Separated By Time: Book 3 of The Thistle & Hive Series

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Separated By Time: Book 3 of The Thistle & Hive Series Page 10

by Jennae Vale

  Dylan didn’t want to argue the point with her, so he let it drop. Again, he thought before speaking. “Maggie, if something is going on here that involves witchcraft and the MacKenzies, don’t you think you should tell them?”

  She acted as if he’d just suggested that she share some top-secret information with them. “I dinnae see what good it would do for me to tell them. They’d nae believe me and it might complicate matters.”

  “I don’t know how much more complicated things can get after yesterday.” Dylan adjusted Alec in his arms as Breaghacraig came into view.

  “I ken things will get worse before they get better,” Brielle said with a snicker.

  “It’s not a laughing matter, Maggie.” Dylan couldn’t believe she was taking this so lightly, when moments before she had been in tears.

  “Nae. Yer right. Although a wee bit of levity never hurts, wouldn’t you say?”

  Dylan didn’t answer her. He was lost in his own thoughts. So many things were pressing on him. Should he believe Maggie? Was Alec a witch? What things were going to get worse? He’d ponder those questions when he was alone. For now, he had to make sure Alec was okay.


  Upon reaching Breaghacraig, they were met by a visibly shaken Angus. “What’s happened?” he questioned. Reaching up, he gently took Alec from Dylan’s arms. Again, Maggie’s suggestion that Alec was not a lad came to Dylan’s mind as he watched Angus gently cradle Alec against his shoulder.

  “I’m not sure. He said he was tired and before I knew what was happening, he passed out. I tried to wake him, but I couldn’t,” Dylan explained.

  “Let’s get him inside, maybe we can rouse him there,” Angus said.

  “Maggie, are you coming?” Dylan asked.

  “I’ll be along shortly, I’ve some things to see to,” Maggie said, as she turned her horse away from them.

  Angus appeared relieved when Maggie and her horse walked away and Dylan had to admit to himself, that after what happened on the ride back, he was as well. He needed some space to reassess things. He dismounted and handed his horse to one of the stable boys.

  Angus was running for the castle doors and Dylan had to hurry to catch up with him.

  “Irene!” Angus called.

  “Aye. I’m here,” Irene replied as she hurried towards them. What’s happened?”

  “I believe ’tis a spell that’s making wee Alec sleep. I dinnae ken what to do.” Angus hurried past Irene and into the Great Hall.

  Dylan thought carefully about that. Maggie swore she hadn’t put a spell on Alec, but what if she really had been responsible? Was it so they could spend more time alone together, or was there some other, more sinister reason?

  “Bring him here,” Irene led the way to a nearby table where she indicated Angus should lay Alec. She reached for a pitcher of water and a cloth, which she wet and gently used to wipe Alec’s face. As she swabbed his skin, the cloth removed much of the dirt he seemed to be perpetually covered in. Irene examined him carefully. “’Tis a sweet face he has, once the dirt has been removed.”

  “Do you think he’ll be alright?” Dylan asked. He stared down at Alec’s face and experienced a flash of recognition. Who is he… or she?

  “Aye. He’s in a verra deep sleep, but otherwise he seems fine. He’s not warm to the touch and his breathing seems normal,” Irene announced.

  Dylan sighed in relief.

  “Why dinnae ye take him to yer room, Angus, and let him sleep. If he doesnae wake by the morning, we’ll worry then.”

  Angus nodded. “Aye. ’Tis sound advice. Mayhap I can contact Edna in the meantime, to see if she knows what to do.”

  “Do you need any help, Angus?” Dylan asked.

  “Nae, lad, I’ll see to him. Thank ye.” Angus picked Alec up and held his limp body in his arms.

  Dylan watched as Angus carried Alec from the room. He had a strange sensation in his gut. The questions were piling up and he was determined to find the answers, but first he had to find Maggie.

  * * *

  MAGGIE SAID she hadn’t done anything, but it was obvious she could easily have done so. She’s a witch; it would probably be easy for her. Dylan walked across the open field, which led to the bluff overlooking the ocean. There in the distance, he could see Maggie, her back to him, staring out to sea. Dark clouds were gathering and a chill wind whipped through the air. She stood perfectly still and it wasn’t until he was right behind her that she turned and faced him. Her facial expression gave nothing away.

  “Hi. I’ve been trying to find you. I thought you had some things to take care of and would be coming right back,” Dylan said, as he looked deeply into her eyes – in search of what, he didn’t know.

  “I wanted to be alone so I came out here. ’Twas verra upsetting to me that you would think I, of all people, could harm Alec, or anyone else here at Breaghacraig.”

  He wouldn’t apologize again. Where there had been tears before, now all Dylan saw was defiance. He heard it as well. Her voice sounded bitter to his ears, and his mind went back to when they first met and he’d thought she had the sweetest voice he’d ever heard. He didn’t like being lied to, but he had no evidence he could use to accuse her… yet.

  “Well, if you’re done being alone, I think it’s going to rain soon. We should get back before it starts.” He held out his hand to her and after a moment’s hesitation, she took it. Her hand felt cold in his, so he rubbed it between his own to try and warm her. Nothing seemed to help – her fingers remained icy. “A good hot meal will go a long way to making you feel better. You’ll see.” Dylan wondered if he should talk to Angus about this. Angus had kept his distance from Maggie since their arrival, which seemed odd, since he was a very protective and kind man, but he certainly didn’t seem to want much to do with his own niece. I wonder why, Dylan thought to himself.

  Maggie didn’t utter a word during the walk and when they arrived back at the great hall, everyone had gathered for dinner. Jenna waved at Dylan from across the room and Chester, who had been on his way to greet him, suddenly decided to head in the opposite direction. Dylan glanced Maggie’s way and for just a moment he thought he saw a haggard old woman standing in her place, but then she was gone and the alluring red-haired, green-eyed beauty was back. What was that? He needed to get his head back in the game, all the crazy thoughts he’d been having were starting to make him imagine things.

  They were greeted warmly by the others and Dylan noticed that Angus was missing from the table. He must still be with Alec. Throughout dinner, he kept a wary eye on Maggie and wondered if he’d be able to figure this out before something really bad happened.

  * * *

  “MAGGIE, ’tis yer Aunt Edna. Can ye hear me?” Edna’s melodic voice was singing in Maggie’s ears as she struggled to open her eyes. “Keep yer eyes closed, there’s no need to open them, ye cannae see me anyway. I’ve removed the spell, but you need to rest so that your body can recover from Brielle’s evil spell. Why did ye nae protect yerself, Maggie? Didnae I tell ye how important that was?”

  “I’m sorry, Aunt Edna. Brielle showed up out of nowhere and I was so upset that she was joining Dylan and me on our ride, that it totally slipped my mind. I realized when it was too late that I was in trouble,” Maggie explained.

  “Dinnae let it happen again. Ye must be on yer guard at all times.”

  “Auntie, I’m not sure what I’m doing here and I’m not sure what to do about Brielle.”

  “Rest now, Maggie, dear. Ye’ll have yer answers soon enough, love.”

  Edna’s voice drifted away and Maggie slept soundly and peacefully through the rest of the night.

  * * *

  “I’VE ASKED the boys to bring a tub for ye. Stay where ye be until they’re done filling it.” Angus was sitting at her bedside, holding her hand, concern causing his brow to wrinkle. “Are ye well, Maggie? I’ve been so worried fer ye.”

  “I’m fine, Uncle. Auntie has lifted the spell. She spoke with me
during the night,” Maggie responded.

  “I don’t understand this at all, lass. Brielle is as bad as they come. I cannae, for the life of me understand how the others dinnae see it. She looks like an evil old bat to me eyes.”

  “I know, Uncle, but ye and I ken who she really is. Yes, they’re nice to her, but as ye’ve told me, that’s just the kind of people they are. I think they really arenae terribly fond of her. The thing that upsets me the most is that Dylan, of all people, cannae see it. I thought fer sure he’d know it wasn’t me, but even though I know he’s under her spell, I can’t help but worry that he’s smitten with her.” Maggie lowered her eyes so Angus wouldn’t see the tears threatening to spill. She wanted to cry, but she had to be strong. There was still much to do.

  “I dinnae believe that. He is a smart lad. He kens the truth of it, believe me.” Angus lifted Maggie’s chin to gauge her reaction.

  There was a knock at the door and when Angus opened it, the lads entered, first with the tub and then with buckets of steaming water, one after the other. Maggie was excited to take a bath, but she’d let the water cool down just a bit before getting in. She waited until the lads left before speaking again.

  “Uncle, I saw him kiss her. How could he do that?” Maggie questioned.

  “A man can kiss a woman for many reasons, but not all of them are for love,” Angus appeared uncomfortable discussing Dylan with her. “I’m sure things will become clearer soon. Be patient. And now I am going to go get some food. I’m surprised ye cannae hear my tummy grumbling. Take yer nice warm bath and I’ll bring something back for ye.”

  Maggie had to laugh. Angus was nae one to ever miss a meal. “Thank ye, Uncle Angus. I love ye verra much.”

  Angus ducked his head and darted to the door. “I love ye verra much, as well,” he hurriedly said as he bolted from the room.

  * * *

  HIDING IN THE SHADOWS, Dylan felt a bit guilty as he waited for Angus to head into the great hall and out of sight. He was going to check in on Alec and make sure he was alright and if he was awake, maybe he could shed some light on Maggie’s accusations. He mounted the stairs and headed down the passageway to the door of Alec’s room. Not hearing anything coming from inside, Dylan wondered if Alec might still be asleep. If so, he didn’t want to disturb him. He checked the door and finding it unlocked, opened it and went in.

  “Dylan!” a surprised voice said.

  Dylan let his eyes adjust to the dimness of the room and searched for the source of the voice. What he saw shocked him so much that he couldn’t speak. There, standing in front of him, with a plaid clutched to his chest was Alec, but it wasn’t really Alec. The clothing he had been wearing was pooled at his feet and with the cap and cape gone, Dylan could see for the first time that this was Maggie. His Maggie. He went to her and putting his hands on her upper arms, looked deep into her eyes. “It’s you,” was all he could manage to say.

  “Aye. ’Tis me,” was Maggie’s soft response.

  He didn’t know whether to kiss her or kill her. “You’ve been disguising yourself as Alec this whole time?” His voice registered the incredulity he felt. “Why? Why were you hiding from me? And who is that other woman who’s obviously pretending to be you?”

  “I wasnae hiding from ye, Dylan. I have a job to do and up until this moment, it has been best that I remain disguised. And in answer to your question, that woman is an evil witch who wants to harm the MacKenzies and you.” Maggie shifted uncomfortably in his grip.

  Dylan was suddenly aware of the fact that a very naked Maggie stood before him, trying to cover herself with a thin piece of fabric clutched to her chest and that he was perhaps holding onto her arms a little too tightly. He was also aware of the fact that for the first time in weeks, he felt that spark he’d been missing. He tenderly dipped his head and placed a soft kiss on Maggie’s lips. “It is you,” he whispered. “All this time I thought she was you and I couldn’t understand why I didn’t feel anything for her. Now, in these few short minutes that I’ve known it’s really you, my body is responding in a way it never did with her.” He pulled her into his embrace and hugged her tightly to his chest. Letting go was not an option.

  * * *

  “DYLAN, I cannae breathe, but please dinnae stop holding me,” Maggie said into his chest.

  “I’m sorry.” He loosened his grip just a bit.

  Maggie held onto him, not wanting this moment to end, the plaid slowly slipping from her grasp. She could feel something firm, poking her in the belly. Maggie had an idea of what it might be, but she had so little experience with men, she truly couldn’t be sure. She only knew what she’d been told by the other girls in the village. She tipped her head back, looked up into his soft brown eyes and forgot for a moment that she was angry with him. Angry for the way he’d kissed Brielle yesterday. She stiffened in his embrace, remembering her disappointment at seeing them together, how it had been like a punch to the gut. Pushing him away, she quickly scooped up the plaid and covered herself.

  “I was just about to take a bath. Perhaps we can talk about this later, when I’m done. My water’s cooling.” Maggie was torn, she wanted him to stay, but she knew it was wrong for him to do so, especially when his true feelings were not clear. She walked to the door and waited for him to walk through. “We have a lot to discuss. I willnae keep ye waiting long.” She closed the door in his face.

  * * *

  DYLAN SLUMPED to the floor outside Maggie’s room. He sat with his back against the door, confusing thoughts swirling through his brain. So there are two Maggies. One who is Maggie and Alec and one who is Maggie and an evil witch. How could he be sure that this Maggie was the real one? Wasn’t it possible that he was being fooled once again? No. He had felt something very different with this Maggie. The real Maggie. That spark was definitely still there. No denying it. He hadn’t felt anything at all when he kissed the other Maggie. In fact, it had been as if he was kissing someone very unappealing. Then he remembered the image that had flashed before his eyes last night. The image of a haggard old woman. He nearly gagged at the memory of kissing her. He’d be forced to wait for Maggie to explain everything to him, and he decided he wasn’t going anywhere until she did.

  A short while later, Dylan heard footsteps coming up the stairs and as he waited, Angus stopped dead in his tracks at the sight of him.

  “What are ye waiting here for, lad?” Angus asked. He was carrying a plate of food that Dylan assumed must be for Maggie.

  “I know,” was all that Dylan said.

  “I’m sorry, what do ye ken?”

  “I know that Maggie is Alec. I walked in on her as she was getting ready for her bath and saw her with my own two eyes.” Dylan realized a moment too late that he probably shouldn’t have told Angus that he’d just walked in on his naked niece.

  The look on Angus’ face was a mixture of anger and amusement. “I see,” was all he said in response.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t know it was her. I came to speak with Alec and I didn’t want to disturb him if he was sleeping—”

  Angus held up a hand to stop him from speaking. “So why are ye sitting out here?”

  “She showed me out of the room and said we’d talk later. I’m waiting right here, until that happens.”

  “Alright, then.” Angus knocked on the door and Maggie opened it, clothed once again as Alec. Dylan was disappointed, but now that he knew, he could see the girl who had sparked his interest and been on his mind since he left her back in Glendaloch. “Join us, Dylan. We’ve much to share.”

  Dylan rose and entered the room, not taking his eyes off Maggie for a second. She sat on the edge of the bed and took a bite of the food Angus had brought for her. “Thank ye, Uncle,” she said politely. Her eyes swept from Angus to Dylan and back again.

  “I understand that Dylan walked in on ye earlier,” Angus said. “I’m here to protect ye from all threats.” He made a point of catching Dylan’s eye. Dylan lowered his gaze appropriately.

>   “Nothing happened,” Maggie explained hastily. “I sent him out as quickly as I could. Ye ken we were both shocked to see each other.”

  Dylan nodded his head in agreement, feeling as if he was twelve years old again, being reprimanded for kissing one of the girls behind the school auditorium. “I’m sorry, sir. If I’d known it was Maggie in here, I wouldn’t have just walked in.” Of course he would, who was he trying to kid?

  “See that ye behave as a gentleman with my niece,” Angus ordered in a very stern voice.

  “I will. Always,” Dylan stammered.

  “We have much to discuss,” Maggie said and then told Dylan everything, from the vision Edna had experienced, right up to this very moment.

  “Is there a plan?” Dylan asked. He had listened intently to everything both Angus and Maggie had to say and not once did he hear what the ultimate goal was, or how they were going to achieve it.

  “No,” Maggie appeared ashamed. “We havenae been told what the plan is or even why this is happening.”

  “Then how are you supposed to stop her? We need a plan,” Dylan stated firmly.

  “We?” Maggie asked. “Aunt Edna never said that ye were supposed to be involved.”

  “Aye. She’s right,” Angus added.

  “I’m already involved. I’ve been spending a lot of time with Brielle and I don’t like the fact that she was trying to use me for whatever her purpose is. I’m helping and you can’t stop me.” Dylan put his foot down and was quietly pleased when he got no argument from anyone.

  “Okay,” Maggie agreed. “Ye can help.”

  “I think the first thing you should do, is let the others know who you really are,” Dylan announced.

  “I dinnae believe that would be wise,” Maggie said. Angus however, seemed to be giving the suggestion some serious thought.

  “He could be right,” Angus said. “If ye tell everyone who ye really are, that could force Brielle’s hand. She cannae continue to do damage here, if everyone is on to her.”


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