The Mapmaker's Wife: A True Tale of Love, Murder, and Survival in the Amazon

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The Mapmaker's Wife: A True Tale of Love, Murder, and Survival in the Amazon Page 32

by Robert Whitaker

  Cassini, Jacques. “De la grandeur et de la figure de al terre.” Histoire et memoires de l’Académie Royale des Sciences, 1718: 245–257.

  “Eulogy for Pierre Bouguer.” Histoire et memoires de l’Académie Royale des Sciences, 1758: 127–136.

  “Eulogy for Jacques Cassini.” Histoire et memoires de l’Académie Royale des Sciences, 1756: 134–146.

  “Eulogy for Louis Godin.” Histoire et memoires de l’Académie Royale des Sciences, 1760: 181–194.

  “Eulogy for Joseph de Jussieu” Histoire et memoires de l’Académie Royale des Sciences, 1779: 44–53.

  “Eulogy for Charles-Marie de La Condamine.” Histoire et memoires de l’Académie Royale des Sciences, 1774: 85–121.

  Froidevaux, Henri. “Documents inédits sur Godin des Odonnais et son séjour à la Guyane.” Journal de la Société des Américanistes de Paris 1, no. 3 (1895–1896): 91–148. This article contains letters written by Jean Godin during his time in French Guiana as well as correspondence between the governors of French Guiana and authorities in Paris.

  Godin, Jean. “Letter to de La Condamine, 1773.” First published in Relation abrégée d’un voyage fait dans l’intérieur de l’Amérique mériodionale, by Charles-Marie de La Condamine. Maestricht: J. E. Dufour and P. Roux, 1778. An English translation of this letter appeared in Perils and Captivity: Voyage of Madame Godin along the River of the Amazons in the Year 1770. Edinburgh: Constable and Co., 1827.

  ——. “Mémoire sur différents bois dans l’ile de Cayenne.” In Extraits des auteurs et voyageurs qui ont écrit sur la Guyane de 1596 à 1844, ed. Victor de Nouvion, 91–93. Paris: Béthume et Plon, 1844.

  ——. “Mémoire sur la navigation de l’Amazone.” In Extraits des auteurs et voyageurs qui ont écrit sur la Guyane de 1596 à 1844, ed. Victor de Nouvion, 87–91. Paris: Béthume et Plon, 1844.

  Godin, Pierre Amedée. “Génealogie de la famille Godin” (1890). Handwritten copy.

  Grandmaison y Bruno, Felix de. “Un drame inconnu: Voyage de Madame Godin des Odonnais.” Unpublished manuscript, 1830. Felix was the son of Isabel Godin’s nephew, Jean-Antoine Grandmaison.

  Juan, Jorge, and Antonio de Ulloa. “Discurso y reflexiones políticas sobre el estado presente de los reynos del Peru.” Private report, 1749. Later published as Noticias secretas de América sobre el estado naval, militar, y politico de los reynos del Peru y provincias de Quito. London: R. Taylor, 1826. Translated into English as Discourse and Political Reflections on the Kingdoms of Peru, ed. John Tepaske, trans. John Tepaske and Besse Clement. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1978.

  ——. Relación histórica del viage a la América Meridional. Madrid: Antonio Marin, 1748. Translated into English as A Voyage to South America, trans. John Adams, Piccadilly: John Stockdale, 1806.

  La Condamine, Charles-Marie de. Journal du voyage fait par ordre du roi à l’équateur. Paris: Imprimerie royale, 1751.

  ——. Mesure des trois premiers degrés du méridien dans l’hémisphere austral. Paris: Imprimerie royale, 1751.

  ——. Relation abrégée d’un voyage fait dans l’intérieur de l’Amérique méridionale. Maestricht: J. E. Dufour and P. Roux, 1778. Translated into English as “Abridged Narrative of Travels through the Interior of South America,” in John Pinkerton, ed., A General Collection of the Best and Most Interesting Voyages and Travels in All Parts of the World. Vol. 14. London, 1813.

  ——. Supplément au journal historique du voyage à l’équateur et au livre de la mesure de trois premiers degrés du méridien servant de réponse à quelques objections. Paris: Pissot, 1752.

  ——. “Sur l’arbre du quinquina.” Histoire et memoires de l’Académie Royale des Sciences, 1738: 226–243.

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a expedición de los académicos franceses al Ecuador, 250e aniversarios, 1735–1985. IPGH-Mexico Universidad Paris X, 1987. Published talks given in Paris on November 22–23, 1985, about the La Condamine expedition.

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  von Hagen, Victor Wolfgang. South America Called Them. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1945.

  Wakefield, Celia. Searching for Isabel Godin. Chicago: Chicago Review Press, 1995.

  Whitaker, Arthur. “Antonio de Ulloa.” The Hispanic American Historical Review 15 (May 1935): 155–194.

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  Grandmaison y Bruno, Felix de. “Un drame inconnu: Voyage de Madame Godin des Odonnais” (1830). Unpublished manuscript. Felix was the son of Isabel Godin’s nephew, Jean-Antoine Grandmaison.

  La Condamine, Pierre de. “Les aventures extraordinaires de Jean et Isabelle Godin des Odonais.” Miroir de l’Histoire 99 (1958): 1314–1322.

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  Lemaire, Marc. À la recherche de la famille d’Isabel Godin. Berry, France: Berry-Chimborazo Friendship Association. Marc Lemaire is a descendant of Isabel Godin’s nephew and has done extensive genealogical research on her family and on Jean Godin’s family.

  ——. “Mais … qui etait Dona Isabelle Godin des Odonais?” Photocopied manuscript, nine pages.

  ——. “Qui etait Pedro Manuel Gramesón?” Photocopied manuscript, thirteen pages.

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  Causey, Don. Killer Insects. New York: Franklin Watts, 1979.

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  Noyce, Wilfrid. They Survived: A Study of the Will to Live. New York: E. P. Dutton, 1963.

  Read, Piers Paul. Alive. Philadelphia: J. P. Lippincott, 1974.

  Whitney, Eleanor, and Corinne Cataldo. Understanding Normal and Clinical Nutrition. St. Paul, MN: West Publishing, 1983.


  I AM DEEPLY GRATEFUL to a number of people, on three continents, who helped make this book possible.

  To research French documents, I relied on two translators: Jennifer Yanco and Gabriela Ansari. Jennifer Yanco translated articles published in Histoire et memoires de l’Académie Royale des Sciences and the collection of letters published in 1895 by Henri Froidevaux, “Documents inédits sur Godin des Odonnais et son séjour �
� la Guyane.” She also traveled to Saint Amand-Montrond to research and translate documents in the city’s municipal library, which included Jean Godin’s will and various articles by local historians. In Saint Amand, she was graciously assisted by the mayor’s office and the town’s librarians, Madame Alquier, Madame Richard, and Madame Hardy. Jean-Baptiste Baudon, head of the Berry-Chimborazo Friendship Society, also provided her with assistance and time, as did Alain Eclache, owner of the Chateau d’Igny, where there is a stained-glass window with a portrait of Isabel Godin.

  Gabriela Ansari ably translated La Condamine’s Journal du voyage fait par ordre du roi à l’équateur and various French letters published in LaFuente and Delgado’s La geometrizacion de la tierra.

  My trip down the Bobonaza River was made possible by Cary Kanoy, an American who has been guiding in Ecuador for about a decade and who now has a company called Core Expeditions. I approached a number of guides about making this journey, and he was the only one willing to tackle it. His wife Grace helped with planning the trip.

  On that journey, Ricardo Alzamora, an Ecuadorian guide who works with Cary, proved to be a fount of information about the birds of the Amazon and other wildlife that we came upon. In the dugout canoe, I also had the distinct pleasure of sharing stories with Luis Hernandez. A former colonel in the Ecuadorian army, he helped smooth out several bumps we encountered in our trip. One of the lasting rewards of researching this book has been his friendship.

  We were piloted down the Bobonaza by Tito Machoa and Marlon Santi, who are from Sarayacu, a traditional village on the upper section of the river. Their navigational skills and their knowledge of the surrounding forest were extraordinary, as was their generosity and grace. In Sarayacu, they put us up with their families, who provided us with food, chicha (a fermented drink), and a memorable evening of talk. I am also grateful to village leaders in Sarayacu who permitted us to continue our voyage downriver, in spite of their concerns about outsiders coming into this region to explore for oil. Finally, at the end of our voyage, near the Peruvian border, we were treated with much hospitality by the Ecuadorian military in their camp at Nuevo Ishpingo.

  As Cary Kanoy and I bicycled from Riobamba to Puyo, we were assisted by Sebastián Ponce. On an earlier trip to Ecuador, Ricardo Alzamora and Maria Clara Espinosa arranged for a wonderful day trip to the top of Guagua Pichincha, the volcano climbed by Charles de La Condamine and Pierre Bouguer.


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