Embraceable You (Irish Hearts Series)

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Embraceable You (Irish Hearts Series) Page 10

by Mary Tate Engels

  "Sounds like Draconian measures to me. Tearing down a person’s business and leaving her without enough money for anything."

  "Listen, if you’re still looking for a job, Zoey’s position will be vacant soon." He smiled. "I’d love to have you working in the mayor’s office."

  "Thanks." Siena smiled tightly. "But no thanks. That’s not the kind of job I’m looking for."

  He didn’t know what to think. She should be pleased with the offer. Grateful, even. He expected her to try to haggle about the price, maybe discuss the job. If she really rejected Zoey's position, he would try to find her something else, maybe something to do with her marketing experience. "I’ll give you time to think about it, Siena. I believe you’ll have to agree it’s the best idea for all concerned." He turned to go.

  "Zach. What about the mermaids?"

  What the hell was she talking about? He stopped and turned around. "What mermaids?"

  She pointed over the door. "And there are others. Come with me."

  He noticed the mermaids over the door for the first time. Well, he hadn't been there that much. That must be what Zoey was talking about when she said something about saving the mermaids. He followed Siena to the staircase leading to her apartment. She pointed to the stained glass window up high near the ceiling, hidden behind a brown shutter.

  "When the sun shines through the glass, it sends colored light all the way down the steps. Just amazing. It's like they come to life." Her voice quivered.

  He looked up and could barely see the stained glass window. He certainly wouldn't have noticed it. Ever. "Ah, so this is the mermaid stained glass I’ve heard about."

  "One of many around town, so I hear. Aunt Addie’s husband, the artist Luciano Santioli, made them. According to some, he created many of these gorgeous mermaid windows, and there are more of them hidden around town. He became so good that the Smithsonian has one. And some museum in Italy. Florence, I think. So, these are real treasures." She smiled with pride gleaming in her eyes.

  "In a fishing town, mermaids signify bad luck." Zach knew of one boat in particular, that had deadly bad luck. A mermaid had been the foremast siren luring his dad to the depths. And Zach resented the hell out of it.

  Siena headed back to the shop. "If you believe that sort of thing. I’m not so sure they’re bad luck, but maybe that’s why the town advised Aunt Addie to destroy them or to hide them. So she shuttered some and painted over others. That way, you can’t see their real beauty, the colored light, from the street."

  "Oh, so this is about the mermaids?" He felt at a loss to understand her. Maybe this had less to do with the two of them than the deal to buy her out and boost Haven’s Point's economy. Maybe it was all about preserving Aunt Addie's legacy and these sexy mermaids.

  She turned to face him. "Zach, I wouldn’t want anything to happen to these mermaids. You don’t really believe that bad luck omen, do you? They’re beautiful and historical and . . . I just can’t imagine losing them."

  "We’d make sure to salvage them for you."

  She looked up at him with tears in her eyes. "Kiss me, Zach. And assure me . . ."

  "It’s for the best, Siena." His lips caressed hers. "I wouldn't do anything to hurt you."

  "I just want to know the truth. What’s the best for me… and all concerned."

  "Trust me." He kissed her, softly at first, and then he drew her into his arms and let the kiss grow in strength and passion. He couldn’t let her go until . . . couldn’t stand parting without . . . couldn’t put out the fire in his belly except one way.

  She pushed them apart, gently but firmly. "We shouldn't mix business with pleasure. Our pleasure will have to wait."

  "I hate waiting. Make your decision fast. I’m dying here without you." He touched his heart and stepped back.

  "Wait Zach. One more thing."

  He turned around. God, she was beautiful when upset. Or making love. Or just standing there. So very kissable.

  "I, uh, had a little run-in with . . . Mr. Walter Fairchild."

  "Oh?" Zach looked up quickly. "What – "

  "He thinks he can come in here, in my shop, and dictate what I sell. And what I put in my showcase window. Seems he doesn’t like nude women. But I contend I have certain rights. And one is my own freedom within my own shop."

  "Well, uh, yes. But if you’re going to sell, which I hope you’ll agree to . . . "

  "That deal is still under consideration. Until then, I assume I have my rights here in Amazing Lace to run the business the best way I see fit."

  "Nothing obscene, I guess?"

  She led him to the fully lace-clothed manikin. "What do you think?"

  Rather than answer, he nodded. "I’ll check into it, Siena."

  "Thank you, Mr. Mayor." She folded her arms and looked from Venus to Zach. "All this time, you knew. I have to think about your deal … evaluate my options."

  He moved closer to her. "Don't think, Siena. Just agree with what's for the greater good."

  She narrowed her eyes. "I should warn you. We descendents of Aunt Addie tend to think outside the box, or in this case, the lighthouse."


  She smiled mysteriously. "According to Claire, Addie claimed that everyone here was stuck inside lighthouse thinking. They think it has to be this way because it's always been this way. But we're exploring new options. And one of them has to do with the mermaids."

  Zach shook his head. "I just can never tell what you're thinking. Or what's going to come out of your mouth next." He left muttering 'outside the lighthouse’? She's crazy. Like her weird mother. And even Aunt Addie. Why the hell am I so crazy about her? I guess I'm crazy, too.

  Siena watched him leave. Could she really trust him after this? Would they ever be a like normal couple? Would she feel free to stay the night with him? Would he ever remain in her bed until morning? Was his offer the best deal for her? Or was he acting on behalf of the town fathers all along?

  Her first instinct was, of course. The Fairfields funded his mayoral endeavor. They held sway with him.

  She noticed the brown bag he’d brought, still on the counter. She opened it and began to eat one of the lobster rolls. Yep, pretty darn good, just as he’d said.

  In the quiet of the early evening, with the sweet scent of lobster in the air, the cats joined her, hoping up on the counter to beg bites. Siena shared her feast with the furry felines. And so, for the first time since she arrived, they began a slow friendship. Siena and Harry and Sally, friends at last.

  "So, what do you think, Venus?" Siena said aloud to the cats and the ever-silent lace-bedecked mannequin. "Are you ready for the closet again? Or do you like the show window where you can show off your beauty?"

  She was oh-so tempted by Zach’s offer. But she couldn’t help feeling that if she accepted, it would be giving up. Settling. Losing. And Siena Rose Summerfield, daughter of Dana, great-niece of Addie, refused to be a loser.

  She’d been through too much struggling with her mother and Warren and her dwindling finances to give up now. This was her landing place. Her sanctuary. And come hell or high water, she wouldn’t give up now. Maybe later, but not now. Not yet.

  Zach didn’t really know her, didn’t know what she was made of. He thought she was still that shy virgin, grateful for a good man and gentle lover. Amazingly, she was just now beginning to find out herself, to accept her sexuality, and to know her own strength.

  In spite of her reluctance to come to this lost-in-time, one-horse town, she’d begun reconnecting with her past. Siena was starting to understand her roots through stories about her dear great-aunt. As she considered how she would actually make money to support herself here and now, she thought of Dana, young and alone in the world with a little kid to support. Siena couldn’t help wondering what she would do today if she had a little girl to support, like Dana did at this age? Would she move around a lot because there was no husband to claim the child and hold them down, looking for a job and a good man? Siena had t
o admit . . . maybe she would.

  For the first time in her adult life, Siena considered being an entrepreneur, not working for someone else. It was a little scary, but she liked the idea of having her very own business, including the risks and obligations. And rewards? Only time would tell. She could only hope this little dinosaur called Amazing Lace would pay the bills for now.

  She munched another bite of the lobster roll, pinching off pieces of lobster for the cats. They licked and nibbled slowly.

  Why was she even considering this? What was wrong with Zach’s offer? It would get her out of a financial bind. Maybe allow her to escape, if that’s what she wanted.

  Honestly, what was so wrong? It made good business sense.

  She couldn’t shake the feeling, though, that it really and truly wasn’t fair. Not fair to George and the others who had shops in the building. Not fair to Aunt Addie’s legacy. Not fair to Siena’s potential in this place.

  She reached out to the cats. Sally, who had never gotten this close, purred and rubbed against her arm. "Hello Sally. See? I’m not really so bad. Kitty-kitty-kitty. Harry, you know I'm trying my best here, don't you?" She sat very still, talking softly to the cats and herself. They played cat games moving around her, rubbing against her, walking away, jumping down from the counter, then back again.

  In that mindless moment, a strange thought hit her. What would happen to these cats if she sold out? Whether she – or the cats – liked it or not, she had inherited them, too. And the tenants, the Lacy Ladies, even the mermaids. And, in a way, the town. Suddenly, she had a large, dependent family. It felt awkward and burdensome. And yet, strangely good to be needed.

  If she took Zach’s offer, she probably would have to take that job with Zach in city hall, the one that Zoey had abandoned. Or she could go back to . . . damn, what would she go back to in Boston? Nada. Zip. Zilch. Zero.

  As she sat cross-legged on the counter, sharing the lobster roll with the cats, Siena began to construct a plan. She was considering striking a bargain with the devil himself, the mayor. Or should she pitch battle with him, swords blazing?

  But – what would that do to their relationship? Their reunion had been very nice. And nicely sexy. But could it survive this other, greater conflict?

  The next day, Siena was busy marking down everything in the shop. A young woman with blond hair entered the shop. Siena, still on her knees with a Sharpie marker, motioned. "Hi, come on in. We’ve got a big sale going."

  The woman proceeded to walk around. "I just came in to see what all the fuss was about. And to meet the woman who took my man."

  Siena crawled to her feet and looked at the customer for the first time. Blond and young and beautiful, just as she expected. Was she the one?

  "Are you Monique?" How could Zach walk away from such a gorgeous creature?

  The young woman held up her empty ring finger. "I had him this close until you hit town, Siena Summerfield. Then – poof! He’s gone from my bed and into yours. I guess there’s no explaining sex appeal, is there? Or maybe it’s a fantasy about his old girlfriend, when you both were much younger."

  "Maybe. But, I assure you, he’s not in my bed." Siena wasn’t about to defend what they had going. It might even be over before it got started. "I'm truly sorry… "

  Monique gestured at the shop. "Selling out? Moving, maybe?"

  Siena nodded, stunned by the woman’s bluntness and obvious anger. But she understood it. Completely. "I’m changing my product line. Everything here’s half price except the hand-made items."

  Monique pouted her bottom lip. "Too bad. I thought you might be moving on, now that you’ve done your damage."

  Siena squared her shoulders. "I had nothing to do with whatever has happened between you and Zach."

  "Zach? Oh he’s just a man. Weak when it comes to women and politics. You’ll see. He’s mayor first, and his main allegiance is to the town. Or should I say the politics of the job. That dominates him. Not you. Or obviously, not me."

  "He’s got a big job on his hands." Why in hell was she defending him? Maybe she just cared too much.

  "You’re not listening to me." Monique came closer and put a fist down on the counter. "He used me. Used my vulnerability after he saved my life. And he used my family name to get what he wanted. Fairchild – get it? Then, when you walked on the scene, he dumped me. He’ll do the same with you when you no longer have something he wants. Besides sex."

  Siena closed her eyes. She didn’t want to hear, didn’t want to listen, and certainly didn’t want to believe. She could hear his answer when she asked for the truth last night. Actions speak the truth better than words. I’m here with you. You are all I can think about . . . all I want. . .

  Monique marched to the door. "Apparently you’ve got some magical sway over him. That’s what’s got Zach so over-the-top for you." She turned around. "But never underestimate the resolution of a jilted woman. Do you know how that feels? I'm hurt and damned angry. So, watch out!"

  Monique slammed the door as she left.

  "Yes I do know how it feels," Siena muttered. "I'm one of those women, and it still hurts." She’d had about all the truth she could manage for one day. She locked the door and headed upstairs.


  I think there's something between Siena and Zach. I can see him straighten up when she's around, like he can't get enough of looking at her. And the puppy-dog look in his eyes is unmistakable. There's something all right. But Siena always looks away and acts as if nothing matters to her, certainly not Zach. But that's her mask, as surely as those crazy feather masks in Addie's place. I know that a man in Boston hurt Siena before she came here to wring out her bad past. Siena cares, just not sure about who or what.

  Maybe what she wears is her very own self-preservation mask. I surely know about that. I wore one of my own for many years, always afraid my wonderful new life would fall apart and I'd be sent packing back to where I came from. Back to being a barmaid in Ireland.

  Siena's got this big thing for St. Valentine's Day. 'Romantic Silly-head,' George called her. But what does he know about romance or anything else in the real world? He just makes his up in those bizarre stories and sends them to someone in New York who puts them out to the world.

  Siena wants to have a party; we'll have a party. She wants to celebrate our art and our lace; we'll celebrate. She wants to sell these beautiful little Heart's Desire lace pillows. We tried that already, but we'll try again. For her.

  Haven's Point has snow up the wazoo and most businesses are closed. But we're pulling together our pillows and covering them with lace, like she asked us to do. I hope we sell two or three, to keep her happy.

  St. Valentine's Day always reminds me of my Danny. He was such a romantic in a quiet way. Candy and flowers and he'd fix dinner all by himself and make me feel like a pampered queen. And yes, I believe he loved me, even though some said he bought me and paid off my pa in Ireland. Maybe so, but it led to love for both of us, in the long haul. I swear on my Pa's grave, it did.

  So I can understand Siena rebelling against Zach's plan and not wanting him to make decisions for her. Who knows what's best? Only she knows, in her heart.

  I had a nice little visit with Siena. Still not sure about her, but I'd say, there's hope. She's not Addie, by any stretch. Oh, no. But there's some sort of family trait.

  She has a good head for business. Kind of surprising to see that she cares about the customers. And about all of us, in a way. She seems to be embracing Haven's Point, even with all our shortcomings.

  When I explained the power of the lace, she got that certain look, a twinkle like Addie did, when she doesn't quite believe you. But she didn't say a word of doubt. She did, however, show a great interest and appreciation in Luciano's mermaids. Asked lots of questions about them. Just wait until she finds out Addie has a whole storage room full of them.

  I wonder if all that's enough to keep her here. We can only hope. And let the lace work its magic. Well, it does
say Heart's Desire on the pillow. So we'd better get to work on our own heart's desires.

  Addie always claimed that nobody heard it, not even God, if you didn't say it out loud. So I'm saying it aloud! "We need some lace success. It would be nice to keep using Addie's shop as our gathering place. Her spirit dwells there and gives us hope."

  Chapter Ten

  "Blizzard coming!" George blew into the shop on a huge gust of wind with a smattering of snow on his shoulders. He tossed two cardboard packing boxes near the door. "Here you go. What you requested."

  Siena greeted him with a smile. "What would I do around here without you, George? All you need is a red coat, and you’d look like Santa Claus."

  He grunted. Obviously he didn’t find her observation amusing.

  She quickly amended her compliment. "You would be, of course, a distinguished Santa."

  He snorted at her new attempts. "What did you want to do with these boxes?"

  "Are you blushing, George? You must know you’re a fine-looking man under all that brush."

  "I am not looking to impress anyone with my looks." He gazed longingly at the door.

  She cocked her head a little. "Not even Claire?"

  "Claire! Hell, no!"

  "George, you have to admit, Claire is a beautiful woman."

  "She's a regular spit-fire. Give her credit there." He gestured to the door. "This weather is why nobody in their right mind wants to be here in winter. And since you’re here by choice that includes you. Crrra-zy!" He made a circle with his finger beside his ear.

  Siena grabbed one of the boxes. "We’re here, George, in the middle of a cold and beautiful winter. And we’re going to do some spectacular things."

  "Yeah? Like what?"

  "We're going to celebrate Valentine's Day in Haven's Point by selling Heart's Desire Pillows! Want one?"

  "Only if you don't have any suckers, I mean takers. There's twenty feet of snow piled up out there! How's anybody going to get here?"

  "George, think about it. We'll do a virtual party online. Zoey is going to set us up."


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