Loving Link

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Loving Link Page 8

by T. D. Hassett

  She took a moment to switch out the needle in her gun and reset the speed, giving Link’s skin a well-earned break from the pain. As if on cue, his cell phone rang, and after waiting for her to nod her acquiescence, he took the call.

  "Hi, Dad." A pause and then, "Yeah, I know you’ve been trying to reach me. What…I’ve been pretty busy lately. Everything okay?" Link asked with a roll of his eyes.

  "Should I step out of the room?" Maddie whispered as she gestured her hand to the doorway.

  Link shook his head in the negative and gave her a smile. Must not be planning on a long conversation. Perhaps he was like her and didn't enjoy phone calls from home too often.

  "I know, Dad, we’re starting our sixth album in a couple of months…I'm not the one that gets to decide which albums earn Grammys or how often we tour," Link said with some exasperation. He ran his empty hand through his spiky dark hair, stopping to rub his fingers against his temple. "Look Dad, I do everything my manager tells me, but sometimes I’ve got to let the scandal and crazy publicity die down. I don't need to be in the news every single week to get noticed for my music. If anything, all that press coverage pisses Tommy off. Especially the negative shit. He's got a wife with a baby on the way now and doesn't need to be answering questions about any of my bullshit behavior." Link rubbed his temples even harder and reached around to push at the base of his skull as if in real pain.

  "No, Dad, don’t do that. I need a little break. It's been ten years of albums and touring and drama. I'd like some time just to work on some other projects and avoid all the crazy shit."

  Maddie could sense this was turning into one of those family arguments just from hearing Link’s side of the conversation. She wanted to get up and give them some privacy. He looked so vulnerable, like Count Orgaz in El Greco’s painting. She stood, but Link reached out, grabbed her arm, and held her in place. He shook his head once more at her before covering a portion of the phone and whispering, "Don't go.” He uncovered the phone and continued, “Hey, Dad, I'm with someone right now. Yeah, yeah, in a meeting right now. I’ll give you a call when I can talk more, but don't worry about it, everything's going great." Link tossed his iPhone onto the end of the tattoo table and lay back against the cushions heavily. "That was my dad, calling to nag me about when the next album’s coming out, why we’re not going to play the Grammys this year, and how come I haven't been in some sort of major scandal. It's exhausting to deal with him."

  "Tell me about it. You should deal with my mother for a little while; your father's concerns about your career are nothing. Besides, why would he want you to show up on the scandal sheets and tabloids? If anything I’d think he'd be more like Thomas and want to make sure you and the band stay under the paparazzi's radar," Maddie asked as she leaned back over his shoulder to resume her work.

  "Darling, you have no idea—no idea—how much I’d like to stay out of the tabloids. It’s not who I am. Just don't tell that to my father or my manager." Link brushed a lock of her hair back and tucked it gently behind her ear, exposing her whole face to his gaze.

  His fingers running through her hair and tickling her ear sent shivers down her body. She was leaning so close to his face that her long strands had been grazing his bare chest. She gazed hungrily at his piercings and well-muscled torso, remembering the feel of it, sweaty and slick, sliding against her own straining nipples. He was so different than her, pierced and hard where she was soft and jewelry free. Like Michelangelo’s perfect David. She touched her tongue to her lower lip and licked the dryness away.

  Link groaned at her unconscious action. His hand snaked around the back of her head pulling her face closer to his. He gently licked her bottom lip just as she’d done seconds ago, and she let out a sweet sigh of surrender. He pressed his warm mouth to hers, and soon she was sliding her tongue between his slightly parted lips and tasting him. She dropped her tattoo gun just above his shoulder onto the table. Impulsively, she threw her arms around his neck, running her fingers through his hair, and pulled him even closer, wanting to devour him. He let out a husky groan and nipped at her bottom lip before rubbing his own tongue against hers. Their tongues tangled in the warmth of her mouth. Liquid heat went straight to her core, and she squeezed her thighs together to try and release some of the pressure. Oh, what sweet pressure. She wanted to throw her whole body on top of his, grind against him, and find a much-needed release. He broke the kiss to take in a few gulps of air. She gasped, inhaling a lungful of cool air, clearing her overheated senses, and bringing her crashing back down to reality. She pulled her face away from his and looked around the small tattooing room, now shamefully aware that she’d been making out with a client at her place of work. She sighed and pushed against his shoulders creating even more distance.

  "I'm so sorry about that. I know we agreed it was a bad idea. Perhaps we should finish up your tattoo another day," Maddie quietly stated.

  "What if we both went back to what we were doing, because I sure wouldn't mind being a little sorrier later if it meant spending more time kissing you," Link said with a lazy smile before placing his arm behind his head and giving her a wolfish leer. "Come on, baby, what's a little sorrow and scandal in a rock star’s life?"

  "Nothing to me, as long as I'm not part of that scandal. My sister has warned me about men like you, and I’m taking her advice. I don't need the drama, I don't need the attention, and I definitely don't need to have you in and out of my bed like an extra blanket on a cold night. I can't handle it; I need to just focus on being recognized for my art and building up a client base." Maddie spoke coldly at the end, realizing she was allowing Link to get to her.

  He was speechless as she packed up her equipment. She didn't mean to be harsh, but she had to look out for herself or she'd wind up a wreck like her unstable mother. Her hands shook just a bit as she tightened up her inkbottles and put them into their case. She felt Link’s eyes watching her every move and wanted to appear in control and nonchalant.

  “Madison, come on.” Link was interrupted by the sound of her phone going off against the back counter.

  Madison was both relieved and concerned by the noise. She had set her phone to only ring in response to calls coming from Isabel or Thomas, everyone else's call went silently to voice mail when she worked.

  She grabbed the phone and answered, anxious to hear Thomas’ accented voice on the line.

  "Madison love, it's Thomas. We need you to come to the hospital. Isabel's okay, but she's had some spotting and the doctor wants her on bed rest for a few days just to make sure. I know she's scared, and I'm hoping you can help calm her fears. Actually I'm hoping you can calm my fears too; this shit is making me crazy.” His voice shook a bit. “If Isabel would let me, I'd adopt her a whole orphanage full of kids to raise, anything to avoid seeing her keep going through the pain of losing pregnancies." Thomas exhaled loudly and then pulled himself together to continue, "Could you come right away?"

  “I’ll be right there. What’s the room and floor number?” Madison immediately took down the information provided. She gave Link a hasty explanation as she grabbed her bag from under the counter and ran to the reception desk to explain her speedy exit. It was doubtful that the receptionist, Michelle, understood more than three words of what Madison blurted, but she didn't have time to worry about that. She needed to get to the hospital and give Isabel all of the support and reassurance she could. She mentally repeated the same mantra while flagging down a cab and continued it the entire ride to the hospital: “Isabel and the baby will be just fine.”

  Chapter 23


  Link was sympathetic to Isabel and Thomas’ latest pregnancy plight. He would pray that everything would be okay, if God even listened to his prayers anymore. He hadn't really had much faith since the night his baby sister died, but for his best friend's sake he would say a prayer. Tommy was probably pretty shook up; he'd watched him going through all the stresses of trying for a baby these last few years, and it was some rou
gh stuff. His parents had tried for years to have another kid after Caroline’s death but never conceived. Ultimately they just poured all their hopes and aspirations into him, always pushing him to be at the top of his musical, and now, fame game.

  Link headed up to the fourth floor of Manhattan General Hospital and checked in at the nurse’s station. They checked the computer, made a quick whispered call, and led him down the corridor.

  Tommy was standing just outside the room’s door looking in. He looked exhausted, his mouth set in a tight line and dark circles hovered under his eyes. Link stopped and patted him on the shoulder. “Hey, Tommy, is Izzy okay?” he asked quietly.

  “Oh, hey man. Yes, the doctor thinks everything will be fine. How’d you even know? We just got here a couple hours ago and spent most of that time with Izzy hooked up to machines doing a stress test,” Thomas replied in a strained tone.

  Link shifted his weight from one foot to the other and cleared his throat. “I ran into Madison at All About Ink, and she mentioned where she was heading.” He held out a basket filled with different types of chocolates. “I got these for Isabel, if it’s okay for her to have them?”

  Thomas nodded and let out a yawn. “Yeah, she can eat. Go ahead and go in; I was just giving her and the Moppet a couple of minutes alone.” He rubbed his eyes.

  Link stepped into the room, his boots sounding a rhythmic click on the linoleum floor. Isabel was propped up against some pillows on a standard hospital bed, and Maddie sat in the chair beside her. Their quiet talking had stopped at his intrusion. Madison looked straight at him. Her face paled and her eyes bulged wide. She bolted upright in her chair. Tchaikovsky's Russian Dance ran through his head at the sight of her. She was all nervous energy held in tight check.

  Isabel smiled warmly at him and waved him over to her bedside, oblivious to her sister’s distress over his arrival. He wanted to mess with Maddie’s nerves for a minute but considering the reason for his visit, resisted the temptation.

  “Is all that candy for me?” Isabel asked gesturing at the basket. “I think I’m fat enough already, Link, but thank you! Oh, I love caramel turtles.” She reached for the sweets. “Do you remember my sister Madison?”

  Maddie let out a strangled groan and fluttered her hands nervously. Oh the fun he could have with her…

  “Yes, actually, she was at the tattoo shop today while I was getting some detail work done on this beauty.” Link flashed his fresh ink for Isabel’s inspection. Maddie took in a deep breath and sunk back into her chair. He gave her an exaggerated wink as Isabel unwrapped one of her new chocolates.

  “This was really sweet of you, Link, but you didn’t have to. Everything is going to be fine, but the doctor wants me to go on a few days of bed rest just to be safe,” Isabel explained as Thomas walked in and stopped at her bedside. She took Tommy’s hand and gave it a quick squeeze. “Poor Thomas is the one that’s ready to drop on me, but he’s still not getting any of this candy.” She smiled and picked out another turtle candy.

  An older woman in doctor attire entered the room with a nurse in tow and began issuing orders in a no-nonsense tone. “Okay guys, I need a few minutes of privacy with my patient so I can just check that she’s not dilating.” She made an efficient shooing gesture. “Maddie, you can stay, but the boys have got to go.”

  “Tommy, how about I buy you a cup of coffee somewhere?” Link offered as the men left the room. The nurse shut the room’s door behind them. The dismissed men headed to a small waiting room down the hall.

  * * * *

  “We’re having a girl. I dunno if I told you,” Thomas stated with fatherly pride. “As soon as Isabel can leave the hospital I’m sure she’ll be running up the credit cards buying all things pink. Lucky for me I’m toff!” he joked, finally looking relaxed.

  “Somehow I don’t think you’ll have to pawn your guitar to pay for onesies and diapers,” Link spoke with genuine amusement.

  “I’m going to do everything right this time. With Christopher, well, things were so wonky back then that I avoided him. I never changed a single one of his nappies. Now I can’t wait to hold my little girl and do baby baths and such. I feel like with Isabel by my side I can do anything, and I dunno, I’m just such a lucky fucker.” Thomas sipped his coffee, smiling.

  “Yeah, you are a lucky fucker,” Link agreed. “So how did you know she was the one? How’d you know Isabel was the right woman, the one worth giving up all the girls for, the parties, the crazy shit?”

  Thomas laughed. “You make marriage sound like a stay at her majesty’s pleasure.”

  Link’s eyes narrowed in confusion until Thomas continued. “Prison? Don’t tell me you still need a translator for all my shit after ten years?” He sighed. “Anyway, you just know when you meet the right woman because you can’t think about anyone else, and the idea that they could ever be with someone other than you is like a knife to your guts.” He smiled wistfully and refocused his gaze to Link. “So why all the questions? Something you want to tell me?”

  “I met a girl recently,” Link said.

  “Just one? That’s odd for you. So who is this paragon of female perfection that caught your eye? She must have some pussy for you to be thinking about relationships.” Thomas teased.

  “Fuck you, dude, she’s not like that, she’s…” Link stopped, feeling his face heat up in anger as his fists clenched tightly.

  Thomas put up his hands. “Hey man, sorry, I was just busting your balls. I’m a fucking bugger. Damn though, I’ve never even heard you talk about a lass beyond her acrobatic bedchamber potential.”

  “Well, this one’s different. She knows who I really am, and I like just being me. I think this might be the first real relationship I’ve ever had.”

  “Huh. The real you, ah? Does she know about your collection of Harry Potter figures? Sorry, I did it again.” Thomas dropped his teasing gaze.

  Link nodded in acceptance of his friend’s apology. “If you’re really feeling like kissing my ass you can give me studio time at Canterbury this week to work on some new tracks. And, I won’t tell Isabel you’re swearing like a dockworker and drinking beer behind her back.”

  “You wouldn’t rat out a kind, giving chap like me who just wants the joy of a cold piss without his pregnant wife giving him a jealous evil eye, would you?” Thomas laid on the thick charm. He smiled brightly. “Of course the studio time is yours. Just call Shelly and set it up. I’ll even join you and maybe we can get some tracks worked out before the rest of the guys join us in August.”

  Should he tell Tommy that he was completely smitten with his sister-in-law? Perhaps once Isabel was out of the hospital he could hint a bit about having spent some time with Madison. He certainly didn’t want to upset Isabel, and he knew she wouldn’t think him a suitable guy for her baby sister, not after all the stories she’d been privy too.

  Fuck him and his past. Hell, a lot of the groupie stories weren’t as bad as the press made them out to be. He courted scandal to keep his name current. Just because he posed in photos with a girl didn’t mean he’d slept with her, but he’d never felt the need to clarify the misconceptions. Although, he hadn’t been a monk either. Sometimes he took what was being freely offered, but a lot of the details had been exaggerated. Frankly, he was too spent after most concerts and after show parties to do more than watch TV in a hotel room and crash. Not exactly the type of story that American Musician or Celebrity Now wants to run with.

  Chapter 24


  Madison stepped carefully out of the shower, grabbing her fluffy pink towel from the rack. She carefully squeezed her hair out over the tub and wrapped the damp tresses up in a towel, turban style. She bemoaned her tiny bathroom, but the apartment she shared with Darling was pretty nice considering its East Village location. The rent was high but manageable, and they each had their own tiny bedrooms, an eat-in kitchen, and a decent sized living room. All in all, not bad for two college girls living in one of the most expensive ci
ties in the world.

  The last three days at the tattoo shop had been taxing. She’d had appointments booked back to back with barely time to breathe in between. Her boss had been sending everyone looking for mythological or portrait-style tattoos to her. That had meant twelve-hour days of heavily detailed inking. Lori was certainly getting her money's worth out of Maddie's tattooing.

  Maddie lathered her nighttime moisturizer all over her face and décolleté. She was looking forward to a good night’s rest. She brushed her teeth and rubbed the towel against her damp hair, finally throwing her bathrobe on and exiting into the living room. Darling sat on the couch flicking channels on the TV. She glanced at Maddie intently as she chewed on her fingernail. What was the matter with her? Madison hoped Darling hadn't heard anything bad about her internship application.

  "Hey Madison, I think I did something I shouldn't have," Darling quietly mumbled with a finger still in her mouth.

  Oh, now what? "Did you mess up your interview for the internship?" Maddie asked.

  "Ah nope, that's all good. But, I answered your cell phone. It just kept going off while you were in the shower and I started thinking it must be something really important for the person to call back over and over again. And, well…it was Robert. He really laid it on that he wanted you to call him back and that he missed you and hoped you are doing well and that he’d be in the States for a conference in a few weeks." Darling shrugged her shoulders and waited.

  "Damn, I've told him very clearly we’re done; thanks, but no thanks. I hope he didn't accept an invitation to a conference as an excuse to see me.” Maddie sighed. "It's okay though, Darling. Robert just hasn't given up on the idea that we broke up. He really wants the whole wife, kids, and a dog thing, and I just never felt that way about him," Maddie said the rest as she walked down the narrow hall to her room. She wanted to get changed into a comfy pair of sweatpants and an oversized cotton T-shirt. She was all about comfort at night.


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