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by Jodi Olson

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  This book is a work of fiction. Names, places, events and characters are fictitious in every regard. Any similarities to actual events or persons, living or dead, are purely coincidental.

  Hunter’s Possession

  Copyright © 2008 Jodi Olson

  ISBN 978-1-934446-37-9

  Cover Design by Viper

  All rights reserved. Except for review purposes, the reproduction of this book in whole or part, electronically or mechanically, constitutes a copyright violation.

  Published by

  Romance Divine 2008

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  Other Erotic Romances By Jodi Olson

  Raining on Sunday

  Amelia lost her husband and was now in danger of losing her dream house. The constant rain drenched her, washing away her tears…and hope. Could the answer to her problems lay in becoming the sex slave to the two handsome builders of her dream home? Mike and Kevin could only hope her answer would be “yes.”

  Playing House

  What would a woman do to get her inheritance, especially if it required she have a husband? Could she rope the nearest cowboy; and if she caught him…what would she do with him? Kathryn gets more than she bargained for when she starts…PLAYING HOUSE.

  Naughty Whispers

  What’s a girl to do when she’s got two hot men, willing, able and more than ready to take care of her needs? Gina had almost everything she could ever want: a college degree, money, and a new business - everything except the love of a man; let alone two men. Hudson and Grant, her brother’s best friends, were back in her life. Could they be the ones to accept the challenge?

  Getting Wild

  Neal Riley gets more then he bargains for when he takes a leave of absence from his job to tend bar for his brother at The Swollen Pussy Club. His life is turned upside down when librarian and would-be erotic novelist Jennifer Logan, takes a job as a stripper to – “research” – her next book. Jennifer’s ex-boyfriend Steve, and hostile erotic dancer Cameo, bring danger to the mix and threaten Neal and Jennifer’s on-again-off-again torrid romance. Only time will tell if her research will bring more than just a great story for her book – and a happy-ever-after ending for herself?

  A Christmas Wish

  Spencer Martin was a workaholic who hated Christmas ever since his girlfriend was killed on that day five years ago. When Spencer’s sister invites him to spend Christmas with her the idea of a ‘family’ Christmas doesn’t sit well with him. But he has a change of heart when he hears that his first love, Maggie Sinclair, would be there. Maggie loved Christmas, from her snowman decorations to baking cookies for her elementary class and everything in between. Could Maggie make Spencer love Christmas again? Could she make him fall in love again?


  To Barb Ledbetter: Thank you for all your encouragement and support and listening to me when I get frustrated. You are the best.

  To the Erotic Ranch: Kim, Cindy, Brenda, Krissy, Dave and everyone else at the ranch. You are the best cheerleaders an author could have in her corner.

  To my Editor Greg: Thank you for all the help you have given me along the way to see that my books are perfect for the readers.

  To all my readers: Thank you for all your support and for reading my books. Hope you enjoy reading about Ryan, Brooke and Adam’s romance as much as I've had writing about them.

  Jodi Olson



  Jodi Olson


  Ryan Hunter couldn’t believe he was now owner of the Triple H Ranch. His hands shook as he read the certified letter once more. His father Travis Hunter, died only five weeks ago. Whenever he’d asked his mother about him the answer was always the same; ‘he died before you were ever born’.

  It was too late to confront her now since she’d passed away a few years back, leaving him up to his ears in debt with a ranch that was falling apart. Why had she tried to do so much all on her own? While he’d been growing up, when he wasn’t in school, he would do the job of two men; sleep a few hours then start all over.

  The Triple H Ranch was only a short distance away and yet he never knew it existed until today. The letter stated it was a thousand acres; with that kind of land he could have anything he wanted, from cattle to horses or both. Or he could sell the ranch and be done with the bastard who gave him his name. Why did he leave the ranch to him if he walked away all those years ago? Was he trying to make amends? Well it was too late for that.

  When he arrived at the Triple H Ranch, he couldn’t believe his eyes. The house was huge. Where he grew up was no more than a shack in comparison. Inside he counted six bedrooms and just as many bathrooms. Not seeing anyone else around, he wondered who had been taking care of the place. Maybe it’s the maid’s day off.

  Ryan placed his things inside the master bedroom and stripped off the dirty worn out jeans he had on along with a shirt that was just as bad. His truck had broken down on the way to the ranch and he was covered in grease. Usually after a hard day’s work at his own farm, he would strip down to nothing and place the dirty ones in the washer before heading for the shower. He’d spotted the washer near the kitchen and walked back downstairs, totally naked and carrying his clothes.

  The laundry room was the size of another bedroom. It made him angry to think how his mother had worked so hard and the old man probably laughed his ass off about it.

  He walked into the kitchen, unconcerned about his nudity. A woman, whom he assumed was the maid, was placing groceries into the refrigerator. All he could see was her cute ass. Maybe I’ll stay around long enough to get her in bed, have a little fun with her then sell the place.

  Where did that come from? He never talked like that before. Maybe I’m like the old man after all.

  He didn’t even bother to cover himself when she turned from the refrigerator and screamed. Then like lightening, she grabbed a broom and came after him. At that point, he took off for the stairs. When he turned around, she was right on his heels. She wasn’t about to let him out of her sight. “Do all the maids have the privilege of drooling over their boss?”

  “I’m not drooling and you’re not my boss!”

  He noticed the broom still in her hand; so he stepped back out of reach, “Lady, I am now.”

  “Nobody bosses me around.” She held out the broom, keeping him at a distance. “Who are you anyway?”

  “I’m Ryan Hunter. Travis Hunter was my father, or so I’m told by his will and his lawyers. Who the hell are you?”

  “Brooke Hunter, your father’s widow.”

  “My father was married to YOU?” His gaze traveled downward from her eyes until they stopped at her chest before looking over the rest of her. She was beautiful.

  He couldn’t believe his father married someone so young; she must have been around twenty-four. Was she after the old man’s money?

  “Yes, he married me so that makes me the owner of The Triple H Ranch.”

  He cocked his lips into a smirk. “This paper I have tells differently.” He pulled it out of his jeans and showed it to her.

  Brooke stood; listening to this cowboy who claimed he was the son of Travis Hunter; she couldn’t take her eyes off him. She was preoccupied with his curly light brown hair and his long slim legs. What was between his legs was pretty impressive as well. His ruggedly handsome face was vaguely familiar. He looked just like her dead husband, only younger and much better looking. She bet women found him de
liciously appealing, and wondered if he had a girlfriend, maybe a wife, somewhere. Why would it matter to her if he did have one of those?

  From what she could tell he wasn’t going to budge. “So, what are we going to do about this problem involving the ranch and ownership? I say you should go back home.”

  “Brooke, I’m not leaving this ranch, period. I’ll gladly help you pack your belongings if you need some help.”

  She collapsed into a nearby chair; the good-looking cowboy was being a jackass. Guess he gets that from his father too.

  “Brooke, I’m plum worn out. We can continue arguing in the morning after you’ve made me breakfast and I’ve had my coffee. Goodnight.”

  That arrogant ass! Her gaze followed Ryan as he climbed the stairs to the bedroom he thrown his bag into.

  Two years ago, Travis Hunter walked into the diner she’d been working full time in. He flirted, she didn’t. The following night, he was back and stayed until her shift was over. Every night for a month, he kept coming back until she agreed to go on a date with him. She had always liked older men and didn’t even bother asking him his age.

  After two months of seeing him, he asked her to leave her job and marry him; she wouldn’t ever have to work again. At the time it sounded wonderful; no more worries about how to get by. They married right away, even though she didn’t love him. She started slowly seeing changes in her husband after only a few months. Then he stopped having sex with her, even went so far as to sleep in the guest bedroom. He stopped talking to her except for the usual good morning and goodnight. She didn’t understand what had happened with him, but nothing would change that now.

  She looked upstairs, what if Ryan sold the place, where would she go? What would she do? She knew one thing for sure; she wasn’t giving up without a fight.

  That night Brooke tossed and turned in her bed. Her room sat right next to Ryan’s and she wondered if he was having trouble sleeping, too. She couldn’t believe Travis had a son; he’d never mentioned any family. If she’d had a son, there was no way she could leave him behind. It seemed her husband wasn’t who she thought he was. Finally she drifted off into a deep sleep.

  Startled, Brooke sat up in her bed her body dripping with sweat. Her hand slipped between her legs to feel the dampness, it had been a while since she had dreamt about being with two men. It was a fantasy of hers, but then the dreams had stopped after marrying Travis.

  She closed her eyes, the dream still vivid: her ankles spread wide, her wrist above her head held by one strong hand and that hand belonged to Ryan. The other man’s face was a blur, but she could still feel those fingers inside her fiery slit.

  She glanced at the alarm clock, three a.m. Lying back down she pulled the covers back up to her chin and within minutes she was asleep.

  Ryan never had problems sleeping until now. There was always so much to do at his mother’s ranch, he would come in every night exhausted. Maybe it was due to the fact that his whole world had changed over night. He had a feeling there was more to it than that and her name was Brooke Hunter.

  He wanted to hear her scream again, but it would be different this time. She would be underneath him screaming his name over and over as he rammed his hard cock into her sweet center. Damn! Just thinking about her made him ache. By the end of the week, he would have her in his bed; if he could just get her to let go of that broom she held on to for dear life, it would make things go much easier for him.


  Everyone at Hunter Ranch Supplies had been shocked at the news that Adam Hunter would be taking over his father’s position as president. As far back as he could remember Adam wanted to work alongside his father. He’d spent long hours watching his father run the business and now, at age twenty-five, it was all his.

  Rumor had it Travis was a mean SOB, but Adam never thought of him being that way. Sure he did get after employees sometimes, but that was expected if something went wrong. He would do the same.

  After finishing college, his father found a place for him at Hunter Ranch Supplies. Within six months, Adam left because of an argument he had with his dad about a woman who worked part time in the warehouse. Adam wanted to spend time with her, but his father said he should find someone who had money. A week later, Adam went to work for the competition. That was two years ago, the last time they had talked.

  Triple H Ranch was now his too. He already had his own ranch so he had no idea what to do with the Triple H. Maybe a trip out there was in order; once there, he’d decide what to do.

  “Adam rose from his chair and walked out of his office, stopping by his secretary’s desk.

  “Karen, something has come up and I’ll be out until tomorrow, maybe even the rest of the week. I’m sure you can handle things here while I’m gone.”

  “Where are you going, Adam?

  I’m going out to The Triple H, maybe see about selling it.”

  Her pert tongue flicked at the edges of her crimson lips, “I guess this means you’re canceling our date tonight as well?

  Adam heard the disappointment in her voice, but vowed to call her later to arrange another date next week. “Unfortunately, but I’ll call you tonight.” He walked to the elevators and was soon heading to his truck.

  On the two- hour drive out to the ranch, he thought about the last date he had with Karen. He wanted more than just regular sex. He wanted to try something new, and he even brought up the subject of having a three-some with a friend of his, but she wouldn’t hear of it. A couple of his close friends were into that lifestyle and he wanted to try it himself. Maybe after a few more times of being together he could work Karen into it.


  Adam pulled into the driveway next to a truck he didn’t recognize. Peering inside, he noticed the floor mats were threadbare and the vinyl seat had holes.

  As he reached for the door he heard voices inside. Who were they and what were they doing in his father’s house? When he opened the door he saw a man, who wasn’t wearing a shirt, sitting on a chair at the kitchen table and staring at a woman who was making something on the stove.

  Maybe they worked on the ranch and Dad never got around to telling me about new employees he’d hired.

  Adam made sure he let the screen door slam a little harder than needed so they would know he was there. “Who are you two, and what are you doing in my house?” He stood with his hands in his pockets hoping they would hurry up with their answer. He didn’t have all day for chit-chat.

  “What do you mean your house?” The bare-chested man stood, “I’m Ryan Hunter and this is my house.”

  Adam stared at the other man, and saw something in his face. He saw Travis, his father. I have a brother and never knew it. What else don’t I know? What else did Dad neglect to tell me?

  “I’m Adam Hunter,” he backed away, his eyes taking in the stranger before him, “and I guess this means I have a brother I was never told about. Dad never mentioned having another son. Is there anything else I’m in the dark about?” He looked at the woman who seemed to have the biggest breasts he’d ever did see.

  “Hey cowboy”, she barked, “My eyes are not down there. I’m your daddy’s widow, Brooke Hunter. I was married to him for two years,” she dropped her spatula in the pan, “and he never told me about either of you.”

  “Yeah man,” Ryan laughed, “don’t be saying anything about her bodacious breasts or her luscious ass, she has a broom and knows how to use it.”

  The next thing Adam saw was Brooke hitting Ryan with the broom.

  “See!” Ryan fended off the broom blows, “What did I tell you?

  Adam was seething inside. He wished his father were here to explain all this to him; three owners of the Triple H and not one knew about the other? And he had a long lost brother? What a shitty day he was having!

  Brooke held the broom in both hands and leaned up against the counter as she eyed the two brothers. The only similarity between them was the brown eyes. Ryan had chestnut curly hair that came to the edge
of his shirt collar, and he stood about six-four. Adam had dirty blonde hair that was kept short in the back but fell over one side of his forehead. He was around six foot. She wondered if he was the other man in her dream last night. She wished she could’ve seen the face of her other dream lover.

  When she looked at Ryan, she saw him staring at her, and she blushed. Could he tell what she was thinking, had he heard her call out his name during the night? She turned so he couldn’t see her face and pulled three plates from the cupboard. As soon as she pulled herself together, she placed them on the table.

  “Hope you’re hungry Adam, I’ve made plenty.” She went back to the stove to get the breakfast of eggs and bacon she had made before all the commotion started.

  She watched as they ate and helped themselves to seconds in only a few minutes. She had never seen anyone eat so fast, and she laughed when they went for more. Boy, they sure have big appetites for food. She wondered if their sexual appetites were as big.

  Lost in thought, she speculated what would happen to her if they both agreed to sell the ranch. Would they really throw her out? Where would she go? Two years ago Travis changed her world for the better. Even if he didn’t really love her, she knew he wanted to make things better for her. One thing she knew for certain, Travis wouldn’t want to see me homeless.

  Ryan reached out and touched her hand. “Are you okay, Brooke? You’re a million miles away, and you haven’t touched your food.”

  “Just a lot on my mind, I guess. I wish Travis were here to explain why he did this. Three strangers all inherit the same ranch.” She shook her head, her hair falling in a sexy wave over her eyes, “I don’t understand it at all.”

  “Darlin’, I don’t understand this either, but I’m sure it’ll all work out. Adam is calling the lawyers to find out what’s going on. Hell I have a brother I never knew about. I’m sure Adam is just as shocked as well.”


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