The Golden Collection

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The Golden Collection Page 4

by Kam Carr

I could have easily started dancing around my desk. If Georgina did refuse the job, at least Shit head would be far away and I could convince her. This had to work. Also, 2.5 million for hiring a Mummy's boy, well that was an added bonus. NO. WAIT.... Georgina Dawson was the bonus and I craved her more than anything.


  I got back from LA last night and was heading into my office. A few potential clients and contracts were in process. Finger crossed things were actually looking up. To top it all Georgina had accepted my apology and took up my job offer. The lift opened and I was on my floor.

  "Afternoon girls" I greeted them. Georgina looked up and gave a beautiful smile. I had been dying to see that since I had seen her last. She was drunk at the party, chatting, flirting and I finally got to meet the real her. She even bummed a cigarette from me. The whole time Blake was watching and taking in the situation. It made my evening. I strolled into my office and sat my desk. Hannah followed behind.

  "Mr Thomas a few. . . "

  I held my hand up to shut her up. "I need to make a phone call before I hear anything." She nodded and walked out closing the door behind her. It was time to phone the prick. I really didn't want to give him a job. "My girl" his voice kept playing on my mind. Rich cunt. Shame his poor old mother had more money than sense.

  I dialled his number. "Hi, Blake Waterman" his posh smug voice made me cringe.

  "Mr Waterman, its Maxwell Thomas." There was silence. "How are you?"

  Like I even gave a fuck! Sometimes you just had to ask to be polite.

  "Hi. I'm good. Is everything okay?" He actually sounded worried.

  "Everything is cool" I started to drum my fingers on my desk. Even after two seconds this man bored you to death. I signed, get on with it. My mouth didn't want to but the voice inside dared me. "I'm calling to offer you a job." And I fucked your girl. I laughed at my inner voice.

  "A little birdie told me you're a photographer and I need one at the moment. You see, it would save a great fortune if my agency had an in house one" I said, trying to hold in the laugh. Ow, it hurt.

  "Wow," he exclaimed. Wet fucker! "That's fantastic." It sounded good. It had too. I wanted him out of the picture and I wanted Georgina. "What exactly would I be doing?" He added.

  Young and yet so dumb. I knew I was laughing at him and it was making me feel content. I closed my eyes and had visions of Georgina riding me.

  "Maxwell?" he yelled down the phone.

  Oh yeah, rich boy. My eyes opened wide. "Sorry... You would be doing photo shots for TV, magazines, calendars etc. Also, you would get to travel near and far."

  "I'll do it,” he sounded enthusiastic. "When can I start?"

  "This weekend, Veronica has a shoot booked for her calendar in Ibiza. I take it you have a passport?"

  "Oh yes!"

  "Good, I'll call you back with details. Welcome to the team Blake" I hung up. Sucker! Right better arrange Veronica's photo shoot in Ibiza. I had a feeling this was going to one good weekend.



  I was so tired and it was only Wednesday. Maxwell was back today, so it was all work and no play. I really liked Hannah. She’d taught me everything I needed to know. Even how Maxwell took his coffee – glad my Dad wasn't around to witness that.

  She gave me endless gossip on Maxwell. Apparently he hadn't had sex with anyone in 2 months. He always requests the same room in the Randolph hotel and Hannah hadn't booked it in a while. I felt incredibly naughty knowing different.

  I couldn't wait to get home. I hope Blake had cooked as I was starving. I'd spent my whole lunch break talking to Hannah. She was over the moon she was having a baby; She and Her husband had been trying for years. Every time she did fall pregnant, she never got very far. This time her cervix had to have a little stitch, she was going to have her baby in six weeks and she was getting really excited.

  I couldn't wait till me and Blake was in that position. I wanted kids, but not till I was at least 30 odd. Blake would be a brilliant father, it was shame the kids would have a wicked old witch for a grandmother.

  I entered the flat and looked around. Blake was no where to be seen and there was nothing cooked. Great, looked like I was home alone and had to cook for myself. I hated cooking. Caitlyn had tried to teach me, but I just wasn't very domesticated. I kicked my shoes off. I dumped my bag on the breakfast bar and headed over to the fridge. It was empty.

  "What the fuck?"

  "Your home" Blake strolled into the living area.

  I narrowed my eyes and crossed my arms. "You didn't go shopping."

  "Um mm. . . No, “he hesitated and then a massive smile grew on his face.” You will never believe what happened today." I started to make a coffee as he spoke. "I got a job."

  "Yeah," I was starving. I went over to the draw and pulled out the take away menus. Blake sat down at the breakfast bar and I joined him. "Is that why you didn't go shopping?" Mmmm, Chinese looked good.

  "George, you want to hear this or what?" I didn't reply. I was too busy deciding whether to have the chicken or beef. Blake snatched the menu off me and I opened my mouth to say something. "Are you going to let me tell you?"

  "You have a job" I rolled my eyes. He was always getting jobs. Isn't that what self employed photographer's did? What was so special about this one? My stomach felt empty, I placed my head in my hands and gave him my full attention. "I'm listening" and my body needs Chinese food.

  "You are now" he snapped. "So, my job is with Maxwell Thomas. He wants me to be the in house photographer!!!"

  WHAT....Why had Maxwell given him a job? Blake was beaming and waiting for my reply. My head was all over the place. Why? Why? Why?

  "You aren't going to congratulate me?"


  “What?" He says, looking at me as if I have two heads.

  "Why did Maxwell offer you a job?" I could feel my eyes moving side to side trying to make sense of the situation.

  His eyes darted at me and he looked confused. "Because I'm a photographer and he requires one."

  I nodded slowly. I couldn't get over the thought that this actually had more to it. I thought me and Maxwell was drawing a line under what had happened. He told me no hidden agenda. Was I just being paranoid?

  Of course I was. Maxwell had seen Blake's work and had hired him because of that. Maxwell wasn't like that. Remember his apology in the bathroom – Oh, I had. I had even dreamed about it. It was far much better than the nightmare. A little smile sprung to my lips when I replayed the moment he spun me around and I was in his arms.

  "You're happy for me?" My day dream was over and my stomach was growling. Of course I was happy for him. This was what he needed. He hadn't had many jobs this year and at least this one was permanent.

  I smiled at him. "Of course," I lent over and kissed him. "Please can we order food" I pleaded as I pulled away.

  "Not yet.... There's more."

  "MORE?" I screeched and I placed my head on the breakfast bar. "I'm really hungry."

  "I have to go away this weekend" I shot up and stared at him. I felt my mouth tighten. This weekend. Wait, I should say that out loud. “Why this weekend?" I corrected myself. He nodded; he was still beaming his boyish grin. "We have plans this weekend! We were going to see my mum. I haven't seen my mum in ages." I sounded really annoyed that's because I was. I was beyond the brink of annoyed.

  He rubbed his brow and his eyes looked down. "I know and I'm really sorry. This is really an amazing experience. It's only one weekend and besides you can still go. Spend some quality mother and daughter time."

  I raised an eyebrow. "With my mother?" That was sarcastic and it went over his head. "Where will you be going?"

  He shifted in his seat and avoided eye contact with me. Great, this was bad. "It's in Ibiza."

  I slammed my fist down. I was now turning into my Dad. Please don't I cringe?

  "It's a calendar shoot for Veronica" he gave his sex god smile.

  It didn't work. M
y boyfriend was going to Ibiza with Vile Veronica. I could see her now posing in the nothing bikini's; Legs all spread open and her fake tits hanging out. Everyone knew how she gained her fame. She was the Primark version of Katie Price.

  I placed a hand over my mouth, this was not good. I had to spend a whole weekend knowing he would be with her. I trusted him with my life. It was HER.

  "And you have already accepted?" I asked, my head knew the answer, but my heart hoped he hadn't.

  "Yes," he looked down again. "I have to George. This is proper work for me." He looked up and placed a hand on my face. "You understand, don't you?"

  I did. I just wished he hadn't been with her. I could no longer mentally say that name. Then I got the urge. I stood up, walked over to the cupboard under the sink and took out a little metal box.

  "What's that?" Blake looked bemused.

  I sat down next to him with my box and opened it. Inside was a pack of 20 Mayfair and a lighter. I didn't give a toss that he knew about my hiding place. I needed it. After all, he didn't care about me. He was going to be sunning it up this weekend. . . With HER!!!

  "Oh no, George, “he ran a hand through his hair. "You'll regret it.”

  "Will I?" I opened the packet and pulled out a cigarette as I turned to face him. I placed the cigarette between my lips, struck the lighter and took a large inhale and exhaled the smoke slowly. Wow that felt good.

  "I'm not happy with you!" I didn't care. I carried on smoking. I had so missed my little friends. Besides, I wasn't happy with him either:

  One- He didn't go shopping.

  Two- He had accepted a job with Maxwell.

  Three- he was going on holiday with fake tits.

  And four- I was fucking starving.

  Just then my phone went off. I reached for my bag and pulled it out. It was a message from Amy:

  Can't make tonight. Can do 2 morrow. Normal place. BE THERE 6 PM x

  "Who's that?" Blake asked he was still frowning at me.

  I took another drag and blew the smoke his direction. He waved his hand to disperse the smoke from going into his face. I looked up and raised an eyebrow.

  "It's Amy. She wants to go for a drink tomorrow night."

  "You can't go,” he huffed and folded his arms. He was such a child sometimes it was frustrating.

  I had enough and put the cigarette out in my little box. "Why can't I?"

  He looked at me like I was stupid. I hated it when he did that. "Because I'm going away early Friday morning and I won't be back till Sunday night. Tomorrow will be the only night we can spend together."

  I shook my head and I felt my mouth tighten. He couldn't tell me what to do. He hadn't bothered to discuss his job with me. Amy was my best friend and I hadn't seen her in weeks. It was his problem, not mine. Maybe this would teach him a lesson. I always consulted him about everything. Surely it should work both ways.

  "I'm going" and that was it.

  I was still fuming at work the next day. Thoughts of Veronica with her greedy hands all over my man had invaded my head. Why was I feeling like this?

  I had never had a problem trusting Blake before. I did think about cancelling my drink with Amy and cooking us a romantic meal. I sighed and placed my head in my hands. I was going to miss him – Two nights without him was going to be weird. I was looking forward to introducing him to my mother for the first time. I reached into my draw for my phone and sent Amy a text:

  Sorry Hun can't make tonight. Blake is going away and I want to spend some time with him x

  Two seconds later. . . OK, next week, same day, same time. GET THERE. NO EXCUSES.

  I laughed and looked up. Maxwell was staring down at me. "Texting during work?” He tutted and shook his head. “I should really confiscate your phone, " he teased, and I quickly put it back in the draw.” You busy? Apart from the texting."

  "No, Mr Thomas" I smiled.

  "Good, I need you in my office. I need a few emails written and I want to discuss some events happening in the next week or so." He turned and walked into his office. I remained sitting. He got to the door and spun round. "NOW!" I jumped up, grabbed a pen, note pad and rushed in. "Close the door!" He took his seat behind his large marble desk. It had to be a status symbol. I did what I was told and took a seat in front of him.

  He cleared his throat and ran his hands through his hair. "What are you doing this weekend?"

  I looked up and tilted my head to the side. "I thought we were discussing work and emails."

  He shrugged his shoulders and gave me that smile. I had to catch my breath. There was something about us being alone in this office. Sometimes it made me uncomfortable. Other times it brought back THE memory which would make my heart race and I could feel myself getting damp.

  I shook my head. This is your job. You're lucky you got a second chance. Don't mess it up.

  "There's nothing wrong with asking?" His voice sounded a little off and I felt bad. He was just trying to be nice. "So, what are your plans?" He had restored himself back into my boss. It was actually a big turn on when he bossed me around.

  You're doing it again...

  "I'm going to see my mum" I gave in. "Blake is going away, but you already knew about that."

  "I thought you would be happy I gave your boyfriend a job. After seeing his parents' home, “he paused and his eyes widen.” I doubt he has to work."

  "We want to make our own way in life and not live off our parents" I bellowed.

  "Why would you?" he chirped. "No fun in that. Where does your mum live?"

  "London. I'm going to catch the coach Saturday morning and come back Sunday."

  "Coach?" he muttered. His eyes shifted like he was deep in thought. "I'll take you" he added.

  This time my eyes widen and I scowled at him. He looked perfectly relaxed and was staring all innocently at me. "Why do you want to take me?"

  "I go to London every weekend, “he placed his hands behind his head and lounged back in his chair. "As I'm going that way, we might as well go together. I drop you off at your mums, do what I do and pick you up Sunday."

  See simple... I had this nagging doubt that I could end up in a lot of trouble. I tilted my head left then right as I thought about it. It was only a lift and we were going to the same place. What the heck?

  "Okay, if you wouldn't mind."

  He smiled. "Good. Now work!!" With that, he went straight in to boss mode.

  After work I headed to M&S to grab an Eat in for Ten pound offer. I couldn't cook and I knew Blake loved the salmon dish – He was a secret foodie.

  Walking back to the flat I kept replaying my conversation with Maxwell. Was it really a coincidence? He didn't know my mum lived in London and he didn't know I was going. When I asked Hannah, why he went to London every weekend, she just replied he has a place there and he likes to get away. Was I just making a bigger deal out of this?

  Yes, you over think everything. He just wanted to be my friend, he said that himself. Did I want it to mean more? No, I didn't think so. I did think about him every now and again, but that didn't mean anything.

  I got to the apartment building and let myself into the hallway. I was still deep in my thoughts as I made way up the stairs. What if it was more? It’s not more. What if it was? Get your arse inside and cook your man a meal.

  "Hey" Blake beamed. He was sitting at the breakfast bar on his laptop. Eminem and Bruno Mars "Lighter" were blasting out of the sound system. "I thought you were going to see Amy?"

  I held up my M&S bag and walked towards him. "I was then I realized I couldn't let you go to tomorrow without spending time with my man." I placed my bag down and hugged him tightly. "I'm going to cook you dinner and then we will do anything of your choice." I pulled away and winked.

  He slapped my arse and I felt a rush of excitement overwhelmed me. Blake stood up, grabbed my waist and pushed his mouth onto mine.

  "Fuck the food,” he said low and seductively.

  I gave a little giggle of delight. "It
doesn't suit you swearing."

  "Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he said in an even posher voice.

  He scooped me up into his arms. I gave a squeal and he carried me into the bedroom. Gracefully he placed me down on the bed and stood back. He slowly undid the buttons of his shirt, not taking his eyes off me.

  I sat up to admire the view. His white shirt was tossed to the ground. He reached for the zip on his jeans, undid the button and they came down. He was standing before me in boxers, bare chest and grinning from ear to ear. He was a perfectly sculpted man; six pack, strong toned arms and not a single hair anywhere.

  "Right, it's your turn" his voice sounded sensual. His eyes had widened and were glowing with passion.

  The twinges started below and I couldn't resist. I rose off the bed and onto my feet. I whipped the top over my head and flung it at him. I kicked my shoes off and unfasten the zip on my skirt, it fell to the floor.

  We both stood there in nothing but underwear. I stepped forward and placed both hands on his hard muscular chest. Our lips united in a steamy kiss. His hands were all over me; in my hair, on the back of my neck, down my back and then he cupped my bum with both big strong hands. I stumbled back and landed on the bed. Blake followed and rested next to me.

  His tongue began to invade my mouth. He pulled away and placed his finger in his mouth. I was getting soaked already. His hand slipped down beneath my underwear. His moist finger began to massage the tender, sweet spot. I gave a moan in pleasure. I closed my eyes and began to savour the moment. He stopped suddenly. Not fair.

  "Sorry,” he whispered. "I can't wait any longer." He slid my knickers down and off. Then in one fast movement, whipped off his boxers and laid back. My stomach flipped over in excitement at the sight of him standing all pink and solid. I wanted him in my mouth. To taste him and to wrap my tongue around him. However, just like him I couldn't wait. I straddled on top of him and allowed him to sink into me.

  "Home,” he hissed through gritted teeth. His hand grasped my waist and I began to rock slowly. Swirling him around in me, it felt good.

  I loved being on top – I was in complete control of this man. It made me feel sexy and naughty all at the same time. I leant back and grabbed his ankles as he groaned in pleasure.


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