Dying Gasp cims-4

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Dying Gasp cims-4 Page 8

by Leighton Gage

  The following morning, Arnaldo called from Manaus, the self-styled Capital of the Amazon.

  “You’re not going to believe this,” he said.


  “Bento Rosario, the guy you-”

  “I remember who he is. What about him?”

  “They’re telling me he doesn’t work there anymore.”

  “He doesn’t-”

  “They said he quit.”

  “ Who said he quit?”

  “I just got off the phone with his supervisor. I also asked him about that felon, Damiao Whats-his-name’s rap sheet.” “Rodrigues. Damiao Rodrigues. And?”

  “There isn’t any rap sheet.”

  “I don’t believe it,” Silva said.

  “I told you you wouldn’t,” Arnaldo said. “When I… uh, expressed a similar sentiment, the filho da puta hung up on me.”

  “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” Silva said.

  “Probably. Try me.”

  “Soon after Bento shoots us his E-mail,” Silva said, “someone above him in the hierarchy gets wind of what he’s done. This someone has reason, probably financial, to keep the law off of Damiao’s back. This someone hides, or destroys, Damiao’s rap sheet, sees that Bento goes off on a little vacation, and puts out the word that he’s moved on to greener pastures.”

  “That’s how I figure it,” Arnaldo said.

  “Did those photos arrive?”

  “Yeah, but you sent them to the Plaza by mistake. I had to go over there and pick them up.”

  “Because you’re staying at the Tropical?”

  “Sure,” Arnaldo said, innocently. “Isn’t that what we agreed?”

  This time the silence lasted longer. Finally, Silva said, “Here’s what we’re going to do: give me two hours, then go to the headquarters of the Manaus PD. By that time, the chief should be expecting you. I’m going to have the director call the governor of the state of Amazonas, or the mayor of the city of Manaus, or whoever it takes to shake those people up. You go in there and demand personal access to their archives. If they don’t cooperate, call me immediately.”

  “Who are you going to tell what?”

  “The director gets the truth about the clerk and Rodrigues’s file. That will be enough to convince him we can’t trust the people at the Manaus PD. I’ll suggest he tells whoever he calls that it’s a confidential matter of national security. He doesn’t tell them about snuff videos, he doesn’t tell them about Andrea, or Marta, he doesn’t tell them squat.”

  “You think people are gonna buy into that national security stuff?”

  “Who cares? They don’t have to believe it. They just have to act as if they do.”

  “I love it when you’re angry.”

  “Flattery will get you nowhere. And don’t think for a minute you’ve heard the last of this business about the Hotel Tropical.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  The Chief of Manaus’s Civil Police was a florid man of slightly above average height and greatly above average weight. When Arnaldo was ushered into his office, his gray uniform jacket hung over the back of his chair, and he was sitting in his shirtsleeves.

  “Damned air-conditioning is on the fritz again,” he said with an accent that marked him as a carioca, a native of Rio de Janeiro. Rings of sweat stained the area under his arms. He was using a handkerchief to blot his forehead. He stopped blotting long enough to stand up, extend a sweaty palm across his desk and offer his hand.

  “Ivan Pinto,” he said.

  “Arnaldo Nunes.”

  “I used to think Rio was hot, but it’s got nothing on this place. I’ve been here almost five years, and I’m still not used to it. I ran a delegacia back home, and this was a step up, but I sometimes ask myself what I’m doing here.”

  Arnaldo studied the cop’s ample waistline, watching the lethargic way he was patting his forehead. Probably as little as possible, Arnaldo thought. Cariocas were not famous for their industry.

  “Have a seat,” Pinto said, sinking back into a chair that protested under the strain.

  The chief’s gun belt was draped over one of the chairs in front of his desk. Arnaldo took the other one.

  “Thanks for seeing me on such short notice,” he said.

  “You come well recommended,” Pinto said, but there was an underlying tone of resentment in his voice. “So, what can I do for you?”

  “Bento Rosario.”


  “Bento Rosario, a clerk who works in your archives. I want to talk to him.”

  The chief seemed to think about it for a moment, then shook his head.

  “Never heard of him,” he said. “I seldom go down there myself. Too much dust. It makes my eyes water and my nose run. If you want, I’ll get Alberto Coimbra in here. Alberto’s the man in charge of the archives.”

  Arnaldo wanted.

  They made small talk about the town and the river while they waited for Coimbra, who showed up shortly. He was stoop-shouldered, wore wire-rim glasses with thick lenses, and reminded Arnaldo of a ferret.

  The chief made the introductions and asked about Rosario.

  “Doesn’t work here anymore,” Coimbra said.

  He sounded like a mouse might have sounded if a mouse could talk. Squeak. Squeak. Squeak. Arnaldo recognized the voice.

  “You’re the guy I talked to on the telephone,” he said.

  “Yes, I am,” Coimbra squeaked, “and I told you the same thing then I’m telling you now. Rosario doesn’t work here any more.”

  “Yeah,” Arnaldo said, “and you didn’t hang up on me, either.”

  “I didn’t hang up on you. We were cut off.”

  Arnaldo paused long enough to let Coimbra know that he wasn’t buying it. Then he said, “How about you go get me Rosario’s ficha?”

  Coimbra looked at his boss, then back at Arnaldo.

  “I looked for it after you called,” he said.


  “And I couldn’t find it.”

  “Let me get this straight,” Arnaldo said. “You lost his personnel file?”

  “I didn’t say we lost it,” Coimbra said. “I said I couldn’t find it. I’m sure it’s around here somewhere. Leave your number. I’ll call you when we locate it.”

  Which will be about the time the river freezes over, Arnaldo thought.

  “How about the rap sheet on Damiao Rodrigues?” he said.

  “There is no rap sheet on Damiao Rodrigues. There never was a rap sheet on anybody named Damiao Rodrigues.”

  “How can you be sure? You have a personal acquaintance with every bad guy in this town?”

  Coimbra’s glasses had slipped down over his nose. He pushed them back, magnifying the size of his pale eyes.

  Face like a ferret, Arnaldo thought, but eyes like a Weimaraner. “I’ve been working in archives for twenty-two years,” Coimbra said. “The name Damiao is unusual. I would have remembered it if I heard it, and I assure you I never did.”

  “So how come we got this E-mail from Rosario?”

  “I have no idea. You’ll have to talk to him about that.”

  “Which is what I’m trying to do. Are you now going to tell me that no one in this building knows Rosario well enough to tell me where he lives?”

  “Of course not,” Coimbra said, adding a sniff to his squeak. “After we spoke, and in the spirit of interagency cooperation, I went over there myself and tried to find him for you. I just got back. He moved. No forwarding address.”

  “The E-mail is from yesterday, goddamn it!”

  “I can’t help that. He moved. That’s all I can tell you, and that’s what his neighbors will tell you, too. Go over there if you don’t believe me. I’ll give you the address.”

  “I might just do that.”

  Coimbra gave him a ferrety little smile.

  Which is when Arnaldo knew for certain that going over there wouldn’t do a damned bit of good.

  After Coimbra left, Pinto raised both palms in
a gesture of helplessness.

  “Well, then,” he said, as if that was the end of it. “Anything else I can do for you?”

  Whatever was going on, the chief was a part of it. Arnaldo was sure of that.

  “Maybe you can tell me a little bit about the trafficking of women here in Manaus?”

  “Looking to get laid?” Pinto asked with a leer.

  “Business,” Arnaldo said.

  “Business?” the chief said. “Prostitution is a local matter, and there’s no law against it. It’s no business of the federal police.”

  “I didn’t say prostitution,” Arnaldo said, “I said trafficking. That’s illegal. And when it’s happening across state lines, it is our business, especially when the girls being trafficked are minors.”

  The chief stopped smiling. “You been talking to that fucking priest?”

  “What fucking priest?”

  “Barone. That Salesian.”

  “No. I haven’t. Should I?”

  The chief swatted the air with his hand as if he was brushing away an annoying insect. The hand was still holding his handkerchief, and little droplets of moisture flew off and flecked the wall next to his desk. He brought the drenched handkerchief back to his forehead and resumed patting.

  “I want to have a look at your archives,” Arnaldo said.

  The chief shot him an indignant look.

  “What?” he said.

  “Your archives. I want to go there and have a look around.”


  “I’ve got photographs. I’m gonna try to match them with names.”

  The chief’s smile returned. “Coimbra can do that for you,” he said. “Just give me the photographs. I’ll make it a priority, have an answer for you in a day or two.”

  And I already know what that answer would be, Arnaldo thought. “I have to do it myself,” he said.

  The chief frowned, and his eyes turned cold. “Are you suggesting my people are untrustworthy?”

  “Not at all,” Arnaldo said blandly.

  “Then what are you suggesting?”

  “I’m not suggesting anything, Chief. The matter is confidential, a question of national security. I’m not supposed to delegate any part of it. If you want more information, you gotta talk to my boss.”

  “The governor called me,” the chief said. “The governor and the mayor. They both got calls from the director of the federal police in Brasilia. He made them promise to cooperate, but he wouldn’t tell them anything either.”

  Arnaldo raised both palms in the same gesture of helplessness the chief had used just minutes before.

  “Well, then,” he said. “If my boss won’t tell the mayor and the governor, how can you expect me to tell you?”

  The archives, located in the basement of the delegacia, were a warren of ceiling-to-floor shelves, dusty, deprived of daylight, and lit only by fluorescent lamps. The stuffy atmosphere was entirely disagreeable and so was Arnaldo’s reception. Coimbra showed his displeasure at the invasion of his lair. He and the chief exchanged what they probably thought were surreptitious glances.

  “I want you and your people to extend Agente Nunes every consideration,” Chief Pinto said.

  “As ordens, Senhor. Every consideration.”

  The only things missing were a wink and a nudge.

  “What, exactly, are you looking for?” Coimbra said.

  “That’s confidential,” Arnaldo said. “Just show me your system.”

  “I don’t like people digging around in my files,” Coimbra said. “They get things out of order. All you have to do is tell me what you want, and I’ll fetch it for you.”

  “I’d rather do it myself,” Arnaldo said.

  “And I’d rather you didn’t,” Coimbra said.

  They glared at each other.

  “I’ve got an idea,” Chief Pinto said, as if it had just occurred to him. “Alberto here can help you. You can do it together.”

  Arnaldo shook his head.

  “I’m gonna do it alone,” he said.

  Arnaldo was a believer in the adage “The enemy of my enemy is my friend.”

  After an unsuccessful morning in the archives, and an equally unsuccessful attempt to get a decent lunch in the padaria across the street, he was ready for a break. He decided to use it to locate the man the chief had called “that fucking priest.” A Salesian, Pinto had said. By inquiring at the first church he came to, Arnaldo discovered there was only one Salesian in Manaus: Father Vitorio Barone, who ran a school in the Sao Lazaro district. The parish priest was even able to furnish him with an address: number fourteen Rua de Caxias.

  The Rua do Caxias turned out to be a narrow lane bisected by a filthy canal, more of an open drain than a waterway. A smell of raw sewage assailed Arnaldo’s nose. A mangy brown dog with visible ribs was tearing into a plastic sack of garbage in front of number twelve, a shack built of scrap lumber.

  The neighboring building, number fourteen, was a mansion by comparison. Anywhere else it would have been categorized as a dump. Two stories tall, and twice as wide as any other house on the street, it was a haphazard pile of gray cinder block. An ancient pickup truck, painted yellow, but flaking in places to reveal the original blue, was parked in front. Arnaldo could hear children’s voices, getting louder, as he approached.

  The door was open. He stood on the threshold, waiting for his eyes to adjust from sunlight to shade. A gang of kids became visible. They were seated on the cement floor, singing the alphabet. One of them caught sight of the figure in the doorway and whispered something to the child next to him. That one whispered to another and soon seventeen pairs of brown eyes and one pair of blue were turned in Arnaldo’s direction.

  The blue eyes belonged to a priest in a black cassock. The singing faltered. The priest frowned. One of the kids saw the frown and elbowed his neighbor. The singing swelled. The priest stopped frowning.

  They sang the alphabet through to the end. Then they sang it over again. When they finished for the second time, the priest clapped his hands.

  “Dismissed,” he said.

  The kids streamed out, walking past Arnaldo, giving him the once-over. The priest came forward.

  Something about him, perhaps his long legs, perhaps the way he kept his neck erect when he walked, reminded Arnaldo of a flamingo. A shock of unruly black hair capped his high forehead. The hair was cut as a man might cut it himself if he didn’t care how looked.

  “Father Barone?” Arnaldo asked.

  He got a curt nod, then a question. “And you are?”

  “Agente Arnaldo Nunes, federal police.”

  Father Vitorio’s expression shifted from neutral to hostile.

  “What do you want?”

  “Your name came up at the police station,” Arnaldo said. “The chief referred to you as ‘that fucking priest,’ or words to that effect.”

  The priest didn’t blanch. “So?” he said.

  “So right now they’re probably referring to me as ‘that fucking federal cop.’ I figured we two fuckers should get acquainted.”

  “The chief,” Father Vitorio said, “thinks I’m a pain in the ass.”

  “And the feeling is mutual, eh?”

  “I didn’t say that,” the priest snapped.

  “No, Padre, you didn’t.”

  Arnaldo looked around the room, seeking something to defuse the tension. His eye fell on some children’s drawings that were spiked onto nails driven into the unpainted wall. “What’s this?” he said, walking over to have a closer look.

  “My art class.”

  The priest followed Arnaldo and stood at his shoulder.

  “I get discarded computer paper from an office in the duty-free zone,” he said. “The children make their drawings on the back. For the crayons… I accept contributions.”

  Arnaldo could take a hint when he heard one. He reached for his wallet.

  The priest performed a vanishing trick with Arnaldo’s ten-Real note. Then he gestured at the drawin

  “As you can see,” he said, “there’s a definite preference for gray, brown, and black. I offer them all the colors of the rainbow, but they choose gray, brown, and black.”

  Arnaldo studied the kids’ pictures: stick figures holding guns, stick figures lying on the ground, houses with bullet holes in the walls. None of the kids showed any talent, and Father Vitorio, whatever else his abilities might have been, didn’t seem to have a vocation for teaching technique.

  “They don’t draw bogeymen or monsters,” the priest said. “The things that frighten them are real. Take this one, for example.”

  He put his finger on the drawing of a truck. Armed figures were leaning out of the windows. The figures were drawn in gray, the same gray as the uniforms worn by Chief Pinto and his men.

  “Cops?” Arnaldo asked.

  “Cops,” the priest confirmed. “Some say they’re trying to take over the city’s drug trade. Until a year or so ago, they were fighting for it with pistols. These days, they use assault rifles. The bullets go through the walls of the houses and kill innocent people. That, Agente, is the children’s experience of the men who are supposed to be protecting them. And it’s mine, too. So I ask you again, what do you want?”

  Arnaldo reached into his breast pocket and took out two enhanced blowups cropped as head shots. One was of Andrea de Castro, the other of the man he believed to be Damiao Rodrigues. Both had been lifted from the DVD Hector brought back from Amsterdam.

  “You know these people?” he asked.

  The priest studied the photos. “Why are you interested?” “You know what a snuff video is?”

  “I’m not altogether ignorant, Agente. But snuff videos don’t exist. They’re an urban legend.”

  “You’re wrong, Padre.”

  “I don’t think so. But what do these people have to do with these so-called snuff videos?”

  “The girl was snuffed. The man did it.”

  “Special effects,” the priest said. “These days, anything’s possible.”

  “All right, Padre, have it your way. Do you know them? Have you ever seen either one of them?”


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