Forsaken (Ancients of Light #1)

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Forsaken (Ancients of Light #1) Page 5

by Heather Fleener

  Ella was panting and running her hands feverishly over his chest, leaning up in an attempt to get his lips back to hers. He grinned at her impatience. It was her turn to study him, and even with the haze of passion fogging her brain, she realized that like this, he was even more appealing. Carefree, his hair tousled and amusement lighting his features, he was darkly handsome.

  Cole’s eyes locked on and held hers for long minutes, neither of them moving or looking away. Ella felt vulnerable at the magnitude of the intimacy of the exchange, but she wouldn’t have broken it for anything. Finally he smiled tenderly and rolled his hips into her softness once more, raising a moan from her. His voice went low and husky with his simple statement, “You’re a treasure, Ella.”

  She blushed over his praise, her embarrassment causing her to glance away. A half smile formed his mouth, pleased with himself and confident before he ever put the question to her, “Are you mad for me, Princess?”

  At her quick nod, his smile deepened. Cole rocked his hips a little more roughly against her. Tightening his grip in her hair, the action was a silent command for her attention. When she lifted her eyes back to his, Cole tugged her head back, “Tell me what you want…” He found the shy flush on her cheeks endearing and whispered the demand again. She attempted to close her eyes, but he gave her hair a little tug, “No…look at me, Ella…and tell me.”

  She swallowed hard, dampening her lips with a sweep of her tongue. Her fingers kneaded into the flesh of his shoulders, her voice barely audible, “You, Cole…more of this, with you.”

  Again he smiled, and he broke his gaze from hers to nuzzle her neck before whispering in her ear, “I’ll be your first.” It was more statement than question and he did not wait for any agreement before he continued, “You’ll never want another.” He nuzzled her neck once more before opening his mouth in a hot kiss of her flesh and slipping his fangs gently into her neck for one more taste. One of his hands broke from her hair and touched briefly near his mouth, but she was so lost in the pleasure induced by that delicious bite that she did not notice until his wounded fingertip was slipping through her parted lips.

  It broke through her stupor and she attempted to shift her head away, only to be brought up short by the tightening of his hand in her hair. Releasing his bite, he leaned up over her and withdrew his finger, catching her wary gaze with his own that was suddenly all domineering and possessive. He simply broke the skin on the second and third finger and dropped them towards her mouth. When he thought she might protest, he hushed her and tugged on her hair again, “As an immortal it will not hurt you, but it will help you recover from what I have taken.”

  Her look was still skeptical, but she did not protest when he rubbed his fingertips over her lips and then slipped them in to rub across her tongue. That brought a small moan; this play was over the top, erotically arousing. When she could no longer resist the urge, Ella closed her lips and suckled at his fingertips. It was his turn to groan with desire. Long minutes later, it pained him to tug his hand away.

  Cole slid his lips up to claim hers in a tender kiss before withdrawing abruptly to shift into a sitting position. While she gazed up at him in confusion, he brushed her curls aside and stroked his fingertips possessively over the bite marks that were already beginning to fade. He lingered there, regaining his breath and watching the various emotions play over her face. Much to his satisfaction, the little Witch was captivated and he intended that she would remain that way. He would not be captivated by her however. It was not in his plan.

  Almost as soon as the thought passed though, he was gathering her up against his chest and dropping a gentle kiss to her brow. His words were husky with unfulfilled need when he rubbed his check against her silky hair, “Next time, Ella, I am going to keep you mindless with pleasure until the sun rises.”

  She started to shake her head at him. Cole witnessed the disbelief in her eyes at the realization that he intended to leave her already. He expected her to be upset that their time was ending, just as he expected her actions from this night would plague her throughout the day tomorrow. It was exactly what he wanted.

  His sudden withdraw left her feeling alone and exposed. Despite being exhausted, her mind jumped into overdrive, reeling with possible consequences of her actions. She had just nearly bedded a Dark and would have given over her innocence in a wild, wanton manner if he had not stopped.

  Ever perceptive, Cole noticed her extreme change in condition too. He had anticipated the regret that would flood her as soon as he released her from the lust-induced stupor. Tucking her more tightly against him, he was the soothing suitor once more, “Ella, here there is no Realm…just you and just me, and nothing else.”

  Perhaps it was her exhaustion, though more likely the intense attraction that remained - one that definitely had not lessened from spending most of the night being pleasured by him - that allowed her to take solace in his reminder. She nodded, deciding to agree, and dropped her head to his chest.

  Cole was beyond pleased with her and his victory. Ella was drawn to him and he was certain he could capitalize on that and her inexperience to make her need for him one that she could not forego. He did not take the challenge that was still before him lightly. He understood her. Her strength and independence would not allow her to easily accept all that he intended after just one night of passion. When she was no longer under the influence of him and volumes of wine, she would badger herself over this encounter. He would have to be clever, and plan his next steps thoughtfully, playing on her strengths…and her weaknesses.

  Her eyes were shut and her breathing was already deepening. Cole knew it was due to her intoxication, the amount of blood he had taken from her and the pleasure she had greedily taken tonight. He smiled again; wooing her away from her Light was indeed going to be an enjoyable task for him. He held her a few minutes longer and finally tucked her beneath her comforter. Gathering his discarded shirt, he shadowed away, making certain to leave the bedside lamp burning brightly for her.


  Ella woke with a groan to the sound of her cell vibrating on the bedside table. She could tell from the sunlight shining through the open bedroom door that it was at least late morning, but she was not feeling quite up to facing it yet. Her hand stretched out from beneath the comforter and after randomly smacking her palm around the top of the table, it landed on her phone. She rolled over with a muffled curse, squinting against the light as she raised it up to see what could possibly be so urgent that someone need bother her. The few friends she had that were welcome to her number had all been out as late as she had been last night.

  Ella’s eyes widened, the memories rushing back, prompting a quick peek under the comforter. Yep… naked. Craptastic, she had nearly done the bibbity with that vampire last night, it was not just one of those crazy, alcohol-induced dreams. Her quick flick through her texts confirmed as much - all from Holly, wanting to know how the night had been with the sexy stranger from the bar.

  Turning the phone to silent, Ella rolled back over and crawled completely under the blanket, trying to hide mostly from herself. She was dehydrated. The sheer amount of alcohol she had consumed last night would have been enough, but she remembered then that the vampire had drank from her. She had not consumed enough to black out the memory that she had practically begged for it too. An unappreciated flush of heat came with the recollection of his teeth breaching her skin and the exquisite sensations that had followed.

  The need to get up and grab some water was pressing on her. Even though she was still mentally cringing, she threw off the covers and rolled to her feet. There would be no way she would get back to sleep, not with the mental movie that was running through her brain. Ella grabbed her robe as she padded out of the room in search of that water, her bare feet chilled by the floor.

  Her ‘live life with no regrets’ motto was definitely not working for her today. Leaning against the cabinet while downing her drink, she reflected once more on the entire n
ight. The shame of it was that had Cole not been a vampire, her outlook on their encounter would have been the opposite. She had met a sexy man that was engaging and had actually been enough of a gentleman to not take advantage of her in her tipsy state. Bah…those pointy teeth ruined everything. Nothing to be done now except beat herself up the rest of the day and head to the gym to pound the memories and the alcohol out of her system.

  Nicholas roused at dusk that same day, absent of any misgivings felt by his partner from the night before. He was in fantastic spirits. His planned introductory evening with Ella had gone much better, and much further, than he would have thought. The witch was all fire and heat and creamy expanses of velvety skin. He could not have wanted more from her than she gave him last night. Then again, the problem was that he did want more. She was the first thought when he woke and he was anxious to see what her reaction would be after having a day to regret her night’s escapades. Nicholas was intent on drawing her away from the Light, but that would take time. Tonight, he simply wanted more of her.

  He exited his room with that same thought lingering, the need having only grown through his shower and dressing. Heading down the grand staircase into the sprawling entryway of his house, he was grinning in anticipation. After depositing his vehicle in its rented garage space, Nicholas had shadowed to one of his largest estates on the West Coast the night before. It had given him a couple more hours of darkness to replay his encounter with the witch. He had carefully dissected her actions and responses from every moment after their meeting until she had fallen asleep in his arms.

  He was learning her. Ella was his pet project and one he was determined to enjoy thoroughly. Nicholas was still shocked over her ease with him, her invitation to take her blood, her willingness to allow him to pleasure that fantastic body of hers. A grumble from the center of his kitchen brought him up short.

  Dunkirk was sitting at the counter, rapping his fingers impatiently, “Nice night, Cole?” His look already told Nicholas that he had no doubt that it was, but the giant vampire still eyed Nicholas expectantly.

  His first response was a slow grin. Nicholas followed it with a quick nod, “Indeed, I would consider it a success.”

  It was rare to see the Warrior of Dark in such a light-hearted mood. Dunkirk’s brows raised in question, “I assumed that it was, given that you did not come back to Carrowmere last night.”

  Nicholas nodded again, looking over at his friend as he grabbed a couple of goblets and headed towards the stainless fridge at the far end of the counter. He was particularly fond of this kitchen, the modern, gleaming lines of the appliances contrasted sharply with the rustic look of the tile and cabinetry. It all blended well, making it appear a cozy and warm place despite its large size. It was a favorite spot where he and Dunkirk would often commune at the end of a long night.

  Setting the goblets along with a glass carafe down next to his friend on the island, Nicholas pulled up a stool himself. Pouring the first of the two and sliding it towards Dunkirk, he almost laughed watching Dunkirk’s massive hand clutched at the delicate glassware. His friend was enormous, towering nearly seven feet. Everything about him was thick - from his neck to his massive arms and torso and muscle laden thighs and calves - and he looked ridiculous drinking from the goblet. He had the look of a Viking from old and should have been swigging ale from an oversized tankard rather than tepid blood from a wine glass.

  Dunkirk caught his amused gaze and tossed back the contents in a mighty gulp. He followed by slamming the glass down on the tiled countertop, shattering it. His tone was derisive, “You should get yourself some real cups, not this pretty, girly stuff.”

  Nicholas grinned over the insult. Dunkirk was his closest friend, one of the few in existence in the Realm that actually had earned enough favor to warrant the description of ‘friend’ at all. For nearly the past eight hundred years the two had fought together and little could the massive vampire do to raise Nicholas’s ire. They had been in too many scrapes and saved each other more times than either could count. He countered with no anger, “That crystal was worth more than every piece of clothing you have on, including your broadsword, Neanderthal.”

  That brought a dry chuckle, for an entirely different reason. Nicholas recalled that Ella had called him that just last night. Remembering it, he was suddenly anxious to see how she fared. Standing abruptly, he slapped Dunkirk on the shoulder. Nicholas was also eager to see if he could spar with the fiery one a little more tonight. With a cocky grin, he tossed out his farewell, “Don’t wait up on me, I am going to catch me a Witch.”

  Dunkirk looked dumbfounded. Cole had always enjoyed more than his share of success with anything and everything female, but a Witch, one of the Light, should have been a particular challenge for him given his notoriety as one of the top Darks in the Realm. He finally found his voice, and it was disbelieving, “It went that well?”

  Cole gave him a sly smile, “You doubt me? Don’t wait up.” He shadowed off, ready to cross swords with the Fire Maker.


  The quick rap at her door immediately irritated Ella. She had been enthralled in her reading, having had so little time to read purely for pleasure while she had been involved in her studies. Enjoying a blissfully quiet night off work, she was curled up in her comfy chair. Exhausted from her workout, freshly showered, and wrapped in her quilt, she had finally been able to put away the lingering guilt that had plagued her the bulk of the day by losing herself in a book.

  It was two days prior to the end of the month and she should have anticipated the interruption. It was the habit of her landlord to make rounds at this time. The tyrant liked to personally remind everyone who had the misfortune to live under his roof that rent was expected to be paid on time.

  Ella had a difficult time not telling the fool to piss off on a good day. Although she was feeling much better, she was still grumpy and was mid-tirade as she swung the door open, “I don’t need the reminder, you pompous…” Her voice trailed off as her eyes swept northward from the shiny black shoes on her doorstep. Taking in the tailored black pants and the silken dress shirt, for a second she was confused. Where was the paunchy grime lord? It took only a second more for the tingle in her neck to tell her paunchy was definitely not under that shirt.

  His words confirmed it before her eyes ever touched his face, “Princess, I do not recall you saying ‘pompous’ to me once last night. ‘More’ and ‘please,’ at least a hundred times - you are actually quite adorable when you beg – but I am certain I would have remembered ‘pompous.’

  Her face was on fire at his pointed reminder of her wanton behavior. Taking in his sardonic grin as he casually leaned in the doorway, her eyes clashed with his. She stood there in silent shock, gazing up at him. Ella had not thought he would show up at her home and most certainly not tonight. Cole could tell by her expression that he was her worst nightmare come to life...but there was also a flicker of heated welcome there before she squashed it.

  Ella stepped back from the door, already beginning to close it in his face, “Not interested, Vamp.”

  He put his hand up. She was definitely no match for him in the strength category and the door stopped mid-close. She hissed and shot him an enraged glance, “There are no humans around tonight so I have no reservations about roasting you. Go find a nice tasty rat to suck on, ass leech…I am off the menu.” She gave the door hard shove and he could tell that she was infuriated when it did not budge.

  Nicholas just stood there, his eyes raking over her. Ella was extremely sensitive to the fact that while he stood there in his designer digs, she was a mess. Her cami emblazoned with her university logo, fleecy pajama pants and hair captured in an overly messy pony did not scream exotically sophisticated like his attire. She was feeling over exposed and totally inadequate. The only saving grace was that at least she had showered after her hours of working out and smelled better than she looked.

  Her bare feet peeped out from the edge of her pants,
letting him see those sparkly purples curling under in an unconscious sign of her embarrassment. He leaned in close. Catching her scent, the smile he gave her was devastating and his voice dropped to a husky whisper, “Ella, your mouth is too gorgeous to be so foul. I have been dreaming of what you can do with that mouth…let me in and I will show you.”

  Ella pivoted and walked away. If he wanted to stand in the door like an idiot all night, his choice. Her answer was haughty, not bothering to look back, “You won’t be getting in without my invitation.” Throwing herself back down in her chair, she scooped up her book giving it her complete attention, muttering as she settled, “Good luck getting it…” Damn him, she was mad. She was bedraggled and he had hot-sexy oozing out of him. Just a look and a few teasing words from him and she was tingly inside.

  He more than liked her spunk and their exchange had raised a certain heat in him, definitely not from anger. Cole continued smiling, still leaning against the doorframe. Studying her, he decided it may be necessary to change his approach. Inspiration struck and he called out, “Are you hungry, Ella?” He didn’t need her confirmation; he could hear the rumble of her stomach answering from across the room.

  Yes, this change of course might work well indeed. He looked down at his watch, tossing out the offer casually, “I will bring you food of any type you desire, if you’ll share a meal with me.” He looked up soon enough to catch her eyes giving him a quick glance, so he sought to assuage any reluctance she might have at inviting him in, “And I give you my vow to keep my fangs to myself…until you beg sweetly for them again.”


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