Wishful Thinking

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Wishful Thinking Page 3

by Sandra Sookoo

  Interesting theory, but highly unbelievable. She couldn't think clearly with him as a distraction. “What do I do with you now that you’re here?” Her eyes flew open when his fingers dipped beneath the blouse to trace the lacy edge of her bra. The goosebumps on her skin fled in the face of fires erupting in her bloodstream. Maybe it wasn't all that unbelievable after all. God, he'd morph her into pudding before too long.

  “Nothing you don’t wish to do. I am here to make your life better.” He pressed his lips to her neck, sucking gently. “I am yours to command and will do whatever you ask. When you have no more need of me, I will return to my prison for another hundred years.”

  She shivered, from his attention or his words she couldn't determine. “How sad.”

  “Indeed, but it is more than worth it to be able to touch you after waiting for you to find me all this time. Of course, the consequences of your actions will likely come into play before that happens. Again I ask, do you agree to abide by them?”

  An answer died in her throat, forced away by a squeak. Instead, she nodded, anything to see what else he'd do to her. Another chuckle heated her ear. Rand slid his hands beneath her blouse, under the confining lace of her bra to cup her breasts in his big, warm hands. Jovie sat straighter in the chair. His touch electrified her, awakened dormant need. Slowly, he moved his palms until his fingertips brushed her nipples, teasing, tormenting the buds until they hardened from his play.

  “Rand, stop.”

  “Is that what you truly desire?” He pinched the distended tips, rolling them between his thumbs and forefingers, tugging lightly.

  “No.” Her voice was low and breathy. She couldn’t think about anything but his hands on her body.

  “Then I will continue.” He came around the chair and knelt on the floor before her. With mischief in his eyes and a smile on his lips, he worked the buttons of her shirt, not pausing until every one of them was undone and the blouse spread open. “You are a beautiful woman, Jovie. You need a man to tell you this many times a day. I will do this many times before we part.”

  She said nothing, only looked deep into his vivid eyes, watching in fascination as he freed a breast from its lacy confines. When he did the same with the other and held them in his hands as if weighing them, she gripped the arm rests of the chair. Her nails dug into the leather.

  “Oh, my sweet, if you only knew what you do to me.” He took one rosy tip into his mouth and suckled.

  Her back arched of its own violation. A cry of pleasure tore from her throat as he teased with his teeth, swept his tongue back and forth over the tender puckered flesh. She barely had time to catch her breath before he gave the same treatment to the other one, biting and tormenting as moisture dampened her panties.

  Never had a man’s touch set her on fire as his did now. Her eyelids fluttered closed and her lips tugged upward with a pleased smile. She wondered if she’d lose every ounce of restraint she owned as he kissed and fondled her breasts. It was a minor issue, and one she couldn’t spare the effort to think about now. She slid down in the chair as white hot energy spiraled through her body, zipped low through her belly to lodge between her thighs.

  The ache he’d awakened deep inside grew and blossomed into a voracious entity. She wanted more. A feeling of delicious drowsiness overcame her, so light and drugging she imagined herself flying through the nether world he'd spoken of. Time to take things to the next level. She struggled into a seated position, opening her eyes.

  Rand had disappeared.

  She glanced down at herself. No longer was she a disheveled mess. The bra respectfully covered her breasts that still tingled from his attention. The buttons of her blouse were once more in place as if they’d never been touched. Darting a glance to the table, her jaw dropped. Instead of the massive pile of scattered paperwork, a pyramid of six gold blocks waited at the end of the polished surface. Near her elbow, a list of potential clients rested, the words in golden ink with tentative dates for upcoming future events trailing over the page.

  The task had been completed, but her dream lover from another realm had vanished without a word or chance to say goodbye. Was this the consequence he hinted about?

  Chapter Four

  Her throat dry, Jovie dragged herself out of the chair and over to the catering cart, picked up her untouched teacup and swallowed several gulps of the nearly cold liquid. Had she imagined the whole incident? Stress over Clinton's stunt could have done that to her, yet it had seemed so real. Gingerly touching a fingertip to a breast, she frowned at the tenderness and her nipple’s instant response. It wasn’t possible that she’d blacked out or fallen asleep. She remembered every teasing caress Rand had given her. Even now the recollection caused her insides to heat.

  So where the hell did he go? And what did she do now that she'd created a whole fairy tale incident, a fantasy dream that had left her on edge?

  Feeling ten kinds of foolish, she removed the small lid from the creamer pot and peered inside. Nothing but milk met her gaze. What did you expect, Jovie? A sexy guy floating around on a tiny inner tube? Replacing the top, she drained the rest of the tea from her cup and had barely rested the piece of porcelain on the tray when a firm knock sounded and the door swung open.

  Clinton stood in the frame. “I came to offer you another chance at freedom…” His words trailed away as his gaze landed on the six gold bars at the end of the table. Astonishment spread over his face. His eyes widened with shock. “Damn, Jovie. I had no idea you could really get the job done.”

  She shrugged. “Sometimes people can surprise you, I guess.” Another surreptitious glance about the room didn’t reveal Rand’s form. A lump of disappointment rose in her throat. She swallowed it.


  If I knew that, I wouldn't be stuck here, would I? “Well, I passed the test not to mention there's a dozen new parties booked for the next three months. I’m going home.” Which meant leaving Rand, except he apparently had no trouble vanishing without consulting her. Consequence? Making her all heated without release? What the hell sort of fantasy was that? She bit her bottom lip. Didn't matter. The chance to get away from Clinton outweighed the first decision. As she sprinted through the open doorway, she collided into Dan.

  “Leaving so soon?” He gripped her arm and half-tugged, half-pushed her into the conference room. “Clinton, I told you we have to let her out…” A strangled sound issued from him when he spied the golden brick in Clinton’s hand. “Oh, my God.”

  “I know.” The men exchanged a telling glance. “Let’s see if she can do it again.”

  Jovie squawked in protest while Dan shook his head and maintained his grip on her arm. “I finished what you asked! You said if the papers were turned into gold bars I could go home. You can see the proof.” Her attempts to break away from her boss netted her nothing but pain in the arm. "You have more than enough, plus a list of brand new customers."

  “True, but then I had no idea you could actually pull off this miracle.” Dan shoved her ahead of him in order to maneuver closer to the gold. “I’m thinking if you had no problems making this happen in less than two hours, you’ll have no issues repeating it in another two.”

  “What if she can do it again?” Clinton’s eyes glowed with avarice. “We could split the gold and both come away extremely rich.”

  Gluttony swam through Dan’s answering smile. “Keep our little Midas company. I'll go dig out the archives from two years ago.” Finally he let go her arm. “I’ll be right back.”

  Desperation set in and spurred Jovie into action. “Clinton, you know, deep down in that black heart of yours, this is wrong. Convince Dan to let me go.” She hated being reduced to beg, and to Clinton of all people, but she’d try anything to get out of the room.

  “Oh, does this mean you’ve changed your mind about giving me what I want?” He laid one hand on the golden pyramid.

  “I don’t know.” Her inability to grow a spine frustrated her.

  Hardness accompanie
d his grin. “I’ve fanaticized about pumping my cock into your mouth.”

  Fighting back the urge to dry heave, Jovie stood her ground. “Not even if you were the last man on earth. For once, can you act like a human and do the decent thing?” Rand's words rang clear in her head. Maybe it was time to start demanding respect from this loser.

  “Not when it’s my career or yours, babe.”

  At that moment, Dan returned and dumped a second copy paper box of papers on the table. They slid down the polished length. A few rained down upon the floor. “Round two.”

  “I’ll come back in a couple of hours. Good luck.” As Clinton passed her, he pinched her rear end. “Maybe you’ll be desperate enough then.”

  Jovie raced after him, but he slammed the door in her face. “Clinton, at least give me the phone.” She laid her forehead against the door as tears of frustration pricked her eyes. How did they expect her to troll up new customers without at least that?

  This time, being left behind felt twice as lonely—especially when she already knew she had nothing to do with completing the task the last time around. Yes, it was done, but she wanted the feeling of accomplishment. "Damn it, Rand, why'd you go away?" Her choked whisper sounded as desolate as the wind.

  “I never left you. Don’t despair, beautiful one. Do not waste time on a man such as him.”

  The deep voice in her ear and the beach-like scent of him caused her to wobble. She whipped around. His vivid gaze captured hers. “Where did you go?” Powerful waves of relief swept through her. She looked him up and down as if she hadn’t seen him in months. “I thought you abandoned me.” How had she come to rely on him so much so soon? Granted, the circumstances were bizarre, but the feelings he inspired went deeper and beyond the here and now. She tucked the doubts away for analyzing later.

  “Never.” He gripped her hips, propelling her backward until the door stopped the movement. “I would not leave you in such dire straits.”

  “You plan to help me this time as well?” Jovie smiled and lifted her face for the kiss she wanted.

  “Of course, but as before, there is a matter of payment.” He crushed his mouth to hers, teasing his tongue along her bottom lip, tracing its arc until she invited him inside.

  She threaded her fingers into his hair, cupping the back of his head and holding him closer so she could deepen the kiss. Sucking his tongue into her mouth, she giggled when he groaned with obvious enjoyment while she explored every hidden recess of his mouth. He tasted of the same spices as before only this time there was a bit of sweetness about him. Cream perhaps? A product of his environment? A detail of her deranged mind?

  The thought tickled her brain and she pulled away with a sigh of regret. “I don’t know what I can give you this time.” She wondered again about this strange being that appeared when she needed him the most. A part of her wished he would stay forever. After all, what woman wouldn’t want a sexy man who paid her compliments and gave her pleasure with no strings attached?

  “Since I have your earrings, I’d like the matching necklace.” He swirled his tongue around the diamond solitaire pendant resting at the hollow of her throat.

  The hair on her arms prickled and her nipples followed suit, even more so when he brushed the pads of his thumbs over them. “Take the necklace. Anything for my freedom.”

  "Freedom is such a relative term." Rand’s eyes gleamed. “Turn around so I may slip it from your lovely neck.”

  Once she’d done as instructed, she felt him move her hair over her right shoulder then his fingers brushed her nape as he manipulated the clasp and removed the necklace.

  “Thank you, my sweet.” When she would have twisted to face him, he put his hands on her shoulders, keeping her in place. “Now I want to talk about you.”

  “I want to see you.” When he again pressed a gossamer kiss to her neck, the sensation coursed through her veins. She shifted as her underwear dampened from her arousal.

  “Not yet, sweetness. I am not finished showing you how desirable you are.” He teased his tongue along the sensitive spot beneath her left ear. “Take off your panties. You won’t need them again this night.”

  Fear cooled the desire that simmered below her skin. “Are you sure?” Just thinking about what he would do made her body nearly hum with excitement, yet was it wise? She knew nothing about him except his fantastical tale.

  “Very much so.”

  Was she insane to want to give into this man? She bit her bottom lip. Nothing about this evening had made sense, though. Hell, she might as well enjoy the attention. Quickly, before she could change her mind, Jovie shimmied out of the underwear and dangled the lacy panties from a finger. It seemed too weird to drop them on the floor.

  Rand solved the problem for her when he took the drawers, snapped his fingers and made them disappear. “A souvenir from a lovely woman. I’ll treasure them.”

  Her heart melted a little bit … even though another part of her was grossed out. She raised a hand to touch him, but he shook his head.

  “Face the door and spread your legs for me, kitten.”

  “I don’t think—” His playful smack on her rear cut off her protest.

  “No thinking.”

  She did as he asked, feeling stupid as she widened her stance to shoulder width. Old insecurities clawed at her insides. What did she look like to him? Did he think her too fat, too ugly, too insecure?

  “Concentrate on my words; on what I’m doing to you.” He bit her earlobe and leaned into her. “I’m hard for you, Jovie. Your curves were made for pleasure. You tempt me beyond all desires in the universe.” His erect cock pressed insistently against the small of her back. “Now, put your palms against the door and no matter what happens, don’t move them.”

  Apprehension skittered down her spine. It was an unusual request—even for this night or hallucination. “But—”

  “I won’t hurt you. Do you trust me?”

  Did she? She felt no fear, only anticipation. “Yes.”

  “Good. I hope you will remember that when it counts.”

  "Meaning?" His vague references to something he obviously knew about were beginning to be annoying.

  "It is not important in this moment." He licked the shell of her ear. “I promise you will enjoy this.” He waited until she’d followed the order. “Relax and tell me why you allow those pathetic excuses for males to treat you so badly.”

  Already distracted by her pseudo-dream lover, Jovie took a deep breath and stared at the grain in the wood door. “My mom always taught me that well-behaved women don’t cause a scene, don’t do anything to create conflict. I try to do whatever Dan and Clinton tell me in the hopes I’ll be promoted for a good work ethic.”

  “Do you not have free will?” He inched her skirt up then bunched it around her waist.

  When the cool air hit her ass cheeks, she sucked in a surprised breath. “I do but the guys never listen to my ideas. I’m afraid if I assert myself and disagree with them, I’ll be fired.” An electric-like shock jolted through her when he knelt, running his hands along the outside of her legs.

  “There are other jobs.”

  “I know. I want to succeed here. I’d love to show those bastards I’m good at what I do.” She held her bottom lip between her teeth as his busy fingers brushed up the inside of her thighs, barely touching her curls, teasing. She held her breath in expectation.

  Would he move higher?

  “The only way to succeed is to make your own chances. Do not be afraid, my princess. Fear imprisons you, holds you back. You cannot realize your dreams from a cage.”

  “Why do you think I’m afraid?” He rubbed the fingers of one hand through her curls, caressing her wet folds from front to back, igniting everything and nothing all at once, so light was his touch. A tiny moan escaped her throat. Tingly threads of sensation lanced through her core. “Rand?”

  No response.

  As she tried to look over her shoulder, he spanked an ass cheek and she sque

  “Let’s begin your education in confidence. I will hear no more talk of your fear.”

  Chapter Five

  There was no time to react, object or even agree to what he had in mind.

  Rand played his fingers along her inner thighs as if she were a piano and he the musician. The feather-light softness of his skin against hers sent the horde of butterflies in her stomach into a tailspin. Higher and higher he teased until he was once more rifling through her curls.

  When he slid a finger along her sex, she sucked in a breath and whimpered. The longer he remained, the wetter she became. He didn’t seem to mind for he moved back and forth, letting her get acclimated to the feelings crashing over her.

  “When you see those men again, I want you to assert yourself. Tell them what you mean to do and why you will do it.” The rich timbre of his voice echoed in her chest.

  It made her feel for one moment that she could indeed accomplish her dreams, but then she shook her head, daring to remove one hand from the door in order to look back at him. “I can’t. They’ll fire me. They've already said as much if I don't fix those contracts.” The fact that her rump was in prime viewing space for him caused her stomach to pitch with nerves. She wasn’t the type of woman made for this sort of thing—too big, too jiggly, too—.

  “That is untrue. Your body is very worthy of being loved, as are you.” To accent his words, he bit her right hip.

  Shivery sensation ebbed around her. “You can read my mind?”

  “I cannot. I can read your body language, though.” He bit her left hip this time.

  She yelped and her face burned. “Thank you, but I still can’t do what you ask.”

  “Nonsense. There are other jobs away from here in your line of work.”

  “I’m not good enough for that yet. I still need more training.” When Rand smacked her ass again, Jovie squeaked. Heat gathered at the spot. “I’m sorry.” Her body cried out to be touched, if only to experience the pain-tipped pleasure again. She longed to explore the new world he'd unlocked.


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