Ch’oe Ch’aewon, 367
Christ, see Jesus Christ
Cimarosa, Domenico, 351
Circassians, 285
Circe, 350
City, the, passim and particularly:
founding, prosperity, golden age, 15, 16, 17–19, 31, 34, 103, 246
as center for overland trade, 34, 35–6, 38–9
harbor, 17, 21–2, 34, 39, 249–50
capture of, 25–6, 31
decadence, misery, 21, 31, 32, 34, 43, 153, 162
renaissance and apogee, 246–7, 249, 307–8, 311
as capital, administrative center, 247, 311–12
Ciudad Real, 299
Claudel, Paul, 134, 143, 291
Clausewitz, Karl von, 206
Clavijo, Ruy González de, 351
Cleopatra, 225, 273
Clitarchus, 349
Cnidus peninsula, 346
Cocteau, Jean, 305
Codreanu, Corneliu Zelea, 370
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 329
Cologne, 107
Comans, 187, 285
Comazon, 279
Comnena, Anna, 349
Como, 107, 199, 345
Concini, Concino (maréchal d’Ancre), 226–7
Confucius, 145, 148, 257
Constantine II, Emperor, 342, 362
Constantine (Porphyrogenete), 336–7
Constantinople, 336, 347
Coomaraswamy, A., 363
Cooper, James Fenimore, 171
Córdoba, 299
Corelli, Arcangelo, 352
Corinth, 284
Corneille, Pierre, 24, 28, 29, 30, 31
Coromandel Coast, 67
Corot, Camille, 344
Corsica, 303, 310, 366
Corvin, Mathias, 338
Cossacks, 285
Couchoud, 326
Crete, 102, 186, 199, 284, 303
Crussol d’Uzès family, 227
Ctesiphon, 79, 105, 303, 305, 320, 333, 335
Cuchulain monastery, 280
Cumaea, 199
Custine, Marquis de, 359
Cyclades Islands, 278
Cyprus, 7, 49, 102, 202, 203, 215, 217, 219, 222, 229, 233–4, 267, 268, 275–80, 283, 284
Cyrene, 299
Dalmatia, 283, 284, 286, 299
Damascus, 63, 134, 307, 351
Dante Alighieri, 85, 138–9, 294, 295, 344, 352–3, 356, 367
Danube River, 61, 189, 284, 304, 305, 310
Daudet, Alphonse, 226
Daudet, Léon, 281
David-Neel, Alexandra, 363
Debussy, Claude, 352
Defoe, Daniel, 171
Delaroche, Paul, 22
Delbos, Victor, 362
Delbrück, Hans, 206
della Robbia, Luca, 172
Delille, Abbé Jacques, 14
Delos, 302
Delphi, 102
Demetrios de Jamblée, 123
Demiéville, Paul, 363
Descartes, René, 117, 258, 366
Dickens, Charles, 171
Diderot, Denis, 365
Dingizik, 208–12, 218
Dion, see Justus Dion
Dionysus, 363
Djagatai, 285
Dnieper River, 317
Dodgson, Charles (Lewis Carroll), 171
Dolomites, 344, 355
Domecq, Bustos, 362
Donatello (Donato di Betto Bardi), 342
Don Juan, 119
Don River, 187, 317, 320
Dresden, 117, 252, 342
Drôme River, 348
Dryden, John, 359–60
Du Camp, Maxine, 143
Ducasse, Isidore, see Lautréamont
Du Guesclin, see Guesclin, Bertrand du
Dumas, Alexandre, 22, 92, 148
Dupont, Pierre, 6
Dura-Europos, 107, 142, 303
Dürer, Albrecht, 305
Duyvendak, J. J. L., 363
Dyushambe, 359
Dzungaria, 268
Edessa, 108, 141, 303, 333
Edith the swan-necked (mistress of Harold, King of England), 347
Egypt, 7, 37, 204, 249, 302, 311
Eisenstein, Sergei, 175
Einstein, Albert, 174
Elam, 356
Eliot, T. S., 14
Elizabeth I (Queen of England), 273
Elizabeth of Bohemia, Princess, 117
Ellis, Havelock, 362
Emden, Max Van, 364
Emesa, 108, 141
Émile (character in Rousseau), 204
Emmerich, Emma Katharina, 346
Ems, Rudolf von, 350
Engels, Friedrich, 106
England, 17, 63, 271
Enjolras (character in Hugo), 172
Entommeures, Prince of the, 285
Ephesus, 101, 335, 346
Epirus, 245
Eritrea, 199
Ertogrul, 188
Erythrean Sea, 318
Eschenbach, Ulrich von, 350
Este, Isabelle d’, 273
Esther, 26
Estienne, Henri, 271
Estienne, Robert, 28
Esenin, Sergei Alexandrovich, 14
Étiemble, 363
Etruscans, 7
Euphrates River, 142, 273, 275, 276, 284, 303, 311
Evcharisto, 38, 153, 156, 183, 333
Ezion-geber, 302
Fabrician, 79–84, 87–90, 95, 106, 109, 114, 124, 145, 148, 157, 162, 190, 197, 203, 219, 317
Famagusta, 49, 51, 65, 66, 188, 202, 219, 277, 321, 333
Faure, P., 360, 368–9
Federovsky, Igor, 361
Fénelon, François de Salignac de la Mothe-, 172
Feodorovna, Alexandra (Empress of Russia), 370
Fergama, 285
Fernandez, Macedonio, 362, 366
Ferrière, Alexandre de la, 135
Fethiya, see Telmessos
Feuerbach, Ludwig, 248
Fichte, Johann Gottlieb, 259
Ficino, Marsilio, 124
Fiesole, 226
Finale Ligure, 348
Firdussi, 349–50
Flaubert, Gustave, 295, 367
Fleuriot, Zénaïde, 172
Florence, 115, 123–4, 287–8, 305
Focillon, Henri, 252, 361
Ford, Henry, 174
Foscari, Francesco, 226
Foucauld, Charles de, 148
Foucault, Michel, 248
Fouquet, Marie-Madeleine, 227
Fouquet, Jean, 338
Fouquet, Nicolas, 227–8
France, 171, 172
France, Anatole, 225–6, 263
Francesca, Piero della, see Piero della Francesca
Francis of Assisi, Saint, 261
Francis I (King of France), 214
Frederick II of Hohenstaufen, Emperor, 96, 334
Freud, Sigmund, 94, 354, 362
Fujikake, Shizuya, 367
Füseli, 305
Futo-no-Yasumaro, 367
Gadaric, 187
Galigaï, Leonora, 226
Gance, Abel, 175
Gandolphus, 47, 50, 51, 58, 60, 64, 65–74, 79, 80–90, 92, 94, 107, 114, 152, 153, 165, 177, 190, 191, 197, 201, 202, 203, 310, 355, 356, 362
Ganelon, 351
Ganges River, 143, 303, 304
Garcia, Pauline Viardot-, 92
Gard River, 348
Garnier, Robert, 24
Garrett, Robert, 363
Gattamelata (Erasmo di Narni), 342
Gaulle, Gen. Charles de, 363
Gauls, 225, 297
Gautier, Théophile, 37, 157
Gavroche (character in Hugo), 172
Gazul, Clara, 334
Gedrosia, 155, 303
Geiseric (King of the Vandals), 297
Genghis Khan, 174, 232
Genlis, Stéphanie Félicité du Crest de Saint Aubin, Comtesse de, 172
Genoa, 120
George, Saint, 350
Géricault, Théodore, 365
Germany, 37, 63, 171, 231
Ghéon, Henri, 349
Gibbon, Edward, 359
Gibraltar, 299
Gide, André, 261, 263
Gildore, Cape, 34, 35, 37, 156, 173, 178, 184, 202, 208, 239, 276, 335
Giraudoux, Jean, 291
Glaucon, 204
Glendalough monastery, 280
Gobineau, Joseph Arthur, Comte de, 314
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 203, 234, 252, 295, 351–2
Gozzoli, Benozzo, 287–8
Gracq, Julien, 367
Grado, 287
Granada, 299, 335
Greece, 7, 57, 97, 155–6, 242, 249, 251, 258, 284
Greenland, 67
Gregory VII, Saint, Pope, 328, 341, 343–4, 348
Grenier, Jean, 363
Grimm, Jacob and Wilhelm, 12, 95, 171
Grock, A. W., 172, 364
Grotius (Hugo de Groot), 258
Grousset, René, 359, 361, 369
Grüneveld, Professor von, 140
Guadalajara, 299, 304
Gubbio, 294, 344
Guesclin, Bertrand du, 225
Guignebert, Charles, 5
Guiscard, Robert, 297
Gurdjieff, 296
Hadrian VII (Archpatriarch), 292–6, 298, 303, 310, 311, 320–1, 323–8, 330, 334–6, 367
Hadrian, Emperor, 225, 340
Hahn, Reynaldo, 352
Halicarnassus, 302, 346
Hammurabi, 174
Handel, George Frederick, 352
Hannibal, 315
Harar, 134
Hardy, Alexandre, 351
Harold (King of England), 347
Hart, Liddell, 206
Hartlieb, Johannes, 350
Hastings, 347
Hegel, Friedrich, 259, 282, 335
Hegesippus, Prince, 285
Heidegger, Martin, 257, 280
Heine, Heinrich, 352
Helen, 76–90, 91–2, 94–7, 99, 100, 107, 113, 114, 116, 124–25, 145, 148, 162, 167–70, 171, 173, 183, 184, 190, 194, 201–3, 205, 212, 220, 233, 235, 268, 272, 288, 295, 306, 319, 329, 335, 340, 350, 355, 370
Heloise (wife of Abelard), 26, 117
Heloise (daughter of Nephaot, wife of Arsaphes), 22–3, 24, 25–31, 39, 42, 94, 124
Herbolzheim, Berthold von, 350
Hermenides, 16, 35, 103, 109, 148, 257–8, 295, 307
Hero, 26
Herod Antipas (Tetrarch of Galilee), 225
Heruli, 297
Himalaya Mountains, 144
Hindu Kush Mountains, 364
Hinstin, M., 117
Hitler, Adolf, 214, 232, 367
Hiung-Nus, 187, 189
Hobbits, 38
Hohenschwangau, castle of, 346
Holbein, Hans, 305
Ho K’iu-ping, 299, 367
Hondo, 300
Horeb, 324
Hubert-Michel, Michel, 361
Hugo, Victor, 85, 166, 172, 350, 364
Huns, 187
Hunyadi, Jean, 284
Hu-Wuans, 187, 189
Hvar, island of, 346
Hvotan, 12
Hwang Ho River, 299, 348
Hyphasis, 303
Hyrcania, 155
ibn-Batuta, 134, 330
ibn-Khaldun, 134
Ibos, 317
Ikhnaton, 248, 294
Illyria, 362
Illysos River, 202
Imperia (courtesan), 120–1
Impruneta, 294
India, 7, 69, 122, 134, 144, 147, 186, 200, 204, 229, 237, 252, 257, 276, 325, 351
Indonesia, 334
Indus River, 142, 143, 145, 303, 304, 324
Ingeburgh, Empress, 4, 47–9, 61–4, 65–6, 68, 74, 124, 152, 153
Ireland, 67
Irene, Empress, 4, 54, 64, 153, 184
Isfahan, 142, 143, 144, 145, 149, 318, 351
Isidore, 5, 106, 109, 133, 151, 157–8, 161, 162, 166, 167, 177, 180, 184, 185, 194, 201, 203, 205, 209–12, 214, 218, 219, 235, 248, 261–3, 265, 288, 295, 334, 335, 339, 355, 363, 365
Italy, 171, 231
Ivoi, Paul d’, 148
Izanagi (god), 300
Jammes, Francis, 261
Japan and the Japanese, 123, 131, 268, 300–1, 304, 306, 333, 334
Jaxartes River, 196
Jayavarman VII, 323
Jerusalem, 284, 302, 307
Jester I, 158, 159, 161, 168–72, 174, 176, 180, 183, 184, 191, 235, 275, 288, 306
Jester II–VII, 171–2, 192–4, 197, 203, 205, 207, 209–12, 214, 218–19, 224–5, 228–35, 247, 272, 274, 275, 297, 306, 321
Jester VIII–IX, 306, 355
Jesus Christ, 134, 135, 225, 326, 363
Jimmu Tenno (Emperor of Japan), 300
Joan, Pope, 326
Joan of Arc, Saint, 225, 326, 363
John, Prester, 326
John, Saint (apostle), 136
Jones, E. T., 94
Jornandez, 210
Judas Iscariot, 225, 351
Julian the Apostate, Emperor, 174, 363
Julius II, della Rovere, Pope, 124, 174, 348
Jung, Carl Gustav, 370
Justinian, Emperor, 26, 174, 352
Justus Dion, 4, 8, 11, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 31, 32, 56, 67, 69, 70, 73–4, 79, 83, 88, 94, 96, 97, 111, 133, 168, 170, 180, 182, 194, 209, 210, 216, 224, 241, 245, 248, 251, 256–7, 260–1, 263–6, 314, 317, 320, 330–2, 337, 338, 342–3, 345–6, 354, 356, 361, 364, 365, 366, 368, 369
Juvenal, Bishop, 346
Kabulistan, 285
Kadesh, 356
Kaisari, 12
Kaluga, 348
Kanabel, 12
Kandahar, 285
Kanishka, 155, 156, 161, 164, 170, 178–80, 182, 183, 191, 201, 202
Kant, Emmanuel, 259
Kaptchaks, 38, 187, 189
Karagoz (Turkish folklore character), 334
Karakoram, 328, 364
Karkemish, 356
Kereke Mountains, 196
Kerulen, 285
Kha-Khan of the Oïghurs, see Balamir
Khan, Abul Ghazi Bahadur, 368
Khan of the Oïghurs, 7, 46, 49, 155, 187–9, 191, 277
Khantaāskoia, Lake, 196
Khazars, 38, 187, 189
Khmers, 69, 186, 317, 323
Khorasan, 285
Khubilai, Emperor, 268, 329–31, 333, 334, 335–6, 337
Khwarizm, 285
Khyber Pass, 276, 303
Ki Lien-chan, see Székesfehérvár
Ki Liu-chan, 299
Kinsey, Alfred, 362
Kipling, Rudyard, 171
Kirghiz, 75, 156
Kleist, Heinrich von, 14
Königsee, 346
Kora-Kora, Mount, 3, 52, 156, 172
Korcula, island of, 346
Korea, 300–1, 304, 312, 330, 333
Kosovo, battle of, 347
Krafft-Ebing, Richard von, 362
Krk, island of, 346
Kuchan, 7
Kuchan, Prince, 303
Kuropatkin, Generalissimo Aleksei Nikolaevich, 347
Kyushu, 300
Labianus, 35–6, 38
Lacordaire, Henri, 139
Ladislas, King, 284
La Fontaine, Jean de, 261
Lagash, 356
Lägerlof, Selma, 171
Lahore, 303, 318
Lambrecht the priest, 349
Lampidus, 349, 362, 370
Lancelot of the Lake, 351
Languedoc, 299
Lao-tzu, 145
Laplanche, J., 369
Laquedem, Isaac, 369
Larsa, 356
Las Casas, Emmanuel, Comte de, 72
Las Navas de Tolosa, 299
Las Vegas, 228
Laurens, Jean-Paul, 22
Lautréamont, Isidore Ducasse, Comte de, 85, 117
Lauzun, Antonin Nompar de Caumont, Duc de, 227
Laval, 348
Lawrence, T. E., 148, 174
Lazarus, 225
Leal, Valdés, 305
Leander, 26
Le Corbusier (Ed
ouard Jeanneret-Gris), 250
Ledoux, Claude Nicolas, 250
Lefèvre-Pontalis, J.-B., 369
Lefranc, Abel, 256
Leibnitz, Gottfried Wilhelm, 243
Lena River, 196, 201, 216
Lenin, Vladimir I., 174, 177, 206, 249, 268, 314
Leo I, Pope, 328
Leo X, Pope, 328, 338
León, 299
Le Senne, René, 368
Le Tors, Lambert, 350
Levaillant, Maurice, 85
Lévi-Strauss, Claude, 248
Libya, 21, 31, 333
Lichtenberg, Georg Christoph, 257, 366
Lindos, citadel of, 283, 331
Liszt, Franz, 92
Liu Kia-hway, 363
Liutpold (father of Empress Ingeburgh), 61–2, 63
Logophilus, 8, 239, 241, 264–5, 274, 277, 287, 290, 295, 303, 308–15, 317, 320–5, 327, 328, 331–4, 337, 340–3, 351, 355, 368
Loire River, 287, 310
Lombardy, 62
Lope de Vega Carpio, Felix, 85
Lot, Ferdinand, 368
Louis I of Wittenbach, 346
Louis II of Wittenbach, 346
Louis XI (King of France), 46, 338
Louis XIV, 227, 265
Lübeck, 351
Lusitanians, 284, 333
Luynes, Charles d’Albert, Duc de, 227
Lycia, 367
Lyly, John, 351
Maastricht, 227
Macedonia, 245, 284, 286
Machiavelli, Niccolo, 314
Maddalena Point, 17
Madeira, 204
Mademoiselle, the Grand, see Montpensier, Duchesse de
Madrid, 172
Maghreb, 134
Magnentius, Emperor, 362
Maguelonne, 155
Mala, Philippe de, 120
Malabar Coast, 67
Málaga, 299
Malaparte (Kurt Suckert, called “Curzio”), 174
Malea, Cape, 264, 284
Malherbe, François de, 118, 264
Malibran, Maria de la Felicidad Garcia-, 92
Malik, al-, see Saladin
Malot, Hector, 172
Malraux, André, 175, 368
Malta, 102
Manchuria, 347
Manfred (son of Alexis), 317–23, 324, 329, 333, 341
Mann, Thomas, 367
Mao Tse-tung, 299, 364
Mirandola, see Mirandolphus
Mirandole, see Pico de la Mirandola
Mirandolphus, 62–4
Marcian, 295, 324, 333
Marcus Aurelius, 342
Mardoch, 155, 156, 161, 170, 173, 178, 182, 183–4, 191, 202
Maria Theresa (Empress of Austria), 273
Marignano, battle of, 347
Marne, battle of the, 207
Marseilles, 199, 298
Martian, 258, 259–60, 356
Mary Magdalen, 225–6
Marx, Karl, 354, 368
Massagetans, 285
Mathiez, Albert, 235
Maulnier, Thierry, 28
Mauretania, 302, 320
Maurois, André, 85, 119
Maurya, King, 303
Mayakovsky, Vladimir, 14
Mayenne, 348
Mazarin, Jules Cardinal, 46, 364
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