Lost Memories: A Lesbian Romance

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Lost Memories: A Lesbian Romance Page 9

by Lydia Rose

  “Would you and Steve go pick us up burgers and fries for lunch?”


  “Bring sodas too because we have nothing cold.”

  Ryan walked over to Beth and kissed her mouth softly. “Be back in a while.” Her grin carried her out the door with Steve trailing behind.

  “That woman is walking on cloud nine,” Rachel said as the front door closed.

  Hanna giggled. “She certainly isn’t the same woman who came to work for Four Leaf six months ago.” Hanna looked at Beth. “Liz, you have made her very happy.”

  “She’s makes me happy too.”

  “I still can’t believe you have no recollection of your time together before,” Hanna said looking at Beth.

  “I don’t Hanna and of course, Ryan wouldn’t say anything. She could have said when we met here that we had once been lovers.”

  “Yeah, I always wondered why she didn’t tell you.” Rachel added.

  “If she had told you that back then, you would have flipped,” Hanna said with a shake of her head.

  “You’re probably right, Hanna.”

  “When did you start to suspect or didn’t you?” Rachel asked.

  “I asked Ryan if there was anything she could tell me that might trigger my memories.” Beth laughed as she remembered. “She didn’t say anything, but she showed me pictures from that time.” Beth smiled. “I took them home and studied them. There were a few where we looked awfully cozy. So I picked up the phone and called my sister. Ann was honest with me and told me about my relationship with Ryan.” Beth shrugged casually. “I still didn’t know what to do with that information, but once Ryan started dating Lori.” She giggled. “I was jealous.”

  “So Ryan got you to fall in love her again?” Rachel asked.

  “Yeah. My sister said we’re soulmates and destined to be together.”

  “I think she’s right,” Hanna said touching Beth’s arm. “Some people never meet the one they are supposed to be with and you two found each other twice.”

  “I am so lucky that Ryan didn’t write me off years ago.”

  “You’re both lucky.” Rachel added and the three women had a group hug.

  They began to laugh.

  “I don’t know what my mother is going to think when she finds out,” Beth said softly.

  “You haven’t told your parents yet?” Rachel asked.

  Beth shook her head. “When my mother heard that Ryan was working at Four Leaf she wasn’t happy.”

  “But Ryan said you didn’t keep your relationship a secret the first time,” Hanna said questioning Beth.

  “I guess she wasn’t thrilled back then either.”

  “You’re going to have to tell them sooner or later,” Rachel said laughing.

  “Maybe after we get married.” Beth added laughing with Rachel.

  Rachel’s laughter stopped. “Did Ryan ask you to marry her?”

  “No. I’m just saying.” Beth looked at Hanna who suddenly became quiet. “What do you know?”

  “Me?” Hanna’s hand went to her chest. “I don’t know a thing.”

  Beth was about to grill her when the front door opened.

  Early evening their helpers had left the townhouse. Ryan was lying on the couch in the family room too tired to move.

  “Honey, why don’t you jump in the shower and we’ll go to bed.”

  “Can’t I just stay here for tonight?” Ryan asked with a groan.

  “If you’d rather spend our first night here in separate rooms, it’s okay with me.” Beth laughed and went up the stairs.

  Ryan rolled off the couch and ran for the stairs. “I’m coming.”

  After the two women spent some alone time in their new shower, they put on long t-shirts and got into bed. As Beth was arranging the covers, Ryan opened the night table drawer and turned to Beth.

  “Beth, I can’t tell you how happy I am.” Ryan kissed her hand.

  “You’ve made me happy too, honey.”

  “I never want to be without you, Beth.”

  “You won’t be, Ryan.” Beth leaned over and kissed Ryan softly. Her hand stroked her cheek.

  “So I wanted to know. Even though we haven’t been back together too long.” Ryan took a deep breath. “Would you marry me?” She opened the box and showed Beth the ring.

  Beth glanced at the ring and then stared into Ryan’s eyes. “I want nothing more, honey.”

  Ryan slipped the ring on her finger. “I love you, Beth. I always have.”

  “I love you too. Forever yours,” she said with a grin before kissing her mouth. “Hanna knew, didn’t she?”

  Ryan nodded. “She helped me pick out the ring. Why?”

  “I just got a feeling is all,” Beth said taking her in her arms.


  The women fell into a routine of living together. Beth was usually home before Ryan and she’d start dinner. While cooking one evening her cellphone rang. “Hi, mom. How are you and dad doing?” Beth still hadn’t told her parents about Ryan.

  “We’re fine, honey. I just wanted to remind you that next week your dad and I will be in San Francisco. We will be at your place sometime Saturday morning. His meetings don’t end until Friday afternoon so we’ll leave early Saturday morning.

  Beth didn’t comment.

  “Lizzie, are you there?”

  “Yeah, mom. I forgot all about dad’s business trip.”

  “You’ll be home, won’t you?” Cathy Hale asked.

  “Yes, mom. I’ll be here, but I’ve moved closer to work.”

  “That’s good, honey. You can text us the address next week. We can’t wait to see you.”

  “Me too, mom.” When Beth hung up, she sat down with a thud. “Why didn’t you tell her?” She asked the empty room. “Chicken shit, you are.”


  Beth no longer had an appetite and pushed her food around the plate. “Are you okay, Beth?” Rachel asked concerned.

  “I’m fine. My mother called to remind me of my dad’s business trip. They’ll be here next Saturday for the weekend.”

  “It’s been a while since you saw them, right?” Ryan asked as Beth shook her head. “Then you must be excited.”

  “I still haven’t told them about us,” Beth said softly.

  “Do you want me to make myself scarce next weekend?” Ryan asked just as softly.

  “No, Ryan. It’s time for them to know.”

  “Are you sure? I don’t want to cause any problems between you and your family.”

  “You’ve told your parents about us. I want my parents to know too.”


  Saturday arrived much too fast for Beth. She ran around the house dusting and mopping the floors.

  “Honey, it’s only your parents. Sit down and relax.”

  “Was that a car door?” Beth jumped up. “No. It’s not them.”

  “Beth, sit down. We don’t have to tell them anything. We can just say I’m here visiting.” Ryan offered seeing how nervous Beth was in the last few days.

  “No, Ryan,” Beth said as the doorbell rang. She took a deep breath and went to the door. “Hi, mom. Dad.” Beth hugged her mother and then moved to her dad.

  “It’s so good to see you again, honey,” Tom Hale said hugging his daughter tightly. He then looked over his shoulder and saw Ryan standing there. “Ryan,” he said holding out his arms. “It’s been too long.” His big hands wrapped around her.

  “You look good, Mr. Hale.”

  Tom smiled. “Call me Tom, Ryan.” He looked between Beth and Ryan. “It’s good to have my two girls back together. Isn’t it, Cathy?” Tom asked his wife.

  “Hello, Ryann. I didn’t know we’d be seeing you this weekend.” Cathy didn’t hide her displeasure of seeing Ryan.

  “Elizabeth,” Tom said. “Why don’t you show your mom around while Ryan gets me a beer?”

  “Sure, dad.” Beth led her mother down the stairs while Ryan and Tom went into the kitchen.

  Ryan opened the refrigerator and handed Tom a beer and took one for herself. “How was the drive?”

  “Not bad,” he said looking at her face. “You and Beth are living together.” Tom didn’t ask, it was just a statement.

  “We are, Tom. I asked Beth to marry me.”

  “It’s good to hear you call her Beth again. I’m sorry that you both lost so much time with each other.”

  “It doesn’t matter now, Tom. We’re both happy again. Does Mrs. Hale suspect?”

  “Not until she walked in and saw you.” He chuckled. “I’m sure now the thought crossed her mind.”

  Once Cathy had Beth in the downstairs family room, she grabbed her arm. “You’re in love with her again. Aren’t you?”

  Beth nodded quietly.

  “Ryann promised me she wouldn’t tell you.” Cathy began to pace. “I knew she’d break her promise.”

  “What promise?” Beth asked standing in front of her mother.

  Cathy realized what she had said and turned away from Beth. As she did, Tom and Ryan entered the family room.

  “What’s going on?” Tom asked.

  “I never broke my promise, Mrs. Hale. I gave you my word,” Ryan said overhearing Cathy Hale’s words.

  “Then why is Liz in love with you again?” Cathy asked demanding an answer.

  “What promise?” Beth asked over her mother’s loud voice. She moved over to Ryan. “Tell me.”

  “After your accident, your mother made me promise that I wouldn’t tell you about our relationship. She said you were in no condition to handle it.”

  “And you agreed to do that?” Beth asked.

  “I only wanted what was best for you.” Ryan answered emotionally.

  “I might have remembered something if you told me at the time.” Beth began to cry. “You.” She pointed at her mother. “You moved us away quickly and then tried to fix me up with every single male you knew. You never told me the truth.” Beth stormed up the stairs.

  Ryan heard the master bedroom door slam. “Excuse me. I better go check on her.” Ryan knocked on the door softly. “Can I come in?”

  “Ryan, please leave me alone for a little while. I need some time.”

  “Okay,” Ryan said walking away heartbroken. She went back to Beth’s parents. “Make yourselves at home. Beth needs sometime to herself.” Ryan opened the door that led to the garages and left.

  “You couldn’t be happy for your daughter, Cathy.” Tom shook his head. “She’s finally happy again and you have to stick your two cents in. Did you know Ryan asked her to marry her?”

  Cathy eyes opened wide. “Did she accept?”

  “Of course, she did. If you keep this crap up, you’re going to lose her.” He pointed down at his wife. “You may not care, but I do.” Tom went up the stairs and looked for the master bedroom. He knocked gently.

  “Ryan, I said I need some time.”

  “It’s me, honey.” Tom opened the door slightly. “Can I come in?”

  Beth sat up on the bed and wiped her eyes. “Of course, dad.”

  Tom sat on the edge of the bed. “May I see the ring?”

  Beth held out her hand for him to see.

  “It’s beautiful. Ryan has great taste and I can tell how much she loves you, honey.”

  Beth held the tissue to her nose and nodded.

  “Your mother and I love you and want nothing more than for you to be happy. I know Ryan makes you very happy. She always did.”

  “What about mom?” Beth finally asked.

  “She’ll come around.”

  “Where is Ryan?”

  “She left.” He patted her leg. “Why don’t you call her and tell her to come back home?” Tom stood up and left the room.

  Beth picked up her phone and called Ryan. It went to voicemail after two rings. She called again and again until Ryan answered.

  Ryan answered, but she didn’t speak.

  “I love you, Ryan. I’m sorry. Please come home.”

  “Are you sure?” Ryan asked through a tight throat.

  “Yes. Please, Ryan, I need you.”

  “I need you too, Beth.”

  “Then come home.”

  As Ryan came back into the house, Beth ran to her arms. “I’m sorry. Please don’t give up on me?”

  “I would never do that, Beth. I love you.”

  “I love you too.” Beth stood on her toes and kissed Ryan’s mouth. She now turned to her mother. “If you can’t accept my relationship with Ryan, then it’s your loss. I won’t give her up to please you. You kept us apart for too long and I won’t do it again.” She turned back to Ryan. “Don’t you ever make a promise like that again for anyone? Do you hear me?”

  Ryan nodded. “Yes.”

  “Well, I only have one question.” Everyone turned to Cathy Hale. “Can I see the ring?”

  The laughter filled the quiet room. “Yes, mom.” Beth held out her hand.

  “It’s beautiful, honey.” Cathy stared at the square cut diamond. The band had diamonds going down each side. Her daughter’s finger brightly shined from all the stones. “I think your father and I should take you both out to dinner tonight to celebrate your engagement.” Cathy turned to Ryan. “Ryann, would you please show us to our room so we can freshen up before we go to dinner.”

  Ryan glanced at Beth smiling. “Sure, please follow me.” She helped Tom with the suitcases and left them in the guest room.

  “Girls,” Cathy said. “Please dress up. No jeans, please.”

  “Yes, mother.”

  Ryan followed Beth into their own room. As soon as the door closed, Beth jumped into her arms. “I’m so sorry for turning you away this afternoon.”

  “I understand, Beth. Really I do.” Ryan squeezed Beth to her before she kissed her lips. “Everything is going to be okay now.”

  “Please do me a favor?” Ryan nodded at Beth’s question. “If we ever fight, please don’t run off.”

  “I’ll try to remember that for next time,” Ryan said with a grin.

  Beth decided on an A-line skirt and white blouse. Ryan was wearing a pair of navy blue slacks with a light green cashmere sweater. Ryan went down to the living room to wait for Beth to finish getting dressed. She found Tom already there. Ryan took a seat on the couch next to him.

  “I couldn’t ask for someone better than you to take care of my daughter,” Tom said.

  “We take care of each other, sir.”

  “I know you do, but you have always taken care of her heart. Even when it was at a cost to your own. I admire you, Ryan. I don’t think I would have had the strength to keep my mouth shut and not try to get Elizabeth to remember me. You’re an honorable person and I welcome you to the family with open arms.”

  Ryan moved into his outstretched arms. “I love you too, Tom. You’ve always been like a second father to me.”

  “I hope you both will come visit us.”

  “We will, Tom. I promise you and you both are welcomed out here anytime.”

  Beth and her mother came down the stairs. “Is everything alright in here?” Beth asked seeing their faces.

  Ryan stood up and put her arm around Beth. “Everything is fine.”

  At dinner, Cathy began her questions. “So have you two picked a wedding date?”

  “No, mom. Not yet,” Beth said with a roll of her eyes.

  “Well, if you’re going to have children someday, you shouldn’t wait too long to get married.”

  Ryan spit her wine back into the glass. “What?” She asked in between coughs.

  Beth patted her back. “Don’t listen to her, Ryan.”

  “Mom that is a conversation that Ryan and I should have.”

  “But you do want children? You always said you did.”

  Beth watched Ryan swallowed hard. “Mom, please. Leave it alone.”

  “Okay, I’m just saying.”

  “Cathy, leave the girls alone,” Tom said silencing Cathy for a moment.

  “You’ll still be coming home
at Christmas, won’t you?” Cathy started her questions again.

  “Mom, Ryan has family too.”

  “You can spend Christmas with us and New Years with them.” Cathy thought her solution was obvious.

  Beth just shook her head and rested her hand on Ryan’s thigh. “Ryan and I will talk about it and let you know.”

  “Have you called your sister to let her know you’re engaged?” Cathy asked.

  “Yes, mom. Ann knows.”

  “She knew before us, didn’t she?” Cathy demanded to know.

  “Yes, mom. I knew Ann would be happy for me and before you get angry, I asked her not to tell you and dad. I wanted to tell you in person when you came for your visit.”


  The rest of the weekend was uneventful. Cathy still tried getting the two women to pin down a wedding date and only twice did she bring up children. When they left for the airport, Ryan dropped onto the sofa lying back.

  “Wow,” she said holding up her hands.

  “What wow?”

  “I feel I’ve been violated. Your mother doesn’t give up, does she?” Ryan leaned on her elbows. “Do you want kids, Beth?

  Beth lifted Ryan’s legs and rested them on her lap when she sat down. “I always wanted them, but I would never force you into having children if you didn’t want them.”

  “I didn’t say I didn’t want kids. I’m not sure I would want to carry a child, but I would love a little Beth.” Her grin was wide.

  Beth curled up next to Ryan. “We’ve got plenty of time to think about that. No matter what my mother says.”


  Ryan stood up. “We need to do grocery shopping.”

  “I’ll go with you.”

  As they walked through the store, they saw Lori with another woman.

  “Hi, Lori,” Ryan said as she approached.

  “Ryan,” Lori said smiling and then looked over her shoulder and saw Beth pushing the shopping cart. “I was right,” she said leaning toward Ryan.

  “Lori, you have to believe me that I never would have done anything to hurt your relationship with Ryan,” Beth said standing next to her.

  “I know you wouldn’t, Beth. But I knew that Ryan still loved you and that was never going to change.” Lori turned to the woman standing next to her. “Sweetie, this is Ryan and Beth. This is my girlfriend, Monica.”


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