Never Say Goodbye

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Never Say Goodbye Page 24

by Angie Merriam

  “You play dirty, Mr. Briston,” I shot at him as I pulled my shirt over my head still badly wanting to feel his skin on mine.

  “You shot me down, baby, my ego is wounded. I’m pulling out the big guns,” he replied, his smile gone, his eyes trained on me. He was sitting up now, in a position to pounce.

  “Just a little kiss,” he whispered seductively. I knew I shouldn’t. One kiss and my belly would be in knots. One touch of his skin and my clothes would fall off I was sure of it. I couldn’t resist though. His lips were just so damned sexy.

  “One kiss, but no touching!” I held one finger up as he put his hands behind his back.

  “Promise,” he replied. He was sitting at the edge of the bed now. His head titled back, his eyes watching me with intensity. Slowly, I walked over to him, standing between his legs and dipped my head to find his lips. The kiss was slow, soft and scorching. I heard a low rumble coming from his mouth and knew he was using every ounce of discipline he had. I pulled away and smiled at him.

  “That was torture for both of us, you know that right?”

  “Yes, but sweet torture. I’ll take your lips on mine any day as a form of torture. Now go plan that wedding. I’ll get Aaron ready for school.” He stood from the bed, and I felt my breath catch. I threw his shirt to him. “Put some damn clothes on,” I said and walked out before I lost my composure and pushed him back into bed. I heard him chuckling, knowing he had my panties soaked and my heart racing wildly.

  I was almost to the kitchen when I heard Aaron screaming. I turned towards the screams, running through the house. Before I reached the door Elijah was behind me. “What the fuck is going on?” He asked, panic clear in his voice. We burst through the front door to see Aaron being shoved into the back of a black limo, my father sliding in behind him. “Aaron!” I screamed, running toward the car. Elijah passed me up, also screaming Aaron’s name, along with a slew of obscenities. The limo backed out of the driveway and was almost to the fork that divided our driveways when a shot rang out and the limo stopped.

  I didn’t question where the shot came from but saw the hole in the limo’s tire I ran behind Elijah toward the car. We both banged on the window, frantically begging my father to give our son back. “Open the fucking door!” Elijah screams before kicking the window with as much force as he could. Nothing. “Dad, let Aaron out of the car. You can’t take my son. It’s kidnapping.” I felt warm tears falling down my face.

  “Move,” I heard someone say from behind me. I turned to see Christian behind us with Elsie. She held a gun in her hand, he held a jimmy. “Dammit, Elijah, get the hell out of the way,” Christian ordered, pushing Elijah so he could get to the door. He shoved the tool between the metal and the window, wiggling it until we heard a pop and the door opened up. Aaron jumped out and ran into my arms, nearly knocking me over. I held him tightly, kissing the top of his head over and over just as Elijah was ripping my father out of the car.

  Nate swooped in picking up Aaron. “Come with Uncle Nate. We’ll get you some ice cream.” Aaron looked at me, and I nodded my approval and smiled thankfully at Nate. Aaron didn’t need to see what was going on. My father’s body hit the ground with a loud thump, but he wasn’t down long before Elijah had him up and pinned against the car.

  “What the fuck do you think you’re doing coming here and taking my son?” He hissed and my father looked at him, hate deep in his clear eyes. His suit was dirty from his fall and his hair was a mess. My normally, put together, father was a mess but not backing down.

  “You don’t deserve that boy. He’s a Miller and should be raised as one,” he spat back, returning Elijah’s intense stare. Elijah had his forearm across my father’s chest, close to his neck and one of his arms pinned behind his body.

  “I don’t know why you’ve always hated me but that’s my son. He is a Briston by blood right. And Chinda, she is going to be my wife and either you deal with it or don’t ever show your smug face around my family again.”

  I could see Elijah was holding back. His body was trembling and all the muscles in his face and neck were tense. “Let him go, El,” I said softly, having seen enough. I wanted my father to leave. He had no business there. He had no business being in my life. Elijah released him and backed away slightly. I went to stand between him and my father. I wanted to look my father in the face one last time.

  “You could have had Aaron and me in your life. We could have been a happy family but your choices make that impossible. I will never allow my son to be subject to your evil way of thinking and distorted life. Now, you need to leave here and never come back.”

  “You’re choosing this low life scumbag over your family? Your inheritance? Aaron’s inheritance?” He asked, shocked. Money, I thought. Of course. My father was incapable of feeling anything for anyone. All he cared about was money and status.

  “I didn’t choose him, life did and yes, dad. Elijah and Aaron and our life here is worth more than every bit of money you have.”

  “We would have been better off if you’d died in that accident. You’re nothing but a whore that tarnishes the Miller name,” my father spat at me. I felt Elijah come around from behind me and he quickly had my father’s hair in his hands, his head pulled back toward him. “Don’t you ever talk about her like that again, do you hear me, you piece of shit.” My father laughed at him before taunting Elijah further. “You both should have died. She’s dead to me now,” he said as Elijah pushed him to the ground, shoving his face in the dirt. “Call the police Chinda before I do something I might regret.” His eyes told me he was serious.

  “They’re already on their way,” I heard Neil call out, jogging from the direction of Elijah’s house.

  “Good, thanks, bro,” Elijah replied, his knee in my father’s back, his hand still wound through his hair.

  “Chinda, come on. Let’s go check on Aaron. The boys have this taken care of,” Elsie said, her arm around my shoulder. I looked at Elijah, who had a mixture of a million emotions reflected on his face.

  “Go ahead, baby. We got this,” he said, trying to offer me a smile. I gave my father one last look before turning my back on him and leaving him, face down, in the dirt.

  Chapter Seventeen


  I nearly killed Chinda’s father that day. Had it not been for Aaron I don’t know if I could have stopped. Years of hatred for that man was penned up inside me but I held back. I couldn’t take care of my family from a jail cell so I resisted and let law enforcement take care of him. Chinda’s mother called a few days later promising never to contact us again as long as Chinda dropped the charges against her father. She agreed, wanting it to be over with.

  Aaron was a tough kid though. He was rattled by what had happened but not for long. Our life resumed to normalcy a few days after the incident. Chinda and Elsie went into wedding planning mode while the guys and I wrote some new songs. Aaron was learning the guitar quickly but it was obvious that he really excelled at the drums. He was a natural and loved watching us write and rehearse.

  A week later, Frankie arrived and Chinda’s place became a fury of women’s hormones and charts and fabric and lots of other shit that guys don’t care about but Chinda was happy, which made me happy. Two weeks flew by, and it was the day before our wedding when she came to me with tears in her eyes.

  “What’s the matter, baby?” I asked her, panic threatening to choke me. Thoughts of her changing her mind flooded my head, making me dizzy.

  “I’m pregnant,” she whispered. Her lips curved into a smile as the tears, that had only moments before wet her eyes, now fell freely. “Are you happy?” she asked when I stood there, dumbfounded. I was happy. I was fucking ecstatic.

  “Holy shit, baby, yes, I’m happy. Surprised but fucking thrilled. Wow, a baby.” I cupped her face in my hands, my tears matching hers. I kissed her gently, needing to feel her lips on mine. Her arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me closer. I pulled back slightly. “I love you so much, Chinda.” I
rested my forehead against hers and laughed. “I love you too, Elijah,” she replied giggling. “Should we tell people now?” I asked, wanting to shout it out loud. We are having a baby.

  “No, let’s announce it after the wedding, at the reception.”

  “Okay, whatever you want. I can’t believe it. You’ve made me the happiest man on Earth, Chinda, over and over again, the happiest man on Earth. I have to get back to the house. The guys are waiting on me. Apparently, they’re throwing a raging bachelor party for me.” I smiled at her, reluctant to let go.

  “Strippers?” She asked, her eye brow cocked up.

  “Not unless Aaron hired one,” I teased and she playfully punched me in the gut.

  “No strippers, baby. Not even after Aaron falls asleep. I love you, Chinda. I’ll see you tomorrow,” I said and kissed her goodbye.

  I damn near skipped back to the house. I wanted so badly to tell the guys that she’s pregnant but held my tongue. She was right, announcing it at the reception would be better. I could hear music blaring as I reached my front door. Aaron, being my best man, insisted on being at the party which I thought was great since I was well past my crazy party days. Instead, we drank beer while he drank root beer, jammed out, and then watched a movie. He was fast asleep. I was sure in a sugar coma, when the guys and I went outside for a few shots of whiskey.

  “Can’t believe it man, Elijah Briston is getting married,” Nate said to a chorus of uh huhs and never thought this would happen.

  “She’s great though. It’s a crazy story the two of you have. I’m truly happy for you,” Neil chimed in, patting me roughly on the back.

  “Thanks, brother.” We clinked our shot glasses together in cheers before letting the amber liquid burn its way down our throats. “That’s good shit, Nate!”

  “Nothing but the best for you, Eli.”

  “Thanks, guys. I love you all like family. And thanks for your help with Chinda’s dad. Thanks to you and my sister he didn’t get very far with Aaron.”

  “No need for thanks. You’re family and so is Aaron and Chinda,” Christian said and the other two nodded in agreement.

  “Speaking of family, I have a question for you Eli,” Christian said. He had been unusually quiet.

  “Shoot,” I replied as he poured four more shots. He held up one finger, then tossed another shot down his throat as we all followed suit. I set my glass down and looked at him. “What’s up, man?”

  “Well, since I know your parents are gone and you and Elsie are close I wanted to ask you something.” He cleared his throat, clearly nervous. I knew where this was going.

  “Go ahead, man, ask,” I encouraged.

  “I’d like your permission to marry Elsie,” he finally said.

  “It’s about time you make an honest woman of my sister. Hell, yes, you can marry her. I can’t think of anyone better for her.” I stuck my hand out toward him before pulling him into a half man hug. “Shot!” Neil announced again and we all did one more shot before I insisted that I had to get to bed.

  “I need my beauty sleep, guys, I’m getting hitched tomorrow.”

  “No amount of sleep is going to make you pretty,” Nate said to a chorus of laughter.

  “Yeah, yeah. I’m out. See you boys in the morning. And hey, thanks for being here.” I hugged each of them individually before we group hugged. “Enough of the lovey dovey crap, I thought you were going to bed,” Christian said with a smile. I turned from them and walked into the house, listening to the clink of their glasses as they took another shot. I smiled to myself, happy to have my best friends, my brothers, there with me. Once inside, I checked on Aaron, who was sleeping soundly on my side of the bed. Damn, I thought. Chinda would kill me if she knew how much sugar I allowed him to have. The thought made me chuckle. I slid quietly into bed, careful not to wake my boy then laid there and watched him sleep. I was the luckiest man in the world to have him as my son. I drifted off to sleep feeling on top of the world.

  I woke to Aaron frantically shaking me. “Dad, get up it’s the big day. Come on, Dad, wake up!” I groaned loudly, those shots from the night before were ringing in my head. I hadn’t drank much the last few months so the small amount I had was enough to make me regret the fucking whiskey. Shit. I slowly made my eyes open to see Aaron standing above me. “Get up, Dad. We have to get ready. I made you coffee.” He turned and grabbed a cup from my bedside table and slowly handed it to me, a smile plastered on his face.

  “You made this?” I asked sleepily. He shook his head eagerly.

  “Who taught you how to make coffee?”

  “I taught myself. I’ve seen you and Mom make it enough. Taste it!” I looked at him again. His face was full of excitement and pride. I was reluctant to taste the dark liquid. It did look really dark and kind of thick. I sat up all the way looking from him to the cup a few times before I mustered up the courage to taste it. The hot coffee felt good down my throat and was a little strong but the bitter aftertaste actually settled my stomach. It wasn’t bad coffee for a ten year old’s first try.

  “Well, is it good?” he asked and I had to laugh. Even if it tasted like a horses ass I would have told him it was delicious but I was thankful I didn’t have to lie.

  “Yeah, buddy. It’s a little strong but tastes good. Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome, Dad, now get up! The guys are cooking breakfast,” he exclaimed.

  “Are they? Huh. Okay, I’ll meet you in there.”

  “Okay, Dad.” He turned to the door and left me alone to finish my coffee. Those fucker’s bodies were still acclimated to alcohol. Assholes probably didn’t feel the slightest hangover. I pulled a t-shirt over my head and made my way to the kitchen where Christian was cooking and the smell of bacon filled my small cabin. “Morning, bro, I didn’t realize you were so domesticated,” I teased as I took another careful sip of the strong coffee.

  “Yeah, didn’t you know? Your sister loves a man who cooks.”

  “Because she can’t,” I replied honestly making Christian laugh.

  “No, she really can’t can she? Good thing she found me.”

  “That’s a fact. Hey, how the hell are you so fucking perky?”

  “Ahhh, poor Eli has a hangover? Have you tried Mr. Aaron’s coffee? It definitely gives you a kick in the ass.”

  “First of all, yes, I have a hangover and fuck you for not having one and yes, his coffee, though it has a little bite, is helping.”

  “We didn’t stay up long after you and I was feeling pretty shitty until I got up and drank the Aaron sludge and moved around. Feeling good now. Neil and Nate are seasoned drinkers though. Last night was nothing to them. They’re out helping the girls set shit up.”

  “Well, it’s good to know my son can help cure a hangover,” I said with a laugh. “I’m going to grab a shower. You keep up the cooking, I like my eggs scrambled by the way,” I told him with a smile and pointed look.

  “Do I look like a fucking waitress?”

  “Nah, you’re not cute enough. Seriously though, bro, scrambled.” I walked away just as he shot me dirty look. “You’ll get whatever the fuck I make you, Eli.” I waved over my shoulder and kept walking. The rest of the morning flew by in a blur. I helped Aaron get dressed. He was handsome in his black jeans, white button shirt, and red tie. I was thankful Chinda hadn’t insisted on a tux for either of us. We matched with the black jeans and red tie but I wore a black button shirt. “Looking good, little man, looking good,” I told Aaron as he fussed with his tie.

  “Thanks, Dad. This tie sucks though.” He was pulling at it so I tried to loosen it up for him.

  “Here, maybe it’s too tight. Ties do suck but don’t let your mom hear you say that.”

  “I won’t.”


  “Yeah, thanks, Dad.”

  “You’re welcome. Well, how do I look? Will your mom approve?” I asked him.


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