Volcan Knights

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Volcan Knights Page 10

by Bowler, Laurie

  “I’m serious!” he repeated.

  He stood in front of me; I could feel the shaking of his body as he was making the change into the Volcan form. His eyes turned glassy and the sweat began to pour down his forehead. Slowly he released my hand that he’d grabbed and collapsed to the floor on all fours, his head turned towards me as his eyes seemed to beckon me to follow suit.

  I wasn’t accustomed to changing into Volcan form, and neither did I revel in the painful explosion as my body began to make the change. It hurt, no more than that, it was like being set on fire and having no way to stop the painful episode.

  Presumably, he felt the sudden need to fly with me.

  I watched with complete silence and some awe as his change rapidly turned into Volcan, and he stood before me in all the grandeur of the species that we are.

  His wings outset, as if he was ready to make the move into the skies already. Gently he lifted me into the safe embrace and circle of the spans of his wings, where his arms gently circled themselves around me.

  His head rested on top of mine, as he ascended gently and slowly into the sky, I watched the earth gradually become a blip in the distance and I clung to him. Knowing I was ultimately safe in his arms, but I yearned for something else, it felt like something far deeper and a little more sinister than this.

  Revenge for my daughter came to forefront of my mind, along with the revenge for the lost years of my life. And the chance to mourn for my family, the only way to reap the revenge would be to find the shadows and then we would dance!

  “Are you ok?” he asked frowning at me slightly. “You’re very quiet all of a sudden? Would you like to go back down?”

  “No,” I shook my head. “I’m fine.”

  I lied to him, should he even guess what it was I was about to do then he would stop me and he wouldn’t want me to place myself in danger, neither would he want to place the rest of the Volcan’s in danger.

  Our breed was unknown to anyone, including the people that cared for us while we remained in the human world, working like humans and never giving anything that even hinted that we were anything different to them.

  But of course we are; we are the hunted ones where the shadows come out to play. Many times while missing reports had been filed at the station I’d often wondered how so many people could go missing in a week, and now knew. It wasn’t some mass murderer that Sam had always tried to play it off to be, and neither was it that these people were vanishing to start another life like he’d once suggested, it was the shadows at play.

  Gorging themselves on the innocent humans that fell to their darkened and aged claws, their deprivation to survival was born from the existence of myself. The only female amongst the Volcan’s, if they had me then they could live and then Sam could destroy them and the humans would be free and I would reap my own revenge for my family.

  I looked around and I saw the glittering stars above me, their shining glimmering outlay was contrasted well with the cloudless sky, along with the moon’s beam that silhouetted around us. A romantic scene meant for lovers, a scene that was lost to the human race but it was here for us to enjoy.

  If only there was another way to rid the Volcan’s of the shadows, the detestable Devourers, if there was another way then I’d surely take it rather than submit myself to their monstrosity and whatever lay in wait for me deep inside their hidden shell or wherever it is they vanished too.

  Slowly, Sam began to descend back down to the earth that we’d left far below.

  The shadows danced and taunted me from the depths of the world, wherever the moon beams missed, the shadows emerged.

  I shivered in remembrance of the shadows I’d already seen earlier on, and I wondered if it would hurt when they crushed me, or would I have been able to pass out before they got the chance to do that.

  “Here we are,” Sam whispered gently into my hair and gently planted me firmly onto the ground. “I think we’d better get some sleep now.”

  Unable to respond with anything other than a nod of my head, I watched him as he gently pulled his wings firmly back into place into the folds that hid them from view; our backs evolved themselves to encase the wings. It was a mighty scar along the spine, but it served a good purpose.

  “I...” my words were left suspended in the air as Sam gently leaned towards me and kissed me.

  As his lips met mine, the dazzling feeling of belonging wrapped around me, it’s hard to explain how it happened but it was like a feeling of finally coming home, to a place where I belonged.

  Gradually, the kiss ended, smothered by the sounds of the distant animals that were traipsing through the undergrowth of the garden, it was truly a magnificent evening, made even better by the warmth of Sam’s embrace.

  Chapter Eight

  I slept until the sun appeared through the gap in the curtains; the golden rays lit the room and spread a small glow of light across my belongings.

  I stretched out with my hands and felt the soft skin next to me, I hadn’t any idea why or how it was that I had company inside the bed. The dizzying display from last night, which I had a sneaky suspicion came from the wine with the meal, had brought me tumbling into bed and collapsing under the duvet into an exhausted but restful sleep.

  My fingers touched the shoulder of some unknown person, and the sound of soft snoring met my ears. Startled and more than a little horrified that someone was beside me, I grabbed the duvet covers and pulled it up to my chin to cover my bare shoulders, and to preserve at least a little more dignity.

  “Morning,” Sam mumbled sleepily and reached out a hand towards me.

  Sliding myself further away from him, which felt absurd considering the details he’d told me recently and the intimacy we’d previously shared, that I still had no notion of.

  “Sam,” I squeaked in shock. “W-what are you doing in my bed?” I found myself asking the docile question.

  Wasn’t it obvious?

  “I thought we’d start sleeping together,” he answered smiling slightly. “And besides,” he shrugged while capturing me and pulling me down into the bed with him, “You were so tired last night, I’ve never seen anyone move so fast to get to bed, and I was a little worried that I’d said something to frighten you.”

  Thoughtfully I chewed my bottom lip.

  “I don’t think I asked you to come into my bed though,” I moaned.

  “No true,” he replied. “You didn’t. But I was worried and the last thing I want is for you to relapse and not have anyone there with you to help you through it. Watching you stumble around and try to regain your memory the first time round was bad enough, and I shouldn’t have done that to you, but I won’t make the same mistake twice and risk losing you.”

  Slowly but surely he must have felt my body relax and succumb to his embrace, I slowly and gently lay down next to him and found myself held tightly against him. With my head on his should and his arms around me.

  I found myself staring into the mirror that was placed below the bed on the dresser; my own reflection stared back with a rather glum expression.

  Dealing with the devouring shadows wasn’t to be an ease fete, but it was going to be the revenge attack that was just deserved and something that the Volcan’s hadn’t tried to do in all the time I’d been without a memory.

  Sam got up slowly, and dressed just as quickly to leave and go and make breakfast. I was left inside the room alone, the sun was still continuing to shine which I knew gave no chance to me finding any shadows, but I supposed that was dependant on which side the sun was at, according to the time of day.

  And there was always the opportunity to delve into one of the many alleyways to find them, if they came out that is.

  The purring emerging from Merlin alerted me to the fact that I was day dreaming and I was caught in the act of absentmindedly stroking his soft fur.

  “Hey there boy,” I spoke gently to him which accelerated his purring to a high noise that was damn near deafening. “How you doing?”

  Of course, he wasn’t going to answer, bizarrely I knew that. He snuggled against me as close as he could, and excitedly played with my finger tips while I absentmindedly stroked his head.

  A thought occurred, inside the study I’d spotted some weapons, knives and larger blades inside a cabinet, at first I hadn’t registered them but now one of them would come in handy.

  If I was right and thinking along the correct path, then the devourers would only need some of my blood in order for them to become complete in their true form, whatever that may be! Then they could be destroyed the same as humans could be, it was worth the risk, and one that I was more than happy to take if it meant that I could reap my own revenge on them.

  The day they’d taken my daughter and destroyed my life was the day they set themselves up this revenge attack. As the history books constantly dictated, the females strain of the Volcan’s were the weakest that constantly hid behind their males; but not this one. With every ounce of strength and energy that I possessed I was going to make sure they didn’t survive the attack, whether or not the others would join me, I had no idea.

  But I was guessing when I had the inner feelings that they would, in particular Sam; my own protector, who would surely come after me, and order the others to follow suit but then they were equally as protective of me as he was.

  Being the only female did seem to have its perks; ones that I was going to use to my own advantage that would benefit both me and the others of my kind.


  I started at the sound of my name spoken from behind the closed door. The voice belonged to Ethan.

  “Yes Ethan,” I called back as I struggled to climb into my clothes.

  “Are you coming down?”

  “In a minute.” I replied.

  Finally dressed and hurriedly checking my hair and my general reflection in the mirror, I hurried to the door and opened it. I was faced with a grinning Ethan, who stood lounging idly against the doorframe with his hands in his pockets.

  “What are you grinning at?” I asked as I went to walk past him.

  “Just that your back with us,” he answered as he grabbed me around the waist and swung me around to face him.

  “Oh!” I squeaked as he playfully ruffled my hair and picked me up off the floor in one swoop.

  Chuckling with happiness, he then carried on swinging me around until I felt dizzy enough to be sick. Laughing with him and his playful exposure I gently tried to extract myself from his embrace.

  “I think you should put me down before Sam see’s” I gently chided.

  “No,” he said gently watching me with something in his eyes that I couldn’t quite make out. “He won’t mind. He’s used to seeing us mess around like this,”

  “Oh really?” I asked laughing when he yelped at the pinch on his arm.

  Gently he dropped me to the floor, his eyes wide with happiness and his hand rubbing the marked area I’d pinched.

  “I see you haven’t lost any of your strength or will to cause me pain,” he groaned.

  “Oh grow up and be a man,” I said sticking my tongue out at him. “I’d better get downstairs to see Sam. Are you coming?”

  He nodded, and followed me to the front room of the house where Sam was sat with the other Volcan’s, their conversation quietened down on our entry which made me wonder what it was they’d been talking about.

  “Hey there,” Regan called waving madly from the other side of the room. “I see you two had a good night!”

  I felt my face redden with response to his comment. By the looks of their faces they all knew that Sam had slept in the same bed as I had, and they’d put the dots together and come up with the wrong answer. Nothing like they were thinking actually took place; as far as I was aware during the night and before I went to sleep I’d been completely alone.

  I settled down next to Sam on the small sofa at the far side of the room, his arm rested against the back of the sofa, almost like he was claiming me in front of the others.

  Grinning with wide eyes, Ethan noticed and nodded emphatically towards the gesture which only caused me to redden some more in response. Seeing my responsive embarrassment he chuckled and slapped his thigh, he acted more like a school boy rather than the serious Volcan that I knew him to be.

  The air around us all smelt serious, the look on Sam’s face and judging by the deep frown, he was worried over something.

  “What’s going on?” I questioned looking at each of them in turn. “Can someone please tell me?” I demanded when no one answered right away.

  A hushed silence came across the room, Ethan and the others shifted their feet on the ground uneasily, startling me to the fact that they were trying to hide something from me.

  “Sam,” I twisted around to face him and I saw the dark expression in his eyes, “What’s going on?” I asked him directly since he was the one that gave the orders anyway.

  “The Devourers know where you are,” he said quietly. “The minute you step foot away from this house they will capture you, Ethan saw them guarding the areas outside of the safety of the walls. They are lying in wait ready to take you,”

  “So...” I shrugged not entirely following what it was he was saying to me.

  “So,” he sighed ruffling his hair with his free hand in exasperation. “You're not exactly safe here. Well you are to a certain extent,”

  “What do you mean a certain extent?”

  “Well...” he stopped and thought for a minute before continuing with his answer. “So long as you don’t go near the gardens or the surrounding walls and you stay with one of us at all times then we can make sure that you are kept safe.”

  I slowly released the breath that I hadn’t realised I’d been holding, the silence of the others was becoming sickening, when I glanced towards Ethan, even he’d calmed down and looked at me with a mask of seriousness. His own expression marked concern and the strong characteristics of adding his own protection to back up what Sam had just said.

  An uneasy feeling crept into my heart, I knew this day would come when I’d become a prisoner, how I knew that I wasn’t sure but it was like a jolt hit me all of a sudden. And along came the tidal wave of memories that I didn’t think I’d ever be able to remember.

  Deep inside my own thoughts, I didn’t see Sam clearly enough to know that he was speaking to me.

  The images of my child swarmed heavily through my mind, along with the happiness and the smiles of laughter and love that Sam and I shared at the same time. Despite the painful remembrance of my past I smiled, and I felt the rushing of the tidal wave as the memories deepened.

  My child began to tremble, her small body collapsed on the ground as she began to expand her wings from behind her, her small back opened up and set free the magnificent white and gold wings, similar to my own and those of Sam. Her colourful wings were the same as ours; being our daughter it was something that I would have expected.

  She stood in front of me, grinning with her accomplishment and I stood and watched, half proud and half afraid for anyone else who may have seen. And that was how the Devourers knew there were two female Volcan’s, they’d seen. Using their master of disguise, the shadows that constantly lurked at all corners where it was dark, and using their eyes, they’d seen my daughter change and had then decided to mark her fate. It didn’t matter to them the age of the Volcan they took, so long as it was female.

  But when they’d taken her, she hadn’t been fully formed enough for them to manifest into the form they wished, which was why they could only manifest partially and why I’d seen a head appear from the darkness in the alley way.

  Slowly my mind cleared a little more, and I saw the day that marked her death. We’d all been happy and playfully laughing at each other, a family day out. Until she’d run into the darkest part of where we were, her smile as she collected her favourite ball was blinding, but the shadows sensed her arrival in their midst.

  Sam’s frightened eyes and the whiteness o
f his face when he spied where she was, he couldn’t get there ahead of me, I was too fast and all I wanted was my child safely back in the safety of the light.

  “Walk slowly towards me,” I’d told her gently as I rushed towards her holding out my arms hoping she’d run to me like she always does; “Just come to me. We can get you another ball darling,”

  “No,” she said staring wide eyed at the shadows as they slowly descended around her, clawing their way down the walls, a slow gentle mist began to envelope her small body. “What is that?” she asked gently pointing at the largest of the shadows.

  I shook my head, I saw myself as clearly as if it was yesterday.

  The tears had already started and were swimming in my eyes, slowly trickling down my cheeks when I saw her reach out towards the shadow. Sam was beside me, his eyes pinned to her, undecided to the best approach to take.

  Without waiting for him to say anything, I rushed towards her, pelting the ground with my feet in my haste to save her. Or to die with her, as the blockage of my mind began to lift, my intentions weren’t clear but then I suppose when faced with your child in mortal danger, irrationality is something that might be classified as normal to some.

  “Zera,” Sam screamed behind me. “No!”

  The sound of his scream of terror, sounded across me and I felt it as if he’d struck me directly in the chest.

  Bravely I stood in front of my daughter, blocking her view from the shadows and facing them down.

  Sam came in after me, his hands lifted me clean out of the way and he stuffed our child into the bright area the corner had created when the sun shifted around, I allowed him to lift me out of the way. Knowing that I was safe so long as he stayed with us and fought with them long enough for me to get her out, I wasn’t quick enough.

  Vaguely I heard the constant calling of my name from somewhere in the distance, the sound of the others calling me back to them, their concern marked the tone of their voices as I continued on with the images and the story that was unfolding inside of my mind. The missing parts of my life were finally being shown to me, it was like sitting in a time warp and not knowing when it would end but only knowing that somehow you were deep inside of it with no way out.


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