Shit Kickers & Stilettos (Heiresses In Aprons)

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Shit Kickers & Stilettos (Heiresses In Aprons) Page 2

by Rita Sawyer

  “Rosie,” Dade reached over and took her hand in his much bigger one. “We don’t have to do this. I’ll back out and you can have it all.”

  She couldn’t tear her gaze from his. Why would he give up half of everything? She didn’t know anything about his financial status, but not many people would walk away from at least seven million dollars. She couldn’t let him do it. Her uncle wanted them to share the estate and that’s exactly what they were going to do.

  “No. We’re going to do as he asked. I can have my stuff here by Friday.” She figured three days was plenty of time to pack up whatever she needed from her place and have it brought to her room here at the farmhouse. “What about you?”

  * * * *

  He would be damned tempted to kill Teddy for putting him in this position if that damn truck hadn’t already done it. The old coot was crazy if he thought that Dade and Rosie were going to be able to live and work together for six months. Hellfire, Dade was having enough trouble keeping his thoughts straight just sitting next to her.

  Dade got to his feet and strode across the study to look out the window. The lush green land rolled for miles dotted with trees. The place was a gentleman’s farm. A few animals for fun, but it didn’t make a profit and Teddy had never expected it to. There were horses for leisurely riding, a few bulls that he’d bought just to roam his pasture. The chickens at least provided them with fresh eggs, and the pond was stocked with fish and ducks. This was Teddy’s refuge from public life.

  Rosie had come to visit, but she’d never stayed long. She was a city girl born and bred to live the high life. She had looks, style, and taste, but most of all she had money. Her options were endless. He’d be surprised if she stayed there for two weeks tops. It was too much to risk her inheritance on the possibility that she could stick it out.

  Some people might question whether or not Teddy had lost his mind with this cockamamie last request bullshit, but Dade knew better. Teddy was a crafty businessman and he could be a master manipulator if he wanted something badly enough. Dade saw this for just what it was another move of his to align things more to his liking.

  Dade glanced over his shoulder at Rosie, who was still waiting for his answer. He’d already learned right from the start that she was as stubborn as her uncle. He may as well determine if she had any patience. When Dade came to live with Teddy he’d given him a list of do’s and don’ts, because Teddy had always said rules were made to be broken. The only rule he had given him was that his Baby Girl, Rosie, was off limits. That was the rule Dade had lived by for the past fifteen years.

  It hadn’t been easy either. Pictures of her were all over the house and as she’d grown from cute to dazzling Dade’s infatuation had grown too. He couldn’t help but notice as her voice went from perky and playful to a sexy elegance, though sometimes when she was excited that perkiness still came through.

  She probably had no idea what her uncle was up to. For as long as Dade could remember Teddy had said he wanted her to find a man that could love her the way she deserved. Over the past few years that had changed. He wanted a guy that would not only treat her right, but that could and would stand up to her parents. Dade was afraid that he had decided that guy was him. The prospect frightened him, because as usual Teddy might be right.

  Figuring he’d made her wait long enough he turned around and locked his gaze with hers. Her blue eyes were still a little red around the edges, but they weren’t as puffy. He wanted to pull her into his arms and croon soft sweet nothings in her ear, but now wasn’t the time. Dade didn’t know if that time would ever come either and it pissed him off.

  “Friday is fine,” He didn’t bother to tell her he already lived there and had for over two years. “But we need to discuss a few things first.”

  “I’m glad you brought that up. I have a few questions of my own.” She stood and instantly he wished she hadn’t.

  Her legs might be a little short, but they were creamy and curvy. “Those shoes will have to go. You can’t live here and expect to prance around like that.”

  “My shoes are perfectly acceptable. I know this because my uncle bought them for me and specifically told me to wear them when I came to visit.”

  The bastard was playing with fire. He knew Dade was a leg man. Heels like that were made to make a woman’s legs look leaner and longer.

  “Doesn’t matter.” He shrugged his shoulders. “They might be fine for your nights out in the city, and charity functions, but they’re impractical here. Get a pair of sneakers, or sturdy boots.”

  She narrowed her eyes even though she smiled and Dade began to think he didn’t have the upper hand even though they were on his home turf. “During the six months we have to stay here. I want full use of this study. You can have the office.”

  He laughed at her command, because he already did. “Fine. Have whatever you need sent over and we’ll have it installed.”

  “I want to be here to make sure it’s done right. Also I won’t bring any men here if I can expect the same courtesy from you.”

  “I don’t plan on bringing men here, or anywhere else for that matter.”

  She huffed out a breath and turned her back on him. “You know what I meant. I’d rather not have to meet any of the women you date.”

  He followed her to the desk stopping just a foot away. “Are you under the impression that I date a lot?”

  “You’re a se…single man I don’t see why you wouldn’t, unless there’s someone special in your life.”

  Dade heard the question in her voice and chose to ignore it. It wouldn’t hurt to let her wonder if there was a woman in his life and bed.

  “So I can assume since you won’t be having any company there’s no one special for you right now.” He didn’t step back when she spun around.

  Whatever retort was on her tongue she didn’t say it. She looked up at him and blinked a couple of times. Her long golden lashes captivated him and he leaned closer instead of stepping away and giving her the space he should’ve. With her head tilted back he saw her throat move as she swallowed and the vein that pulsed in her neck. Dade wanted to nibble that spot to see how sensitive it was. Her hand landed on his chest and she pushed, but he didn’t move.

  “I’ll be having plenty of company. My friends and I sit on a lot of boards and foundations I can’t be out of contact for too long, so I expect them to stop in regularly.”

  “Tiffany, Nicolette, and Sophia are welcome here whenever they want.” She seemed surprised that he knew their names. “Your uncle talks about you all the time and he’s mentioned them on occasion.”

  Her hand, which was still on his chest fisted slightly on his shirt. “They’re off limits.”

  Damn she was fiery and protective when it came to her friends, that was good. He covered her hand with his and eased her fingers open pressing them harder to the spot over his heart. “I’d never do anything like that. Rosie, we need to trust each other if this is going to work.”

  She eyed him for a minute before she said, “Agreed, but I don’t know you well enough to trust you. So consider yourself on a real short leash.”

  The door opened behind them and Dade slipped away putting some much needed space between them. Mr. Grest was either oblivious to the tension in the room, or was so used to dealing with volatile situations that he chose not to ask if everything was okay. Dade waited for Rosie to resume her seat before he sat down.

  Grest slid into Teddy’s chair. “So have you made a decision?”

  Rosie smiled and nodded. “We both accept my uncle’s request. We’ll be moving in on Friday.”

  “Good. There are few additional conditions of this request. No one except for the two of you and Miss. Crestmont’s three associates are to know it exists. Tomorrow when I read the will I’m not going to explain any of this. Teddy has instructed me to tell everyone that the will is being held over for six months while we wait to see how a few business ventures turn out. The two of you will be appointed to see over the
estate and run his business affairs until that time. You will be reporting back to me. Everyone will be contacted when the six months are up.”

  Dade listened to every word the lawyer said, but his focus was on Rosie. This was going to be the hardest or best six months of his life. It all depended on the gorgeous creature sitting next to him, and whether or not he could keep his hands off her. The odds were leaning toward not, but he was going to give it everything he had, and more if she let him.

  “So I’ll be expecting a bi-weekly check in call, unless something comes up,” Grest said as he got to his feet.

  Dade rose as well. Rosie started to stand then he heard a crack pop noise. She let out a little squeal and teetered to her right. Dade reached out and caught her as she started to fall. Once he had her righted she growled and stepped out of her shoe. She lifted it for all of them to see. The heel had snapped and was dangling.

  “Well, I guess I don’t have to worry about you wearing those shoes.” Dade couldn’t hold back his smile.

  She stepped out of the other shoe too, and Dade was surprised just how small she was. He figured she was about five three, or four. The four inch heels had brought her up to about five-seven. Without another word to either of them Rosie turned on her bare feet and walked out of the room.

  “Dade,” Grest didn’t sound very happy. “You do realize Teddy always hoped you two would get together someday, hit it off, and end up blissfully married. Since you both seemed disinclined to do it on your own this is his last ditch attempt to see if he could bring you two together.”

  Dade smiled and nodded. “I pretty much pieced it together. Let’s not worry Rosie with her uncle’s match making scheme. She’s hurting enough as it is. I’ll tell her when the time is right.”

  “You’re a good man Dade.” Grest slapped him on the shoulder then walked out of the study leaving Dade alone with his thoughts.

  Chapter Two

  Rosie had made it through the past few days with two things driving her determination.

  First was the fact that this was her uncle that had asked her to do this. However ridiculous it seemed he had to have had a reason or plan that required her and Dade to live together. Somehow she was going to discover what it was even if it that meant spending six months cohabitating with Dade Sebastian. Even the man’s name sounded sexy. She wasn’t going to let that sway her in any way, which was where her second motivation came from.

  Dade Sebastian was a means to an end and nothing more. Especially since the man had seemed to seriously underestimate her. She knew he must have some good qualities, because her uncle wouldn’t have kept him around for his good looks and sexy deep voice. His attitude confused her though. He’d been sensitive and self-sacrificing, but two minutes later when he hadn’t gotten his way he’d gone all arrogant and bossy. Deep inside she knew he was probably feeling the hurt of losing her uncle just as bad as she did and that she should cut him some slack, but he’d pissed her off.

  So her goal for the time she had agreed to spend with him was to uncover the real Dade. Was he the arrogant business man used to getting his own way? Or could he be using that façade to hide the sensitive caring man she’d briefly witnessed.

  Either way he was going to learn a few things about her. She might look like a pushover, but she was anything but. Most people couldn’t see past her blonde hair and petite stature. They thought she was an airhead they could easily boss around. Rosie always revealed in their shock when they found out just how wrong they were. She didn’t brag about her brains or money, but she had more than plenty of both. As for her body, well, she had it there too. And though she didn’t flaunt it, she was smart enough to dress to showcase her assets.

  It was something most men noticed right away, but Rosie wasn’t sure anything other than her shoes had registered on Dade’s radar. His reaction to them told her he was straight as an arrow. The gay men she was friends with had called her shoes dangerous and fierce, never once had they called them irrational. Dade’s command to get a pair of sensible sneakers or boots had irked her, yet made her want to laugh too. Did he really think she didn’t own them already?

  She worked out with her friends three days a week, and though she could probably keep up with them on the treadmill in stilettos she chose to wear a pair of her cross-trainers. She owned about five pairs. As for her boots she had three pairs of cowboy boots in red, black, and tan. They all had a three inch heel, and while not spiked like her shoes they gave her the lift she needed. They had all been gifts from her uncle.

  The other two pairs of boots were totally impractical. One pair had four inch stiletto heels and was black, thigh high, and hugged her legs like a second skin. The other pair was similar, but they were white and only reached her knees. Even though she knew she wouldn’t have any use for them at her uncle’s place she added them to the box on her bed.

  “You might want to add some clothes to those boxes.” Sophia Foster, her best friend and partner in crime for the past fifteen years, tossed a pair of skimpy black lace panties in the box.

  Her friends had insisted on coming to help her pack, but so far Tiffany and Sophia had only helped themselves to a bottle of her wine. Nicolette was on her computer looking over their schedules to see which one of them could cover for her on meetings if she couldn’t make it, which she didn’t think would happen. Still since at least two of them sat on the same boards or foundations it shouldn’t be a problem for them to fill her in on anything that might come up.

  Tiffany Craig was the youngest in their group and came from a very important family. Her father and sister owned and ran a super successful technology and software corporation and her mother was a brain surgeon. Her family was smart, but when it came to feelings they didn’t seem to have a clue on how to deal with them. Tiffany claimed she had fallen far from the family’s tree of intelligence, but none of them really believed her. Yet during her extremely short stint in college she’d found herself in some trouble with the media. Sophia and Nicolette had been there, since the media event was sponsored by one Sophia’s father’s companies, and they came to her rescue squashing any talk before it really got out. After that they’d sort of taken her under their wings. Between the three of them they helped her make her way onto the right path. Nicolette was her mentor, and acted more like a big sister to her than her own did.

  Nicolette fit the role so well, because she came from a big close family. She had three older sisters that had all gotten their chance to boss and mother her. She looked at Tiffany as her turn to be in charge. The Burgolinni’s owned a beauty conglomerate and Rosie always thought if Nicolette wanted to be the face of the company she had the looks for it, but instead she agreed to represent her family on numerous charitable boards and foundations while working on her own secret projects. Some day she might let her family in on the secret, but Rosie didn’t see that happening any time soon.

  “I still don’t get it. What exactly are you supposed to do while you’re sequestered as your uncle’s place?” Nicolette asked.

  “I don’t know yet. We’re supposed to keep working as usual, and get to know each other’s jobs.” She didn’t know how long it was going to take to figure out her uncle’s real plan.

  Rosie glanced over at Tiffany and could tell she was just waiting to add her two cents, or in her case it was more like two dollars. “Then why would he need you two to live there? I think your uncle is up to something. Or maybe it’s Dade. Though he’s so yummy I don’t think he’d have to come up with a ruse to get a woman.”

  “Not that I’m agreeing with you,” Nicolette shrugged her shoulders. “But I don’t think Dade would either.”

  “He didn’t.” Rosie confirmed. “He seemed just as surprised by the request as I did. And he did offer to forfeit his share so we wouldn’t have to go through with this arrangement.”

  “That’s all dory that hunky was so nice, but he must have done or said something to piss you off.” Sophia waved her glass of wine in the direction of th
e boxes.

  Rosie groaned. “Can you please come up with a new nickname for him?”

  “Nah, we’ll wait for you to come up with one.” Tiffany’s cheery tone didn’t help dissipate the ire Rosie was feeling.

  She turned to her closet and started sliding her clothes back and forth on the pole. If she was out for seduction she knew just what she’d take. Then again if she wanted to make sure he didn’t look too deep or too long she’d have no problem picking what to pack. But since she had no idea what her goals were how the hell should she know what she wanted to bring?

  Seeing her indecision Sophia shot to her feet and joined her in front of the closet. “Rosie you’re only going to be two hours away. If you forget anything we can bring it to you.”

  “I know. It’s just I’m not sure about this.”

  “You’ve already committed yourself and we all know that you won’t back out, so what’s really bothering you?” Nicolette asked as she draped herself across Rosie’s bed nudging the boxes out of her way.

  Rosie slapped her hands against her thighs. “The odds aren’t fair.”

  “What odds? Is there some kind of bet riding on the outcome of this?” Tiffany asked curiously.

  “If so no one told me, but that’s just what I mean. Dade knows more about me than I do him, and about what my uncle might have been thinking when he planned this.” Rosie didn’t like not having all the details.

  “We’ve warned you that there was going to come a time when you wouldn’t be the smartest person in the room,” Sophia said and Tiffany and Nicolette laughed.

  “I didn’t say he was smarter. I said he’s better informed,” Rosie grabbed her robe and slippers tossing them into her suitcase.

  “What are you going to do about it?” Nicolette asked.

  “I’m going to pretend everything’s okay and dig around until I know just as much as he does.” Rosie added a few sweaters, T-shirts, jeans, and dresses into the suitcase.


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