Love on the Rocks (Bar Tenders)

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Love on the Rocks (Bar Tenders) Page 9

by Melanie Tushmore

  “Oh, yes,” he breathed. “Oh, God.”

  “You want it?” Justin pushed in deeper, more forceful.

  Yena cried out, his hands snapping around Justin’s upper arms, nails digging in. “Oh, God, Justin, fuck me. Do it.”

  Justin responded with a grunt, pulling out halfway then pushing in, slow and deep. “Mmm. Like that?”

  “Oh, yeah,” he groaned. “More!”

  Justin gave it to him. He pulled out and shoved back inside, making Yena cry out. He wrapped his legs around Justin’s body, and on the next thrust in he pushed up to meet him, driving Justin even deeper. Grunts and other loud noises spilled from Justin’s mouth, and in the back of his mind, he was pleased his cousin wasn’t home to hear this.

  Driving in faster, Justin gripped the edge of the mattress. He fucked with deep, smooth thrusts, and Yena groaned in encouragement. His breaths were stuttered, and he watched Justin with glittering eyes. Pressure built in Justin’s balls, drawing them up. He almost lost his rhythm once, something he never normally did.

  “Justin, I’m coming.” The words were breathless, and Justin leaned in to latch his mouth onto Yena’s, kissing him through his release. His gasps and moans were sexy as hell. The way his body clenched around Justin’s cock tipped him over the edge, and he sped toward orgasm. He had to wrench his mouth free in order to draw in enough air. He felt breathless, sideswiped by pleasure.

  When he collapsed on top of Yena, they were both gasping. Justin blinked blindly into the dark curls of Yena’s

  Chapter Nine

  I AM in so much trouble.

  Sleep eluded him, and as he listened to the sound of Yena breathing in the dark, curled against him in bed, Justin knew he was in serious trouble. How could he possibly fall for someone this quickly? When had it happened, exactly?

  Exhausted, yet buzzing with nervous energy, Justin tried to pinpoint it. He went through in his mind everything from their first meeting, then their first date, to tonight. Yena’s smile, the way he spoke, the way he smelled.

  Justin wasn’t thinking clearly. He knew that, and yet he couldn’t stop it. Couldn’t stop picturing Yena in his mind, even with him sleeping right there, within touching distance. Pictured him on his back, pictured the look on his face when they locked eyes as Justin pushed into him. The sounds he made when he came….

  Justin’s cock grew hard. He definitely wasn’t thinking clearly. They’d already had sex twice tonight; how he possibly had any left, Justin didn’t know. And yet here he was, horny as hell.

  And nervous. Very, very nervous. While Yena slept peacefully beside him.

  Justin harrumphed and shifted onto his back carefully. He frowned up at his ceiling and the light fitting he’d made. Even looking at that brought back memories. When he was doing that project at Uni in Brighton, he’d only just got his part-time job at Rainbows.

  And met Matt.

  Justin took a deep breath in and let it out slowly. Then repeated it several times. His heart was still thudding. Stop thinking about it. Stop thinking, end of.

  If only his brain would be quiet and shut down. Closing his eyes, Justin tried to meditate. Count sheep. Recite his dance steps. Anything. But he still heard Yena breathing next to him. A sudden, light sigh escaped Yena’s mouth, and Justin’s eyes flew open. One little sound, and he was on high alert. That sigh had almost sounded like a moan… could well have been. Was Yena dreaming about him?

  His cock throbbed at the thought. Oh God, he wanted Yena to dream about him. Justin wanted this, he did. Was it too soon? How the hell did he proceed now?

  Justin panicked away the time, and slowly the gloom gave way to morning light. Songbirds chirped happily outside. Justin couldn’t ever remember hearing birds near the flat before. Even the distant traffic sounds starting up sounded friendly and soothing.

  Eventually, Justin’s bladder demanded attention. He craned his head to his alarm clock on the floor, seeing it wasn’t even nine yet.

  Far too early to be awake.

  He gently extracted himself from the bed and pulled on his comfy bathrobe. He glanced down at Yena, still asleep. His dark curls looked wild and sexy in such a disarray. A smile tugged on Justin’s lips before he caught himself, and he made off for the bathroom with it still there.

  Tara’s bedroom door was shut, so she’d gotten back from her late shift. Justin panicked anew about Tara and Yena running into each other later. He hoped it wouldn’t be too awkward. Yena might want to rush off, anyway.

  That thought made Justin’s nerves jangle. The morning after. Never great, but…. Yena wouldn’t rush off, would he?

  Trying to pee when he was this nervous, and also a little turned on, was difficult. Justin had to make himself calm down before it could happen. Afterward, he washed his hands and face and brushed his teeth. His hair looked all right, artfully messy. Not a whole lot different from when he styled it, really. Justin still fussed in the mirror.

  When he returned to his bedroom, he was relieved Yena hadn’t woken up. Justin flung off his robe, then, as gracefully as he could, climbed back into bed.

  Yena stirred as Justin settled in. He held his breath, watching as Yena’s eyes blinked open. They looked impossibly dark. Justin longed to reach out and brush some of the hair away from his face, but nerves froze his limbs. He did manage a smile, at least. “Hey.”

  Yena smiled back at him, then closed his eyes again. “Mmm. What time is it?”

  “Still before nine,” Justin said. He settled into the bed properly, lying down on his side. Yena moved closer, and Justin was both thrilled and terrified at that. They wriggled into position until their bodies melded, with Yena tucking his head into Justin’s neck. His breath heated Justin’s skin, and his body felt deliciously warm.

  After Justin had recovered from the pleasant surprise of the embrace, the closeness of Yena’s body had him instantly horny again. His cock hardened eagerly, pressing on Yena’s stomach. In turn, Justin felt a hardening member against his hip. He grunted in appreciation and rolled his hips, seeking friction. Yena hummed in response and then pulled away, his eyes half-lidded.

  “Hold up,” he said, sounding sleepy. “I need your bathroom.”

  Justin bit back a grumble. “Sure, help yourself. Borrow my robe, if you want.”

  He waited while Yena staggered out of bed, catching an enticing view of his naked body before he covered up with the robe. Justin scooted over in the bed, arranging himself attractively.

  Hoping he looked attractive. Why was he worrying so much?

  Justin’s heart sped up again when he heard the toilet flush, then the squeaky tap in the sink. He hadn’t explained to Yena about only using the hot water tap; the cold one was bust. Oh well. A few moments later, footsteps on the floorboards. Justin rearranged himself again, trying to appear relaxed when Yena reentered the room.

  He looked absolutely ravishing in Justin’s powder blue bathrobe, if a little skittish. “Um… sorry about the noise,” he said, approaching the bed. “I didn’t know your tap would be so loud.”

  “Oh.” Justin grinned. “It’s cool.” I don’t care about the tap, come back to bed. He held an arm out until Yena took the hint and removed the robe. Justin’s eyes raked over Yena’s body, all smooth skin and so inviting. His cock was firm, bobbing lightly as he moved. Justin lost all coherent thought then; the only thing he wanted—no, needed—was skin-to-skin contact.

  Justin flipped back the covers as Yena got into bed. He pounced, pulling Yena under him, which produced a startled sound followed by a chuckle. Justin gazed into those dark eyes as he covered Yena’s body with his own, rubbing and grinding and seeking to fit. Yena parted his legs to give Justin room, his arms hooking around Justin’s shoulders. Their erections nudged together, gloriously hard. Justin kissed Yena’s mouth; he tasted toothpaste, and underneath that, the sweet tang of Yena’s own flavor.

  They kissed softly at first, and then Justin opened his mouth to kiss harder, delving deep with his tongue while g
rinding his cock against soft skin. It wasn’t enough. Justin needed more. He couldn’t remember wanting to be inside someone this much; the need was tearing him apart. His cock leaked with want, and he could feel the wetness coming from Yena, too, slicking trails on his skin.

  Yena broke the kiss, just enough to gasp in air. Justin moved his mouth to Yena’s neck, sucking sweet-smelling skin and lapping at it with his tongue. He wanted sex, wanted that connection more than anything. Yena’s body seemed willing, showing he was receptive, yet Justin found himself stalling, too nervous to voice the words.

  They kissed again, Justin hoping he’d build up to asking the question. He’d do anything Yena wanted, even if it meant going without.

  “Justin.” Yena broke away, his breath hot in Justin’s ear. “Get the lube.”

  Hope flared in him, and Justin did as he was ordered. Slicking his fingers, he gazed down at Yena with a smile. “What do you want, gorgeous?”

  He smiled back, then opened his legs in invitation, hitching his knees up. “I want you inside me,” he murmured.

  “Mmm, I was hoping you’d say that.” Justin didn’t waste any time moving close to his lover, brushing his lips over the glistening head of Yena’s cock before opening his mouth. Yena panted as Justin’s mouth enveloped him and whimpered as Justin speared two fingers into his opening, slippery with lube.

  Yena wasn’t as tight as before, not after all their fucking last night, but Justin still took great care as he moved his fingers, to the point of being gentle. He spread the lube, feeling around the tight channel with his fingers. His cock throbbed with want, but Justin ignored it as best he could for now. His partner was more important.

  As Justin added more lube and started the internal massage in earnest, Yena writhed back on the bed, his legs twisting around Justin one moment, then spreading open the next.

  “Ahh.” His pretty face screwed tight as he grunted. “Oh fuck, you’re good at that.”

  Justin glowed with the praise, but he didn’t stop. He had a mouthful of smooth, hard cock, and he loved the taste of Yena’s precome bursting on his tongue; bitter and sweet, absolutely wonderful. The noises he made as he came closer to release turned Justin on so much. He wanted to see, to watch. He lifted his head, removing his mouth from Yena’s cock with one final lick.

  He sat up, grasping Yena’s hand and guiding it to his cock. “Touch yourself for me. I want to watch you come.”

  Yena blinked back at him, his reactions dazed. Justin circled his fingers inside Yena, drawing a moan from him as he pressed on his prostate. With his free hand, he covered Yena’s own, forming a tight cage for Yena to thrust into.

  “C’mon, baby,” Justin purred. “Come for me. You look so fucking hot right now.”

  Yena whimpered, his brow furrowing as he closed his eyes. Justin kept the pressure with his fingers, knowing what would feel good, loving the reactions Yena gave him. He’d ignored his own cock for what seemed like ages now, but he couldn’t even care; he felt close to the brink watching Yena writhe onto his fingers.

  Fuck, any more of this and Justin would be coming himself.

  Then Yena’s body tensed, his lower muscles clenching around Justin’s hand. His balls tensed, his stomach pulled taut, and he threw his head back as he cried out. His cock spurted his release, dribbling through both their fingers. Justin kept moving his hand up and down, forcing Yena to draw it out. He groaned in ecstasy, his free hand clutching on to Justin’s thigh, pinching hard as he hung on.

  When he opened his eyes, gasping openmouthed as he looked up at him, Justin wanted to speak. Wanted to, but couldn’t find the words. Too many emotions bubbled under the surface, and Justin knew he wasn’t thinking straight anyway.

  It was his turn.

  Though he wished he didn’t have to wear one, Justin went to find a condom and roll it onto his sensitive cock. He gripped the base, mostly to stop himself from coming, and guided it to Yena’s body.

  Yena was still breathing deeply, not fully recovered from his release. Sated and breathless, he remained on his back as Justin got into position. It seemed the easiest way to do things, as Yena didn’t seem like he was ready to move. Justin loved sleepy morning sex, but this felt so much different. Facing his partner like this, in the light of day, Justin realized how exposed he felt.

  His cock nudged into, and then breached, Yena’s tight opening. Justin watched the play of expression across Yena’s face, from the slight wince as he pressed in deeper, to a lustful gaze as Justin began rocking his hips, fucking him slowly.

  Justin knew his own face was probably giving away everything he felt too. Once their eyes locked, Justin felt as though his heart balanced on the highest peak, about to go into freefall. This was it. He couldn’t stop it. Even knowing it was happening inside him, he couldn’t stop. He’d totally fallen for this man.

  Shyly, Justin looked away, burying his face in Yena’s neck. He sucked on soft, yielding skin as he thrust into Yena’s body, building closer to his climax. Yena moved one leg higher, hooking it around Justin’s waist to give him the room to push and grind. His breaths were labored, and his hands clung to Justin’s shoulders.

  Then he whispered, right in Justin’s ear, the dirtiest and most amazing thing Justin had ever heard. “Justin… you fuck me so good.”

  Justin’s brain spiraled, his orgasm rushing forward with such force it shocked him. He was coming, and he groaned loudly. Justin gave himself over to the clench and release, more intense than last night’s, as he emptied himself, clinging to his partner like he was the only anchor in the world.

  When he collapsed, breathless, it took more than a few moments for Justin’s brain to catch up. The ecstasy had passed, and now he worried he’d exposed too much of himself too soon. He removed himself from Yena with a mumbled apology for crushing him. He avoided looking him in the eye, busying himself with getting rid of the condom instead.

  What now?

  Justin’s brain wasn’t up to this level of thinking. Not after an orgasm like that. Never, ever that good before.

  Not caring about the sticky sheets, Justin pulled up the comforter and intended to avoid everything by going straight to sleep. To his relief, Yena curled up against him and seemed like he agreed with that plan. Justin draped an arm over Yena’s body, pulling him close.

  Best date ever, Justin thought, as sleep finally claimed him.

  Chapter Ten

  WHEN HE woke, Justin felt groggy. The aftereffects of all that alcohol, plus not enough sleep, weighed on his head like a ten-ton truck. He’d definitely lay off the booze for a while.

  Yena was awake too, seeming just as sleepy. He began to sit up, and Justin blurted out, “Do you want a shower?”

  “It’s okay,” Yena said quietly, stifling a yawn. He looked at Justin’s clock. It was after twelve. “I should probably get going. I’ve got to work at five.”

  “I thought you opened at four?”

  “Yeah, we do.” Yena yawned again. “But I’m not opening today, Kathy is. I’m just going in to start at five.”

  “Oh. Well, look, have a shower anyway,” Justin insisted. His fingers fiddled with the edge of his comforter as he avoided looking at Yena and his naked body. “I’ll make you breakfast… or, lunch…. And coffee.”

  Yena paused. Justin had obviously said the magic words.

  “You can use my stuff,” Justin pressed on. “We have every toiletry imaginable.”


  “The leopard print or blue towels are mine. Use any of them. They’re all in the bathroom.”

  Yena smiled at him. “Leopard print?”

  Justin felt his cheeks heat. “They were on offer at Primark.”

  “You like your animal prints, don’t you, Justin?”

  A glance around his room proved the point; there was animal print everywhere, from rugs and pillows to the occasional item of clothing. Justin shrugged. “Hah. What can I say? I’m an animal.”

  Yena chuckled. “I’m not going t
o argue with that.”

  “Mmm.” Grinning wide, Justin reached for him, dragging Yena back into bed. He kissed Yena’s neck and jawline, running his hands around his shoulders, then scraping down his chest. As much as he wanted to do more, Justin’s energy levels were low. This was nice, though.

  Unless Yena thought he was too clingy?

  Justin pulled back a little, and in the light he noticed the livid marks on Yena’s neck, which must’ve been his love bites from last night. Justin’s eyes widened, but he didn’t say anything. He didn’t know what Yena would think of those. “Er… so, yeah. Help yourself to a shower. Take as long as you want. There’s always hot water.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, positive.” Justin sat up and stretched. “I’ll have one after you, and then I’ll ransack the kitchen for us.”

  Yena was quiet for a moment, as if considering. Justin didn’t see what the big deal was, but he knew if the roles were reversed, he’d feel wary about overstaying his welcome too.

  “Okay,” Yena finally agreed. “Thank you. I’m going to use a leopard print towel.”

  Justin grinned. “Be my guest.” The words almost prompted him to start singing the song of the same name, but he yawned instead. Coffee first.

  When Yena went into the main bathroom, Justin pulled some pants on and set about straightening his room. He turned on the TV to something trivial and chatty, and not too loud. He made his bed, resolving he’d change the sheets later on. He wanted Yena to feel as welcome as possible. Big, satiny throw pillows were arranged on the bed, turning it into an impromptu couch. Justin and Tara usually watched movies together like this.

  Looking for Tara, Justin padded out to the hall. Her bedroom door was partway open, and Justin peeked inside. No one there. She must’ve gone out. He yawned again and headed for the kitchen, making a beeline for the kettle.

  This morning after called for the best coffee he had. Justin had forked out a whole four quid to buy the barista-style instant stuff, which made gorgeous, latte coffee. Perfect. He set out the cups and utensils with the precision of a barman, although his motor functions were a little slow. As the kettle boiled, he padded over to the bathroom.


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