played by the Rock star Page 21

by Ava Walsh

  Chapter Ten

  The week passed with Cole getting back to work and Lauren being home during the day with Baby Blue. She got a lot of work done to make up for the time she ended up taking off to help with the wedding. It was nice to just relax and work, fixing lunch when Cole stopped by during the day and dinner when he got home. They spent lazy evenings watching television and just hanging out together.

  They went to the cottage the night that Jane and Adam were due back to clean it up and leave them the dinner that Lauren had cooked, along with a chocolate cake. That way, Jane and Adam wouldn’t have to get right back into real life and could relax on their own in their house. Lauren was glad that Jane was back. She’d missed her a lot.

  Cole and Lauren went home and snuggled with Baby Blue, who was getting to be affectionate towards them both. He might understand that he could do no wrong in Lauren’s eyes, but the cat curled up next to Cole every chance that he got as well. It was sweet, and it got Lauren through her days with a smile.

  As always, Cole left early the following morning, before the sun rose. Lauren stayed under the covers with Blue and slept a little longer. When she got up to make a fresh pot of coffee, there was a knock at the door. Lauren smiled as she ran over to open it. “Hey,” Jane said and they hugged each other. “Thanks for all of the food! It was so great to come home to!”

  “Come in for coffee?” Lauren asked. Jane nodded. She looked relaxed and happy. They walked into the kitchen and Lauren poured her a cup. “How was the trip?”

  “It was incredible and so different than anything I’ve ever seen before. We had a great time but Adam said he wanted to come back home to his cow town.” Jane smirked and Lauren laughed. “I have a lot of pictures that I need to sort out.”

  “I can’t wait to see them,” Lauren told her as they sat at the table. “Was he bummed to go back to work?”

  “I think he missed it, being the kind of guy that never misses a day and works overtime if they need him. It was great just being us somewhere else, though.” Jane looked at Lauren with a curious gaze. “How were things here?”

  Blue had announced himself with a high-pitched meow before Lauren got a chance to tell Jane about him. “We have a new baby,” Lauren said. Jane gasped and stood up. She moved slowly towards the kitten before leaning down and offering her hand.

  “Where and when did you get this sweet little thing?” Jane asked. She scooped Blue up in her hands and came back to the table.

  “At one of those pet stores that does adoptions. We were just wandering around with no intentions of buying anything, and he cried out to me…literally.” Lauren scratched his head. “Cole paid the fee and bought some things for him, and here we are. It can be a tad annoying having a kitten, but he’s a love for the most part.”

  “I need one too. Either a little kitten or a puppy,” Jane said and they both giggled. Lauren noticed a smile pass over Jane’s face and she tilted her head.

  “What is it?”

  Jane sipped her coffee and stared at her friend for a long moment. “I went off the pill the day of the wedding. Am I crazy?”

  “Well, some would say that you’re too young and that you need to take some time being married. But I think it’s a great idea since you guys are already settled at the house and all. Why not?” Lauren rattled. Jane laughed. “So I’m going to be an aunt?”

  “Not yet, but maybe soon.” Jane winked and shook her head. “I can hear the town already, but we need to do it for us. I think Adam will be an amazing daddy.”

  “I agree, and you’ll be a great mom. The grandparents are going to be thrilled,” Lauren told her. Jane looked at Blue.

  “I still might get a pet, though. It’s good practice right?” Lauren listened to her talk about every part of their tour and the food that they ate. They spoke of the cottage and the ranch. Lauren was happy that Jane was home and finally Jane looked at her as she poured another cup of coffee. “So I saw Kim talking to you both at the wedding. What was that about?”

  “She said something about them being next. So weird!” Lauren told her. Jane shook her head.

  “They were together when they were teens. That’s stupid. It wasn’t Kim that he is thinking of marrying. I believe that it might be you,” Jane said as she looked speculatively at Lauren.

  “We talked about that and about his relationship with Kelsey. He told me that it wasn’t what he thought it was, not once he met me. I know that he loved her and misses her, though. I felt so insecure for the longest time, but I’m okay now,” Lauren told her. Jane smiled.

  “You have no need to be insecure. The past is the past, and you are Cole’s future,” Jane assured her and Lauren nodded. “You guys looked so cute at the reception. It probably wasn’t ideal to meet everyone from town all at once, but you’ll settle in.”

  Jane brought in her computer, and they worked from Lauren’s house since the kitten was there. Jane called Adam and told him to come over there for lunch as well as dinner, which the girls cooked together.

  Adam was just as struck by Blue as his wife was and Lauren snuggled with Cole as she watched her friends cuddle him. Based on their expressions, they were already silently planning on having their own pet. Lauren imagined a future where Jane would hold a baby and Adam would be a father. How much would that change everything?

  She let her mind wander to herself and Cole having a baby as well and it made her smile. He was already a pushover for the kitten. Would he love a baby just as much? But Lauren told herself to slow down and get married first. She was still so young. As Cole wrapped his arms tighter around her, she realized that he made her want so much more from life than ever before.

  The friends talked as late as they could with the schedule of Cole and Adam in mind before the newlyweds headed home for the night. Cole helped Lauren wash dishes as Blue played with a spring in the corner of the room. “It’s good having them back,” Cole said.

  “I know. I had a great day. I think we’re going to start working from here though, because of Blue. Jane’s in love with him,” Lauren told him. She looked up into his handsome face. “We’ll be cooking more.”

  “Fine by me. Between the four of us, we can manage just fine,” Cole replied, setting a plate on the rack to dry. “Adam said they’re trying for a baby.”

  “Yeah, Jane told me too,” Lauren admitted, looking at Cole. “I think it’s great.”

  He kissed her and pressed her against the marble counter as his tongue moved with hers. “I do, too. They’ll be amazing parents, and we’ll get to reap the benefits…at least until it’s our turn.” Lauren smiled against his mouth. He lifted her and moved between her parted legs while he kissed her again. They didn’t make it to the bed, this time, instead losing themselves on the counter as she wrapped her legs around him.

  Lauren giggled as they walked through the darkened house with Blue in her arms. “It’s cold in the bedroom, you know.”

  “I think we heated things up just fine,” Cole argued and he led her into the bedroom.

  Chapter Eleven

  Everything went back to normal once Jane and Adam were home. The girls worked from Lauren’s a lot to keep an eye on Blue until Jane found her husky puppy, Rocky, a month later. After that, they switched up and were all pleased when they saw that the animals got along well together. Blue wasn’t an outside pet as Rocky was, but they tore through the houses playing until they both collapsed. It added a lot of excitement to their lives, and Lauren found herself happy with her life.

  She got more work as a freelancer and started bringing in real money to help with the household.

  It was at that point that Cole suggested buying a house. Theirs was only two bedrooms, and he thought they might need something bigger down the line. One night, Lauren saw a real estate brochure on the kitchen counter. It featured a place by Jane and Adam’s that had four bedrooms and a good yard. “Is this what got you thinking, baby?” she asking, smiling at him.

  “Maybe a little. I just want m
ore room because once we’re married, we are going to become a family,” Cole teased her and Lauren laughed. “Let’s at least take a look at it this week.”

  “Okay. It’s so close to Jane’s that I could walk,” Lauren said. Right now, Adam picked up Cole every day while Lauren used the truck. Cole took the truck only when he needed it, in which case Jane picked Lauren up in her car. Lauren didn’t see a need to have her own vehicle yet since it worked out perfectly.

  “That’s my thought,” Cole agreed as she looked closer at the property in the brochure. It was a beautiful yellow house with a lot of windows and a big porch that they could sit on at night. Lauren envisioned a table and comfortable chairs and even a large bistro table that they could sit at with their friends.

  “I like it,” Lauren said in admiration. Cole squeezed her hand. “I think that we could settle in there well.”

  They made their way to the cottage and brought up the idea to their friends, who were all for it. They had seen the inside before, and Jane told them how spacious and gorgeous it was.

  She and Lauren discussed turning one room into office for them while Cole argued for a small personal gym. He worked a lot of hours and didn’t have time to go to the gym, but the girls told him that his job was a workout in itself.

  Cole then brought up the idea of rooms for their kids and Lauren blushed. “Talk to them about a bigger house. We’re not even married yet!” she told him as he pulled her into his arms and kissed her.

  “We’re staying here for the time being,” Jane insisted. She looked around the living room fondly. “It’s three bedrooms, and unless we have triplets, we’ll be good for a while.”

  “Don’t even say it,” Adam warned her and Jane laughed.

  “It’s not in the genes, and we’re going natural,” Jane reminded him. “If we have trouble, I’m not going to do anything crazy. I don’t want multiples.”

  “No trouble, sweetie,” Adam said. He sipped his beer and looked at Jane. They had talked for a bit longer before Cole took Lauren home for the night and they fell into bed with a long hungry kiss.

  “So, you want to fill the rooms with babies?” Lauren asked him, straddling his naked body and taking him inside of her.

  “Hell, yes. I want a football team,” Cole teased her, clutching her hips. “I want some girls that look like you and boys that look like me to protect them.”

  “Neanderthal,” Lauren moaned as she rode him harder to find her release. “Oh, Cole. You feel so good.”

  “So close,” Cole groaned as he lifted his hips and drove himself inside of her. They came together as Lauren stilled and let him jerk his body inside of her before he dropped to the mattress and moaned. Lauren fell beside him and smiled as they rested together. “I love you.”

  “I love you.”

  They fell asleep with the cat curled up behind Lauren, sleeping deeply until the alarm went off. Cole kissed her and got up to shower before he dressed in his worn jeans and shirt. He kissed Lauren again and reminded her that they were going to look at the house later that day. She mumbled something and curled back up.

  An hour later, Lauren woke up with a start. She’d been dreaming of her dad. She got up and made some coffee before dressing to go to Jane’s house. Blue knew by now that he went with her and waited by the door. Most people didn’t have the kind of cats that they could tote around with them, but Blue was different. Plus, he loved Rocky.

  They sat and worked at the table and Lauren occasionally looked over to the yellow house. Two years ago, if someone had told her that she’d be in a relationship and shopping for a home today, Lauren would’ve laughed at them. She would say that she’d stay with her daddy until the day she met Mr. Right, which was never going to happen in her mind even back then.

  How things change.

  They made a roasted chicken for lunch since the showing was at dinnertime. Jane and Adam were going to come with them because Jane was so excited about the prospect of them living within walking distance. She’d gone on and on about it, already decorating the house in her mind, not realizing that Lauren hadn’t even seen the house yet.

  Cole walked in to eat and kissed Lauren first thing before sitting down at the table. Adam did the same to his wife. The guys were rebuilding a part of a barn that the wind had torn down and they looked tired as they sipped their tea and took slow bites of the food. “Are you up for the showing tonight?” Lauren asked Cole. He nodded. “Yeah, a few guys are out today so we’re doing most of the work is all. I’m excited about seeing the house. It works well with our numbers.” Lauren had told him about the small amount of money that her father left her, wanting to use it as a down payment if they found something that they liked. With that amount, they’d have an easy payment and could keep working like they were right now. She was even willing to take on more clients for her freelance work if needed.

  The guys went back to work as the girls returned to the table to work. Lauren kept looking at the house, and Jane noticed with a smile. “Excited?”

  “Very. I never thought I’d have a future like this, Jane. I have so much hope for everything, and it outweighs the fear by far,” Lauren admitted.

  “I understand,” Jane agreed with her. “I was scared when I moved in with Adam, especially when we decided to get married.” She laughed. “I think I had cold feet for a second, but it’s all good. We’re great and planning a future.”

  “We both are,” Lauren agreed. They smiled at each other and laughed.

  Chapter Twelve

  The guys got home just in time for the showing. They secured the animals and went over to meet the realtor, Bridget. She was a friendly woman with blonde hair and bright green eyes. She shook hands with everyone and told them to go in inside, saying she’d meet them in a bit. Lauren expected her to follow along and try to sell the home with talk of kitchens and powder rooms. This was so much better. She grabbed Cole’s hand and tugged him inside.

  The house didn’t need selling. It had a big living room, which was attached to a chef’s kitchen that could easily hold the group and have room left over. Tons of windows offered a lot of light and Lauren smiled as she looked around the empty rooms. It was already perfect.

  The bedrooms were all located off the main room down two hallways and felt private. The master bedroom was big with a great bathroom that offered a shower as well as a bath. The other rooms were sizable enough to work with.

  Everything was tastefully updated just as advertised, with granite counter tops in the kitchen and freshly painted walls throughout the house. The colors were pretty without being gaudy, brightening the home immensely.

  They all looked at each other with bright eyes. Bridget walked inside, smiling at them and clicking across the hardwood floors on her black heels. “What did you think of it?” she asked.

  Lauren’s eyes scanned Cole’s face, trying to read it. Please love it.

  “I think it’s great,” Cole said, and Lauren walked over to hug him tightly. “For the price, we can’t get much better, and it’s ready to move in. Baby, I take it you agree?” He held Lauren tightly, and she laughed, nodding at him.

  “I think it’s beautiful!” Lauren said, and Bridget giggled. “Can we buy it, Cole?”

  “I told you that my place was small and that I’d give you something better, Lauren. Of course, we can.” Cole kissed her, and Bridget excused herself to go to the car to get the paperwork.

  “Oh my God. I’m so excited!” Jane exclaimed and she hugged them. “This is going to be yours!”

  “Assuming the offer goes through,” Cole reminded her. He pulled back to look at his girlfriend. “It’s priced well. Should we offer that, baby?”

  “I don’t know too much about that, Cole. Do you?” Lauren asked, staring up at him with startled eyes.

  “I think this house is a fantastic price for what it offers. I like that idea, Cole,” Bridget said from the door, making all of them jump. “I always tell people to offer low these days, but this house will be
snatched up if you don’t fight. It’s too pretty not to.”

  While Cole and Bridget figured out the offer, Lauren walked into the generous backyard. It had room for a lot of growth. It also offered a view of the rolling hills that she’d grown to love. She turned to look at the house behind her and crossed her arms over her chest, smiling.

  This was real.

  She walked back inside where Bridget stood smiling at the counter, looking over the paperwork. “I hope to have good news for you kids soon. This is a firm offer, and I think that it will get accepted.”

  “Sounds good, ma’am. Thank you,” Cole shook her hand firmly, and hugged Lauren as everyone laughed. They left the house and Lauren felt the warmth spreading through her body. Could Dad see her here, making such a big choice for her future with the man she loved?

  They went back to the cottage and made a salad for dinner. They looked at each other across the table. “I think you’ll get it. I feel it,” Jane said, breaking the silence in the room. Lauren laughed nervously.

  “I think I do, too. I just don’t want to get too excited,” Lauren admitted, sipping her water. She’d seen those home shows where the dreams of homeowners were crushed by an offer that was either denied or lower than another one. It was a tough game to play, but she could do this with Cole. They’d find something that worked for them.

  They went home with Blue in tow and Cole unlocked the door to lead them inside. He looked around and smiled. “I have lived here for years, but it never felt like a home until you were here with me. I’m ready to build another home with you now, Lauren.” He turned to look at her. She set Blue down and rushed into his arms.

  “Do you love me enough to do this?” Her voice was shaking. He stroked her back and ran a hand through her hair.

  “Hell, yes. I love you more than anything,” Cole assured her, staring down at her. “What do you need me to say so that you’ll believe it?”


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