Worth Fighting For (Little Blue Book 1)

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Worth Fighting For (Little Blue Book 1) Page 19

by Tigertalez

  “We do have a concern, however. As I said, her injuries were extensive, so we are unsure if our healing efforts were enough to regain her reproductive abilities.”

  Errim looked positively sick. He turned to look at Benny, before turning back at Yebiri.

  “When will you know? She wants lots of young. She deserves as many as she wants.”

  “I will run more tests when we have more time. Right now, she’s stable and healing. She was the only female seriously injured, so I made sure she had her own private room. Everyone else is either sharing, or out in the open. And you can all visit for a short time, if you wish, but medics will be in periodically, to do upkeep on her care. I do not want any others in here, except,” he looked around at the girls, “perhaps your mates. I am sure I don’t need to warn any of you to take care not to overtax her. Errim, you will be allowed to stay consistently. If you need me, press that button on the screen.”

  Yebiri pointed to an oval circle on the bottom of the display over Benny’s head. Then he turned and left, giving Maggie a kiss on her cheek as he did.

  The girls hovered around the bed for a little bit until Benny’s blue eyes fluttered open droopily, and she looked around with a slight smile.

  “Hey, guys.” Her voice came out rough and quiet.

  Relief washed through Juno and tears threatened to escape, but Juno fought them off in fear they would make Benny unhappy to see. She and the other girls all smiled back down at her, but they didn’t get a chance to say anything before Errim threw his head against her neck.

  “I’m so sorry, my blue star. I have failed you.”

  Juno’s brows rose, and she could see the other girls’ did as well. Benny looked at them curiously as she bent her arms up to hold her distraught mate.

  “How did you fail me? I’m the one who chose to stay in the cafeteria, instead of heading back to our quarters.”

  “Actually, Errim,” Juno interrupted, “in spite of what happened, Benny was probably safer where she stayed. You two live right across from me and Tasid, and we were hit by explosions, and five thugs with nefarious purposes, on our way there. I may have come out of it fine, but she could have just as easily been hurt, or worse.”

  Jeri agreed. “Yeah, you should have seen the blast that hit Yewma and Nahsee. It would have killed me if I hadn’t been just around the corner. If Benny had been with us, I would have insisted she be ahead of me, to protect her, but it would have ended up being the opposite. Kaycee, you keep fretting that it was your fault, but I’ve been thinking about it and I think she’s alive because of you. At least with you, she got help right away.”

  Benny’s eyes grew big as she looked at Juno. “I think I’m having a bad reaction to the drugs they doped me up with, ‘cuz I’m sure I didn’t hear you right. Five thugs? Nefarious purposes?”

  Errim pulled back and looked up at Juno. “I’m sure you’re right. It was crazy from the start.” He turned back to Benny. “I’m just happy you’re alive. I can handle anything, so long as you’re with me.”

  “Uh, speaking of challenges,” Juno interrupted again. She decided it would be easier for both Errim and Benny if she was the one to tell Benny the news about her injuries. Benny looked up at her, but Errim’s face was planted, once again, against her neck.

  Juno gentled her voice. “I’m sorry, Benny, but the doc came in and said that because of your injuries, they weren’t sure if their efforts were enough for you to still have kids. He’s going to run more tests later, when he gets more time, so don’t lose hope. I think with all the tech they have, that everything will be all right.”

  Benny didn’t say anything, and Juno could tell she was weakening. Right, probably too much, too fast. Juno turned to the others.

  “I think we should let her and Errim have some privacy and rest.”

  The girls agreed, and each gave Benny a kiss on her head before exiting the room.

  The place was still a bit frantic with injured, and medics rushing around, but it felt like it had calmed down considerably.

  “Guys, I’m going to go back to the kitchen and help my mate prepare some food,” Kaycee told them. She gave them all a quick hug and made her exit.

  “If you guys don’t mind, I have something I want to work on back in my quarters,” Juno told Maggie and Jeri.

  “I don’t mind. I’ll see you later, then,” Maggie told her. Maggie quickly melded into the rush of medics.

  “I didn’t see her make one clumsy mistake the whole time. You think it’s because of her mate, or because of space living?” Jeri snickered.

  “Both?” Juno giggled. “I want to stop by and see Yewma and Nahsee before I go.”

  “It’s up to you. I’ll just follow you, not so subtly, unlike those other three,” she said sarcastically and pointed a thumb behind them.

  Juno didn’t have to look to know who she was talking about. Creeleek, Krog, and Zada never stayed farther than five feet from her, with the exception of Benny’s room, where they had stood outside the door.

  Juno made her way through the lines of beds, and found the two she was looking for. She recognized Zanzazzi looking over Nahsee.

  “How is he?” she asked him.

  Zanzazzi looked up at her and gave her a grim look.

  “He is stable for now, but his vitals keep fluctuating. His injuries were severe, and it took rescue crews a long time to get to him. If he survives, he will have deformities and possible limitations. Excuse me, I need to continue my rounds.”

  Tears burned in Juno’s eyes as she heard the dour news. She nodded in answer to him and stepped aside as he passed. She looked down at Vessa, who was sitting on the floor between both Nahsee and Yewma.

  “What’d they say about Yewma?” she asked him, and turned to look at Yewma’s large frame filling the bed on her other side.

  Vessa’s voice was positive as he responded. “They will not know the full extent of his injuries until he wakes, but he is improving rapidly, and they said there is a large chance he will make a complete recovery.”

  Juno looked once again at the two males, before turning and leaving. She was now more determined than ever to see her plan become a reality.

  When she made it back to her quarters, Jeri followed her into her room, while the other three stood guard outside her door.

  “Ok, girly, talk to me. What do you have cooking in that head of yours?” Jeri asked as she plopped down on the bed, leaning back on her elbows.

  Juno started pacing. Doubt started to creep in. It sounded perfectly fine in her head, but now saying it out loud made her doubt herself. But if anyone can be straight up with me, it’s Jeri.

  Juno began telling her what she was thinking. She continued to pace, and Jeri kept quiet until she was done. Juno turned and looked at her.

  “Well, what do you think?” she asked.

  “I think it’s perfect,” Jeri answered with a smile. “It’s exactly what everyone needs, but it will be a lot of work, and we’re already stretched thin. We lost a lot of people.”

  “But that’s exactly why this is so important,” Juno said, giving her a pleading look. “Please? Will you help me?” she asked.

  “Of course, but I think we should keep it quiet until we can confirm that we can actually pull it off.”



  It was late when Juno finally made her way up to the command deck, where Tasid was still working. She approached him and noticed how tired he seemed to be. However, when he looked up and saw her, his appearance brightened considerably. He drew her into his arms and onto his lap as soon as she was within reach.

  “It is good to see you, my treasure,” he said as he rested his forehead against hers.

  “I missed you,” she told him. “I know you must have tons to do, but I wanted to see you. Is it ok?”

  “Yes. Unless we are in the middle of a battle, you are always welcome up here with me. How is Benny? I have not heard anything.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry
. I had no idea you didn’t know, or I would have informed you. She made it through surgery, and they think she will be fine, barring any unforeseen circumstances. Their only concern is that they aren’t sure if she’ll be able to have kids anymore.”

  Tasid looked very sad. “Damn, I’m sorry. I’ll remember not to tease Errim anymore, and warn the others not to as well.”

  “Tease him? How?”

  Tasid gave a sad chuckle. “He would go weak and pale every time Benny would mention having lots of kids. There was more to it, but I’ll tell you about it another time.”


  Burren interrupted them. “Sir, Councilman Adam Nuntz is asking for a private word with you.”

  Tasid sighed. “I’ll take it in the conference room. If Horo gets up here before I return, have him join me.”

  Tasid led his mate to the conference room. Zada, Creeleek, and Krog stayed out in the hall, as Tasid and Juno entered the room.

  “Where’s Jeri?” he asked, as he sat her down on his lap after he seated himself.

  “I sent her to check on the guys in medical. I wanted her to take a break, and she refused. I think she was too upset to just sit still, so I just gave her something different to do.”

  Tasid brought up the communications and connected with the councilman. Juno thought he looked even more tired than Tasid.

  “Adam, what news do you have?” Tasid asked.

  Juno stayed quiet as she listened to them talk.

  “We announced that one of the invading ships was captured and the humans on board recovered. That has given people hope that their missing loved ones might be amongst them. We have also informed the people that you guys have suffered many casualties in defense of our planet, and in tracking the ships. This was a huge boost in your favor.”

  “You lost many, too, am I right?” Tasid asked.

  “Yes. We had several fighters in the air, attempting to fight them off. Obviously our weapons didn’t do much damage, but the pilots were able to use guile to outwit the enemy. Many died, but they died heroes, and their actions saved many. Some of their governments are considering awarding the pilots medals.”

  “But not all?” Juno asked, unable to sit quiet any longer.

  “Not all,” the councilman answered tiredly. “There are two governments who chose not to, because the men violated direct orders. To them, it isn’t the outcome that matters, but that you follow orders. Those pilots have been told their reward is not getting charged with a crime. Damn shame, too. Those pilots didn’t just save their own people, they saved others as well. They’re good pilots.”

  Juno looked up at her mate. “Tasid, maybe they can come work on our ship. It shouldn’t be too difficult for them to learn how to fly the talons, could it?”

  Both Adam and Tasid were quiet for a moment. Adam broke the silence.

  “That’s not a bad idea, if you’re willing, Tasid. I know we have already hired many, and are still hiring people for the moon station, and some few for the space station, but if you hired some onto your ship, it will go a long way in public relations. But I admit I do not know enough to say if it is good for you, or not.”

  “Actually,” Tasid said in a pleased voice, “I think it is a good idea, too. We lost a lot of flyers in that attack, and we have agreed to share our tech with your people, and I like the idea of integrating more humans into our crew.”

  “More?” Adam asked, looking confused. “I wasn’t aware you had any.”

  “Yeah, me neither,” Juno said, giving her mate an equally confused look.

  Tasid looked slightly uncomfortable. He cleared his throat. “Uh, actually, you do. I’ve talked it over with Sharrow and convinced him to let Jeri continue being on your protection detail.”

  Juno squealed and threw her arms around Tasid’s neck.

  “Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!”

  Tasid squeezed Juno. “It is I who am thankful. She saved your life, and then was able to be a comfort to you after, until I was able to get to you. You were right. There are some things she could do that the other males can’t.”

  Juno pulled back and looked up at Tasid. “I can’t believe Sharrow agreed. We all thought it was going to get ugly between the two of them.”

  Tasid chuckled. “I confess, I did, too, but after hearing what she did, he couldn’t have been more proud. He even told me of some ideas Jeri has. I have given him the go-ahead to investigate those ideas further.”

  Juno felt tears welling up in her eyes. “I’m so happy to hear that.”

  Juno sat quietly as Tasid and Adam continued to talk about a few other details, and then the call was disconnected.

  “So Jurresh and Adonna are on their way back?” she asked, after hearing Tasid inform Adam of it.

  “Yes. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner. They made the decision right after they heard about the attack on you, and about Benny’s injuries. That reminds me, they haven’t heard any updates, since I hadn’t. Maybe you would like to call and tell them really quick, that she’s doing better.”


  Horo entered the room just as Jurresh connected. Tasid excused himself, and placed Juno on the seat before he walked over to him. They started talking quietly as Juno focused on Jurresh. Before she could say a word, however, Adonna was there with him.

  “Juno, my daughter, I am so happy to see you are all right. How is Benny? I’ve been worried sick about her, all day.”

  Juno gave her an apologetic look. “I’m so sorry you had to wait so long. I would have updated you sooner, had I known.”

  They talked for a while, Juno telling both of them everything that happened and answering questions Jurresh asked. After the call ended, Tasid took Juno to medical. They both visited several of the injured, especially Yewma and Nahsee—who, to her relief, were both improving—before checking in on Benny. Juno was surprised they were still awake. It was late.

  Tasid placed a hand on Errim’s shoulder in silent support. He looked at Benny.

  “How are you feeling?” he asked her.

  Juno could tell Benny was upset, in spite of putting on a brave face.

  “I’ll be fine,” she answered.

  “Bull-crap,” Juno told her. “We’re family. Tell the truth.”

  Benny’s face fell a little. Then she shrugged. “I’m upset, sure, but I’ll be fine, really. I told Errim we could just adopt, or get a surrogate, or something. It’s just one obstacle in a road of many to conquer in life. I don’t want to think about it anymore until after more tests are run.”

  Juno grabbed Benny’s hand. “Okay, uh, oh, I can tell you that Jurresh and Adonna are on their way back. They were really worried about you, and I guess there was a miscommunication thing, so they were worried about you all day. Adonna nearly cried in relief when I told her just a little bit ago that you were all right.”

  Benny smiled sweetly. “I love that woman, uh, female. I swear she’s the mother we all never had.”

  “I know, right?” Juno giggled. “I guess she was ready to flay Jurresh if he didn’t bring her back to dote over us. He told me it was a good thing he was already in agreement without her threat.”

  Benny’s eyes lit up. “I can’t wait for Christmas.” Benny looked first at Errim, then Tasid. “That’s a holiday we can’t go without. It’s all about family, and giving, and miracles.”

  “That’s right,” Juno said, turning to the two males. “And you guys are family now.” Juno laughed as she looked back at Benny.

  “Can you imagine the spaceship all decked out in yuletide joy?”

  “Gives a whole new meaning to ‘Deck the Halls’,” Benny laughed, but lightly, keeping a hand on her stomach.

  Juno laughed at her comment. Then both girls laughed harder at the befuddled looks on their mates’ faces.

  “Ow, ow, ow.” Benny hissed, holding her stomach, and giggled some more.

  The rest of their visit was light and positive. Finally Tasid led Juno back to their quart
ers where he helped her into bed, then wrapped himself around her, giving her comfort, and protection, and love. Juno gave a contented sigh before falling fast asleep.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Juno’s long, dark auburn hair lightened to a red color in the warm late morning sun, as she stood next to Tasid in front of their entire crew, and the crew of the space station, and Earth’s galactic council, and their friends and family. Surrounding them all were masses of humans, dotted with news crews, reporters, and photographers all wanting to watch and record today’s event. Juno watched as Adam Nuntz stepped up to the microphone.

  “As humans, we are many things, among them, persevering, adaptable, and resourceful, to name a few, but we have always pushed ourselves, to better ourselves. However, before life from outside our solar system arrived, we were divided. Our priorities differed. Our beliefs differed. Our tolerances differed. This has caused wars, oppression, and many other negative effects, but today, I stand before you as proof that we are now taking our first steps to making our differences benefit all. For that, we have created a council that represents our planet as a whole, to the galaxy. Our mutual goal is to unite all of humanity together while still preserving our different cultures and customs to cohesively represent the best of who we are to our new allies throughout the galaxy. We have taken huge strides, but we have still so far to go. One dispute has arisen over our name.

  “So far, everyone has been calling it ‘Earth’s Galactic Council’, but we felt it didn’t quite fit since we have discovered issues with the name in certain talks and negotiations. We were in need of a name that would represent our authority throughout our solar system, without compromising the separate needs of our planet and others we plan to settle in our solar system. And before you ask, yes, we plan to place a settlement on Mars.”

  People chuckled, clapped, and cheered at his exaggerated roll of his eyes and the news about Mars. Juno didn’t blame him. With a city being built on the moon, and many being given approval to live there, there had been heavy inquiries into whether they would be making one on Mars as well.

  “Recently,” he went on, “I was informed that our intergalactic friends, the ones who had discovered us, endearingly call our planet Little Blue. This inspired everyone on the council to finally agree to a name. So I am excited to announce, the new, official name our Earth’s galactic council is The Little Blue Galactic Assembly.”


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