Forsaken (Ancients of Light #1)

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Forsaken (Ancients of Light #1) Page 12

by Heather Fleener

  That pain in the ass old witch, Nicholas disliked him as much as he did Lorcan. At least he could respect the other warrior. Myrrdyn was nothing but a powerful elder, intent on spreading his message of God and the Light throughout the Realm. It was a message that Nicholas had once believed in. It had been the focus of his entire existence, his own purpose in life. Even as Rhydach had drained his life and his friends were screaming in agony as they were torn to bits, he had clung fervently to those beliefs.

  His prayers had gone unanswered. The proof was that he was still in existence over eight centuries later. His response to being abandoned by God at the time of his worst need was living his new life to thwart the Light at every opportunity. He believed all too much in the Light, but after that night and nearly a century of torture later, he also believed just as strongly in evil. Nicholas had been forsaken so he had returned the favor. Serving the Dark served him well enough in his fury.

  Gritting his teeth, the memories had anger riding him hard. It required a few minutes of concentrated struggle before he could sweep them aside. Looking down at the gorgeous creature sleeping in his arms helped him clear the last of the lingering nightmares away. Nicholas was convinced that he knew how to meet her every need and he was firm in this decision. Ella was his and, outside the Realm, he was free to love her as strongly as she did him. Nicholas settled back further into the pillows and rested, waiting for Ella to recover.


  Ella woke a few hours later, disoriented. She was laid on Cole’s chest, her legs stretched down between his. Her hands were curled under her on the hard plane of his abdomen. She shifted her head and the tweak of pain in her neck brought it all rushing back. The memories of the incredible pleasure and the marking washed over her. She smiled, pleased with both, and then she remembered him making claim to her vows. That brought her to a whole new level of happy.

  She believed sincerely, if he took her vows, that given time he could not help but be drawn from the Dark. She would not press him but allow it to evolve at its own pace. Cole would see the goodness and the right path and find his purpose in the Light. It mattered not overmuch that he chose the side of the Light particularly if they determined to stay outside the Realm and its conflicts, but her belief in God was part of her very existence, embedded in her. Cole rejecting evil and the Darks, eventually, would be important to her.

  She remembered then also that she had confessed her love of him, or at least she believed she had. His bloodletting had left her woozy. He would not want her as his if he wasn’t feeling the same, would he? What other reason could he have for taking her as his mate?

  Cole had woke an hour prior, content to hold her while she slept, and now he was enjoying watching the myriad of emotions play over her face. His little witch was a thinker. He gave her hair a tug to pull her from her musings and was rewarded by her beaming up at him. Wordlessly he pushed her head to the side and prodded at the wounds on her neck, easing up when he felt her stiffen in reaction, “It still pains you Princess?”

  It was healing slowly. He had marked her well and more than once; it was a clear indication of his staked claim. He drew his hand back at her nodded response and dropped a kiss on her brow. Easing her off his chest and onto the bed, he was grinning as he regained his feet, “You need to get dressed, I have something to show you.”

  Ella eyed the clock at her bedside; it was closing in on eleven. She was still dragging, recovering she assumed, from his feeding, “You cannot show me tomorrow?” Every piece of her wanted to snuggle back against him and sleep the rest of the night.

  Cole understood well enough the fatigue he saw in her eyes. He was dropping back to the bed when he shook his head at her. Grabbing her arm to tug her to him, he smiled mysteriously, “No Princess, it cannot wait.” Slicing his middle and forefinger deeply with a touch of fang, he pressed the same to her mouth. Ella always gave him the same uncertain look every time he made her take his blood, and this time he rolled his eyes at her, “It will make you feel better Ella. I took a lot from you tonight.”

  She still looked dubious, but she complied and allowed him to slip his fingers between her lips. Cole pulled her tighter into the fold of his arms, cuddling her against his chest, “There you go. It has not hurt you yet, now has it?” At the slight shake of her head, he leaned down and nuzzled against her ear, “You have to let me take care of you now, it is my duty…” He nipped at her earlobe and she heard the laughter in his voice, “So stop being so difficult, Witch.”

  Difficult indeed, she gave his bleeding fingertips a solid bite with her teeth, which only brought more laughter from Cole, “Wicked...” Ella melted into him and continued suckling at his fingers. The truth was that it was not difficult to drink of him; the taste did not have that same coppery tang that she had experienced when she had split a lip or lost a tooth. His blood was sweet and warm. Though she would not admit it to him, because he was already arrogant enough, the act of him feeding her was oddly arousing. She supposed she could let him do this, when necessary.

  Cole tugged his hand away when he could see that her color was rebounding nicely and pushed her away from him. He wasn’t easy with it and chuckled when she ended up on her hands and knees on the bed, a disgruntled frown marring her brow. He was in terrific spirits and he tousled her hair when he moved away to the door, “Get some clothes on Ella. We are leaving in five minutes.”

  He could hear her loudly moving around her room, in a bit of a huff. She had been determined to spend the night in her bed, obviously and had no doubt planned to drive him to distraction while in it. His plans called for something else and his will was stronger. When Ella finally came out, boots in hand, he thought he might have to reconsider that whole ‘his will was stronger’ thought, because she had dressed in a way that she knew would get under his skin.

  She had on black skinny jeans that hugged every curve of her from hip down and a dangerously low, gauzy blouse. Her torso was molded in the sparkly black cami that was underneath, having the effect of pressing her breasts high and displaying a tease of cleavage under the neckline that revealed much more than it hid. She had her hair all piled up off her neck, making his mark on that irresistible length of creamy flesh totally visible to him.

  Ella dropped to the chair and leaned down purposefully, he knew, to give him a view straight down her shirt. Drawing on her knee length black boots, the ones with three-inch spiked heels, she shot him a smug smile. She knew full well those boots made him want to bend her other the back of her loveseat and do wicked things to her…he had told her as much last week. The witch was definitely doing her best to make him regret taking her from bed.

  However, Cole also knew that within a very short time she was going to be giddy with excitement. He just returned her wicked smile and pulled her out of her chair. Tugging her close until she was flush against him, he let her feel his need while growling threateningly, “Temptress, your charms will not sway me tonight, but remind me in about an hour to make you sorry for teasing me.” He did not give her any warning before they shadowed.

  It was completely quiet when they appeared. The air was crisp and cool and the sky was clear, ample light being cast by the moon on the grounds that surrounded them. A quick sweep of her eyes told her that she stood on a stone walkway. Cole still had her pulled against his chest, so she was peeking over his shoulder in the opposite direction as him. She could see nothing but rolling hills and wooded areas spread out before her. Shivering, she pressed closer, “I would have brought a jacket if you had said picnic in the woods, Vamp.”

  Cole gave her a squeeze, admonishing, “Maybe the next time I tell you to get dressed you will actually put on something that resembles clothing.” He squeezed her again when she pinched his stomach in retaliation. Tapping her lightly on the nose, his eyes captured hers and his tone held the strangest bit of sentimentality, “Ella, we will go inside in a moment, but I want to know what you think of the outside first.” He dropped a light kiss to her brow
before turning her in his arms.

  It took her mind a long minute to register everything that was before her. Finally she gasped her delight, over what he had been gazing at since they had arrived. The house in front of her was aglow, warm light spilling out from every window, highlighting the covered porch that wrapped around the first floor of the dwelling. Ornate posts and spindles decorated it there and ornamental designs accented the eaves. An elaborate turret was on the second level in the very front. The house itself was the softest dove gray, all edged in beautiful white. It was massive and rambling and gorgeous.

  He could tell she was enchanted by the look in her eyes, her hands hand fallen to his where he held her at the waist and she was squeezing them in her excitement. Cole rubbed his chin against the silky red at her temple before pulling her back tight against his chest, “Is this close to what you dreamt of Ella?”

  Her eyes were sparkling when she twisted to glance back up at him, her whisper near reverent, “Is this yours Cole? Please tell me this is yours…I desperately want to see the inside.” Her excitement when he surprised her always made him feel pure joy. Whether it was a piece of chocolate cake or a silly pair of designer shoes, she was always so exuberant in her expression of her pleasure. He loved that about her.

  Cole nodded and encircled her tighter in the fold of his arms, “As of last week Princess… I would have brought you sooner, but I had it decorated for you.” Releasing her, he nudged her forward on the cobblestone path while retrieving two keys from his pocket. He pulled up her hand and placed one in her palm and folded his hand around hers, closing her fingers over it. His expression was gravely serious when he gazed down at her, “It is actually ours Ella. If this is what you truly want, as soon as I have your vows I thought that we would live here.”

  She had stopped mid-stride when he pressed had the key into her palm. Now she had tears sparkling in the depths of those green eyes. Cole had to tug her forward, up the steps onto the wide veranda. He went on softly as he turned the key in the lock, “I could shadow us in, but I thought you might prefer traditional for your first memories of this place.” When only silence greeted him, Cole turned and smiled tenderly down at her while he brushed the lone tear on her cheek with his thumb.

  Her heart was in such a happy place; Ella had a hard time reining in her emotions and could definitely not find the words right then to express everything that was going on in her. She only nodded and blinked rapidly a few times to chase away the moisture in her eyes. Cole tugged her forward and she entered only so far as to where he had stopped pulling her, gazing around in awe. The house was more beautiful than she could have imagined.

  All the original Victorian style of architecture remained. The colors, the décor, the large entry way and the absolutely amazing staircase that led up to the second floor were all gorgeous and warmly inviting. Ella could see a large sitting area off to the right, with the plushest furniture; a crackling fire was already heating the fireplace. Once she completed her initial inspection, she returned her gaze to him.

  Cole stroked a finger down her face, “Do you like it, Ella?” He smiled patiently when he realized she was not hearing him because she was so involved in her own thoughts. Grasping her hand, he tugged her along behind him. She was still trying to take everything in, so he was pulling her down onto the rug in front of the fire before she even realized they had changed locations, “You can explore in a moment, Princess. Do you like it?”

  Ella smiled brightly at him, not yet trusting her voice. He did have to rub away another tear from the corner of her eye. She was kneeling, facing him, and she leaned forward to wrap her arms tightly around his shoulders. Her words, when they finally came, were muffled by the press of her face against his neck, “I cannot think of any single thing that I have done in my life that would allow me to deserve you Cole. I love this. I cannot even put into words how much I love this.”

  He squeezed her tightly, rubbing his chin against the top of her head, “Ella, someone should have always been taking care of you. I am just making up for the fact that no one ever did.” Cole realized that he meant it. He intended to make up for everything she had ever lacked, every way she had ever been slighted. There was no devious intent here, no plan; it was pure and simple and honest. He had fallen for the witch. Dropping a kiss to her cheek, he reached around her towards the table to give her a moment to regain her composure.

  Next to the open bottle of champagne and stemware, his hand closed over the final surprise there. Holding it in both hands, he brought them back between them and waited for her to fix her gaze on his, “If we are to live in this world Ella, rather than the Realm, we have to keep up human appearances.”

  She gave him a quizzical look, her gaze drawn downward with his movement. Cole lifted the lid of the box. Ella noticed it was a signature blue box; she did not have to see the company name to know what it was. Cole slipped the velvet box from within and then he raised a finger to nudge her chin so that Ella would lift her face back to his, “I will have your vows from you as is your Witch tradition.” He flipped the box open, “But in this world, you should have the ring on your finger as well.”

  It sparkled in the firelight. There were bead set stones covering the band that lead up to a round cut, brilliant diamond encircled by more bead set gems. Ella was definitely no expert in jewelry, but the center stone had to be over two carats. She could not say anything…she thought she might well choke on her tongue. Cole, so good at reading her, simply picked up her left hand and began to push the ring onto her finger.

  “You will wear it for me, Ella?” He asked the question, but he already knew she would. Wearing a ring was nothing in comparison to enduring the bite she had willingly taken from him earlier this night. She just nodded in answer, still stunned. He continued when he finished setting the ring in place on her finger, “I have the band as well, Ella. I thought you would want it after your vows?”

  Ella nodded again, her thoughts a rambling mess. Entranced by the firelight reflected in the stone, she rubbed her palm absently across his chest in thought. She was at home with him, moreso than she had ever been at any time and any place in her life. Ella wanted that completely…now. Her hand drifted on up and she wrapped that arm slowly around his neck before grasping his right hand in her left. She smiled as she caught his gaze and whispered, “I want to give you my vows tonight Cole. There is no need to wait.”

  Cole held his breath. Ella was radiant and her eyes held no fear or doubts, just a beautiful certainty. He cupped her cheek, smiling in return, “You should be in a gorgeous gown, Ella, with flowers, under the moonlight. It must be significant and beautiful, for you to remember for eternity.” He tapped the end of her nose, his smile a touch regretful. He wanted the witch’s vows now as well, “We have forever, one more night will be worth the wait.”

  She agreed, but her disappointment was etched in her face. Worried that he would be swayed by it, Cole stood and pulled her up with him. Encircling her in the fold of his arms, he studied her face for a moment longer in the warm glow from the hearth before he lowered his lips to hers. He moved them softly against her mouth while he stroked his fingers tenderly over the spot where his mark was on her neck.

  When he pulled back, he was grinning, “I am going to let you explore your new home for an hour Princess, and then I am taking you back to your apartment.” She started to protest and Cole pressed a lone finger to her lips, “You will need to shop for that gorgeous dress I expect you to wear tomorrow night and some shoes.” His eyes were teasing as he added, “Probably more of those manillas – is that what you called them?”

  Ella smacked his shoulder, laughing, “Manolo.” He just nodded seriously and continued, “Yes, those shoes and flowers.” His eyes flickered with a bit of darkness, “And Witch…do not forget something outrageously sexy to wear under that dress.”

  She was laughing when she nodded to that instruction, but already pulling free, ready to explore. Ella was nearly half way across t
he room when he continued with his list, “And call to resign from your job, effective immediately, and give notice on your apartment.” Cole was trailing after her, not certain she was even listening as she was so intent on seeing everything, “And you will need to pack. I expect you could do it all in two hours, given the size of that box you occupy.”

  Her making a face at him over her shoulder was proof to him that she was at least listening while she was busily opening every drawer and cabinet in the kitchen. Shrugging, he conceded, “Maybe three hours, max. At least pack what you need for a few nights and I will have the rest completed and brought here to you.”

  Ella had found the door to the basement and flipped the switch at the top of the stairs. She was trekking down, ignoring him now. Cole gave an exasperated sigh, though in truth he was not even close to any vexation. He was exceedingly pleased with his gorgeous little witch, but he knew he would never get her out of the house in an hour. He stood at the top of the stairs, crossing his arms over his chest with an expectant smile, waiting for it. It did not take long. He could hear her delight, as he knew he would the moment she saw the gym that occupied the entire basement. Her voice echoed up from below “Cole, have you seen this?”

  Cole began descending the steps, laughing, “Yes, dear.”


  It had taken him two hours before he could finally drag Ella away from the house and another thirty minutes before he could get her to quit chattering long enough to tuck her into bed. Cole sat on the edge of the mattress and pulled a slim, black card from his pocket, pressing it to her palm. She flipped it over in her hands while he explained, “It has your name on it Ella. Buy everything you need for…” He glanced at the clock, it was nearly two in the morning, “…tonight. I expect you to spend no less than a fortune on it all. There is no limit on the card. Buy clothes, ten pairs of those silly shoes if you so desire, anything that you need.”


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