Lost Memories: A Lesbian Romance

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Lost Memories: A Lesbian Romance Page 11

by Lydia Rose

  “You both are so jealous.”

  “Well, I know I am,” Ann said. “Who has the energy to have sex with a toddler around?”

  “I couldn’t even rouse these two this morning with knocking on the bedroom door.”

  “Don’t tell me you came into their room through the bathroom?” Ann asked shocked.

  “I had to.”

  Ann turned to Beth. “You forgot to lock that door?”

  “No. It was locked last night, but Ryan got up to go to the bathroom early this morning. She forgot to relock the door.”

  Ann shook her finger. “I bet she’ll never make that mistake again.” She leaned over toward Beth. “She didn’t catch you doing anything?”

  “No.” Cathy answered quickly. “They were both asleep. Although,” Cathy pointed a finger at Beth. “This one didn’t have any clothes on and she was trying to get Ryann into another morning session.”

  “How come it was only you without clothes?” Ann asked with her head tilted.

  “When Ryan got up to go to the bathroom, she put her sweats on.”

  The three women began to laugh. Beth missed this camaraderie with her family. She knew her mother and sister were teasing her, but she was still enjoying the closeness.


  When they got back to the house Ryan and Beth headed for the bedroom. Tom went right to his recliner for a nap and Cathy went into the kitchen. This time the bedroom door wasn’t closed or locked. They were both too tired to do anything, but sleep. As soon as their clothes were taken off and a pair of sweats took their place, they both got under the covers.

  “You know, I took a lot of teasing from my mother and sister this morning.”

  “You did?” Ryan asked getting comfortable.

  “Yes,” Beth said moving close to Ryan.

  “Where was I?”

  “Sleeping on the floor with James.”

  “Sorry.” Ryan lifted her arm so Beth could lay in her arms.

  They both closed their eyes and went off to sleep.


  It was time to leave Connecticut and take the train down to New Jersey. Beth went into her mother’s arms.

  “Your dad and I were so happy that you both came to spend Christmas with us.”

  “We were happy to be here too, mom.”

  “Cathy, thank you for opening your house to me. I hope I didn’t cause you too much anxiety over these last few days,” Ryan said with a grin.

  “No, Ryan. I’m thankful that you and my daughter are so much in love. I couldn’t be happier for the both of you.”

  “Honey, they’re going to miss their train,” Tom said standing with the door open.

  “Okay, Tom.” Cathy hugged Ryan and hugged Beth again. “You call me.”

  “I always do, mom.”


  “Well, we survived your family,” Ryan said on the train. “We just have to get through a few more days and then we can go home.”

  Beth tucked her hand through Ryan’s arm. “Despite the teasing, I had a good time spending time with my family.” Beth poked Ryan. “Remember that when the teasing starts from your family.”

  “Honey, I don’t care about the teasing. You forget, I remember when we were dating in high school. I took a lot of teasing from my brother. My mom at the time thought we were too young to be having sex. So she didn’t tease as much as always having a comment about us. I didn’t care then and I don’t care now. I told them then that I loved you and they could say anything they wanted to me, but it wasn’t going to change the way I feel about you.”

  “I am so sorry, Ryan for forgetting about you. I don’t understand how that could have happened.” Beth sighed as she rested her head on Ryan’s arm. “I bet your mother was quick to tell you I told you so?”

  “No. That’s when she stopped making comments. She felt real bad for me. Even my brother stopped the teasing.”

  The train pulled into the station and the two women gathered their luggage. “Are you ready for this?” Ryan asked with a laugh.

  “Yes. Let’s go.”

  As soon as they stepped off the train, Austen was there to greet them.

  “Ryan.” He called waiving his hand. Austen was four years younger than Ryan, but being six foot four, he appeared to be the older brother. The moment he saw Ryan, he picked her up in a big bear hug.

  “Put me down, Austen.” Ryan demanded. “You’re going to break my spine.”

  Austen laughed and turned to Beth. “Lizzie, you are even more beautiful then I remember.”

  “Thank you, Austen.” She looked at his face for something familiar, but there was nothing she remembered.

  Austen took their luggage. “It’s so good to have you both here. Mom and dad have been getting the house ready for weeks.”

  “How is school, Austen?” Ryan asked as she helped Austen put the luggage in the trunk of the car.

  “Good. I’ll be glad to finish this spring.”

  They got into the car and before Austen started the car, he turned in his seat and looked at Beth. “Lizzie, thanks for making my sister so happy again.”

  “She makes me happy too, Austen.” Beth patted his shoulder.

  As they came down the street to Ryan’s parent’s home, Beth looked for anything that might bring back her memories from so long ago. She knew that she knew Austen, but she couldn’t remember him. They pulled into the driveway and Beth looked at the house next door.

  Ryan came up to her. “Do you remember your old house?” She asked pointing next door.

  Beth shook her head. “We moved after the accident so it doesn’t look familiar.”

  Helen and Harold Allen came out the front door. Helen ran toward her daughter.

  “Ryan,” she said taking the woman into her arms. “I’m so glad that you’re here.” She turned to Beth.

  “Mom, you remember Beth,” Ryan said.

  Helen smiled. “She was always Beth to you, but to us she was Lizzie.” She wrapped her arms around Beth. “We’re so happy that you’re here.”

  Ryan stood smiling while her parents made Beth feel welcomed. They led her into the house which left her and Austen to bring in the luggage.

  Austen and Ryan carried the suitcases up to her old room. “There’s a new bed in here,” she said to Austen.

  “Yeah, mom thought a queen size bed would be better for you and Lizzie. I’m supposed to meet some friends, but I’ll be back by dinner.”

  “Austen, go have fun. Don’t hang around the house because we’re here.”

  “Thanks, Ryan.” He put his large hand on her shoulder. “I’m happy for you, Ry.”

  “Thanks, buddy.”

  Ryan found Beth in the kitchen with her parents making coffee. Beth smiled at her as soon as she walked into the room.

  “Lizzie turned into a beautiful woman, didn’t she, Ryan?” Helen asked.

  “Beth was always beautiful to me. Even when she wore those braces,” Ryan said chuckling as her arm went around Beth.

  “You’re such a charmer,” Beth said kissing Ryan’s cheek.

  “Ryan, do you want to come with me to pick up lunch?” Her dad asked.

  She looked at Beth who nodded before answering. “Sure, dad.”

  Helen and Beth sat at the kitchen table drinking their coffee. Helen looked at her and smiled brightly. “It’s so good to see Ryan so happy again.” The smile left her face. “I worried about her all these years. First, when you didn’t remember her and then she never got seriously involved with anyone.” Helen reached for Beth’s hand. “I worried when Ryan told me that you were working at her new job.” Helen let out a deep breath. “I thought it would be too much for her to see you every day.”

  Beth put her hand over Helen’s hand. “I’m so sorry for all the pain I caused Ryan.”

  Helen looked Beth in the eye. “It wasn’t your fault, honey. I was happy when she started seeing Lori. I thought maybe Ryan had finally gotten over you, but when I heard they broke u
p.” Helen held up her hands. “I knew Ryan still loved you.”

  “I found out about the promise Ryan made to my mother.” Helen nodded her head.

  “I kept telling Ryan that she should ignore that promise and do everything she could to make you remember.” Helen looked away. “Ryan didn’t want to hurt you and tell you about a relationship you couldn’t even remember. She said it wasn’t fair to you.” She wiped her eye. “Ryan was a better person than me. She put your welfare ahead of her own.”

  Beth touched the woman’s hand gently. “That’s why I fell in love with her again, Helen. Ryan is the sweetest and strongest person I have ever met. How could someone not fall in love with her?” Beth smile was radiant.

  “I believe that’s why your mother moved the family away. She knew that if you two continued to be in each other’s lives, that the inevitable would happen again,” Helen said sadly.

  “She tried so hard to convince me that I was straight. I had a crush on a girl in college.” Beth smiled as she remembered. “I was dating this guy for a few months.” She covered her face. “I haven’t told anyone about this. Not even Ryan.” Beth continued softly. “When I wasn’t with Brian, I was with Carol. One night she kissed me.” Beth put her hands to her face because she knew she was blushing. “It was nice, but I ran from her and went back to Brian’s arms.”

  “Your natural instincts were trying to come out.”

  “Yes, but my mother had me so convinced otherwise.” A tear dropped onto Beth’s face. “I’ve wasted so much time.”

  “It doesn’t matter anymore, Lizzie. It all worked out in the end.”

  The front door opened as Ryan and her father came through the door. Ryan’s eyes searched for Beth. “Hi,” she said coming into the kitchen. “Why do you two look upset?”

  “Just old memories,” Helen said standing and touching Ryan. “You’ve got a wonderful woman here.”

  “I know that, mom.” Ryan smiled as she looked at Beth.

  As Ryan and Beth got into bed that night Beth asked. “Did we make love in this bed?” She asked moving closer to Ryan.



  “My mother bought a new bed for us. This used to be two twin beds.”

  “Well, that was nice of her. You have a wonderful mother, Ryan.”

  “I know, Beth,” Ryan said kissing Beth’s head.

  “Do you want to christen this bed?” Beth asked looking at Ryan.

  “You know this bedroom backs up to both my parents and Austen’s room.”

  “I don’t care if you don’t.”

  Ryan kissed her lovers mouth deeply. It used to be so sad to come to this house and see the house next door that once held the love of her life. Now that didn’t matter anymore because she had the love of her life again.


  On the flight back to California, Ryan and Beth talked softly. “It was a wonderful trip, Ryan.”

  “Tiring,” Ryan said with a squeeze of Beth’s hand. “But I know what you mean. I guess we better start planning that wedding when we get back home.”

  “We’d better or our parents will never forgive us.”

  “And kids?”

  “Honey, we’ve got plenty of time to think about that. We’re not going to let either one of our parents talk us into that if we’re not ready.” Beth put her finger to her chin. “I have to say that your mom showed great restraint not bringing up children.”

  “Yeah, she’s like that. I’d like us to have a house before we even think about kids.”

  “I agree. Our townhouse is perfect for us, but it’s not an environment where I’d like to bring up children.”

  “Did I tell you today how much I love you?” Ryan asked.

  “Yes, but I’ll never get tired of hearing you say it.” Beth leaned her head on Ryan’s shoulder. “Thank you for waiting for me and putting my welfare ahead of your own.”

  “Your welfare will always be the most important thing in my life.” Ryan grinned. “But if you ever lose your memory again. I will lock you in a room until I can convince you what we mean to each other.”

  “I’ll hold you to that, Ryan Allen.” Beth kissed Ryan’s mouth softly.


  I appreciate your purchase of my work. If you enjoyed the story, please take the time to review my book and if would like to reach me, email me at [email protected]

  Other Books by Lydia Rose

  The Summer of Our Love (2014)

  What Are You Doing the Rest of Your Life? (The Summer of Our Love Sequel (2014)

  Stay With Me (2014)

  The House on the Lake (2014)

  The Country Girl (2014)

  Coming Home (2014)

  Are you the One (2014)

  The Story of Annabelle & Alison (2014)

  Love Comes to Alaska (2015)

  Family Ties (2015)

  The Cruise (2015)

  My Heart Wants You (2015)

  Somebody Like You (2015)




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