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Change of Heart 2

Page 14

by Scarlett Edwards

  He collapses next to me on the bed. He locks his fingers with mine, and he brings my hand to his lips to kiss it again. We’re both spent, exhausted, but oh-so content.

  Chapter Nineteen

  I wait until Rich’s breaths steady in the telltale sign of sleep before slipping out from under the covers. I’m careful not to make a noise as I put my clothes back on. I know how sharp Rich’s hearing is.

  As I’m looking for my shoes, I stub my toe hard against the foot of the bed. I throw a hand over my mouth to muffle the unbidden cry.

  Rich stirs. I curse myself and pray that he doesn’t awaken. His lips make a smacking sound. Then, he falls back into the pillow.

  Idiot! I berate myself. At the same time, I exhale in relief. I know that if Rich wakes now, I will never get another chance to do what I need to do.

  I debate leaving him a note. In the end, I decide against it. It will only make him worry more.

  With all my clothes back on, I tiptoe out the door. I hold my breath as I pull it shut. Then I press an ear against the wood and count to sixty. If Rich wakes up now, I won’t get far.

  When I don’t hear anything from inside, I finally turn away. As I hurry down the hall, I wonder if this is what Rich felt like when he left me and Min in his Oregon apartment.


  The hospital is much busier during the day. I wait in line to check myself into the visitor center to be allowed further access. It’s worrisome how easy it would be for anyone to just slip in unseen.

  I ask for Min by name. The nurse checks her computer and says there is nobody called that staying in the hospital. Damn, I didn’t think this would be a problem. When I insist that I’m Min’s friend, and that I was brought to the hospital with her, at the same time, and prove it by showing my driver’s license and the cast around my body, the nurse ushers me into a separate, empty room, and tells me to wait.

  She closes the door, making me feel somewhat like a prisoner.

  As I wait for God-knows-how-long, I start to finger the locket around my neck. I had a burst of panic after I woke up post-accident and found it missing. Luckily, somehow it survived the crash. The hospital staff had merely taken if off and placed it in a box with the rest of my belongings.

  I haven’t forgotten about my father. But it seems that in the days since I met Rich, I’ve thought about him less and less. I smile. That has to be a good thing. Maybe it means that I’m more ready to live in the present, rather than dwell on a past I cannot change.

  The door opens to admit a stocky, dark man in a police uniform. I swallow even though I know I have every right to be here. He looks intimidating.

  “And you are?” he asks, crossing his arms. I tell him my name and show my ID. I explain the story of how Min and I know each other and how we were in the accident together. He watches me with a skeptical eye. Finally, he barks, “Follow me,” and leads me out of the room.

  We take an unfamiliar path through the hospital to emerge in a hall with a lot of closed doors. The guard stops before one and raps his knuckles against it.

  After a moment, the door opens, revealing another uniformed officer inside.


  “She’s here to see the patient.”

  The guard holding the door looks at me. “Who is she?”

  “She says she’s a friend. Her story checks out.”

  I notice a large bouquet of flowers inside the room, behind the other guard’s feet. Who brought Min flowers?

  The guard inside looks me up and down. After a long, tense moment, he pushes the door open just an inch wider. “Come in.”

  I thank the man who escorted me and step inside. The smell of fresh flowers is overpowering. There is not just the one bouquet, but dozens of them, placed all along the walls.

  The room is much bigger than I expected. On the far side, a drawn curtain separates us from what is probably the bed. The guard who let me in motions toward the curtain and settles back on his seat by the door.

  I walk over to the curtained section and slowly draw the drape back. The scene inside surprises me.

  Min is awake and speaking softly to a man I’ve never seen before. He stokes her hand gently as they talk. His blonde, slightly curly hair is just long enough to cover his forehead. He has long lashes and the brightest hazel eyes I’ve ever seen.

  Min and the stranger turn to me at once. A great smile breaks out on Min’s face.

  “Penny!” she exclaims. Her voice sounds tired but strong. I’m overcome by emotion. I can’t help myself. I run over and stop just short of throwing my arms around her in a hug. I have to grip the railing by the bed to prevent myself from doing so. Happy tears fill my eyes. “Penny,” Min says, looking at the man on the other side of the bed, “This is Joey.”

  He smiles at me and extends his hand. “It’s nice to finally meet you,” he acknowledges.

  I shake his hand in a kind of daze. Joey? How did he know?

  He laughs when he sees my expression. “I know what you’re thinking. How did I discover Min was back?” He smiles at the girl in the bed and takes her hand again. His love for her shines bright in his eyes. “Her brother told me.”

  I nearly stagger back from shock. Rich? Why would Rich tell Joey? By all accounts, Rich hates the man.

  Min smiles at me. “Thank you for telling Rich what I told you.”

  I blink. “I didn’t think he’d believed me.”

  “Lucky for us, he did,” Min says, rubbing her thumb over Joey’s hand. “Seeing Joey here when I woke, I thought I was still dreaming.”

  “So all the flowers out there are from him?” I ask Min. I look at Joey. “You sure know how to spoil a girl.”

  He laughs. “It might be a little excessive. But I wanted Min to know how much I’ve missed her.”

  “And I told you, you shouldn’t have done that,” Min says with a little smile. “I love you for you, not for your flowers.” She turns to me. “Joey hasn’t left my side since he got here. I keep telling him I’m bad company right now, but he won’t listen.”

  “Baby, after going through these last few weeks not knowing if I’d see you again, there’s nowhere I’d rather be than right here. You won’t get rid of me that easily.”

  Min giggles and shrugs at me. “He’s sweet like that.”

  “I’m so happy for both you,” I say. “Min, how are you feeling?”

  She gives a sour chuckle. “Maybe if they weren’t pumping so many pain killers into me, I’d be able to answer that properly. My whole body just feels numb. Although, given what I know about my injuries, maybe that’s for the best.”

  “She’s lying,” Joey says. “I know she hurts. She just doesn’t want us to worry about her.”

  “Everyone already has too much to worry about without adding me to the list,” Min mumbles. I can see Joey frown, but I understand what she means.

  “Is Rich here, too?” Min asks. “I’ve been drifting in and out of sleep all day. Joey woke me up saying someone’s here to visit. I was hoping I’d see both of you.”

  I shake my head. “Rich isn’t here, and I’ll tell you why…”

  I tell her the story of everything that’s happened: Of how Rich discovered that Amanda and Victor drove the other car. About how Tam is now helping us. About how Amanda and Anthony have been seeing each other for years. And, of course, about the recent confrontation at the penitentiary.

  Min hears me out to the end. When I tell her what I think I need to do next, she agrees.

  “Rich would never be able to make himself do that,” she says. “But I know you have it in you. I wish I could help.”

  “All you need to worry about is getting better,” I tell her.

  “Pfft, that’s easy. With Joey here, I’ll be out and about within a few days, max. I don’t intend to spend weeks just wasting away in bed.” She looks him in the eye. “Now, I have a reason to fight.”

  “Just promise me you won’t tell Rich what I’ve told you. Or even that you’ve seen me.” />
  “I swear,” Min says, crossing her heart. Joey agrees, too.

  I smile at both of them. Their love for each other is clear. Circumstance may have pushed them apart in the past, but now that they’re together, I don’t think either of them will ever let that happen again.

  I say my good-byes, confident that their relationship will blossom. I also have a new understanding of how Rich could leave Min alone. He knew Joey would be here with her. I don’t know exactly why he did not tell me, though I have my suspicions. It doesn’t upset me. Instead, I find it heartwarming that he had believed the story I told him and fought through the perception he had of Joey.

  I leave the hospital quickly and hail a cab. The darkening sky overhead tells me that the day is almost over. I know that, right now, I am a long way from sleep.


  I step onto the curb outside the RedArm building, take a deep breath, and buzz myself in.

  A security guard in the lower lobby comes and opens the door. He knows who I am. Of course. Mr. Calloway wouldn’t have taken chances.

  He leads me to the elevator and steps inside. It looks like I will be escorted all the way to the top floor.

  As the lights designating each passing floor light up, I wonder if I’m making the right decision. Coming here is a risk. What I’m about to do next is a risk. But, I know that I am the only person who can set things in motion.

  The elevator stops and the doors open. I smile my thanks to the guard and walk onto the office floor. I know that, after tonight, my life will never be the same.

  Chapter Twenty

  A few hours later find me in the lounge of an unfamiliar, swanky, downtown hotel. The table in front of me is set for two, even though I am alone. For now.

  A young man smiles at me from across the room. Instead of smiling back, I look away. I cannot afford distractions now.

  I look down at the strapless black dress I have on. It’s nice to finally have a change of clothes. This particular outfit makes me feel especially sexy. And, I have to admit, somewhat vulnerable.

  That makes it perfect.

  I spot the man I’m waiting for. He strolls through the lobby with an arrogant swagger. He’s changed clothes since I last saw him. I doubt that many people would be able to tell the difference, though. The suit he’s wearing now is a two-button piece, as opposed to the earlier three.

  “Tam,” I smile. “I did not think I’d ever find myself waiting for you.”

  “I invited you here at ten. I am neither early not late.”

  “Noted,” I say. I raise my glass. “Would you care for a drink?”

  “No,” he says. “Alcohol inhibits your judgment. I prefer to retain full control of myself.”

  “Your choice.” I shrug, taking a delicate sip.

  Tam shifts in his seat. “Where’s Richard?”

  “You told me we needed to talk alone. I agreed to your request. He is not here.”

  Tam’s lips curl in a bloodless smile. I feel a dull stab of fear in my chest. “I did not think you would be so naïve.” His cold eyes shift behind me.

  That is the only warning I get before a rough hand clasps my arm.

  I look back in surprise. Fear turns into all-out terror. Victor is standing there, holding my arm, smiling cruelly at me with his mouth full of broken teeth.

  “Not always so smart, yes?” he says in that lumbering accent of his. “This time, your getaway will no come easy.”

  I spin around to look back at Tam, aghast. His dark eyes are laughing at me. “You did this?” I sputter. “You set me up!”

  Tam glances at Victor. He speaks to me almost in a whisper. “Did you truly believe I have so little loyalty to my friends? Stupid girl.”

  Victor pulls my elbow and forces me to stand. “Come quietly,” he says in my ear. “You do not want to make a scene, yes?”

  “She’ll come if she knows what’s good for her,” Tam says. He pulls back the lapel of his jacket. My eyes widen at the gun hidden at his waist. I can hear the unspoken threat in his voice. Next is a command to Victor. “Go!”

  Victor drags me roughly after him. I have no choice but to follow. One of my heels slips off. Victor does not give me time to retrieve it.

  I feel overwhelming despair building inside as I’m ushered into the elevator. Tam comes in after us. He has my shoe in one hand. “A lady should never walk barefoot,” he mocks.

  “Where are you taking me?” I demand.

  Victor chuckles. Tam replies. “You will be used as bait.”

  “As bait…? Oh no!” I gasp as realization hits me. “No, no, no!” They want to use me to lure Rich here!

  “He won’t come!” I tell them, panic building within me. “He won’t—”

  “Shut up.” Tam silences me with a slap across the face. My head whips to the side. I cry out. I can feel the sting on my cheek. Tears blur my vision. Victor laughs in his crude, obnoxious way.

  I glare at Tam. I hate him. I knew I couldn’t trust him! I should never have agreed to his request to meet me here! I should never have gone against my initial instincts!

  He lifts an eyebrow at me. He’s daring me to speak. He knows he has full power over me now. With deliberate grace, he puts a hand on his belt to reveal the holster once more.

  I bite my tongue. If I expect to have any chance of getting out of this situation, I need to think. Not react.

  The elevator doors open to an empty hallway. Victor pushes me forward with one hand between my shoulder blades. I cry out at the shrieking pain that ricochets up and down my side. Victor laughs.

  “There is someone here who wants to see you,” he says, catching my arm again. “I know she will be very happy for me to bring you, yes?”

  Victor hands Tam the swipe card and Tam opens the door. Amanda is seated in an armchair, smoking a cigarette. She turns around at the intrusion, and the scariest, most vile smile I have ever seen forms on her face. “You got her? Good.”

  Victory brings me inside and shoves me onto the bed. My ribs scream at me. Tam closes the door and leans against one wall. While his eyes remain solely on me, I get the feeling that he sees everything that goes on in the room.

  Victor goes up to Amanda and roughly pulls her into him by the waist. She greets him with a deep, sloppy French kiss. I almost gag.

  When they’re done, Amanda turns back to me. She walks toward the bed with a seductive grace. “Careful,” Tam warns her when she sits on the edge, close to me.

  Amanda scoffs. “I’m not afraid of her.” She looks at me and tilts her head to the side. “My, my, my! Isn’t this a sweet reunion?” She reaches out to touch the side of my cheek where my skin is red and swollen. I want to pull away from her touch. But I will not give her the satisfaction. “Look what happened to your pretty face. Did you catch Rich in one of his rages again?”

  “Your thug did this,” I spit at her.

  Amanda brings her face close to mine. I can smell her lavender perfume. It’s putrid. “Poor girl,” she says. “Still all bark and no bite.” She traces her hand down my neck, over my shoulder, and right down to where I’m wearing the cast. “Tell me,” she says, “how much does this hurt?”

  I gasp and helplessly whimper as she presses her hand into my side, hard. Tears fill my eyes.

  Amanda laughs. “You’re pathetic, you know that? I’d have hoped that Rich would have picked out a girl with more than fluff for brains to replace me. But you’re about as dumb as they come, aren’t you?” I grit my teeth to prevent myself from saying anything. “Did you really think you could count on Tam as an ally? You and Rich humiliated both him and Victor. These types of men do not forgive.”

  Tam clears his throat. It’s a soft sound, but it draws everyone’s attention. “Let us not forget our purpose?”

  Amanda rises from the bed. “Oh, I was just having a little fun with her. Why can’t you loosen up like your friend over here?” Victor chuckles and slaps her ass. She jumps. “Oh, you dirty boy,” she chirps at him. He grins dumbly
, half his teeth missing.

  “Keep an eye on the clock,” Tam reminds her. “We need to get to business.”

  “What’s an extra few minutes?” Amanda pouts. “But I guess you’re right. Victor, give me the phone.” He tosses a Blackberry to her. She catches it and turns back to me. “Let’s see what your lover has to say about all this.”

  “Amanda, don’t!” I beg. “Please! You can do anything to me. Just don’t get Rich involve—”

  I am cut off as she backhands me across the mouth. I taste blood on my tongue.

  “My, that felt good!” Amanda says. “I’ve wanted to do that for a long time. Victor,” she barks, “keep her under control.”

  The big man complies all-too-eagerly. He grabs my hair and pulls me up. Pain shoots through my scalp, pain bleeds down my side, and pain radiates from my cheeks. Victor lowers his face to mine. “You will be quiet,” he says. He does not need to add a threat.

  Amanda smiles as she dials the number. She brings the phone to her ear. I can’t do anything but watch.

  “Hiii Riiiiich,” she sings. “Guess who I have here with me?”

  Amanda lowers the phone and covers the speaker. “He doesn’t believe me!” she complains. “Looks like we’re going to have to do something to convince him I’m telling the truth.” She walks up to me, puts the phone on speaker, and shoves it in my face. “Speak!”

  I shake my head. Victor twists my hair. I squeeze my eyes shut and bite my lips together against the pain.

  “Speak!” Amanda commands again.

  I shake my head harder. Uncontrollable whimpers escape from my throat. I try to keep them in by keeping my mouth shut.

  Victor twists even more. The pain becomes unbearable, until I can’t hold back. I cry out. “Rich, no! Don’t listen!”

  Amanda snatches the phone away. “Thank you,” she mouths to me as she puts it back to her ear. I can hear Rich yelling on the other side. His words are too distant to make out.

  “You’re going to have to mind your manners if you want to see her again,” Amanda says. She lounges on the armchair. “Come on, Rich, dear, screaming at me won’t accomplish anything. You want to see Penny? Come to the lot at the docks—” she gives him the address, “—in one hour. If you’re late, well, I don’t think any of us will be seeing Penny again.”


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