Once Upon a Real Good Time

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Once Upon a Real Good Time Page 13

by Lauren Blakely

  I wave goodbye and turn back into my apartment, expecting to see Campbell on the way out. Instead he’s waiting for me in the kitchen.

  “What’s up?” I ask curiously.

  “Come here.”

  I step closer, and he reaches for the waistband of my jeans. Gooseflesh rises on my arms. “We shouldn’t do this.”

  “I know, but I can’t help myself. Especially after that video you did with my daughter,” he says, his eyes never straying from mine.

  “You liked it?”

  He tugs me closer, lining up my pelvis with his. “It was the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen.”

  “Oh, please.”

  “I mean it, Mackadoodle. You helping my kid bake? Holy fuck. So fucking sexy, the way you are with my girl.” He leans into my neck and presses a kiss to my skin. “So fucking hot.” He drags his stubbled chin along the column of my throat, making me tremble.

  “That was hot?”

  He growls a yes. “I can’t resist you. I know you want me to stay away, but it’s fucking hard, Sunshine.”

  “It’s hard for me too,” I whisper, relieved to admit the patently obvious.

  He pulls back and cups my cheeks. “What if we set up rules? What if we agree that sometimes I want you too much to hold back?”

  I love that he wants me that way. “You do?”

  “You’re so sexy, and so fun, and so kind, and I can barely take wanting you this much. Tell me it’s the same for you.”

  His voice is so desperately sexy it melts me. “Don’t you know I want you that way too?”

  He groans, tugging me closer. “Bend for me, Sunshine,” he whispers in my ear, while grinding his erection against me. “Bend for us so we can have each other again. We’ll just have rules.”

  I let out a long sigh, the kind that says I’m relenting. Because I’m terrible at resisting. “Like no dating?”

  He nods.

  I nibble on the corner of my lips. “No sex with kids in the house?”


  “One last thing. We keep it a secret?”

  He answers instantly, “Of course.”

  I don’t think anymore. I don’t contemplate detours and unexpected paths. I stop worrying about being good all the time. Maybe I was never that good anyway.

  For now, I make a choice based on the way I feel, the way I want. I grab his face. “Fuck me, Campbell.”

  Chapter 20


  * * *

  On the one hand, I could set a world record for how fast I strip her to nothing.

  On the other, I want to savor every inch of her delicious body.

  On the third hand, the clock’s ticking, and I’m not getting any younger.

  I toss Mackenzie over my shoulder and carry her to her bedroom, fireman-style. “Love your kitchen, and the ambiance it sets for a good, old-fashioned screw is top-notch, but I have a plan for you and your bed.”

  “Does it involve tying me to the headboard?” she asks, craning her neck to look up at me.

  I stop in the doorway and stare at her. “That something you’d like, Sunshine?”

  She wiggles her eyebrows. “Maybe you will find out sometime.”

  I swat her ass. “Maybe I will, now that you’ve thrown down that little nugget. But first things first.” I toss her on the bed, and she yelps as she bounces. With lightning speed, I unzip her jeans and tug them down her legs. She wriggles and pushes her panties down too, and in mere seconds, she’s down to nothing on her bottom half.

  “Fuck, I’ve missed this gorgeous view.” My eyes are starving, and I gobble up the sight of her strong legs, lovely thighs, and the perfect paradise between them that I haven’t spent nearly enough time visiting. It’s been almost two months since our night together, and I can barely stand how much I want her. It hurts. It’s a physical ache, this desire.

  Grabbing her ankles, I yank her down to the end of the bed, her ass at the edge. She squeals, and I fucking love how she laughs. How she finds fun in so many moments. As I slide my hands up her calves, her laughter fades, then it blends into a beautifully needy moan as I reach her thighs and spread them.

  She moves with me, letting her legs fall open. My mouth waters as I stare at the gorgeous sight in front of me. She’s glistening for me, so fucking wet already. I turn my face to the inside of her legs and rub my jaw along the soft skin.

  Her hands shoot into my hair, and she grabs at my head. “Don’t tease me. You’ve made me wait so long.”

  I laugh as I rub my sandpaper stubble against her other thigh. “I made you wait, Sunshine? It was me torturing you?”

  She kicks her feet against the bed. “Yes. You torture me by being so hot and sweet and interesting, and by writing me songs and being terrific at teaching—”

  I put us both out of our misery by dropping my face between her legs.

  Hello, sweetness. You taste fantastic.

  Her desire floods my tongue. Her liquid heat meets my lips.

  She widens her legs even more, spreading completely for me.

  That move makes my whole body hum with rampant lust. Her need for this physical connection makes me harder than I’ve been before. I could lose my mind for her.

  I lick and suck where she wants me most. Moaning and panting, she writhes against my face. But I want more of her. I want to be covered in her.

  I stop, hop on the bed on my back, and yank her on top of me. “Sit on my face, Sunshine. I want to be buried in your sweetness.”

  Her eyes widen in shock, but it’s a filthy kind of delighted surprise, since she doesn’t protest. She simply climbs on my face and lowers herself on me.

  “Yes,” I groan as I lick her, while digging my fingers into the flesh of her ass and moving her across my lips.

  She slams her palms onto the headboard and goes to town, giving my face a lap dance of the dirtiest variety possible. She’s so fucking sexy, chasing her pleasure, knowing what she needs, using my mouth to get what she wants.

  She leans her head back, her blonde hair spilling over her shoulders. I stare at the gorgeous column of her throat while I lick her. She likes it rough and greedy, and that suits me fine. I want to consume her, want to devour every delicious drop of her arousal, want to feel her coming all over my face.

  Judging from the sounds she’s making, that’ll be happening any second.

  Oh God.


  Oh my fucking God.

  So close, I’m so close, I’m so close.

  She’s flying, screaming, shouting as she finds her release. She shudders against me, groaning incoherent noises at the top of her lungs. I’m covered in her pleasure, and I couldn’t be happier to have Mackenzie flooding my tongue.

  A few more moans. A couple of heady pants. An oh my God, that was incredible, and she moves off me, coming down from her high.

  I kiss her neck. She shivers as my lips dust her skin. “Campbell,” she murmurs, and it sounds lush and lingering on her lips.

  “Want another?”

  She laughs then meets my gaze. “I want you inside me.”

  “It’s like you can read my mind.”

  I get off the bed. She props herself up on her elbows, looking sexy as hell, wearing a long-sleeved royal-blue shirt and nothing else. “I want to watch you get undressed.”

  “Same here. Take off your shirt. I want you completely naked,” I say as I undo my jeans. I was never terribly good at resisting her, but in hindsight, now that I’ve had her again, I don’t think I stood a chance.

  She sits up and strips off her shirt and bra, and I groan as I stare at her nudity. Her tits are beautiful teardrops, and her body is all mine to enjoy. I strip off my Henley, grab a condom from my wallet, and climb between her legs, kneeling.

  “Hurry, hurry,” she says, as if she’s cheering me on.

  I shake my head. “Don’t want to mess up this part, little Miss Fertile.”

  “Ohh, good point. By all means, take all the time in the world.”
  “I thought you might agree with me there.” I slide on the condom and rub the head of my dick against her wet folds. She sinks back down on her pillows and moans loudly, a welcoming sound. “I’m so turned on,” she whispers, as if it’s naughty confession time.

  “Good. I like you turned on. Let’s keep you this way.”

  She raises her arms to my chest and loops her hands around my neck. I push into her, sinking into her heat.

  “Oh God,” she whispers as I bury myself in her.

  “So hot. So fucking wet.”

  “I told you I’m turned on.”

  “I love it,” I murmur as I fill her completely. “I fucking love all this wetness.”

  Lust takes hold of every inch of my body. It’s fantastic to be buried inside her like this. I move in her, and the two of us waste no time finding a rhythm. We’re not slow fuckers; we don’t seem to like to linger. Mackenzie lifts her hips quickly, planting her feet so she can move with me, grind up into me.

  She drags her nails along my back, digging them in. “Harder.”

  “Woman, I’m doing my best to fuck you hard.”

  She brings her mouth to my ear. “Hard. Fast. Rough. That’s how I like it.”

  Groaning, I rasp out, “You’re fucking perfect, Sunshine.” I do as I’m asked, fucking her ruthlessly hard, grabbing her right leg and pushing her thigh up, so she’s wide open for me. “Like that?”

  “Oh God, yes,” she says, moaning, and I drive into her, giving it to her the way she wants—relentlessly.

  “Touch yourself,” I tell her.

  She slides a hand between us, down her stomach, and rubs her clit as I push in and out of her. Her mouth falls open in a gorgeous O.

  “You rubbing your sweet pussy. That’s so fucking hot. So fucking sexy how you touch yourself. Makes me want to watch you come again and again.”

  She throws her head back and moans my name, and it turns into a warning bell, since a few strokes are all she needs to send herself tumbling over the edge again.

  Once she’s there, I’m tempted to put her on her hands and knees and pound into her, but when I stare down at her face, all blissed out and beautiful, I don’t want to fuck her from behind.

  I don’t even want to fuck her hard.

  I want to look at her.

  Watch her.

  Catalog every expression on her face.

  I slow my pace, and lower myself to my elbows, and whisper, “Hi.”

  “Hey,” she says, all sexy and smoky.

  “Love the way you come,” I whisper as I rock slowly, taking my time now, swiveling my hips and finding a luxurious pace.

  “I think you’re pretty damn good at getting me there. But what about you?”

  “Don’t worry about me.” I bury my face in her neck, and layer kisses on the smooth, soft skin.

  “Mmm,” she murmurs and reaches her arms around me again, tugging me closer so our chests are pressed together. “This feels so good.”

  “I know.”

  It feels fucking amazing.

  It feels like I took a different turn down the road. Like we started with raw heat, and we sped through rough-and-fast land, and now we’ve veered someplace else entirely. We’re driving down a new road, and this one’s a little more dangerous, but it’s fantastic in its own way.

  Because it’s closer.

  It’s more intimate.

  It’s a connection I didn’t expect but can’t deny.

  “I love the way you feel so deep in me,” she murmurs.

  Deep in her. That’s precisely how it is with Mackenzie. Like I’m getting lost in her, and I don’t want to be found. Gone is the rushing, the fevered race to the end. Instead, we’re sliding and moaning with slow, indulgent delight.

  Soon, our sounds mingle, layering on top of each other. Pants, and groans, and sighs.

  So good.

  Keep doing that.

  It feels incredible.

  You. God, you.

  Pleasure ricochets down my spine, electrifying me.

  Mackenzie arches up, her hands slinking into my hair, her fingers tousling through it as she desperately whispers, “You’re making me come again.”

  Hottest words ever.

  When she cries out, tipping over, I’m falling off the cliff too.

  My brain goes haywire. My mind is a blur. I’m so far gone in her. I say her name, and I let go, joining her on the other side.

  When I open my eyes, a million thoughts form on my tongue, but I don’t say a word. Our eyes say everything when our gazes lock.

  She has to be able to tell from how I look at her. From the way I kiss her cheek, the corner of her lips, her eyelids.

  From how I breathe her name reverently. “Mackenzie.”

  She has to know I’m falling in love with her.

  Chapter 21


  * * *

  Campbell: Just so you know I’m still thinking of that. Of you.

  * * *

  Mackenzie: Me too. It’s on a nonstop loop in my head.

  * * *

  Campbell: We were pretty amazing the first time but that was . . .

  * * *

  Mackenzie: Dope?

  * * *

  Campbell: Is that what we call it now? When something is amazing?

  * * *

  Mackenzie: Dope or sick. Both of which feel incredibly wrong as a way to describe amazing sex, even though everyone says you can’t say epic anymore.

  * * *

  Campbell: Felt epic to me. :)

  * * *

  Mackenzie: Me too.

  * * *

  Campbell: Can we agree that we’re totally okay using epic to describe the kind of sex we had?

  * * *

  Mackenzie: It was beyond epic. How’s that?

  * * *

  Campbell: *thumps chest in epic victory*

  * * *

  Mackenzie: But on a more serious note, I feel like I should feel bad if we keep having epic sex.

  * * *

  Campbell: Do you feel bad? I don’t want you to feel bad about anything.

  * * *

  Mackenzie: The weird thing—I don’t. I thought I would. I’ve tried to resist you. Maybe I haven’t tried hard enough, but I have tried.

  * * *

  Campbell: Do you want points for effort? Happy to give them to you. :)

  * * *

  Mackenzie: No, that’s not what I’m saying. I think what I’m saying is this—I expected to feel more guilt since my head has been telling me to resist you. But I don’t feel that way.

  * * *

  Campbell: How do you feel?

  * * *

  Mackenzie: It might be the orgasm talking, but I feel pretty damn good.

  * * *

  Campbell: I’d like to make sure the orgasm keeps talking, then.

  * * *

  Mackenzie: The O has spoken.

  We’re bad again, like a couple of junkies. We sneak in a midday session on Tuesday and another on Wednesday after lunch. Damn, it’s fantastic messing around with a woman who keeps her own schedule. It makes it a piece of cake to slip away for some afternoon delight at her place.

  Each time I’m tempted to say something, to give voice to the words that have been teasing at my mind—I’m falling for you. But Mackenzie established the rules of engagement. Since she has more at stake than I do, I need to respect her guidelines.

  But it sure as hell feels like we’re this close to breaking the new rules when I sneak over to her place for a Thursday lunch that feels like a date. I take her hard and fast as she bends over the bed. I fuck her the way she likes it, rough and fast, bringing her two orgasms before I let myself finish.

  I’m a generous fucker, pun intended.

  I’m still panting, still sweating as I say, “That was . . .”

  “Incredible?” she supplies.

  “It was incredible.”

  We flop down on the bed together, and she turns to loop her arms around
my neck, threading her fingers through my hair. “So are you.”

  My heart rolls over in my chest, and I want to say it now. I’m falling so hard for you.

  I smother the thought with a hot, wet kiss, followed by a fantastic chicken and cheddar panini she makes me for lunch.

  That night, we text each other. She confesses she’s never seen My Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. It’s a musical, a comedy, and a spoof, so I tell her it’s a crime she’s never watched it.

  Since our kids are asleep, we tune in to an episode together on the phone.

  “Damn, you’re right. That’s a fine, fine show,” she says when the episode ends. “Also, watching TV together on the phone—are we dorks?”

  “Kind of?”

  She laughs. “I think it might be more than kind of. It has to be full dorkitude.”

  “We are epic dorks.”

  But I like it that way, and I like her in every way. “See you at Kyle’s lesson tomorrow. I’ll pretend I’m not thinking of you naked.”

  For the first time, I struggle to look her son in the eye when I go to her home the next day. But that’s not because I’m thinking of his mom naked. It’s because of how I feel for his mom.

  As I work with Kyle, a stark, new awareness dawns on me. I thought Mackenzie was the one who had more at stake, but now I see what’s at stake for me.


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