Loving Link

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Loving Link Page 15

by T. D. Hassett

  “Oh Christ, honey, is that why you’ve been so distant? You’re mad at me because it’s taking too long for the divorce to go through? I can’t help it; Maria has been fighting me every step of the way. But you’re the one I love. You know how hot I am for you, baby.” Francisco ran his hands down her sides and back up again.

  “Thank you, Frankie. You know how insecure I get sometimes. I need to know you’ll help me. Especially now that Link Jacks is claiming the video is illegally obtained footage from his upcoming music video. Mr. Snow is questioning our ability to handle a reality show of our own.” Sasha stroked her fingers across Francisco’s chest, playfully pulling at his shirt buttons.

  “Oh baby, of course I’ll help you. What should I do?”

  Sasha moaned with relief and pulled him close to her, making certain to rub her hip against his cock. He was soft still, but she’d get him up and in the mood to do whatever she wanted. She knew all his secret fantasies, all the dirty things his frumpy wife would never do. But she’d do them, because she’d get Francisco to help her catch Link in another scandal. She owed him that pain. After all, Link Jacks was the one that told Thomas about her affair with Chris. It ruined her marriage and ultimately killed her once-thriving career. If he had just talked to her first before running his mouth to Thomas, she would have been able to fix everything.

  “Oh baby, I love the way you feel against me. I’m going to do what you love me to do. I just need you to help me one more time with that bastard Link.” Sasha nipped Francisco’s lip, tugging down on it and licking his greasy lips. He groaned in response.

  “Umm, you know what I need; it’s been so long. You’re the only one who can get it right for me. You know I love you, don’t you baby?” Francisco pushed his rising erection tighter against her belly.

  Sasha made quick work of his belt, trousers, and boxer shorts, reaching for his cock and sliding her hand up and down its length. He groaned and strained at her touch. She unbuttoned his dress shirt and slipped it off of his shoulders, letting it fall to the floor. He shoved her sundress down to pinch her nipples. Sasha let the pain fuel her mood. She threw her head back and closed her eyes, imaging what she would do to him. It would be a release for her too—a release of her anger and bitterness toward him. She stepped out of her dress and bent down in front of him. She slid his loafers off of his feet, leaving him in his socks. She took his belt from around his pants and let him step out of the trousers. He was definitely ready for this now, his cock bobbing up and down, all swollen and purple headed.

  Sasha pushed him down onto his knees and wrapped her panties around his wrists, tying them tightly to the handle of the freezer so his hands had to be held a bit above his head. She moved a kitchen chair into place and sat facing him, her eyes boring into his. She grabbed a long grey candlestick from the drawer and slowly pushed it into her parted lips. She sucked the cool wax, reveling in the panting breaths Francisco took just from watching. Next, she dipped the stick shallowly into her cunt and swirled it around, widening her legs so he could get an eyeful. “Are you going to suck it the way I want you to?” Sasha taunted, removing the candle and placing the wet end near his lips. He nodded with a whimper, already too hot to speak coherently. Sasha shoved the stick in his mouth nearly gagging him. “Suck it the right way, like I would,” she advised, and when he was too lazy in his ministrations, she swung his leather belt at his flanks.

  “Ahh, fuck, Sasha. I’m sucking it,” he mumbled awkwardly and whimpered. She hit him again with the leather, enjoying the smacking sound against his flabby ass. “Please baby, please,” he begged.

  “You want it, you want it all?” she asked and waited for him to nod his head, holding back her laughter at the sight of him sucking on a long candlestick. She moved her chair behind him and used the belt to wrap his ankles securely to each back leg of the chair. It was crude but it kept his legs forced at least a bit apart. “Hold onto the freezer handle; if you pull too much I’ll make it worse for you.” He nodded his head, eyes glazed over in anticipation.

  Sasha stepped behind him, pulled the stick from his mouth, and rubbed its wet end against his anus. She held his cheeks spread and watched him pucker in anticipation. Still angry with him she shoved the candle in his ass, relishing the squeal he made. Normally she would tease him, insert a finger first and stretch him a bit, or gently go in just an inch with a dildo. Tonight she didn’t give him time to relax and stretch, but to her surprise he seemed to enjoy the pain. He let out a deep sigh of contentment and pushed his rear back to take in more.

  “Do it, baby, do the whole thing,” Francisco begged. She knew what he meant and part of it disgusted her. She worked the stick in and out of him with one hand, reaching down to rub his balls with the other. He pulled on his tied hands, earning a pause in her stroking. Once he settled she resumed her work, grabbing his cock and jacking him as she fucked his ass with the candlestick. Francisco never lasted long, a couple of minutes at most, and tonight was no different. He began his whimpering noises, begging her to piss on him. It was a regular request when he was this close to coming, but not something she was willing to do. Fortunately just uttering the fantasy was enough to push him quickly over the edge, and he came in her hand, gasping against the side of the refrigerator.

  This was the part Sasha disliked the most, having to untie him and soothe him. She hated the cuddling and snuggling he expected. She’d rather just wash up and be done, but she needed his help, both for more video and revenge. The thought of fucking over Link and getting her back into producer Jim Snow’s good graces cheered her.

  “Baby, clean me up and hold me; you know how I like it.” Francisco’s whiney request jolted her back to action. She’d get this done and outline Frankie’s role in her new plan. Destroying Link Jack’s life had become almost as important to her as regaining her former fame. After all, he’d ruined hers.

  Chapter 40


  The crowds were huge and T-shirt vendors were all over the place, screaming out their wares for sale. The whole five-block area near the Agora Ballroom was a madhouse of excited fans, mostly comprised of the under-thirty-five set, with lots of young girls in heavy makeup and tight, black clothes. Madison and Darling swiped their tickets’ bar codes through the first turnstile kiosk, and the little green light came on, allowing them to venture farther into the facility.

  After being patted down and walking through the metal detectors without incident, they headed toward the main doors. The usher took them and guided them toward another uniformed employee. The second usher rechecked the stubs, attached a blue plastic bracelet to each of their wrists, and proceeded to escort the girls down to the front section. Madison’s heart was hammering just from the energetic crowd already wound up with just the preshow music coming over a giant wall of speakers. She’d seen Becket play live before but always from either the confines of a skybox or standing backstage under her sister’s watchful eye.

  This was much more exciting. She would be in the front row with the energy of the crowd all around her.

  Darling and Madison had front-row center seats for the sold-out benefit show. Link had insisted on sending her tickets and backstage passes. He had even invited her to hang out with the band before the show, but she had to work. He’d tried to send a car to drive her and Darling, but she was fine with a cab and told him to back down on that one.

  The girls settled into their seats. Madison watched the stern-looking security guards maintain their positions like soldiers on a wall, spread out every six feet. She smiled wistfully, thinking of sneaking by Jay at the Mission show.

  The house lights went down, and the crowd stood, cheering and whistling. Madison and Darling stood with the rest of the crowd; their coveted seats a foot behind them. A few girls screeched as if they were being ax murdered. The first chords of a song were almost drowned out by the roar of the crowd but then were joined by a drumbeat that vibrated its way through her whole body. It was a smaller venue than what Beck
et normally played, but tonight was for the band’s special charity. Her brother-in-law strongly supported a children’s foundation that provided educational opportunities for kids with developmental delays. His own son had been born with some special challenges, and he wanted to make sure families with less money would also be able to receive quality services for their children. Madison had watched Christopher catch up to his peers over the last few years and knew how important supplemental programs were.

  Link stood toward the right side of the stage, his spiky hair bobbing as he slid his hands at lightning speed across the strings and frets of a black guitar. Women all over the stadium screamed. Darling and Madison both smiled like goofy teenagers as the music and audience wove their magic around them. It dawned on her that she had heard this band many times before, but now that she’d been intimate with Link she felt more connected to his music.

  Two hours flew by in a flash. Madison had been smiling and dancing with the throngs of the audience. An encore had been performed, and then the band came front and center to thank the audience for their kind donations to the children’s charity. Full house lights went back on, and she looked around for the best route backstage. Madison bubbled with excitement and would probably talk Link’s ear off backstage. She found a staff member who directed them backstage. Darling was trying to tell her something, but her ears were still adjusting to the music’s cessation.

  They followed the staffer down a side corridor that was practically hidden under the stage. There were people everywhere; all were wearing the same laminated badges that she and Darling sported. Young girls squealing with excitement juxtaposed with men in business-casual wear and smiling couples. All were being herded into some secret part of the building. The usher explained that the band would be joining them in the room for photos and autographs. He went over a few rules, and finally they were allowed into a rather plain room with food and beverage tables set up.

  Darling headed straight for the table laden with food. Madison turned around and scanned the room. Link was there, and he was watching her. Her pulse picked up a notch, and the back of her neck got prickly. She watched him grab a bottle of beer off the bar, fans trying to waylay him.

  The other members of the band were working the room, some still sweaty from being on stage. Link smiled at her and started signing some of the papers and pictures people pushed toward him. When had these people all crowded in, and how had she not even noticed?

  Madison was pushed a bit to the side by eager fans, but that was okay. She watched the way he smiled for photos and kindly signed all the weird stuff Becket fans handed him. She wondered what he thought of them all. Was it annoying to have to smile and answer questions after every performance?

  Darling checked in with her and went off socializing. Zach was part of the backstage party, and she would want to be with him. Seeing Link in his natural environment was going okay. At least everything had been okay until the beautiful people showed up. Maddie wasn’t too jealous of scantily dressed teenagers, but the A-list celebrities that had begun to appear were a different story. She didn’t know how Isabel managed to stay sane. Except tonight Isabel was home resting, and Thomas would be cutting out as soon as he could to go be with her.

  After about an hour she couldn’t stand it anymore. All these people slapping Link on the back and complimenting the show were making her want to gnash her teeth. Yes, it had been a great performance, but Madison knew that every request for a private encore by some pretty model or starlet was really code for “Come fuck me in a back room.” Link was politely rebuffing all requests and making witty double entendre’s to keep everything light, but Maddie had had enough. One quite tall and busty redhead literally stuck her tongue in Link’s ear and announced to the surrounding group that they were “dear, close friends.” She worried she was going to punch the slut out. Except she knew it was quite likely that Link and the redhead had an intimate history, and the knowledge left her seething with jealousy. Link busied himself signing Becket T-shirts, and Maddie used the opportunity to slip out. She refused to hang around and watch anymore, afraid she’d say something and make a fool of herself.

  She stopped by the corner Darling and Zach were cuddling in just long enough to let her roommate know she was heading out. Darling was sweet about asking if she wanted company on the subway trip home, but Madison just wanted to be alone. She was scheduled Saturday at the tattoo shop, thanks to Link’s persuasive effect on Lori G, and then escorting Christopher to the Natural History Museum on Sunday.

  Chapter 41


  The hum of the tattoo gun and the bright ink colors kept Maddie grounded in what she was doing. It was Thursday morning, and she just needed to stay out of her own head for a while or the panic would engulf her. The scent of rubbing alcohol and iodine filled her small tattooing room. Her client, Kara, shifted on the table, signaling her need for a break.

  “How are you holding up; need to take five?” Madison asked, hoping her answer would be no.

  “Yeah, sorry but my belly is on fire.”

  “No, it’s fine. The stomach is a rough spot for a tattoo. Very sensitive skin. I can put some Inkeeze spray on to help soothe and numb the area a bit.” Maddie rifled through her drawer for the spray bottle and applied a couple of pumps to the site. It wouldn’t do much, but her client was getting her first tattoo, a tribal sunshine symbol that circled her belly button.

  “I’m so excited about this tat. I can’t wait to show it to my boyfriend. I know it’s going to stretch as my belly gets bigger, but I think the design will be okay even with that.” She placed her hand over her ribcage.

  “Just don’t gain and lose weight really fast and the ink should be okay. I wouldn’t worry if I were you; you are in great shape,” Maddie replied, eyeing the washboard-flat abs her client sported.

  “Not for long. I’m six weeks pregnant. I’ll be stretched and fat by the end of summer. This is my second pregnancy so they say my belly will pop faster this time.” Kara smiled, her enthusiasm for the new baby radiating off her young face.

  Madison paused in filling the ink cup. Was everyone pregnant? Ever since she took the test yesterday it seemed like every magazine cover featured some pregnant celebrity, and every woman she walked by either looked pregnant or had a child in tow. Did she just not notice the stuff prior to the last twenty-four hours?

  She’d thought for sure she was just spooking herself. She knew she’d gotten a couple of days off on her birth control pills, but she’d been on the pill for a year. And it wasn’t like she and Link had done it a ton of times. She’d waited until Wednesday to test, convinced she was just being dramatic and looking for trouble. After all, she’d gotten her job back and the media attention over the sex tape had died down; things were okay again. But the telltale pink line on the EPT plus test told a whole new story. She’d walked out of her bathroom feeling faint. Even Darling had remarked on her looks.

  “Maddie, are you sick? You look all pale,” Darling asked, glancing away from the television set. Zach wasn’t over—a first since Maddie had been back from her retreat.

  “No. Yes. I’m pregnant,” she blurted out.

  “What? How?” Darling questioned, turning off the TV.

  Maddie couldn’t help herself; she started giggling a bit hysterically. “I can’t believe you asked how. Oh, crap. The usual way I guess.” She laughed a bit maniacally, still in shock. “I’m going to test again just to be sure, but with the time difference and the funeral stuff I guess I got off track with my pills and, well…” The words sounded lame even to her ears.

  “You and Link didn’t use a condom? Are you nuts?” Darling’s eyes were wide open, her mouth a bit slack. “Sorry, Maddie. I didn’t mean the way that sounded.” She got up from the couch and pulled Madison into her embrace.

  “I know, it all just happened really fast, but I was on the pill and we both have clean bills of health so…” Madison stepped back from Darling. “What am I going to do? Wha
t do I tell Isabel? I mean, she’s spent years trying to get pregnant, and I just ho out one night and bam. What if I miscarry like she did? Damn it, I’m getting crazy. I need to go back to the drug store and buy another test, maybe this one is wrong.”

  But it wasn’t. She swore Darling to temporary secrecy and stayed up half the night Googling pregnancy stuff. It was overwhelming.

  “Okay, I’m ready for more.” Kara pointed at her half-done tattoo, pulling Madison’s attention back to the present.

  She resumed her work, thankful for the distraction again. She’d be a wreck shopping for Izzy’s baby shower this afternoon.

  Chapter 42


  By Thursday morning Link knew Madison was avoiding him. She had responded to a few of his text messages but let her voice mail pick up any calls. He’d sent her flowers, a stuffed porcupine, and even an mp3 file of the song he finished up for her. So far, no call back. He knew she’d been busy Sunday with her nephew but had expected to be able to see her Monday night at least. No luck; she wasn’t talking to him. He just didn’t get it. She hadn’t even waited for him Friday night after the charity show. One minute she was there, and when he turned around from signing stuff she had bolted. Her roommate said she’d left early, tired after working all day and then seeing the concert. He was going nuts. Maybe it had been a good thing he’d never been in love before? He wasn’t sure he could take the waiting and wondering involved. What wasn’t he getting right?


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