The Golden Collection

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The Golden Collection Page 10

by Kam Carr

  I shook my head. "You can't marry someone out of guilt! Do you love him?" She nodded. I was going to regret saying this, but I had to know. "Do you love me?"

  She nodded again.

  My own eyes started welling up and I couldn't move. This was obviously someone’s evil scheme. Within an instant she was sitting back next to me. She pulled me over and I hugged her tight. I didn't want her to go, especially back to that prick. She began to kiss my tears away.

  "I'm so sorry" she cried and I hugged her tighter. "And thank you for the present."

  "Did you understand my message?"

  "No. What is the R about?"

  "Look at the heart it has a crack down the middle. Its gold and the R stands for rules." She wasn't getting it. "It means, Georgina, that for you I will break the golden rule. I need you and there is nothing I wouldn't do to be with you."

  Her mouth opened wide. "You would do that for me?"

  "I would do anything for you."

  She slowly closed her eyes and began shaking her head. "We can't be together." She couldn't look at me. "I have to go. I'm sorry, Maxwell. I really am. Please don't hate me."

  "I love you" I cried. "I would never hate you."

  She opened her eyes and leaned forward. "I love you too. If things were different, if I wasn't . . . You know." I nodded as she kissed my cheek. "I'm sorry." With that she got up and left the room.

  I lay down on my bed and closed my eyes. Everything had gone wrong. All my worst fears had become reality. I could hear her sorting her stuff out. I wanted to sleep. Everything hurt. No one had made me feel like this before. I heard the front door shut. She was gone – like all my hopes and dreams. That fucking cunt.

  She had chosen him over me. Well, that always happened, didn't it? I had to get myself straight. I wasn't going to be a mess. How many women had I fucked and not thought about since. Millions, I laughed. True. I was fucking Maxwell Thomas. I was a successful business man. No, I was not going to allow a young woman like Georgina to fuck my world up. After all she was just the PA

  END of!



  "You're getting married?" She squared her shoulder, placed her hands on her hips and shook her head. "Over my dead body you are."



  God, this woman pissed me off. Why couldn't she just be happy for a change? But no, she had to be the controlling monster she always was. I had come here to tell her my good news. I could of gone straight home to my girl.

  I knew she didn't like Georgina and Georgina knew too. I had always stuck up for my mother and make out it was all in Georgina's head. What did she have against anyway? It shocked me. Who could hate Georgina?

  The last two years had been bliss. I was getting the chance to spend the rest of my life with an intelligent, trustworthy, honest, beautiful woman. Surely any mother would dream of this for their only son. It was hardly like Georgina was a gold digger. She made her own money. We had promised one another that we wouldn't live off our parent's money.

  "I'm getting married" I replied sternly. I walked over to the drinks cabinet. I needed something stronger, Dad's whisky would do. "Besides," I poured the drink. "What's wrong with Georgina?"

  She laughed. "You mean what's right about her?" She made her way over to me. Just as I was about to take a sip she pulled the glass out of my grip. "You're driving."

  "I can marry who I want!"

  "Not without my permission" she downed the whiskey. I couldn't deal with her in this mood. I wanted to go home and cuddle up to my girl. It was her birthday and I had missed her all day.

  "I don't need your permission. I am marrying Georgina and she will be my wife. If you don't come I don't care." I went to leave the room.

  "Blake!" She yelled. I stopped and turned to face her. "She is not like us. She hasn't come from what we have come from. She will bleed us dry."

  I looked round the room it was repulsive. It looked like something out of Edwardian film; wooden furniture and paintings of people we didn't know. Books everywhere, shabby old fire place and horrid red wallpaper. It made me sick. I wasn't proud to come from this. I had always wanted to be a normal child. When I met Georgina I got a grip of real life. She was my wake up call.

  I threw my hands in the air. “Have you heard yourself? It's 2012. No one gives a shit about this sort of thing any more. When are you going to step out of your society bubble?"

  Her mouth opened wide up, she was speechless. Well, it had to be said. Everything always boiled down to money. When I went to boarding school I could only hang round with the richest kids. Parties-only the richest came. I hated money.

  Georgina was a breath of fresh air. Money meant nothing to her and it meant nothing to me.

  "She'll drag you down" she added.

  "You're dragging me down."

  "You had everything going for you," she began. "You had a place at Oxford. You were going to work in law. Then she" she said as if Georgina was an insult. "Came along and you started all this photography rubbish." She folded her arms and pressed her lips together. "You deserve better."

  "Firstly," I stepped forward there was anger in my voice and I pointed my finger at her. “I didn't want to go to Oxford and study law. Second, you know nothing about me. I have always been into photography and I take pride in it."

  I closed my eyes and began to count to 10. She was getting on my nerves tonight. I felt my frustration slowly disappear. I opened my eyes and she was still glaring at me.

  "I'm going. Speak to me when you're not a snob" and I was gone.

  I got in and Georgina was sitting in her Pyjamas watching TV. The minute she saw me, she jumped up and hugged me.

  "I am so glad your home" she started. "Where have you been?"

  I rubbed my face. "I went to see my mother . . ." I just about to explain when the phone started ringing. I walked over and answered. "Yeah."

  "Blake, what have I told you about answering the phone like that. Didn't I teach you any manners?"

  "Mother," I looked at my girl, she rolled her eyes and sat back down on the sofa. "We have already spoken. I don't want another fight."

  She huffed. "I'm not calling to fight. I've been thinking .You marrying Georgina is wonderful news."

  I was surprised by her reaction. Normally when she got a bee in her bonnet she never let it die. "What’s with the change of heart?" I walked over and sat next to Georgina. She grabbed my hand and rested her head on my shoulder.

  "Because you're my son and I want you happy" she snapped. "Lets all have dinner tomorrow to celebrate."

  "Okay." I knew Georgina's reaction when I told her. At least she could show off that dress again. "See you tomorrow night around 7."

  "Yes and I'm sorry son" she blew a kiss down the phone and hung up.

  I stared down at the phone in my hand. My mother could always find a way to amaze me. She was too set in her ways that was her problem. I knew she loved me dearly. It would just be nice to live my life my way without her interfering. Maybe now she had finally got the message. I didn't need her to take care of me. I had my girl and she would be mine forever.

  "What did she want?"

  I rested my head on top of hers and took in the smell of her hair. It was heaven. "She wants us to go round and have dinner tomorrow. She wants to celebrate."

  She sat up and stared at me.” You told her and she's happy?"

  "Yeah, I think so." She looked as surprised as I was. "Why don't we go to bed and have our own celebration." My voice was low and inviting. Georgina looked up at me. Her eyes were red and heavy. Was something wrong?

  "Not today," she began, tucking herself tighter into me.” I’m not feeling well. I think it was too much champagne last night."

  I kissed the top of head. Last night was the best night of my life. I had finally acquired the thing I couldn't live without. I was happy with whatever she wanted. I was here to take care of her and give her the world.

  "Just snug
gles tonight." A big sleepy grin appeared on her face. "I love you, Georgina Waterman."

  "Miss Dawson to you" she smiled and carried on watching TV.



  I really didn't want to be here. I'd had the worst day at work ever. Maxwell had been a total ass. The constant snapping and odd remarks actually got to me. The thought of sitting round a table with the witch was daunting. Blake had told me about the argument they had yesterday. I could just imagine her pretending to like me – it wasn't a pleasant thought as I would have to be nice back.

  I stared down at the glass in my hand. I really wanted to go home, get into my Pyjamas and go to bed. I was even thinking about calling in sick tomorrow. I couldn't deal with another day like today. I know I deserved it after what I had done.

  He said he loved me, how could he turn cold in the click of his fingers? It hurt....A lot!

  Now I had to sit round a table celebrating the engagement. I looked round the Waterman’s dinning room, it was beautiful. A large banquet table with a white table cloth, silver cutlery all shining and a massive silver candle sticks placed all the length down the centre of the table. Above was the biggest crystal chandelier I had ever seen. It was a breath taking room.

  I looked over at Blake. He had the massive smile on his face and was studying me.

  "This would be a perfect place for our wedding. Don't you think?"

  We had only been engaged two seconds. I couldn't really contemplate thinking about a wedding day. Especially after the revelation Maxwell had gave me yesterday. His voice was constantly in my head. His words never going away and every time I had that tingle run through my body. It made my blood run cold.

  Why did I go and see him yesterday? I could have told him at work. I gave a sigh of relief, it was over now. I had to concentrate on Blake. I had been a useless girlfriend lately. I needed us to get our spark back. I had to make this work. Blake loved me and wanted me. He had been man enough to ask me that question and I had agreed. I couldn't go back on my word now and there was no way I could let Blake down.

  "Blake and Georgina," A voice stopped my thoughts in their tracks. Mr Waterman marched into the room with his arms wide open. He looked like an older version of Blake. He must have definitely been a catch in his younger days. He wrapped his arms round me. I must have looked very awkward.

  "Congratulations," he kissed my cheek and moved away. He shook Blake’s hand and the smile never left his face. "I can't believe it. You two are getting married. I couldn't image two people perfect for each other."

  Blake wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me close. "Thanks, Dad" he beamed. "I couldn't imagine marrying anyone else." There was a time his words would have swept me off my feet. Now, they just made me feel numb.

  Was this guilt or was this Maxwell? I looked up and gave a little smile. What exactly am I doing here?

  "Okay everyone" the witch ordered as she made her grand entrance. "Everyone take your seats our guests are just parking their car."

  I looked at Blake and narrowed my eyes. He didn't mention guests. He said it would just be the four of us having dinner. I felt like shit anyway, but pretending to be happy in front of others, that was going to be a mission.

  "We have guests?" Blake asked, he had thought same as me.

  The witch took her place at the top of the table (of course)"Yes" she replied. "Sit!"

  Mr Waterman took his place at the other end and I sat down next to Blake. When I studied the table there were two more places set opposite us. Great, I was going to have to smile, this was going to hurt.

  "Congratulations" sang a voice. I couldn't look up. I knew exactly who it was. Why didn't it click when she said guests? How was I going to stand a night with Vile Veronica?

  I took in a deep breath, looked up and gave a big smile. The smile was soon wiped away. Standing next to Veronica was HIM!

  He looked handsome, white shirt with the top button open, jeans and his red hair all floppy. My heart started pounding in my chest and I could feel myself breaking into a cold sweat. This was too much after the way he treated me today. There was no way I could sit opposite him and pretend nothing had happened. Had he done this on purpose to punish me? Did he hate me that much he had to torment me with her? The pain in my stomach hurt.

  Were the words he said to me empty? I must have looked like an idiot yesterday. I grabbed my glass and downed the rest of my wine.

  "You okay, Georgie?" She asked as they both took their seats. I looked up and felt his eyes burning into me.

  "Fine" I nodded, not sure where to look. His face was cold. I could have cried. I couldn't give in. I placed my hand on top of Blake’s. "I couldn't be happier."

  "Ah baby" Blake smiled leaning down and kissing my forehead. "You make me happy too." I looked back at Maxwell, he was watching and his mouth remained in that cold straight line.

  "Yes, yes, and yes" the witch began to wave her arms round. "We all know Blake and Georgina are getting married."

  "Dear," Mr Waterman said sternly. "This is a happy day. You finally get the daughter you have always wanted. Someone else to spend that awful money on" He smiled in my direction. "Can't take the bloody stuff with me to the grave."

  My cheeks flushed and I looked up. He was still watching me and this time a little grin hit his lips. God, that mouth!

  The maid entered pushing a trolley. She began to place a bowl of soup in front of all of us. I didn't want to eat. I now felt sick. I wanted to run away and never come back.

  "Have you two planned a date?" Vile Veronica asked. She looked too happy. Of course the question was directed at Blake. Her eyelashes fluttered and she was pouting.

  "I want to get married within a month" Blake confessed. I nearly choked on my soup. My eyes shot to him. "What?" he laughed looking down at me. "I can't wait any longer. I waited two years to ask" he kissed my lips. I couldn't kiss him back. I was in a state of shock. "Anyway, sooner the better and we can try for kids" he added.

  I felt my eyebrows shoot up. KIDS? He had it all planned. SHIT?

  "We can do it within a month" the witch smiled. She was smiling was that a good sign? I couldn't bear to be in this room any more. I had to get some fresh air. Everything was happening so fast.

  "Mm" I said. "Excuse me?" Blake looked concerned. "Toilet" I mouthed, he smiled and I made my exit. I ran down the hallway and through the door into the courtyard. Once outside I could finally breathe. I wrapped my arms around myself and slowly walked over to a bench. Finally I could think. I wish I could cast a spell and make everything disappear.

  Kids, Marriage, Blake and Maxwell? What had happened? I took in a deep breath and felt numb. Everything had got out of my control. Was I no longer in charge? I wanted to be that clumsy waitress again, she was care free and only had her eyes set on a career.

  I closed my eyes and rested my head back. I needed someone, but I wasn't sure who. No one was ever there when I needed them. I had spent most of life alone apart from Dee. Now I didn't even know where she was. I felt guilt, anger, loneliness and now love for a man that was out of my reach.

  Why had things got so complicated? Why did I allow myself to get dragged into this situation? I should have never had sex with Maxwell... EVER!

  A few weeks ago this would have made me feel complete. I always wanted to marry Blake. Who wouldn't? He was good looking, fit and adored me. He would do anything for me. Yet I had this urge, a horrible urge for Maxwell. I did crave him. The thought of the day before ran through my head. His hands on my body and his perfect lips kissing my neck, I groaned in pleasure.

  "What are you thinking about?" Asked a deep voice.

  I looked up and HE was standing over me. I sat up and pulled my shoulders back. Wouldn't he want to know? Even in the dark he was one hell of a man. The moonlight hit his hair and the red jumped out at you. My eyes looked at his mouth. That magic mouth. How I would want that mouth on me right now. To process it and feel it on my bare skin. I pushed my legs
together tightly, it was wrong to want HIM as much as I did.

  He took a seat next to me, pulled out his cigarette box, took one out and lit it. He turned to look at me. "What's wrong with you?"

  I shrugged and made my eyes divert from that mouth. How I wish I was that cigarette. "What are you doing here?" I finally managed to ask.

  He tilted his head to the side and gave that smile. "You." He flicked some ash and carried on smoking the cigarette.

  "Why did you come with her?"

  "Are you jealous?" he laughed. I looked away. "You are. Oh, Miss Dawson, you are a funny little woman. I'm jealous too you know. I wanted to reach over the table and drown that prick in his soup." He clenched his fist. "Knob, I can't bare him touching you."

  "If anyone was a knob today it was YOU!" I snapped. I placed my head in my hands and groaned. This was a mess. I was a mess. Never in my life would I of thought it was possible to feel this way over two men.

  He put his hand on my knee. His touch on my bare leg was electrifying. I slowly removed my hands and looked up into his eyes. He was beautiful. The feeling began low in my stomach. I needed him, I lusted after him and I loved him. It hurt again.

  "I know," he said softly, trailing his fingers up and down my leg. "I'm sorry. I told myself over and over again today to get over you. Every time I saw you- I wanted to grab you and kiss every inch of you. I couldn't and it’s fucking frustrating for me."

  "Are you with her?" I cried, reaching out and grabbing his hand. I began to rub my fingers over his knuckles. He had such big hands, powerful, controlling and alluring – Like him.

  "No," he smiled. "I want to be with you." His words took my breath away. We sat staring at each other, lost in our own little world.


  My hand moved from Maxwell's quickly and I regained myself back. I looked up and Blake was walking towards us. He had a big grin on his face, I felt relief. He couldn't have seen or heard anything.


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