Whitley's Monsters (Three Book Bundle) (Paranormal Monster Erotica)

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Whitley's Monsters (Three Book Bundle) (Paranormal Monster Erotica) Page 4

by Natasha Hunter

  Kymberly parked behind her brother's Jeep then laid down on the horn. "Sam!" she yelled out. "Come help us with our luggage!"

  "Trying to wake the dead?" I teased as I slid out of the passenger's side of her car.

  "There's hardly anyone around." She winked, "Except for my knuckle-head brother and my future husband, Connor."

  I gave a glance about and agreed. The nearest house was down the road a bit. I whistled with appreciation, "Your mom landed a rich one this time, huh." Kym's mom was on her fifth husband.

  "Yup! I'll gladly call him daddio." She stretched her lips, giving off the biggest, Cheshire cat grin.

  "Can't say I blame you." I pulled my bag from the trunk of the car as Sam and Connor stormed down the porch steps and made their way towards Kym's car.

  "Welcome to paradise, ladies." Sam said.

  "Hey, are you drinking already?" Kym asked, eyeing her brother with suspicion.

  "Working on it." He held up a beer bottle and smirked.

  Connor reached for the rest of the luggage from the trunk, "Let me help."

  "Such a gentleman," I said to Connor, then slanted my gaze to Sam. "You could learn something from him."

  He chuckled, "Yeah, yeah." He pulled my bag from me and slung it over his shoulder. "Are you both staying the whole week?"

  I shrugged, then looked to Kym.

  "At least," she said as she followed the guys to the house.

  "We're about to head over to Captain Jacks. Want to come?" Connor asked us as we stepped inside.

  "Captain Jacks?"

  "It's a bar all the locals go to," Sam said.

  "Hey, no drinking and driving." Kym scolded.

  Sam held his hands up defensively, "We wont. There's a couple of golf carts out back we were going to take."

  "I guess that is okay," Kym said as we climbed the steps to the second floor. "We will meet you in a few."

  Once we had our rooms picked out, I unpacked and hung up my clothes, then sorted my makeup and hair products in the bathroom. The room was stunning, and larger than any I've ever slept in.

  Kym pushed the door open after rapping her knuckles against it, then stuck her head in. "Ready? The guys have already left."

  "I'm not going..." I said, hoping she wouldn't be too angry. "Please don't be mad. I just...I'm not up to it tonight. I swear that I will do whatever you want tomorrow."

  She frowned, her brows drew together with a mixture of worry and disappointment. "C'mon Whit. You have to start living your life again. But if you're not going, I'm not going either."

  "I know. I know. I'm not in the mood tonight. But you should go and have fun. I saw the way Connor was checking you out. He's definitely into you."

  Her face brightened as she stepped into the room. "You think?"

  "Yup. So don't stay here on my account. I'll just curl up with a book okay? And tomorrow, I swear I will do whatever you want."

  She hesitated before saying, "If you're sure."

  "I am."

  "Sam will be disappointed. You know he has a thing for you."

  "I'm sure he will be fine." I stuck my tongue out at her.

  "Okay, okay. Well, if you need anything just text and I will come straight home, I swear."

  "Got it." I swayed my hand, "Now go have fun. Oh, and put a sock on your door knob if you get lucky, eh?" I said teasingly.

  After Kym left, I settled down on the massive canopy bed and pulled out my laptop. After a quick glance at our website, I answered a couple of questions on the forums, then berated myself for opening up Instagram.

  "Don't do it," I whispered, trying to scold myself into not stalking Jake's newest interest. I knew I shouldn't, but, I couldn't help myself. I had to see what they were up to. As her beautiful face loaded, back-lit by some twinkling lights at an outside cafe, I immediately clicked it off.

  "Nope. I am not doing this." I gave a little nod of my head, resolute in my conviction. Instead, I did a quick Google search on the island we were staying on. The history was intriguing, filled with stories about the American Civil War. I read about the Confederate soldiers who had skirmished on the island near the old light house. Following a link, I read an account from one soldier who had survived. He told about ghostly pirate ships, and gave the story of Captain Jack, a pirate who made a deadly deal with a tentacled sea monster. To save the lives of his crew, he had to give his own to the monster, for eternity.

  I chuckled as I closed the lap top, then realized that's how the nearby bar must have gotten its name. I doubted the legend was real, but naturally I'd investigate tomorrow. At best, it would make an amusing story for our website.

  Bored and restless, I went downstairs to the kitchen and found a glass and a bottle of wine. Though I wasn't in much of a mood to get drunk at a noisy, crowded bar, I was in the mood for a bit of wine. Wine always relaxed me, and I was hoping it would put me to sleep early.

  Back upstairs, I curled up with my Kindle after filling my glass, and read the next few hours away until I had fallen asleep.

  Sometime during the night, I was startled awake by a loud noise. I jolted up, realizing I must have fallen asleep without even changing into my pajamas. As I rubbed my eyes, I heard the noise again. It was low and guttural. A far-away moan.

  I slipped out of bed as quietly as possible and tiptoed out into the hall. To my surprise, the door opposite of mine had a sock on the door knob. I cupped my hand over my mouth, smothering my chuckle of surprise. So, she was hooking up with Connor after all. Assuming that is what I heard, I turned to go back into my room when I heard the noise again. This time, I realized that it was coming from downstairs. Intrigued, I followed the sound, walking as quietly as possible down the steps.

  "Mmmmm." The sound reverberated though the foyer, coming from the room beside it. 'Omigod! Is Sam watching porn?' I wondered as I crept towards the opened French-doors. I was about to burst through them and scold him when a movement caught my eye.

  Across from the doors, a large, leather sofa faced an enormous fireplace. Above the fireplace, a gilded, antique mirror stretched from side to side. In the mirror, I could see what was happening on the sofa.

  Sam was sitting with his legs slightly parted, his lap covered by long silky strands of blonde hair. A girl was stretched out, the back of her head resting in his lap. Shock washed through me. I had always thought of Sam as something like a brother, and I couldn't ever really think of him in sexual terms. Yet here he was, cozied up with some random girl he met at a bar.


  Another moan flowed through the downstairs as the girl shifted on the sofa. Sam's hand had been resting on top of the girl's tiny jean shorts above her crotch. I watched with fascination as he rubbed his fingers against the denim, stimulating her above her clothes.

  "Feels good," she said in a breathy, high-pitched voice.

  "Mmm," he responded as he unsnapped her shorts, then tugged the zipper down. His hand slipped beneath the fabric of her white panties. "You feel good," he said seductively.

  'Omigod. Sam! Sam had moves.' I couldn't quite shake off the feeling of shock as I watched him finger the girl. Some part of me knew it was wrong to watch, but I simply couldn't make myself leave. The girl rolled her head around so that she could lick at his shorts. In a fluid movement, he tugged his shorts and boxers down, freeing his very hard cock. Though I was a bit away, and viewing through a mirror, I could tell that Sam's cock was on the larger side.

  'Walk away!' I tried to tell myself, but I remained frozen in place, a captivated voyeur. I couldn't pull my gaze away. I was enraptured by the sight of the girl slathering her tongue all over Sam's dick. He stroked it into her mouth with one hand, the other busy between her legs. Her mouth stretched around his girth as she took the swollen head between her cherry-red lips. She moaned around his shaft, her groaning sensual and drawn out.

  As I watched them fondling and sucking one another, my panties grew moist. I hated myself for getting aroused, but I couldn't help it.

p; 'No, no, no! It's Sam. You can't think of him like that.'

  And yet, I did. It took all of my resolve not to slip my hand into my own shorts and rub my clit.

  Her soft whimpering intensified as she shimmied out of her shorts and panties, all the while keeping Sam's hand against her pussy. I chewed on my bottom lip to keep from gasping out loud, trying my best to stay hidden and quiet as I watched them.

  Sam's breathing became ragged as he stroked himself into her mouth, and I could tell just by the sound of him that he was close to spurting his cum down her throat. She pulled her head up and licked his tanned stomach, "Nu uh uh," she cooed. "I'm not letting you cum so fast." A sensual smirk stretched across her pretty little mouth. "I'm going to be fucked by your big cock."

  "Oh, damn," he muttered as he lifted her up into his lap. As she straddled him, she peeled her shirt off, then reached behind her back to unclasp her bra. He pulled the satin fabric down her arms and discarded it to the side. Her breasts protruded, her nipples tiny little bubble-gum pink buds. Sam flicked his tongue out and captured one beneath his teeth. She half-squealed, half-moaned.

  I watched as she eased herself down onto his cock, his inches disappearing between her glistening pink folds. Her hands curled around his shoulders and she started to bounce. Their moans and panting reverberated, filling the downstairs area.

  The sound of their fucking made my entire body tingle. My pussy was slick with my own juices, my inner muscles quivered and fluttered on their own accord. For the briefest of moments, I considered walking into the room. I imagined how shocked Sam would be if he saw that I had caught him having sex. I wondered if he would invite me to the sofa. Have me join them. I imagined myself sliding down onto his stiff cock, and having his tongue slathering across my nipples.

  'No!' I quickly forced those thoughts away as guilty shame scorched my cheeks. I would not think of Sam and myself. He was too much like family to me. Too much like a brother. As quietly as possible, I backtracked to the kitchen, through a backdoor that led out to the beach. I needed to be away from that house and cool off. Thinking a walk, or perhaps even a swim would help, I headed out to the shore.

  The moon hung on the horizon, bright and clear, lighting the entirety of the beach. On one end I could see a pier stretching out into the dark water, and on the other I could see the faint glow of tiki-torches, and beyond that, the silhouette of an old light house. Intrigued, I headed off in that direction. As I walked, I tried to remember what I had read about Captain Jack. The legend was hundred's of years old, at least, and supposedly based on a real person.

  Overhead, a scattering of clouds passed in front of the moon, and for the briefest of moments the shore was cast in darkness. My breath caught in the back of my throat as unease slithered down my spine. The clouds moved on, and the shore was once again lit with the buttery bright light of the full moon.

  The breeze felt stronger as I passed by the tiki torches that lined a path that lead towards the light house. Though it was no longer in use, it was obviously a tourist attraction, and it was well-kept. Several benches flanked the walk way, scattered between over-sized pots of flowers. Their vibrant blooms scented the air with a heady, floral fragrance.

  I paused at the door and decided to venture inside. "Hello?" I called out, though I didn't really expect a response. This part of the island was remote, and I doubted anyone would be around in the middle of the night. Giving a glance up to the spiral staircase, I debated on climbing to the top. I probably shouldn't be there, I thought, but then again, I didn't feel like going back to the house to listen to the lustful moanings of my friends hooking up.

  Without another thought, I started the long climb. Once I made it to the top, I stepped out onto the metal walkway and gave an appreciative glance around the panoramic vantage. I could see far out across the island and had a really nice view of the ocean. Another gust of wind blew against me and the clouds thickened once more, obscuring the moon. A rumble of thunder rolled across the sky in the distance. I wondered if it was safe to stay there during a storm. Deciding to chance it, I leaned against the railing and watched as the ocean churned below. Rain settled upon the lighthouse, feathery light at first, then with more force.

  As lightning flashed, the silhouette of an old fashioned ship sailed into view. Its sails had been torn to ribbons, the tattered remnants whipped around the mast. My brows scrunched together as I squinted into the stormy darkness. What would a ship like that be doing sailing around in the middle of the night? Lightning flashed again and the ship was gone. Was it a ghost ship? I gasped.

  "What the..." My voice trailed off as I took a step away from the railing. My back hit against something hard where the door that led to the interior was supposed to be. Paralyzed, I stood there, numb with fear, frozen in place as I realized someone was behind me. A thousand things flashed through my mind at once as I tried to figure out who had crept up without me noticing. A part of me thought it impossible, that I hadn't heard anyone coming up the steps with me. But then I reasoned someone might have already been here at the top, on the opposite side of where I had exited. That made sense. Maybe the lighthouse belonged to them.

  Finally I caught my breath, "I'm sorry if I trespassed. I'm visiting the island with a friend and couldn't sleep and I thought I'd take a walk and..." I knew I was rambling but I was unable to help myself. It was a nervous habit.

  I could feel the person shift slightly behind me, but they said nothing. 'Please don't be a serial killer,' I thought nervously.

  "Are you going to say something?" I asked in a small voice, feeling breathless and scared. I wanted to turn around and face the person behind me but I simply could not. It felt as if some invisible force was holding me in place.

  I waited for a response but none came, the only sound was that of my heavy breath being pushed from my lungs. My heart was racing, thumping wildly against my chest. Fear prickled my skin; I could feel the hairs on the back of my neck standing up.

  "Please?" I asked, realizing that though I was unable to move away or turn around, I was able to speak. The scientific part of my brain lit with wonder, utterly awed by the fact that I was helpless. How was this happening? Was he somehow doing it? For that matter, how did I know it was a he? Or...or even human? My mind whirled at the possibility. Once you'd encountered one monster, what were the odds that you'd find another?

  Rain pelted against the walkway as the storm intensified. Lightning crackled, and the wind blew fiercely, whipping my hair about my face. I remembered something I read once long ago about the supernatural, that ghost sightings were more prevalent during storms because entities needed the raw energy to manifest. Was it the same for other supernatural beings, I wondered?

  This couldn't be happening, I tried to reason to myself. There must be some medical explanation. I was simply, suddenly, paralyzed. Or dreaming. Or I had been drugged? I quickly shifted through a list of reasonable explanations for why I couldn't turn around and face the person ...thing?...behind me.

  "Okay now, you're scaring me. I don't know what is going on but I just want to go home. Please. Please stop doing whatever it is that you're doing." I pleaded breathlessly.


  I realized that I hadn't heard it spoken aloud, but somehow heard it inside of my own thoughts. My fear heightened. My pulse quickened. In front of me, the ocean's dark water churned furiously.


  My brows pulled together as I tried to figure out what that meant. "Need what?"

  Images began to flash through my mind, images of sexual things I had done in the past, both with Jake, and with the Lizardman. However, I knew that I wasn't in charge of what I was remembering. I somehow knew that the creature behind me was invading my thoughts, viewing my sexual memories like a pornographic documentary, and watching them for his own delight.

  Rage pulsed hotly at the mental invasion, anger flashing in my eyes. "No! Those are mine! Get out of my head goddammit!" I was beyond furious that this creature knew wh
at I had done with the Lizardman.

  The images stopped at once, though I was still paralyzed. My temper eased slightly, though I was still pissed. "Now let me go!" For the briefest of moments, I thought he would. Instead, I was physically pushed forward. My hands grasped at the rain-slicked, metal of the safety-railing. Rain drenched me, and I dropped my head to keep from being blinded from it. The water soaked my tee and shorts and rolled down my arms and legs in long rivulets.

  The next moment was unreal, a lucid dream. My fear and anger dissipated as I felt an other-worldly, divine sensations crawling all over my entire body. I could see something slithering along my ankles and winding its way around my calves. Ebony tentacles, slender and sleek, curled around my legs. The feeling was unfathomable, something that didn't belong to our world. The pleasure of those crawling tentacles seared my skin and soaked through my body, igniting every pleasure point, every fiber of my being. I hummed with sexual energy.

  "W-what are you doing to me!?" I gasped the words out. "How are you doing this?!" I couldn't understand it, it made no sense that those slippery tentacles could be causing that much sexual frisson. Desire pounded through my blood.

  'They aren't even touching me intimately.' I thought with amazement.

  "Yet." The voice whispered inside of my mind. An image of myself standing against the railing flashed through my thoughts. In the vision, my clothes were off and I was naked, soaked with rain water, and covered with slithering tentacles roaming over my body. Tentacles were caressing and undulating against most of my skin at once. At the tips of some of the tentacles, little suction-cup mouths fondled my nipples and sucked them. Other streaks of ebony were curled around my hips, the tips of the tentacles were pushing into my pussy. I couldn't see his head, only strands of longish hair cascading over my shoulder. His mouth was buried in the crook of my neck, sucking on my throat.

  "You want to fuck me?" I shouted out as the erotic image faded from my mind. "You are crazy! I'm not going to-" My words faded as a loud crash of thunder rolled across the sky and shook the lighthouse. I trembled, but somehow, I knew that I was safe with him, that he would protect me from the elements.


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