Forsaken (Ancients of Light #1)

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Forsaken (Ancients of Light #1) Page 8

by Heather Fleener

  She turned on him, rolling her eyes. His expression said he did not appreciate the behavior, so she guessed he was going to love the sarcasm that was soon to follow. Her arms crossed over her chest, mirroring his pose, “I appreciate the whole prince charming, sweep-me-off-my-feet bit, but I am not an actual princess, Cole. I have to work. I live in the real world and that requires that I pay rent.”

  Ella was frustrated and taking it out on him. She wanted to play tonight and she would have loved to see what he had planned. Obviously it entailed evening wear and might have the appearance of a date. She shook that thought off as quickly as it popped into her head. She was not ‘dating’ a vampire. It would not have hurt her eyes though, to have been stuck looking at him dressed like that all night, while not on a date.

  He crooked a finger at her, his eyes narrowing, “Come here.” Said in the same tone as his order a moment ago, this domineering persona should have rankled her, but instead her eyes glimmered with interest. The vamp was toying with her, and she was willing enough to be reeled in.

  First she issued an exaggerated sigh and then made quite a production of dragging her feet across the five whole steps that separated them. Ella stopped a foot short of him and gave him a pouty frown, “What?”

  He grabbed her arms and flattened her against his chest, “You forgot to give me a proper greeting. Let me show you what I like, Ella.” Before she could react, one hand lifted to her chin while his other arm slid around her back to mold her to him. His mouth came down on hers. Applying light pressure, that hand urged her to open for him. When she did Cole tasted the inner edge of her lip with the tip of his tongue. Easing his hold, he switched to stroking his fingers against her cheek, coaxing her into a response.

  Ella pressed her palms to his chest, absently exploring him there while she brushed her tongue against his lip as he had hers. She delighted in his low growl. As soon as she attempted to deepen the kiss, Cole pulled back and gave her a stern look, “Call off.”

  That was an unwelcome splash of lust-dousing water and she stamped her foot in a bit of temper, “Piss off, Vamp.”

  He jerked her to him once more, tangling his hand in her hair. Pulling back so that her face was upturned to him, his eyes warned that he was ready to seduce her however necessary to bend her to his will, “Call off.” Cole dropped his mouth once more, hot and hard to hers. Not waiting for any sign of welcome, he drove his tongue into the recesses of her mouth. His free hand travelled up and over her ribcage until he molded it against the soft curve of her breast.

  That had her moaning and she slid her body sinuously against his. Cole pulled his mouth free once more, but this time kept her close. His breathing was labored when he dropped his brow to hers, eyes closed, and pleaded, “Princess…come with me tonight.”

  She was not immune to the needy edge lacing his request. Ella wrapped her arms around his shoulders, whispering, “It is not that I do not want to, I have responsibilities.” Nuzzling her nose affectionately against his cheek, her wariness had melted in that instant. There could be nothing truly evil about a man that could be so tenderly honest in his need to share time with her.

  Ella turned teasing to offset his disappointment, and hers, at having to deny his request, “Some of us are not incredibly old Vamp playboys that can squander our nights away in frivolous pursuits.”

  Cole whispered, “Who said you were frivolous?” Pulling back, he saw her amusement in the quirk of her lips. He took satisfaction in the fact that she had not only invited him in with no hesitation, she had also not resisted when he had taken her in that first kiss. That she had initiated this sweetly intimate contact now was more than he could have anticipated.

  He decided a bit more convincing might be necessary. Licking his way down her neck, Cole smiled at her shiver and nipped lightly at her skin before offering, “Ella, just tell me what pay you would earn tonight and I will take care of it.”

  She smiled…right before she punched him in the shoulder. Laughing riotously and pulling back, the confusion in his expression only made more laughter bubble up. She was wiping tears from her cheeks with the backs of her hands when she finally answered, “That would make me a prostitute, you dolt.”

  He just then realized how it had sounded. So much for being chivalrous, he grinned at her, acknowledging the point. His eyes were fully sincere when he tried for a less offensive explanation, “That is not what I meant. I have more than I know what to do with, Ella. What is the harm in letting me ease your burdens?”

  Cole could see she was wavering, so he set her away from him. Backing towards the door, he kept his eyes locked on hers, “Besides, I do not plan on sleeping with you, so that would just make you a paid escort.”

  Batting away the loveseat pillow that came sailing towards his face, he winked at her before reaching around the corner outside of the door. Watching him curiously, she shifted from one foot to the next, “The only harm would be to my pride, Cole. I take care of myself.” Curiosity near overwhelming her now, she started edging towards him, offering with each step, “I suppose I could…but I can pick up an extra shift on Friday, so do not plan on bothering me…”

  Ella drifted off when he straightened and placed the three bags he had been reaching for in front of him. Cole had just kicked the door shut with his heel when he was pounced on. Skittering to a halt in front of him, her excitement was palpable when she gushed, “What do you have there, Vamp?”

  He chuckled, enjoying her expressive face, “Not chocolate, Witch, so quit drooling.” Cole turned the bags so that she could see the front and he was rewarded at the widening of her eyes.

  Ella pressed her lips tight to keep from squealing and gripped her hands together before her to keep from snatching at the bags, “Saks doesn’t cater, right?” Cole shook his head slowly to indicate the negative and took the bags into one hand so that he could push her towards the bedroom with the other.

  She all but skipped, no further urging needed. Cole laughed again…damn, she was enchanting. Ella hopped into the middle of her bed in a flurry of bouncing red curls. She knelt up when he dropped himself down on the edge, and he had to wonder if she was even aware that she was clinging to his shoulder, pressed to his side. Offering her the smallest of the three bags first, her hands were digging through the tissue paper before she even had it settled on the bed. She gave him a laughing smile while he watched, “This is like Christmas, Cole.”

  He only nodded a response, feeling an unwelcome tug on his heart because he knew she had never been given a traditional Christmas celebration or the bevy of gifts that should have come with it. Her life had never been easy. Ella pulled out the box that was inside and tugged it open. Emerald green silk tumbled out and she realized the scrap of material in her hands was to match the exquisite strapless bra that remained in the box. Her cheeks flushed hot and pink. She loved her fancy little underthings, but she had never had a man buy them before and she owned nothing quite so sexy what she now held.

  Cole reached with a fingertip to rub it across the silk in her palms, “I want to see this on you tonight.” He might as well have been sliding that tip across her own skin with the heated way her body reacted to the suggestion. Ella dropped her gaze and gave him a tiny nod.

  Her quick changing moods amazed him - she could go from spitfire to innocent maid in the span of seconds. Cole pushed that bag out of her way tapping on it as he did, “There is an assortment of every color you could imagine in there, Princess, but we don’t have time for you to blush over every piece tonight.”

  She placed those gifts to the side when he drew the second bag towards her. He noted with amusement that she was a bit slower digging through the paper, as though she feared what she might find. Smoothing his hand over her hair, he teased, “Nothing more to embarrass you, Ella.”

  Her eyes narrowed at him for a second before she gave her full attention back to the bag. Pulling out the white rectangular box, her delighted gasp echoed in the space of her tiny room. Scootin
g over, she tucked herself into his side, her hands caressing the box lovingly. Her tone was edged with disbelief, “Manolo? Really?”

  Again, only a slight nod for her question…the way to a woman’s heart was most definitely shoes. Ella eased open the box to peer inside. Holding her breath, she laid the lid carefully next to her. She stared for long moments before tracing a fingertip over the shimmering silver Napa leather, then over the bejeweled adornment on the side.

  If Cole thought he had been enchanted by her before, seeing the pure, unadulterated joy on her face as she gazed in awe at a simple pair of shoes nearly did him in. He reached up and affectionately tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. The action drew her gaze and she was giving him the same look of adoration as she had the shoes. That hit him hard. Means to an end…he repeated it to himself three times before he found his voice, “Princess, you can sleep with them tonight, I promise. Open your last bag, we have places to be.”

  He tugged the box from her hands and set it to the bed before pushing the third bag at her. It was large, as was the box inside. He helped her pull it free before settling it across her lap. After opening, Ella understood the need for the green undergarments. She gently lifted the gown free of the surrounding paper. It was emerald as well and the material was incredibly delicate. The top was finely sequined, so that it looked like metallic green liquid. The design paired a sweetheart neckline with a form-fitting sheath down to the hips where it transitioned from sequins into wispy, layered skirts of the sheerest silk chiffon that fell to the ground.

  He rubbed the material between his fingertips, his voice husky when he gazed at her, “The exact shade of your eyes, Ella.” When she lowered the gown and turned to him, Cole thought she was about to cry. Her eyes certainly had that moist sheen. He pulled her over to cradle against his chest while his lips brushed her brow, “Shhh, Sweetheart. Why don’t you spit some fire at me…I do not think I can handle tears from you.”

  It earned him a small laugh, but he saw her sweep the back of her hands at her eyes before she looked up at him, “I have just never had…” She cut off, struggling, “…thank you Cole, these are the most wonderful gifts.”

  Gazing down at her like this, Cole acknowledged to himself that she touched a part of him that he’d thought died eight centuries ago. He found her to be simply precious. His well-laid plans shifted a bit with the realization. Tugging at her hair, he prodded her along, “Go get changed Ella, you are going to make us late.” He was firm with that order, unable to acknowledge her gratitude further at the moment. The emotions the witch triggered in him were certainly beyond any that he had imagined were possible and Cole needed time to regain his composure.

  She beamed at him, dangling the bits of emerald silk from her first gift in front of him, “Do you want to see this now, or…”

  Ella trailed off when he shook his head at her, “Later Princess, otherwise I’ll have you in bed this whole night.”

  She puzzled over his suddenly terse mood as she gathered her presents and crossed to the bathroom. Cole seemed on edge, but she decided it must be because they were running late for the evening’s activities. She certainly did not want to ruin his plans.

  Cole stretched out on her bed while he waited, trying to not dwell on the memory of how sweet she had been, how perfectly unspoiled. There would be no way he would draw her to the Dark, even if it was possible to corrupt her. Even he, in his hard-hearted hatred for everything Light, could not tarnish her that way. His plans would need revamped. Those thoughts were interrupted when she exited the bathroom a short ten minutes later. Ella turned and offered him her back to assist with the closure of the gown.

  The zipper started just above the curve of her butt and he groaned out loud at the sight of the little string of silk that ran across her there. Ella cast him a knowing smile over her shoulder and Cole teased them both by running his palm up her bare spine before he slowly followed with the zipper.

  He turned her, hands staying on her shoulders while his eyes drifted downward. Ever-changing, now she was a vision. The gown molded her lush curves perfectly while highlighting her tall, toned frame…a perfect goddess. She had piled those loose waves of hair up in a messy updo, baring her nape and the long length of her throat. Cole wondered if he would be able to keep his fangs in check the entire night.

  Grinning down, he encircled her in the tight fold of his arms, “You’ll do. A Witch can only make so many improvements, I guess.” She nudged his ribs with the sharp point of an elbow and he dropped a kiss to her lips, “Ever shadowed, Princess?” At her negative response, he kissed her once more, “Hold on to me, you might get a touch dizzy.” The advice was unnecessary though, because she had already looped her arms tightly around his shoulders.


  Cole took her to the West Coast. Given that he effortlessly navigated through the maze of streets, Ella wondered if it was one of his frequent haunts. After the whirlwind tour he gave her of Napa Valley, she thought it could well become one of hers. She had expected him to be more the L.A. type, given his obvious inclination towards lush and expensive, but he had charmed her by taking her to wine country. After yet another fabulous meal Cole had whisked her off to an acoustical music performance at a cozy theatre on Main Street.

  With the exception of their encounter at the bar, this was her first time seeing him make his way in the world of humans. Cole seemed to be as at ease in their company as she did, if not more. Ella was disappointed when the night ended; her non-date had been unique and truly the most marvelous evening. She was also loathe to remove her finery…and the shoes. She was already embroiled in an intense love affair with the shoes.

  When they reappeared in her apartment, Cole was laughing over her inquiring as to how he coped with being surrounded by humans all night. She managed to look quite innocent when she likened him to a starving man at an all-you-can-eat-buffet…without a fork. He had already known that he liked the beautiful witch’s spunk and sassy tongue, but he discovered this night that she was also thoughtful, kind, and extremely intelligent. He had actually enjoyed debating any number of topics with her, and despite her extreme youth in her immortality she had kept his attention. There had been no reason to feign interest, his focus had been centered on her alone.

  He did not, however, appreciate the nagging voice in his head claiming that this was becoming less about thwarting the Light and more about Ella. Cole pushed the mute button, his mind turning to more pleasurable pursuits. Without bothering to move from the sitting area, he turned her and began working the zipper on the back of her gown. She shivered when she felt his breath at her nape, “Cold, Princess?” Indicating the negative with a small shake of her head, goosebumps still formed on her arms when he pushed the zipper lower. Without warning, Cole scooped her up in his arms and took a few short strides to the bedroom, murmuring against her brow, “Show and tell time, Ella.”

  Setting her back to her feet, he stood in front of her and tugged the dress downward until it pooled at her feet. His eyes shot black. Glancing back at her face, he wanted to bite that lower lip of hers, right where her tongue had just flicked over it. He lifted Ella free from the material surrounding her feet. When she attempted to step into him, seeking his embrace, his hands on her shoulders held her in place. Cole could tell just from the shifting undulation of her body while he kept her at arm’s length that her desire matched his. Releasing his hold on one shoulder, he moved the fingers of that hand in a circular motion. His mouth was already dry from seeing her scantily clad form, but he tempted himself anyway, “Princess, let me see how gorgeous you are.”

  Blood flooded her cheeks, her shy little moment made her even more fetching. Ella hesitated a second before pivoting. The green silk delectably molded her curves and she still wore those four inch heels that made her legs appear endless. The sight of that tiny strip of green silk running up the center of her backside had a growl issuing. Cole waited patiently for her to turn back round to him, letting her see the fu
ll extension of his fangs, “I want you Ella.”

  With her admission of the same need, he dragged her to him and captured her mouth in a wild kiss. Demanding an equal response from her with the thrust of his tongue, he pierced her bottom lip with one of his fangs. Cole growled again, low and deep. The few drops of blood sweetened the kiss, causing his body to demand fulfillment on multiple levels. It was nearly enough to make him toss off all of his plans and throw her onto the bed. Lingering sweeps of his tongue toyed with the wound, but he finally eased the pressure of his mouth and lifted his head. That glitter of magic was swirling in the depths of her eyes and Cole doubted he would ever grow used to the mesmerizing glow. Peering into them, he could also see that Ella was still dazed from their kissing. Mindful of it, he kept an arm around her waist to steady her and keep her close while his other hand delved into his jacket pocket.

  The too-long interval of time between the first kiss and the next one that she expected had her shaking off her bemused state. Frowning, she looked from the card presented under her nose, back to his lips, and then scowled back down at the card. It dawned on her that he was not going to kiss her again until she addressed whatever it was he was thrusting at her, so she rolled her eyes up at him and sighed, “What is that?”

  Cole could not help but grin – sassy butt. He tucked the card right between the cleft of her breasts that the green silk was presenting so perfectly for him and then tapped her nose, “That has my cell number on it, in the event you would need me.” At her arched brow, knowing she was about to spout off something about never needing a Vamp, he teasingly interjected first, “Of course, you need me now, don’t you, Ella?”

  Ella made a face, unwilling to lie, and slid her arms around his shoulders, “If you are so smart Cole, why are you not doing anything about it?”


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