Dangerous Place For Love

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Dangerous Place For Love Page 3

by Sam Crescent

  “You’re light as a feather.”

  “This isn’t funny Erik.”

  “Nonsense. I’m carrying my woman to her early morning bath.”

  Her heart skipped a beat.

  “Your woman?”

  He paused on the threshold of the sea.

  “Yes. After last night you’ll always be my woman. Never forget it, Kelly. You’re mine.”

  She smiled and didn’t argue. Who would argue when a handsome man declared you his?

  The moment they were in the shallow part of the sea, her eyes widened as he sat down with her in his lap. He gazed into her eyes. She was hypnotised but he opened her legs and she finally shifted her gaze down below.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Taking care of my woman.”

  Her legs opened wide and she saw the mixture of their love making on the tops of her thighs and in her pubic hair. She turned her gaze back to him as he still watched her and gasped when his hand wiped away all traces. He didn’t go inside but he washed her as best he could.

  “I’ll always take care of you.” He leaned down and laid a gentle kiss on her lips. Kelly glanced down at her body to see he’d washed everything.

  Erik insisted upon carrying her back up to the small camping place where he finally put her down.

  “You know I can walk,” she said. A knot in her throat was hard to swallow. The last person who truly cared for her was her mother. Erik’s steamy looks and penetrating gazes spoke more to her than anyone else’s in her whole life.

  “I like having you in my arms.” He sat down beside her and offered a coconut.

  “I can’t wait until we can have a proper cooked breakfast,” she confessed sipping the milk and biting into the sweet flesh.

  “Bacon and eggs?”

  “With sausage and some hash browns. What about steak for dinner?”

  “I like steak with mushrooms?”

  “Yeah, I’d have a nice piece of steak with mushrooms, grilled tomatoes and cauliflower cheese.”

  “Cauliflower cheese? Serious honey, steak needs to be eaten with large portions of fries and onion rings,” he argued.

  Kelly giggled. This was the first real conversation they’d had.

  “Have you ever tried it?” she asked.


  “Then don’t knock it till you tried it. Tell you what, when we get off this island alive and in one piece, I’ll cook you a nice medium rare steak with tomatoes, mushrooms and my homemade cauliflower cheese. Is that a date to you?”

  “You know how to cook?”

  Kelly reached out and hit him on the chest. “Of course, dummy.”

  “Then call it a date,” he laughed.

  “So what else do you like to do?” she asked him. Kelly wanted to know more about the man she was falling for. Erik Coldwell wasn’t the cold-hearted killer she’d believed him to be but a man with many talents. One being his cock but she wanted to know more about him than what he can do with his organ in the bedroom.

  “Let’s see. I like to go hiking, swimming and occasionally jump out of planes for the sheer fun of it.”

  “Seriously, you knew what you were doing up there?”

  “Not a clue but it’s been a while since I last jumped out of one. Pleased I didn’t bloody hurt you to be honest.”

  “Okay, reading. Do you like to read?”

  “Kelly, honey what is with the twenty questions?”

  “I want to know a bit more about the man I let inside my body.” Silence met her answer and she gazed up to see him watching her intently.

  “Okay. If you want to know more about me then I want to know more about you.”

  “There’s not much to know about me.”

  “I’ll be the judge of that.”

  Kelly nodded and ate the last bit of her coconut. He offered her another but she refused. Her tummy was already in knots.

  “So what, I ask a question then you ask a question?” she asked.

  “Yes, but seeing as you’ve already asked a question, it’s now my time to start the questions.”

  “So what books do you like to read?”

  “I read mostly romance with a twist on ero—” She stopped a blush fanning her cheeks.

  “You read erotic romance, baby?”


  “Do you like it?”

  “Very much so.”

  “Okay, we’ll talk more about it later. Ask your question.”

  “Is Erik Coldwell your real name?”

  His booming laugh made her smile. “Yes it is.”

  “But all the movies are so dazzling with secret agents and different names for different locations.”

  “Yes, the reality of my situation is different. Creating a whole new identity is hard to do and so what we decided was to keep my original details but the system was wiped of everything but my date of birth and all the other information that is sacred.”

  “When’s your birthday?”

  “You’ve asked your question. When did you lose your virginity?”

  Kelly blushed. “That is private and I’m not sharing it with you. I was of age of consent so don’t worry.”

  “My birthday is May tenth.”

  “Mine is February fourteenth and keep the snide little comments to yourself,” she laughed.

  “So I’m keeping company with a possible cupid?” Erik took her hand and laid a kiss on her knuckles.

  From the merest touch her pulse rate kicked up.

  “I’m never going to get use to this,” she moaned breathlessly.

  “Get use to what?”

  “I can’t concentrate with you this close.”

  “Tell me how you feel,” he asked as he pushed her hair from her naked shoulder and he laid gentle kisses along the curve.

  Her eyes closed, biting her lips to try and concentrate on his question. “I’m not all over and all I can think about is you.”

  “That’s the way it’s supposed to be.” He moved her hair back over her shoulder and trailed kisses down her front.

  “We were supposed to be getting to know each other.”

  “What better way than making love is there of knowing the other person?” Closing her eyes, Kelly gave herself over to his loving ministrations. Opening her mind and body to his will.

  He loved her with an efficiency she wasn’t prepared for. The experience was mind blowing. In the rare moments of peace and pleasure she could envision a life with this man. He was indeed older than her but it didn’t stop the rioting emotions coming to life in her chest.

  Kelly didn’t know how Erik felt. She could only guess but for now she would be happy to be in his arms. All the pain and the questions of the future could wait until later.

  Chapter Six

  As the weeks wore on, Kelly and Erik got to know everything about each other. They talked and laughed for hours with nothing to pass the time but each other. Together hand in hand, they walked the island, trekking farther afield. Anything to occupy their time besides making love, they tried.

  Trying to catch fish was an experiment. After four weeks or so of eating nothing but coconuts, Erik and Kelly were on the verge of going hungry. The smell and taste made Kelly want to heave.

  Erik managed to make a type of spear from wood and then for about three hours both Kelly and Erik tried to identify and capture edible fish.

  On another expedition, they tried to climb some of the higher trees to find a clearer view but every time they reached the top all they would see was a horizon of clear blue.

  Soon the days wore on and with it came a drop in temperature. The drop was minute but enough for them to know harsher weather was round the corner.

  Kelly didn’t know what to expect or do. Every opportunity was met with danger. There was no possible way of them getting off the island without a boat or a plane. With the days coming to a close, the only thing she had to look forward to was watching the sun set in his arms.

  Something had to happen sooner or l

  Chapter Seven

  Kelly giggled and made a run for it. Erik would catch her and they’d make love. This was fun. It kept them active and their minds away from the doom and gloom of their situation. Last night had been the first rainfall and with no choice left, they’d had to go and find shelter farther into the trees. The roaring winds had terrified her, and Erik’s larger body surrounding her was the only comfort she had.

  She wound around the far tree near their new camp, sand under her feet. She spun back, watching as he ran at her.

  “I’m coming to get you,” he called.

  Squealing, Kelly darted away from the tree and ran back to the camp. Only a few feet separated her from camp.

  “I’ve got you,” Erik laughed as he caught her round the waist and lifted her up in the air, spinning her around.

  “Stop, you’ve got me,” she chuckled.

  He let her on her feet and took her lips in a searing kiss as her body moved closer to his. Both moaned and Kelly gasped as Erik grabbed her bum and rubbed her nakedness against his arousal.

  “I want you again,” he moaned.

  “You make it sound like a bad thing. Is being with me such a chore?” she teased rubbing her breasts across his chest. Her pebbled nipples letting him know she was as aroused as he was. He thumbed the tips and kissed her again.

  “Never a chore but I’m an old man. I should know better.”

  “Not too much of an old man. You can keep up with me,” she complimented. Erik couldn’t believe he’d found a woman who wanted sex as much as him. Kelly was an insatiable woman and he wanted to give her everything she desired.

  “Kiss me, woman,” he growled when she made to move away. He couldn’t get enough of her. He wanted her every day for the rest of his life.

  “Um, you taste of coconut and my pussy.” She licked his lips as he pressed her up against the nearest tree. Kelly wrapped her legs around his waist and Erik took hold of his dick and ran it through her sweet slit. Her juice, lubricating his cock. He pushed the head inside her and watched it disappear in her sweet, tight body.

  “You feel so good,” she moaned as he worked his hips.

  Her arms wrapped around his neck and she kissed him as he fucked her, her heat surrounding him. Within moments they were both gasping for more of each other.

  “Come for me, angel,” he whispered. Erik knew he wouldn’t be able to hold back. Her tight cunt squeezed him, making him want to shoot deep inside her. His balls were already tight and aching for the release.

  Her hand went between them and he felt her fingers working her swollen clit. He’d already brought her to climax once before she ran from him and he wanted her to lose herself once more around his shaft.

  He loved it when she milked him for his cum.

  “Feels so good,” she cried out as her release overtook her and within seconds he was pounding inside her searching for his own climax.

  “Yes, yes,” she screamed, over and over again. Her fingers sinking into the muscle of his shoulder. Latching her lips onto his neck, sucking his skin. He thrust inside her a few more times and growled as his seed spurted out of his cock into her body. It amazed him how well she took all of him.

  “Wow,” she whispered near his ear. “I think I’ve marked you.”

  “I’ll wear it with pride,” he said.

  Both chuckled. Erik helped her off his cock and he was swamped by guilt. They’d been having unprotected sex now for the past few days and he didn’t know what to do about it. He wasn’t aware if Kelly was taking anything and didn’t know if he should even approach the subject.

  He wouldn’t mind if she became pregnant with his child. The thought of her healthy and swollen with his baby filled him with pride, but he was thirty-seven while she was only in her twenties. Could he do that to her?

  A baby was a huge commitment and he wasn’t sure if she would be ready to deal with something as life changing as a baby.

  He took her hand and walked the short distance to their little camping area. He knew it would only be a matter of time before their situation worsened. No place was immune to storms and awful weather. The island had started to turn cold and the only protection they had from the fatal elements was each other. How much longer could they survive out in the open?

  “What are you thinking?” she asked.

  He glanced over at her and as always his heart skipped a beat. He was in love with this young woman and it killed him every day not to tell her how he felt. Unfortunately, he didn’t want to guilt her into thinking or feeling anything for him, if it wasn’t there.


  “No. It looked to me like you were thinking serious thoughts and they didn’t look good.”

  “I was wondering how long we were going to survive on this island.” He decided to go for the very realistic problem. Feelings could be sorted out at other times where as their current situation was indeed dire.


  Erik was about to say something to try and ease her thoughts when the sound of a helicopter’s whirring blades interrupted the noise of the swirling ocean. Where he’d set up camp placed them far back away from the beach but with enough room to see who would be coming. Through the trees they saw the symbol which made them both freeze in place.

  “Holy shit,” Kelly whispered.

  Erik didn’t voice his thoughts but they were the same as hers.

  Kelly hand tightened round his. “They didn’t stop him. They promised they would.”

  She was panicking and any minute her father’s helicopter would land on the deserted island beach.

  He was open and vulnerable and after the plane crash he had no proper means of protecting the woman he loved.

  “Kelly, listen to me. Allow me to handle this, okay? Don’t say a word.” She nodded but her gaze kept straying to the sight through the trees. “Get dressed.”

  ~* * *~

  As Erik pulled on his tattered pants, he kept one eye on Kelly getting dressed and the other on the helicopter.

  His gut told him they were in trouble. Arthur should have been taken down by now. He watched as two men with guns exited the plane followed soon after by her father in a white suit. The pompous prick looked every bit the drug dealing criminal.

  “He’s going to kill us,” she said.

  “Not today.”

  Erik took her hand. “I want you to promise me not to fight back. Just do what I need and follow my lead.”

  He watched Kelly nod and prayed to God he would be forgiven. He led them both out into the open. The helicopter blades stopped whirling.

  “Mr. Coldwell,” Arthur greeted.

  “Arthur,” he acknowledged with a nod, and then gazed at the two men at his side.

  “Do you like my new bodyguards? They’ve been specially trained to deal with high risk situations. Dirty bastards, I have to get them girls to keep them entertained but I’ve found they are loyal and after all, loyalty is what counts.” Arthur stepped forward and Erik clocked the men going for their guns. A subtle move but he’d been part of the unit for some time. He knew when they’d been given orders.

  “Took your time coming and getting us. We’ve been going crazy on this piece of shit sand bed.” He kicked some sand to make his point.

  “Ah, Kelly, so good to see you.”

  Erik felt her arm shake as her father neared, Erik turned back and gave her a fierce look.

  “You’re looking well, Daddy.”

  She embraced the older man and he was thankful she didn’t give anything away.

  “Well, I had to see what my two favourite people have been doing.”

  Erik decided now was the time to strike. “Cut the shit, Arthur. Where have you been and what the fuck happened in the sky that night?”

  “I don’t see what the problem has been. You seem cozy enough.”

  Erik gave out a silent prayer that she wouldn’t believe the next words about to come out of his mouth.

  “Come on, Arthur, yo
u’ve got one hot, sexy girl and I’m a man with a dick that needs attention. What did you expect? A cunt is a cunt as you so often said.”

  He heard her startled gasp but he refused to look in her direction. He couldn’t afford slip-ups right now. Both of their lives were on the line.

  “A cunt? So you feel nothing for my daughter?” The last part was said with a look of disgust.

  “She’s got a tight one I’ll give her that but I need a bit more fire in the sack. Your daughter was okay for a little while but I’m bored. You came at a really good time.”

  Arthur chuckled, holding his daughter. He pulled the hair from over her shoulder exposing her neck and side of her head. “She’s such a pretty woman. A shame really.”

  Erik paused as Arthur pulled out a pistol from his jacket pocket. One hand going round Kelly’s throat while he pointed the gun to her temple. Kelly began to struggle.

  “You have no feelings for my daughter. Well, I usually deal with rats with a far more severe statement. I thought to send her to my men as a play toy. Let them fuck her and then put her into trade. Imagine what she’d sell for, the lying rat daughter of Arthur O’Donald.”

  Erik couldn’t look at her. He needed to keep his focus on the mad man with a gun trained to her temple.

  “But I don’t know about your loyalty to me.”

  “What do you want?”

  “I want you to take the pistol from my hand and in front of my eyes put a bullet between her eyes. I want you to look her in the eye as you kill her.” Arthur threw Kelly into his arms.

  “No please,” she begged. Tears were pouring down her face. Erik caught her and threw her to the floor.

  “Roger, come and hold my daughter. I don’t want to go running after her on this fucked up place.”

  One of the guards stepped toward them and held Kelly still. Erik saw red, his hands fisting at his sides. Another man was touching his woman. He wasn’t in the superior position. He couldn’t stop what was about to happen. Arthur smacked him on the back and handed him the pistol.

  Erik raised the gun and rested it between her eyes. Sobs and pleads poured out of her, breaking his heart. He couldn’t communicate how sorry he was. He closed his eyes and trained the gun with years of experience. The silence deafening. One shot was all he had.


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